Пример #1
def get_dining_hall(hall, address):
    Finds the lunch or brunch menu for a given hall and calculates walking time
        hall: a dining hall name, either "Bartlett" or "South"
        address: the provided address of the user
    Output: two items:
        a list containing the name of the Dining Hall, the address, and the 
            walking time
        the menu for that day, a list

    This function is called by find_dining_halls

    addresses = {"Bartlett": "5640 S University Ave", "South": "6025 S Ellis Ave"}
    menu = dining_scraper.find_dining_menu_items(hall, "Lunch")
    if menu == []:
        # every day has either lunch or brunch
        menu = dining_scraper.find_dining_menu_items(hall, "Brunch")

    # makes sure Google searches in Chicago instead of some random place
    dh_addr = addresses[hall] + ", Chicago"
    dist, time = google_dist.get_distance(address, dh_addr)

    if not 'hour' in time:
        time = int(time.split()[0])
    # makes sure result is in minutes
        time = 60*int(time.split()[0]) + int(time.split()[2])
    return [hall + " Dining Hall", addresses[hall], time], menu
Пример #2
def yelp_search(location, term=None, coordinates=False):
    takes a location, optional term and whether the location is coordinates
    and does a yelp search and puts that search into a yelp_database
    term should be a string, location will most likely be a string
    Food_search only deals with location as a string, but coordinates are 
    helpful for testing. 
    #params dictionary for yelp search
    params = {"category_filter":"restaurants"}
    if not term == None:
        params["term"] = term
    #handles if searching with coordinates or not
    if coordinates:
        lat, lon = location
        location = str(lat) + " " + str(lon)
        results = client.search_by_coordinates(lat, lon, **params)
        results = client.search(location, **params)
    #string to create table
    table_string = "CREATE TABLE yelp_results (name varchar(50), latitude real, longitude real, rating real, address varchar(50), city varchar(25), state varchar(3), zip_code integer, phone_number integer, distance varchar(10), walking_time int) ;"

    connection_yelp = sqlite3.connect("yelp_database")
    db = connection_yelp.cursor()
    #if the code fails unexpectedly or is quitted out an error will be thrown because
    #the table never gets deleted, this solves that issue
        db.execute("drop table yelp_results")

    #results.businesses is a list of the buisinesses, this loops over it
    for i in range(len(results.businesses)):
        if not(results.businesses[i].location.coordinate == None or results.businesses[i].location.address == []):
            #calls get_distance to get distance and walking time
            distance, walking_time = get_distance(location, results.businesses[i].location.address[0] +", "+ results.businesses[i].location.city)
            #turns walking time into minutes, gets rid of "mins" at end so it is an integer
            if not 'hour' in walking_time:
                walking_time = int(walking_time.split()[0])
                walking_time = 60*int(walking_time.split()[0]) + int(walking_time.split()[2])
            #creates line and executes it to make a row in the yelp_results table
            one_line = [results.businesses[i].name, str(results.businesses[i].location.coordinate.latitude), str(results.businesses[i].location.coordinate.longitude), str(results.businesses[i].rating), results.businesses[i].location.address[0], results.businesses[i].location.city, results.businesses[i].location.state_code, results.businesses[i].location.postal_code,results.businesses[i].phone, distance, walking_time]
            db.execute("Insert into yelp_results Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", one_line)
Пример #3
def yelp_search_food_trucks(location, term=None):
    takes a location and a search term (string) and does a yelp 
    search and puts that search into a yelp_database
    returns nothing, only creates the yelp table

    #params dictionary for yelp search (only searches foodtrucks)
    params = {"category_filter": "foodtrucks"}
    if not term == None:
        params["term"] = term

    results_list = []

    #searches yelp always with location chicago, food trucks have no location in hyde park
    results_list.append(client.search("Chicago", **params))

    #seees how many searches of 20 will get full list
    iterations = round(results_list[0].total / 20 + .4999999)

    #since foodtrucks have no locations, yelps first 20 results are
    #not always what we want, so we do multiple searches
    for num in range(1, iterations):
        params['offset'] = 20 * num
        results_list.append(client.search("Chicago", **params))

    table_string = "CREATE TABLE yelp_food_trucks (name varchar(50), rating real, phone_number integer, distance varchar(10), walking_time int, arrive_time varchar(5), leave_time varchar(5));"

    connection_yelp = sqlite3.connect("yelp_database")
    db = connection_yelp.cursor()

    #accounds for occasional error in same mannar as with restaurants
        db.execute("drop table yelp_food_trucks")

    #all food trucks are on near 58th and University according to food truck finder, uses this address for walking time
    distance, walking_time = get_distance(location,
                                          "5800 University, Chicago, IL")

    #makes walking time a integer of minutes
    if not 'hour' in walking_time:
        walking_time = int(walking_time.split()[0])
        walking_time = 60 * int(walking_time.split()[0]) + int(

    #scrapes website for which foodtrucks are available today
    trucks_today, truck_dict = scrap_food_trucks()

    #needs the extra loop because occasionally more than one results to loop over (4 in the case of no search term)
    for results in results_list:
        for i in range(len(results.businesses)):

            #Occasionally names from yelp and foodtruck finders are slightly different
            key = reasonable_permutation(results.businesses[i].name,

            #if foodtruck is present, will be true, creates line it table for the truck
            if not key == None:
                arrive, leave = truck_dict[key]
                one_line = [
                    results.businesses[i].phone, distance, walking_time,
                    arrive, leave
                    "Insert into yelp_food_trucks Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);",

Пример #4
def yelp_search(location, term=None, coordinates=False):
    takes a location, optional term and whether the location is coordinates
    and does a yelp search and puts that search into a yelp_database
    term should be a string, location will most likely be a string
    Food_search only deals with location as a string, but coordinates are 
    helpful for testing. 
    #params dictionary for yelp search
    params = {"category_filter": "restaurants"}
    if not term == None:
        params["term"] = term

    #handles if searching with coordinates or not
    if coordinates:
        lat, lon = location
        location = str(lat) + " " + str(lon)
        results = client.search_by_coordinates(lat, lon, **params)
        results = client.search(location, **params)

    #string to create table
    table_string = "CREATE TABLE yelp_results (name varchar(50), latitude real, longitude real, rating real, address varchar(50), city varchar(25), state varchar(3), zip_code integer, phone_number integer, distance varchar(10), walking_time int) ;"

    connection_yelp = sqlite3.connect("yelp_database")
    db = connection_yelp.cursor()

    #if the code fails unexpectedly or is quitted out an error will be thrown because
    #the table never gets deleted, this solves that issue
        db.execute("drop table yelp_results")

    #results.businesses is a list of the buisinesses, this loops over it
    for i in range(len(results.businesses)):
        if not (results.businesses[i].location.coordinate == None
                or results.businesses[i].location.address == []):
            #calls get_distance to get distance and walking time
            distance, walking_time = get_distance(
                location, results.businesses[i].location.address[0] + ", " +

            #turns walking time into minutes, gets rid of "mins" at end so it is an integer
            if not 'hour' in walking_time:
                walking_time = int(walking_time.split()[0])
                walking_time = 60 * int(walking_time.split()[0]) + int(

            #creates line and executes it to make a row in the yelp_results table
            one_line = [
                results.businesses[i].phone, distance, walking_time
                "Insert into yelp_results Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);",

Пример #5
def yelp_search_food_trucks(location, term=None):
    takes a location and a search term (string) and does a yelp 
    search and puts that search into a yelp_database
    returns nothing, only creates the yelp table

    #params dictionary for yelp search (only searches foodtrucks)
    params = {"category_filter":"foodtrucks"}
    if not term == None:
        params["term"] = term

    results_list = []

    #searches yelp always with location chicago, food trucks have no location in hyde park
    results_list.append(client.search("Chicago", **params))

    #seees how many searches of 20 will get full list
    iterations = round(results_list[0].total/20 +.4999999)
    #since foodtrucks have no locations, yelps first 20 results are
    #not always what we want, so we do multiple searches 
    for num in range(1,iterations):
        params['offset'] = 20*num
        results_list.append(client.search("Chicago", **params))

    table_string = "CREATE TABLE yelp_food_trucks (name varchar(50), rating real, phone_number integer, distance varchar(10), walking_time int, arrive_time varchar(5), leave_time varchar(5));"

    connection_yelp = sqlite3.connect("yelp_database")
    db = connection_yelp.cursor()

    #accounds for occasional error in same mannar as with restaurants
        db.execute("drop table yelp_food_trucks")

    #all food trucks are on near 58th and University according to food truck finder, uses this address for walking time
    distance, walking_time = get_distance(location, "5800 University, Chicago, IL")
    #makes walking time a integer of minutes
    if not 'hour' in walking_time:
        walking_time = int(walking_time.split()[0])
        walking_time = 60*int(walking_time.split()[0]) + int(walking_time.split()[2])
    #scrapes website for which foodtrucks are available today
    trucks_today, truck_dict = scrap_food_trucks()
    #needs the extra loop because occasionally more than one results to loop over (4 in the case of no search term)
    for results in results_list:
        for i in range(len(results.businesses)):
            #Occasionally names from yelp and foodtruck finders are slightly different
            key = reasonable_permutation(results.businesses[i].name, trucks_today)
            #if foodtruck is present, will be true, creates line it table for the truck
            if not key == None:
                arrive, leave = truck_dict[key]
                one_line = [results.businesses[i].name, str(results.businesses[i].rating),results.businesses[i].phone, distance, walking_time, arrive, leave]
                db.execute("Insert into yelp_food_trucks Values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?);", one_line)