Пример #1
def get_image_from_gps(coords: str) -> Result:
    Get a result object containing the link to an street view image
    in the vicinity of the specified lat and long coordinates
    use as results.download_links(".") 
    change "." to another path not to download in cwd

    res = get_image_from_gps("45.5307147,-73.6157818")
    params = {
        "size": "512x512",
        "location": coords,
        "pitch": "10",
        "radius": "1000",
        "key": "ASK MIKE OR VICTOR",
        "source": "outdoor",
        "fov": "120",
    api_list = gsv_helpers.api_list(params)
    results = gsv_api.results(api_list)
    return results
def get_image_from_gps_adresses(params):
    Get a result object containing the link to an street view image
    in the vicinity of the specified lat and long coordinates
    use as results.download_links(".") 
    change "." to another path not to download in cwd
    res = get_image_from_gps("45.5307147,-73.6157818")
    api_list = gsv_helpers.api_list(params)
    results = gsv_api.results(api_list)
    return (results)
Пример #3
def fetch_street_view_image(address: str, geocoder_api_key: str,
                            streetview_api_key: str) -> gsv_api.results:
    """Retrieve StreetView images for the address."""
    geocoder = GoogleGeocoder(geocoder_api_key)
    result = geocoder.get(address)[0]
    params = {
        "size": "600x600",
        "location": result.formatted_address,
        "pitch": "0",
        "key": streetview_api_key,
        "source": "outdoor",
        "fov": "120",
    api_list = gsv_helpers.api_list(params)
    results = gsv_api.results(api_list)
    return results
Пример #4
            assess_file.write(str(j) + ', ' + str(i) + '\n')

        # Define parameters for street view api
        params = [{
            'size': '640x640',  # max 640x640 pixels
            'location': location,
            'fov': fov,
            'pitch': pitch,
            'radius': radius,
            'source': source,
            'key': key

        # Create a results object
        results = streetview.results(params)
        # Download bilder to directory 'downloads'

        j_file = open('icarustreetviewOUTPUT/temp/metadata.json').read()
        metadata = json.loads(j_file)[0]

        status = metadata['status']
        print('API response for status: status == {}'.format(status))

            pano_id = metadata['pano_id']

            if status == 'OK':
                print('metadata: OK')
                picturepath = 'icarustreetviewOUTPUT/temp/' + metadata['_file']
Пример #5
    next(csv_reader)  # skip the header
    for row in csv_reader:
        centroid_lat = str(row[1])
        centroid_lon = str(row[2])
        # the coord is saved as x 1e7 integer to preserve precision
        # to obtain the actual coord needs to divide by 1e7
        location_str += centroid_lat[:-7] + '.' + centroid_lat[
            -7:] + ',' + centroid_lon[:-7] + '.' + centroid_lon[-7:] + ';'

print('...reading parameters...')
params = {
    'size': '512x512',  # max 640x640 pixels
    'location': location_str[:-1],
    #'heading': '0;30;60;90;120;150;180;210;240;270;300;330', # if don't specify heading it will face the coordinate point
    'pitch': '10',
    'key': gsv_api_key,
    'source': 'outdoor'

# Create a results object
street_view_list = gsvhelpers.api_list(params)
print('...data querying from API...')
results = gsvapi.results(street_view_list)

# Download images to directory 'downloads'
# results.preview()
print('...saving images...')
print('...saving metadata...')