Пример #1
    def load_multi(cls, ids):
        """ Loads multiple entities from the datastore in batches. """

        _log.debug('Looking up %s entities with ids: %s.' % (cls.__name__, ids))
        def get_key(id):
            key = googledatastore.Key()
            path = key.path_element.add()
            path.kind = cls.__name__
            if isinstance(id, basestring):
                path.name = id
                path.id = id
            return key
        def get_entity(result):
            entity = cls()
            return entity
        l = []
        for id in ids:
            if len(l) >= 10:
                _log.debug('Fetching %s' % l)
                req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
                req.key.extend(map(get_key, l))
                resp = googledatastore.lookup(req)
                for res in resp.found:
                    yield get_entity(res)
                l = []
        if len(l) > 0:
            _log.debug('Fetching %s' % l)
            req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
            req.key.extend(map(get_key, l))
            resp = googledatastore.lookup(req)
            for res in resp.found:
                yield get_entity(res)
Пример #2
def read_rec(table_name, objid):
    """Generator that yields keyed recs from store."""
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    req.key.extend([make_key(table_name, objid)])

    for found in datastore.lookup(req).found:
        yield extract_entity(found)
Пример #3
 def __lookup(self, transaction=None):
     _log.debug('%s.__lookup()', type(self).__name__)
     req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
     if transaction:
         req.read_options.transaction = transaction
     return googledatastore.lookup(req)
Пример #4
	def checkDB(self,gitkit_user):
		req = datastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
		resp = datastore.begin_transaction(req)
		tx = resp.transaction
		req = datastore.LookupRequest()
		key = datastore.Key()
		path = key.path_element.add()
		path.kind = 'PSUsers'
		path.name = gitkit_user.user_id
		req.read_options.transaction = tx
		resp = datastore.lookup(req)
		req = datastore.CommitRequest()
		req.transaction = tx
		if resp.missing:
			user = req.mutation.insert.add()
			userid_property = user.property.add()
			userid_property.name = 'userid'
			userid_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.user_id
			display_name_property = user.property.add()
			display_name_property.name = 'display_name'
			display_name_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.name
			photo_url_property = user.property.add()
			photo_url_property.name = 'photo_url'
			if gitkit_user.photo_url:
				photo_url_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.photo_url
				photo_url_property.value.string_value = "/images/home/slider/slide1/cloud1.png"
			email_property = user.property.add()
			email_property.name = 'email'
			email_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.email
			last_login_property = user.property.add()
			last_login_property.name = 'last_login'
			last_login_property.value.timestamp_microseconds_value = long(time.time() * 1e6)
		elif resp.found:
			user = resp.found[0].entity
			last_login_property = datastore.Property()
			last_login_property.name = 'last_login'
			for prop in user.property:
				if prop.name == 'last_login':
					prop.value.timestamp_microseconds_value = long(time.time() * 1e6)
		resp = datastore.commit(req)
		return None
Пример #5
 def __lookup(self, transaction = None):
     _log.debug('%s.__lookup()', type(self).__name__)
     req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
     if transaction:
         req.read_options.transaction = transaction
     return googledatastore.lookup(req)
Пример #6
def read_rec(table_name, objid):
    """Generator that yields keyed recs from store."""
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    req.key.extend([make_key(table_name, objid)])

    for found in datastore.lookup(req).found:
        yield extract_entity(found)
def clouddatastore_client():


    logFormatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')                              
    root = logging.getLogger()
    ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
    credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()
    http = httplib2.Http()
    http = credentials.authorize(http)
    credentials.access_token = 'foo'
    print credentials.access_token

    datastore.set_options(project_id='p0', credentials=credentials)

    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    key = datastore.Key()
    path = key.path.add()
    path.kind = 'Employee'
    path.name = 'aguadypoogznoqofmgmy'
    resp = datastore.lookup(req)
    if resp.found:
      entity = resp.found[0].entity 
      print (str(entity))  
      for prop in entity.properties:
        print 'Lookup: ' + str(prop)
      print 'entity not found; initialize entity and insert..'
      req = datastore.CommitRequest()
      req.mode = datastore.CommitRequest.NON_TRANSACTIONAL
      employee = req.mutations.add().insert
      path = employee.key.path.add()
      path.kind = 'Employee'
      path.name = 'aguadypoogznoqofmgmy'
      res = datastore.commit(req)             
      print res
  except HttpError as err:
    print 'Error:', pprint.pprint(err.content)

  except AccessTokenRefreshError:
    print ("Credentials have been revoked or expired, please re-run"
           "the application to re-authorize")
Пример #8
    def load_multi(cls, ids):
        """ Loads multiple entities from the datastore in batches. """

        _log.debug('Looking up %s entities with ids: %s.' %
                   (cls.__name__, ids))

        def get_key(id):
            key = googledatastore.Key()
            path = key.path_element.add()
            path.kind = cls.__name__
            if isinstance(id, basestring):
                path.name = id
                path.id = id
            return key

        def get_entity(result):
            entity = cls()
            return entity

        l = []
        for id in ids:
            if len(l) >= 10:
                _log.debug('Fetching %s' % l)
                req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
                req.key.extend(map(get_key, l))
                resp = googledatastore.lookup(req)
                for res in resp.found:
                    yield get_entity(res)
                l = []
        if len(l) > 0:
            _log.debug('Fetching %s' % l)
            req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
            req.key.extend(map(get_key, l))
            resp = googledatastore.lookup(req)
            for res in resp.found:
                yield get_entity(res)
Пример #9
def tryit():

    # Create a RPC request to begin a new transaction.
    # XXX req = datastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
    # Execute the RPC synchronously.
#XXX    resp = datastore.begin_transaction(req)
    # Get the transaction handle from the response.

    # Create a RPC request to get entities by key.
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    # Create a new entity key.
    key = datastore.Key()
    # Set the entity key with only one `path_element`: no parent.
    path = key.path_element.add()
    path.kind = 'kindlooptest'
    path.name = 'ebadbec'
#XXX    path.name = 'bogus'

    # Add one key to the lookup request.
    # Set the transaction, so we get a consistent snapshot of the
    # entity at the time the transaction started.

    # Execute the RPC and get the response.
    resp = datastore.lookup(req)
    # Create a RPC request to commit the transaction.

    # Set the transaction to commit.

    if resp.found:
#      print "found"
      print "missing"

  except datastore.RPCError as e:
    # RPCError is raised if any error happened during a RPC.
    # It includes the `method` called and the `reason` of the
    # failure as well as the original `HTTPResponse` object.
    logging.error('Error while doing datastore operation')
    logging.error('RPCError: %(method)s %(reason)s',
                  {'method': e.method,
                   'reason': e.reason})
    logging.error('HTTPError: %(status)s %(reason)s',
                  {'status': e.response.status,
                   'reason': e.response.reason})
Пример #10
 def save_batch(entities):
     req = googledatastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
     resp = googledatastore.begin_transaction(req)
     transaction = resp.transaction
     # Bulk lookup
     req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
     req.key.extend([entity.__get_key() for entity in entities])
     req.read_options.transaction = transaction
     resp = googledatastore.lookup(req)
     # Update created / modified times.
     missing = set()
     for result in resp.missing:
         key = result.entity.key.path_element[0]
         missing.add(key.id or key.name)
     for entity in entities:
         entity.modified_time = time
         if entity._get_id() in missing:
             entity.created_time = time
     # Bulk upsert
     req = googledatastore.CommitRequest()
     req.transaction = transaction
     req.mutation.upsert.extend([entity._get_entity() for entity in entities])
Пример #11
 def save_batch(entities):
     req = googledatastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
     resp = googledatastore.begin_transaction(req)
     transaction = resp.transaction
     # Bulk lookup
     req = googledatastore.LookupRequest()
     req.key.extend([entity.__get_key() for entity in entities])
     req.read_options.transaction = transaction
     resp = googledatastore.lookup(req)
     # Update created / modified times.
     missing = set()
     for result in resp.missing:
         key = result.entity.key.path_element[0]
         missing.add(key.id or key.name)
     for entity in entities:
         entity.modified_time = time
         if entity._get_id() in missing:
             entity.created_time = time
     # Bulk upsert
     req = googledatastore.CommitRequest()
     req.transaction = transaction
         [entity._get_entity() for entity in entities])
Пример #12
    def cbquery(self, camid, field):
        camkey = datastore.Key()
        path = camkey.path_element.add()
        path.kind = 'PSCams'
        path.name = camid
        req = datastore.LookupRequest()

        resp = datastore.lookup(req)

        if resp.found:
            pscam = resp.found[0].entity
            password_property = datastore.Property()
            password_property.name = field

            for prop in pscam.property:
                if prop.name == field:
                    val = prop.value.string_value

            result = [camid, val]
            result = [camid, field]

        return result
Пример #13
	def cbquery(self,camid,field):
		camkey = datastore.Key()
		path = camkey.path_element.add()
		path.kind = 'PSCams'
		path.name = camid
		req = datastore.LookupRequest()
		resp = datastore.lookup(req)
		if resp.found:
			pscam = resp.found[0].entity
			password_property = datastore.Property()
			password_property.name = field
			for prop in pscam.property:
				if prop.name == field:
					val = prop.value.string_value
			result = [camid,val]
			result = [camid,field]
		return result
Пример #14
def main():
  # Set dataset id from command line argument.
  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 'Usage: adams.py <DATASET_ID>'
  # Set the dataset from the command line parameters.
    # Create a RPC request to write mutations outside of a transaction.
    req = datastore.BlindWriteRequest()
    # Add mutation that update or insert one entity.
    entity = req.mutation.upsert.add()
    # Set the entity key with only one `path_element`: no parent.
    path = entity.key.path_element.add()
    path.kind = 'Trivia'
    path.name = 'hgtg'
    # Add two entity properties:
    # - a utf-8 string: `question`
    property = entity.property.add()
    property.name = 'questions'
    value = property.value.add()
    value.string_value = 'Meaning of life?'
    # - a 64bit integer: `answer`
    property = entity.property.add()
    property.name = 'answer'
    value = property.value.add()
    value.integer_value = 42
    # Execute the RPC synchronously and ignore the response.
    # Create a RPC request to get entities by key.
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    # Add one key to lookup w/ the same entity key.
    # Execute the RPC and get the response.
    resp = datastore.lookup(req)
    # Found one entity result.
    entity = resp.found[0].entity
    # Get question property value.
    question = entity.property[0].value[0].string_value
    # Get answer property value.
    answer = entity.property[1].value[0].integer_value
    # Print the question and read one line from stdin.
    print question
    result = raw_input('> ')
    if result == str(answer):
      print ('fascinating, extraordinary and, '
             'when you think hard about it, completely obvious.')
      print "Don't Panic!"
  except datastore.RPCError as e:
    # RPCError is raised if any error happened during a RPC.
    # It includes the `method` called and the `reason` of the
    # failure as well as the original `HTTPResponse` object.
    logging.error('Error while doing datastore operation')
    logging.error('RPCError: %(method)s %(reason)s',
                  {'method': e.method,
                   'reason': e.reason})
    logging.error('HTTPError: %(status)s %(reason)s',
                  {'status': e.response.status,
                   'reason': e.response.reason})
Пример #15
def read_rec(table_name, objid):
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    req.key.extend([make_key(table_name, objid)])

    for found in datastore.lookup(req).found:
        yield extract_entity(found)
Пример #16
def main():
  # Set dataset id from command line argument.
  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 'Usage: adams.py <DATASET_ID>'
  # Set the dataset from the command line parameters.
    # Create a RPC request to begin a new transaction.
    req = datastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
    # Execute the RPC synchronously.
    resp = datastore.begin_transaction(req)
    # Get the transaction handle from the response.
    tx = resp.transaction
    # Create a RPC request to get entities by key.
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    # Create a new entity key.
    key = datastore.Key()
    # Set the entity key with only one `path_element`: no parent.
    path = key.path_element.add()
    path.kind = 'Trivia'
    path.name = 'hgtg'
    # Add one key to the lookup request.
    # Set the transaction, so we get a consistent snapshot of the
    # entity at the time the transaction started.
    req.read_options.transaction = tx
    # Execute the RPC and get the response.
    resp = datastore.lookup(req)
    # Create a RPC request to commit the transaction.
    req = datastore.CommitRequest()
    # Set the transaction to commit.
    req.transaction = tx
    if resp.found:
      # Get the entity from the response if found.
      entity = resp.found[0].entity
      # If no entity was found, insert a new one in the commit request mutation.
      entity = req.mutation.insert.add()
      # Copy the entity key.
      # Add two entity properties:
      # - a utf-8 string: `question`
      prop = entity.property.add()
      prop.name = 'question'
      prop.value.string_value = 'Meaning of life?'
      # - a 64bit integer: `answer`
      prop = entity.property.add()
      prop.name = 'answer'
      prop.value.integer_value = 42
    # Execute the Commit RPC synchronously and ignore the response:
    # Apply the insert mutation if the entity was not found and close
    # the transaction.
    props = get_property_dict(entity)
    # Get question property value.
    question = props['question'].string_value
    # Get answer property value.
    answer = props['answer'].integer_value
    # Print the question and read one line from stdin.
    print question
    result = raw_input('> ')
    if result == str(answer):
      print ('fascinating, extraordinary and, '
             'when you think hard about it, completely obvious.')
      print "Don't Panic!"
  except datastore.RPCError as e:
    # RPCError is raised if any error happened during a RPC.
    # It includes the `method` called and the `reason` of the
    # failure as well as the original `HTTPResponse` object.
    logging.error('Error while doing datastore operation')
    logging.error('RPCError: %(method)s %(reason)s',
                  {'method': e.method,
                   'reason': e.reason})
    logging.error('HTTPError: %(status)s %(reason)s',
                  {'status': e.response.status,
                   'reason': e.response.reason})
Пример #17
    def checkDB(self, gitkit_user):
        req = datastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
        resp = datastore.begin_transaction(req)
        tx = resp.transaction

        req = datastore.LookupRequest()
        key = datastore.Key()
        path = key.path_element.add()
        path.kind = 'PSUsers'
        path.name = gitkit_user.user_id

        req.read_options.transaction = tx

        resp = datastore.lookup(req)
        req = datastore.CommitRequest()

        req.transaction = tx

        if resp.missing:
            user = req.mutation.insert.add()

            userid_property = user.property.add()
            userid_property.name = 'userid'
            userid_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.user_id

            display_name_property = user.property.add()
            display_name_property.name = 'display_name'
            display_name_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.name

            photo_url_property = user.property.add()
            photo_url_property.name = 'photo_url'
            if gitkit_user.photo_url:
                photo_url_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.photo_url
                photo_url_property.value.string_value = "/images/home/slider/slide1/cloud1.png"

            email_property = user.property.add()
            email_property.name = 'email'
            email_property.value.string_value = gitkit_user.email

            last_login_property = user.property.add()
            last_login_property.name = 'last_login'
            last_login_property.value.timestamp_microseconds_value = long(
                time.time() * 1e6)

        elif resp.found:
            user = resp.found[0].entity
            last_login_property = datastore.Property()
            last_login_property.name = 'last_login'

            for prop in user.property:
                if prop.name == 'last_login':
                    prop.value.timestamp_microseconds_value = long(
                        time.time() * 1e6)


        resp = datastore.commit(req)

        return None
def main():
  # Set project id from command line argument.
  if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print 'Usage: adams.py <PROJECT_ID>'
  # Set the project from the command line parameters.
    # Create a RPC request to begin a new transaction.
    req = datastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
    # Execute the RPC synchronously.
    resp = datastore.begin_transaction(req)
    # Get the transaction handle from the response.
    tx = resp.transaction
    # Create a RPC request to get entities by key.
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    # Create a new entity key.
    key = datastore.Key()
    # Set the entity key with only one `path` element: no parent.
    elem = key.path.add()
    elem.kind = 'Trivia'
    elem.name = 'hgtg'
    # Add one key to the lookup request.
    # Set the transaction, so we get a consistent snapshot of the
    # entity at the time the transaction started.
    req.read_options.transaction = tx
    # Execute the RPC and get the response.
    resp = datastore.lookup(req)
    # Create a RPC request to commit the transaction.
    req = datastore.CommitRequest()
    # Set the transaction to commit.
    req.transaction = tx
    if resp.found:
      # Get the entity from the response if found.
      entity = resp.found[0].entity
      # If no entity was found, insert a new one in the commit request mutation.
      entity = req.mutations.add().insert
      # Copy the entity key.
      # Add two entity properties:
      # - a utf-8 string: `question`
      entity.properties['question'].string_value ='Meaning of life?'
      # - a 64bit integer: `answer`
      prop = entity.properties['answer'].integer_value = 42
    # Execute the Commit RPC synchronously and ignore the response:
    # Apply the insert mutation if the entity was not found and close
    # the transaction.
    # Get question property value.
    question = entity.properties['question'].string_value
    # Get answer property value.
    answer = entity.properties['answer'].integer_value
    # Print the question and read one line from stdin.
    print question
    result = raw_input('> ')
    if result == str(answer):
      print ('fascinating, extraordinary and, '
             'when you think hard about it, completely obvious.')
      print "Don't Panic!"
  except datastore.RPCError as e:
    # RPCError is raised if any error happened during a RPC.
    # It includes the `method` called, the canonical error code `code`,
    # and the `message` of the failure.
    logging.error('Error while doing datastore operation')
    logging.error('RPCError: %(method)s %(reason)s',
                  {'method': e.method,
                   'code': e.code,
                   'reason': e.message})
Пример #19
def main():

    # Create a RPC request to begin a new transaction.
    req = datastore.BeginTransactionRequest()
    # Execute the RPC synchronously.
    resp = datastore.begin_transaction(req)
    # Get the transaction handle from the response.
    tx = resp.transaction
    # Create a RPC request to get entities by key.
    req = datastore.LookupRequest()
    # Create a new entity key.
    key = datastore.Key()
    # Set the entity key with only one `path_element`: no parent.
    path = key.path_element.add()
    path.kind = 'kindlooptest'
    path.name = randstr()

    # Add one key to the lookup request.
    # Set the transaction, so we get a consistent snapshot of the
    # entity at the time the transaction started.
    req.read_options.transaction = tx
    # Execute the RPC and get the response.
    resp = datastore.lookup(req)
    # Create a RPC request to commit the transaction.
    req = datastore.CommitRequest()
    # Set the transaction to commit.
    req.transaction = tx
    if resp.found:
      # Get the entity from the response if found.
      entity = resp.found[0].entity
      # If no entity was found, insert a new one in the commit request mutation.
      entity = req.mutation.insert.add()
      # Copy the entity key.
      # Add two entity properties:
      # - a utf-8 string: `question`
      prop = entity.property.add()
      prop.name = 'prop1test'
      prop.value.string_value = randstr()
      # - a 64bit integer: `answer`
      prop = entity.property.add()
      prop.name = 'prop2test'
      prop.value.integer_value = 77
    # Execute the Commit RPC synchronously and ignore the response:
    # Apply the insert mutation if the entity was not found and close
    # the transaction.
    # Get question property value.
    question = entity.property[0].value.string_value
    # Get answer property value.
    answer = entity.property[1].value.integer_value
    # Print the question and read one line from stdin.
    print answer

  except datastore.RPCError as e:
    # RPCError is raised if any error happened during a RPC.
    # It includes the `method` called and the `reason` of the
    # failure as well as the original `HTTPResponse` object.
    logging.error('Error while doing datastore operation')
    logging.error('RPCError: %(method)s %(reason)s',
                  {'method': e.method,
                   'reason': e.reason})
    logging.error('HTTPError: %(status)s %(reason)s',
                  {'status': e.response.status,
                   'reason': e.response.reason})