Пример #1
def get_coordinates_from_encoded_polyline(directions):
    if 'overview_polyline' in directions[0].keys():
        lat_long_set = convert.decode_polyline(
        return lat_long_set
        return False
Пример #2
    def test_polyline_decode(self):
        syd_mel_route = ("rvumEis{y[`NsfA~tAbF`bEj^h{@{KlfA~eA~`AbmEghAt~D|e@j"

        points = convert.decode_polyline(syd_mel_route)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(-33.86746, points[0]["lat"])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(151.207090, points[0]["lng"])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(-37.814130, points[-1]["lat"])
        self.assertAlmostEqual(144.963180, points[-1]["lng"])
Пример #3
    def test_polyline_round_trip(self):
        test_polyline = ("gcneIpgxzRcDnBoBlEHzKjBbHlG`@`IkDxIi"

        points = convert.decode_polyline(test_polyline)
        actual_polyline = convert.encode_polyline(points)
        self.assertEqual(test_polyline, actual_polyline)
Пример #4
def get_points_along_path(maps_api_key, _from, _to, departure_time=None, period=5):
    Generates a series of points along the route, such that it would take approx `period` seconds to travel between consecutive points
    This function is primarily meant to simulate a car along a route. The output of this function is equivalent to the geo coordinates
    of the car every 5 seconds (assuming period = 5)
    _from = human friendly from address that google maps can understand
    _to = human friendly to address that google maps can understand
    departure_time - primarily used to identify traffic model, defaults to current time
    period = how frequently should co-ordinates be tracked? Defaults to 5 seconds
    The output is an OrderedDict. Key is the time in seconds since trip start, value is a tuple representing (lat, long) in float
    if not departure_time:
        departure_time = datetime.now()

    gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=maps_api_key)
    directions = gmaps.directions(_from, _to, departure_time=departure_time)

    steps = directions[0]['legs'][0]['steps']
    all_lats = []
    all_lngs = []
    all_times = []

    step_start_duration = 0
    step_end_duration = 0

    for step in steps:
        step_end_duration += step['duration']['value']
        points = decode_polyline(step['polyline']['points'])
        distances = []
        lats = []
        lngs = []
        start = None
        for point in points:
            if not start:
                start = point
                distance = 0
                distance = _calculate_distance(start, point)

        missing_times = numpy.interp(distances[1:-1], [distances[0], distances[-1]],
                                     [step_start_duration, step_end_duration]).tolist()
        times = [step_start_duration] + missing_times + [step_end_duration]
        times = [_round_up_time(t, period) for t in times]

        times, lats, lngs = _fill_missing_times(times, lats, lngs, period)

        all_lats += lats
        all_lngs += lngs
        all_times += times

        step_start_duration = step_end_duration

    points = OrderedDict()
    for p in zip(all_times, all_lats, all_lngs):
        points[p[0]] = (round(p[1], 5), round(p[2], 5))

    return points
def get_polyline_from_path(path):
    gclient = googlemaps.Client(key=settings.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY)
    polyline = directions(gclient,
                          waypoints=[p.get_location_tuple for p in path[1:-2]
    return decode_polyline(polyline)
Пример #6
def get_points_along_path(maps_api_key, _from, _to, departure_time=None, period=600):

    if not departure_time:
        departure_time = datetime.now()

    gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key=maps_api_key)
    directions = gmaps.directions(_from, _to, departure_time=departure_time)
    steps = directions[0]['legs'][0]['steps']
    all_lats = []
    all_lngs = []
    all_times = []

    step_start_duration = 0
    step_end_duration = 0

    for step in steps:
        step_end_duration += step['duration']['value']
        points = decode_polyline(step['polyline']['points'])
        distances = []
        lats = []
        lngs = []
        start = None
        for point in points:
            if not start:
                start = point
                distance = 0
                distance = _calculate_distance(start, point)
        missing_times = numpy.interp(distances[1:-1], [distances[0], distances[-1]], [step_start_duration, step_end_duration]).tolist()
        times = [step_start_duration] + missing_times + [step_end_duration]
        times = [_round_up_time(t, period) for t in times]
        times, lats, lngs = _fill_missing_times(times, lats, lngs, period)
        all_lats += lats
        all_lngs += lngs
        all_times += times

        step_start_duration = step_end_duration

    points = OrderedDict()
    for p in zip(all_times, all_lats,all_lngs):
        points[p[0]] = (round(p[1], 5), round(p[2],5))
    return points
Пример #7
def convert_to_point_routes(map_routes):
    point_routes = []
    for route in map_routes:
        lats = []
        lngs = []
        if type(route) is dict:
            # alternative route, indexes differently than waypoint route
            polyline = route['overview_polyline']['points']
            # waypoint route, indexes differently than alternative route
            polyline = route[0]['overview_polyline']['points']
        route_points = convert.decode_polyline(polyline)
        for i in range(len(route_points) - 1):
            if i == 0:
                prev = (route_points[i]['lat'], route_points[i]['lng'])
                proceed = True
            if i > 0:
                pointA = (route_points[i]['lat'], route_points[i]['lng'])
                euclidean_distance = ((pointA[0] - prev[0])**2 +
                                      (pointA[1] - prev[1])**2)**0.5
                if euclidean_distance > 0.0002:
                    proceed = True
                    prev = pointA
                    proceed = False
            if proceed:
                pointA = (route_points[i]['lat'], route_points[i]['lng'])
                pointB = (route_points[i + 1]['lat'],
                          route_points[i + 1]['lng'])
                # print(pointB)
                # pointB = (legs[i+1][0]['lat'], legs[i+1][0]['lng'])
                # print(pointB)
                euclidean_distance = ((pointA[0] - pointB[0])**2 +
                                      (pointA[1] - pointB[1])**2)**0.5
                num = int(euclidean_distance // 0.0004) - 1
                if num > 0:
                    interm, _, _ = points(pointA, pointB, num)
                    for x in interm:

        point_routes.append({'latitudes': lats, 'longitudes': lngs})

    return point_routes
 def next_coordinate(list_of_polyline_strings):
     for _poly_string in list_of_polyline_strings:
         coordinate_obj_list = con.decode_polyline(_poly_string)
         for coord in coordinate_obj_list:
             yield coord
Пример #9
# For each step, get the encoded polyline. Level does not matter since Street View API will be called.
# Each point on the polyline will need to be decoded into a latitude/longitude pair.
# For each step, Google provides a written description (HTML) of the directions. Parse the directions into human-friendly text instructions.
directions_polylines = []
instructions = []
for j in range(0, len(directions_steps)):
    # Pull polyline for each step
    # Pull and parse HTML directions

# Decode polyline into tuple list of lat/lng coordindates
decode_coordinates = []
for polyline in directions_polylines:

# Calculate the bearing(i.e. heading, point of view) for every coordinate pair;
# GET request from Google Maps Street View API for each coordinate pair and the corresponding bearing.
# Calculating the bearing will ensure that we retrieve the correct image for the direction the user would be facing when following the directions.
bearing_list = []
request_url = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=600x300&location='
request_delim = ','
request_heading = '&heading='
request_url_metadata = 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview/metadata?size=600x300&location='

# Fix the pitch (tilt of the viewer) so ensure that images are captured as if looking straight ahead.
request_pitch_api_key = '&pitch=-0.76&key=' + api_key

page_seq = 1  # Keeping tracking of sequence will allow the images to be identified and placed in the correct order.
img_list = []