def _create_schema(self, session, database, schema, auths, options, **kwargs): """create new schema intance on database_id""" req = kwargs.pop('req') try: local_ip, port = self._get_entity(req, int(database.reflection_id)) if local_ip == 'unkonwn' or port == 0: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Database not online') connection = connformater % dict(user=database.user, passwd=database.passwd, host=local_ip, port=port, schema=schema) engine = create_engine(connection, thread_checkin=False, poolclass=NullPool) utils.create_schema(engine, auths=auths, character_set=options.get('character_set'), collation_type=options.get('collation_type'), connection_timeout=3) yield local_ip, port except Exception: if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): LOG.exception('Create schema fail') raise
def unbond(self, cfgfile, postrun, timeout, **kwargs): """slave unbond master database""" conf = CONF[common.DB] master = kwargs.pop('master') schemas = master.get('schemas') ready = master.get('ready') force = kwargs.pop('force', False) config = self.config_cls.load(cfgfile) sockfile = config.get('socket') master_name = 'masterdb-%(database_id)s' % master with self._lower_conn(sockfile, conf.localroot, conf.localpass, schema=None, raise_on_warnings=False) as conn:'Login mysql from unix sock success, try stop salve and unbond') # check schemas if (set(schemas) - set(self._schemas(conn))) and not force: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Slave schemas not same as master %(database_id)s' % master) slaves = self._slave_status(conn) for slave_status in slaves: if slave_status.get('Connection_name') == master_name: if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for key in slave_status.keys(): LOG.debug('UNBOND SLAVE %s STATUS ------ %s : %s' % (master_name, key, slave_status[key])) running = False if slave_status.get('Slave_IO_Running').lower() == 'yes' \ or slave_status.get('Slave_SQL_Running').lower() == 'yes': running = True if running: if ready and not force: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Slave thread is running') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("STOP SLAVE '%s'" % master_name) cursor.close() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("RESET SLAVE '%s' ALL" % master_name) cursor.close() break if postrun: postrun()
def start_database(self, database_id, **kwargs): session = endpoint_session(readonly=True) query = model_query(session, GopDatabase, filter=GopDatabase.database_id == database_id) _database = if _database.status != common.OK: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Database is not OK now') return self._start_database(_database, **kwargs)
def _delete_schema(self, session, database, schema, **kwargs): """delete schema intance on reflection_id""" req = kwargs.pop('req') local_ip, port = self._get_entity(req, int(database.reflection_id)) if port <= 0: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Can not find Database port, not init finished') if not local_ip: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Database agent is offline now') conn = connformater % dict(user=database.user, passwd=database.passwd, schema=schema.schema, host=local_ip, port=port) engine = create_engine(conn, thread_checkin=False, poolclass=NullPool) dropauths = None if schema.user != database.user: dropauths = privilegeutils.mysql_privileges(schema) utils.drop_schema(engine, dropauths) yield local_ip, port
def show_schema(self, database_id, schema, **kwargs): """show schema info""" session = endpoint_session() query = model_query(session, GopSchema, filter=and_(GopSchema.database_id == database_id, GopSchema.schema == schema)) secret = kwargs.pop('secret', False) show_quotes = kwargs.pop('quotes', False) if show_quotes: query = query.options(joinedload(GopSchema.quotes, innerjoin=False)) _schema = query.one_or_none() if not _schema: raise exceptions.AcceptableSchemaError( 'Schema not not be found in %d' % database_id) _database = _schema.database if _database.slave: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Database is slave, can not get schema') _result = dict(database_id=database_id, impl=_database.impl, dbtype=_database.dbtype, dbversion=_database.dbversion, schema=_schema.schema, schema_id=_schema.schema_id, desc=_schema.desc) if show_quotes: _result.setdefault('quotes', [ dict(quote_id=_quote.quote_id, desc=_quote.desc) for _quote in _schema.quotes ]) if secret: _result.update({ 'user': _schema.user, 'passwd': _schema.passwd, 'ro_user': _schema.ro_user, 'ro_passwd': _schema.ro_passwd }) with self._show_schema(session, _database, _schema, **kwargs) as address: host = address[0] port = address[1] _result.setdefault('host', host) _result.setdefault('port', port) return _result
def bondslave(self, cfgfile, postrun, timeout, dbinfo, **kwargs): """master bond salve""" conf = CONF[common.DB] replication = kwargs.pop('replication') schemas = kwargs.pop('schemas') cf = self.config_cls.load(cfgfile) sockfile = cf.get('socket') if not cf.get('log-bin'): if schemas: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Databaes bin log is off in config file') LOG.warning('Database log-bin not open, try open it') cf.binlog() with self._lower_conn(sockfile, conf.localroot, conf.localpass, schema=None, raise_on_warnings=False) as conn: if self._binlog_on(conn): LOG.error('Config file %s value error on log bin' % cfgfile) raise exceptions.UnAcceptableDbError('Log bin is on in mysql process but off in config') if self._master_status(conn): raise exceptions.UnAcceptableDbError('Bin log has been opened but now closed')'log bin opened in config file, try restart mysql') self.stop(cfgfile, timeout=3) self.start(cfgfile) if not os.path.exists(sockfile): eventlet.sleep(1) sqls = [] sqls.append("grant %(privileges)s on *.* to '%(user)s'@'%(source)s' IDENTIFIED by '%(passwd)s'" % replication) sqls.append("FLUSH PRIVILEGES") if not schemas: sqls.append("RESET MASTER") with self._lower_conn(sockfile, conf.localroot, conf.localpass) as conn:'Login mysql from unix sock %s success, try bond slave' % sockfile) if not self._binlog_on(conn): raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Database binlog is off') if set(schemas) != set(self._schemas(conn)): raise exceptions.UnAcceptableDbError('Master schemas record not the same with schemas in entity') if schemas: if not kwargs.get('file') or not kwargs.get('position'): raise exceptions.AcceptableSchemaError('Database got schemas, need file and position') LOG.warning('Database add slave with schemas already exist') for sql in sqls: LOG.debug(sql) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) cursor.close() if schemas: binlog = dict(File=kwargs.get('file'), Position=kwargs.get('position')) else: binlog = self._master_status(conn)'Grant privileges for replication user success') if postrun: try: postrun(binlog, schemas) except Exception as e: LOG.error('Bond slave fail with exception %s' % e.__class__.__name__) sqls = [] if not replication.get('schema'): replication['schema'] = '*' sqls.append("REVOKE %(privileges)s ON %(schema)s.* FROM '%(user)s'@'%(source)s'" % replication) sqls.append("DROP USER '%(user)s'@'%(source)s'" % replication) sqls.append("FLUSH PRIVILEGES") try: with self._lower_conn(sockfile, conf.localroot, conf.localpass) as conn: for sql in sqls: LOG.debug(sql) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) cursor.close() # TODO change Exception type except Exception: LOG.error('Drop user fail')'Bond fail, revoke user privilege success') raise e
def bond(self, cfgfile, postrun, timeout, dbinfo, **kwargs): """slave bond to master database""" conf = CONF[common.DB] master = kwargs.pop('master') schemas = set(master.pop('schemas')) force = kwargs.pop('force', False) config = self.config_cls.load(cfgfile) sockfile = config.get('socket') auth = privilegeutils.mysql_slave_replprivileges(slave_id=dbinfo.get('database_id'), **master) master_name = 'masterdb-%(database_id)s' % auth sql = "CHANGE MASTER 'masterdb-%(database_id)s' TO MASTER_HOST='%(host)s', MASTER_PORT=%(port)d," \ "MASTER_USER='******',MASTER_PASSWORD='******'," \ "MASTER_LOG_FILE='%(file)s',MASTER_LOG_POS=%(position)s" % auth'Replication connect sql %s' % sql) with self._lower_conn(sockfile, conf.localroot, conf.localpass) as conn:'Login mysql from unix sock %s success, try bond master' % sockfile) if schemas & set(self._schemas(conn)): raise exceptions.AcceptableSchemaError('Schema with same name exist')'Slave channel name %s' % master_name) slaves = self._slave_status(conn) for slave_status in slaves: channel = slave_status.get('Connection_name') host = slave_status.get('Master_Host') port = slave_status.get('Master_Port') iothread = slave_status.get('Slave_IO_Running').lower() epos = slave_status.get('Exec_Master_Log_Pos') rpos = slave_status.get('Read_Master_Log_Pos') bsecond = slave_status.get('Seconds_Behind_Master') if channel != master_name and (host == auth.get('host') and port == auth.get('port')):'Bond slave find same host and port with different channel name %s' % channel) if iothread == 'yes': raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Slave with channel name %s ' 'is running in same host:port' % channel) if epos != 0 or rpos != 0 or bsecond != 0: if not force: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Channel %s pos not zero, need force' % channel) LOG.warning('Reset slave channel %s' % channel) if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for key in slave_status.keys(): LOG.debug('BOND FIND OLD SLAVE %s STATUS ------ %s : %s' % (channel, key, slave_status[key])) cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("RESET SLAVE '%s' ALL" % channel) cursor.close() break elif channel == master_name:'Bond slave find same channel') if host != auth.get('host') or port != auth.get('port'): if iothread == 'yes': raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Channel %s is running but ' 'connection is not the same' % channel) if epos != 0 or rpos != 0 or bsecond != 0: if not force: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Channel %s pos not zero, need force' % channel) if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for key in slave_status.keys(): LOG.debug('BOND FIND OLD SLAVE %s STATUS ------ %s : %s' % (channel, key, slave_status[key])) if iothread == 'yes': cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("STOP SLAVE '%s'" % channel) cursor.close() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("RESET SLAVE '%s' ALL" % channel) cursor.close() break cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) cursor.close()'Connect to master success, try start slave') # master have no schemas auto start slave if not schemas: cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("START SLAVE '%s'" % master_name) cursor.close()'START SLAVE %s success' % master_name) if postrun: postrun()
def delete_schema(self, database_id, schema, **kwargs): """delete schema intance on reflection_id""" unquotes = set(kwargs.get('unquotes', [])) ignores = set(kwargs.get('ignores', [])) force = kwargs.get('force', False) session = endpoint_session() query = model_query(session, GopDatabase, filter=GopDatabase.database_id == database_id) query = query.options(joinedload(GopDatabase.schemas, innerjoin=False)) with session.begin(): _database = _result = dict(database_id=_database.database_id, impl=_database.impl, dbtype=_database.dbtype, dbversion=_database.dbversion) if _database.slave: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'can not delete schema from slave database') squery = model_query(session, GopSchema, filter=and_( GopSchema.schema == schema, GopSchema.database_id == database_id)) squery = squery.options( joinedload(GopSchema.quotes, innerjoin=False)) _schema = _result.setdefault('schema_id', _schema.schema_id) _slaves = [_slave.slave_id for _slave in _database.slaves] _slaves_q_query = model_query( session, SchemaQuote, filter=and_(SchemaQuote.schema_id == _schema.schema_id, SchemaQuote.qdatabase_id.in_(_slaves))) quotes = {} # quote of slave slave_quotes = _slaves_q_query.all() for _quotes_list in (slave_quotes, _schema.quotes): if _quotes_list: for _quote in _quotes_list: quotes[_quote.quote_id] = _quote.desc # check quotes for quote_id, desc in quotes.items(): if quote_id in unquotes: quotes.pop(quote_id, None) if desc in ignores: quotes.pop(quote_id, None) if quotes: if force: for quote_id, desc in quotes.items(): LOG.warning('Quote %d: [%s] force delete' % (quote_id, desc)) else: raise exceptions.AcceptableSchemaError( 'Schema in quote, can not be delete') with self._delete_schema(session, _database, _schema, **kwargs) as address: host = address[0] port = address[1] _result.setdefault('host', host) _result.setdefault('port', port) _result.setdefault('schema', schema) squery.delete() return _result
def copy_schema(self, src_database_id, src_schema, dst_database_id, dst_schema, auth, **kwargs): """create a schema""" auths = privilegeutils.mysql_privileges(auth) session = endpoint_session() query = model_query(session, GopDatabase, filter=GopDatabase.database_id.in_( [src_database_id, dst_database_id])) query = query.options(joinedload(GopDatabase.schemas, innerjoin=False)) src_database, dst_database = None, None for _database in query.all(): if _database.database_id == src_database_id: if _database.slave: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Source database is not master') if not _database.passwd: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Source database has no passwd, can not copy') schemas = [ for _schema in _database.schemas] if src_schema not in schemas: raise exceptions.AcceptableSchemaError( 'Source schemas %s not exist' % src_schema) src_database = _database elif _database.database_id == dst_database_id: if _database.slave: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Destination database is not master') if not _database.passwd: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Destination database has no passwd, can not copy') schemas = [ for _schema in _database.schemas] if dst_schema in schemas: raise exceptions.AcceptableSchemaError( 'Destination schemas %s alreday exist' % dst_schema) dst_database = _database if not src_database or not dst_database: raise _result = dict(database_id=dst_database.database_id, impl=dst_database.impl, dbtype=dst_database.dbtype, dbversion=dst_database.dbversion) with session.begin(): with self._copy_schema(session, src_database, src_schema, dst_database, dst_schema, auths, **kwargs) as options: character_set = options[0] or 'utf8' collation_type = options[1] gop_schema = GopSchema(schema=dst_schema, database_id=dst_database.database_id, user=auth.get('user'), passwd=auth.get('passwd'), ro_user=auth.get('ro_user'), ro_passwd=auth.get('ro_passwd'), source=auth.get('source'), character_set=character_set, collation=collation_type) session.add(gop_schema) session.flush() _result.setdefault('schema_id', gop_schema.schema_id) _result.setdefault('schema', gop_schema.schema) return _result
def create_schema(self, database_id, schema, auth, options, **kwargs): """create new schema intance on reflection_id""" auths = privilegeutils.mysql_privileges(auth) bond = kwargs.get('bond') affinity = kwargs.get('affinity', None) session = endpoint_session() query = model_query(session, GopDatabase, filter=GopDatabase.database_id == database_id) query = query.options(joinedload(GopDatabase.schemas, innerjoin=False)) quote_id = 0 with session.begin(): _database = _result = dict(database_id=database_id, impl=_database.impl, dbtype=_database.dbtype, dbversion=_database.dbversion) if _database.slave: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Database is slave, can not create schema') if _database.status != common.OK: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Database is not OK now') if affinity is not None and (_database.affinity & affinity) == 0: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Database affinity not match') schemas = [_schema.schema for _schema in _database.schemas] if schema in schemas: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError('Duplicate schema name %s' % schema) options = options or {'character_set': 'utf8'} with self._create_schema(session, _database, schema, auths, options, **kwargs) as address: gop_schema = GopSchema( schema=schema, database_id=_database.database_id, user=auth.get('user'), passwd=auth.get('passwd'), ro_user=auth.get('ro_user'), ro_passwd=auth.get('ro_passwd'), source=auth.get('source') or '%', rosource=auth.get('rosource') or '%', character_set=options.get('character_set'), collation_type=options.get('collation_type')) session.add(gop_schema) session.flush() if bond: _quote = SchemaQuote(schema_id=gop_schema.schema_id, qdatabase_id=_database.database_id, entity=bond.get('entity'), endpoint=bond.get('endpoint'), desc=bond.get('desc')) session.add(_quote) session.flush() quote_id = _quote.quote_id host = address[0] port = address[1] _result.setdefault('host', host) _result.setdefault('port', port) _result.setdefault('character_set', options.get('character_set')) _result.setdefault('collation_type', options.get('collation_type')) _result.setdefault('schema_id', gop_schema.schema_id) _result.setdefault('schema', gop_schema.schema) _result.setdefault('quote_id', quote_id) return _result
def delete_database(self, database_id, master, **kwargs): """delete master database intance""" session = endpoint_session() query = model_query(session, GopDatabase, filter=GopDatabase.database_id == database_id) if master: query = query.options( joinedload(GopDatabase.schemas, innerjoin=False)) else: query = query.options( joinedload(GopDatabase.quotes, innerjoin=False)) with session.begin(): _database = _result = dict(database_id=_database.database_id, slave=_database.slave, impl=_database.impl, dbtype=_database.dbtype, dbversion=_database.dbversion) # 删除主库 if master: if _database.slave: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Target database is a salve database') if _database.schemas or _database.slaves: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'can not delete master database, slaves or schemas exist' ) if model_count_with_key(session, SchemaQuote.qdatabase_id, filter=SchemaQuote.qdatabase_id == _database.database_id): raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Database in schema quote list') with self._delete_database(session, _database, **kwargs) as address: host = address[0] port = address[1] _result.setdefault('host', host) _result.setdefault('port', port) query.delete() # 删除从库 else: if not _database.slave: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Target database is not a slave database') if _database.quotes: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Target slave database in schema quote list') _masters = [ m[0] for m in model_query(session, GopSalveRelation.master_id, filter=GopSalveRelation.slave_id == database_id).all() ] if _masters: masters = model_query( session, GopDatabase, filter=and_(GopDatabase.database_id.in_(_masters), GopDatabase.slave == 0)) if len(_masters) != len(masters): raise exceptions.UnAcceptableDbError( 'Target slave database master missed') raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Slave is bond to masters, unbond before delete') with self._delete_database(session, _database, **kwargs) as address: query.delete() host = address[0] port = address[1] _result.setdefault('host', host) _result.setdefault('port', port) return _result
def bond(self, req, database_id, schema, body=None): """schema quote""" body = body or {} database_id = int(database_id) slave = body.get('slave', True) slave_id = body.get('slave_id') desc = body.get('desc') esure = body.get('esure', True) quote_id = body.get('quote_id') entity = body.pop('entity', None) entity = int(entity) if entity is not None else None endpoint = body.pop(common.ENDPOINTKEY, None) if esure: if not endpoint or not entity: raise InvalidArgument( 'No endpoint info or entity, esure should be flase') # TODO log entity info entity_info =, endpoint=endpoint, entity=entity)['data'][0] session = endpoint_session() query = model_query(session, GopDatabase, filter=and_(GopDatabase.database_id == database_id, GopDatabase.slave == 0)) query = query.options(joinedload(GopDatabase.schemas, innerjoin=False)) _database = _schema = None for __schema in _database.schemas: if __schema.schema == schema: _schema = __schema break if not _schema: raise exceptions.AcceptableSchemaError('Schema %s not found' % schema) quote_database_id = _database.database_id user = _schema.user passwd = _schema.passwd # glock = get_global().lock('entitys') # with glock(common.DB, [entity, ]): if slave: slaves = [ _slave.slave_id for _slave in _database.slaves if _slave.ready ] if slave_id: if slave_id not in slaves: raise exceptions.AcceptableDbError( 'Slave %d not found or not ready' % slave) quote_database_id = slave_id else: if slaves: quote_database_id = slaves[0] else: LOG.warning( 'Not slave database, use master database as slave') user = _schema.ro_user passwd = _schema.ro_passwd address = _address([ quote_database_id, ]).get(quote_database_id) with session.begin(): schema_quote = SchemaQuote(quote_id=quote_id, schema_id=_schema.schema_id, qdatabase_id=quote_database_id, entity=entity, endpoint=endpoint, desc=desc) session.add(schema_quote) session.flush() port = address.get('port') host = address.get('host') return resultutils.results( result='quote to %s.%d success' % (schema_quote.qdatabase_id, schema_quote.schema_id), data=[ dict(schema_id=schema_quote.schema_id, quote_id=schema_quote.quote_id, qdatabase_id=quote_database_id, host=host, port=port, user=user, passwd=passwd, schema=schema) ])