Пример #1
    def start_onmyoji(self):
        section = self.ui.tabWidget.currentIndex()

        # 读取主要副本

        if section == 0:
            # 御魂
            if self.ui.mitama_single.isChecked():
                # 单刷
                self.fight = SingleFight()

            elif self.ui.mitama_driver.isChecked():
                # 司机
                self.fight = DriverFighter()

            if self.ui.mitama_passenger.isChecked():
                # 乘客
                self.fight = FighterPassenger()

            if self.ui.mitama_dual.isChecked():
                # 双开
                self.fight = DualFighter()

        elif section == 1:
            # 御灵
            self.fight = GoryouFight()

        elif section == 2:
            # 探索
            self.fight = ExploreFight()

        task = threading.Thread(target=self.fight.start)
Пример #2
def init():
    conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # 读取配置文件
    conf.read('conf.ini', encoding="utf-8")

    # 设置缩放
    # Query DPI Awareness (Windows 10 and 8)
    awareness = ctypes.c_int()
    errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.GetProcessDpiAwareness(
        0, ctypes.byref(awareness))

    # Set DPI Awareness  (Windows 10 and 8)
    client = conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'client')
    if client == 0:
        errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(0)
        errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(1)

    # 读取主要副本
    section = conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'run_section')

    if section == 0:
        # 御魂
        mode = conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'run_mode')
        if mode == 0:
            # 单刷
            fight = SingleFight()

        elif mode == 1:
            # 司机
            fight = DriverFighter()

        elif mode == 2:
            # 乘客
            fight = FighterPassenger()

        elif mode == 3:
            # 双开
            fight = DualFighter()

    elif section == 1:
        # 御灵
        fight = GoryouFight()

    elif section == 2:
        # 探索
        fight = ExploreFight()

Пример #3
def init():
    conf = configparser.ConfigParser()
    # 读取配置文件
    conf.read('conf.ini', encoding="utf-8")

    # 读取主要副本
    section = conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'run_section')

    if section == 0:
        # 御魂
        mode = conf.getint('DEFAULT', 'run_mode')
        if mode == 0:
            # 单刷
            fight = SingleFight()

        elif mode == 1:
            # 司机
            fight = DriverFighter()

        elif mode == 2:
            # 乘客
            fight = FighterPassenger()

        elif mode == 3:
            # 双开
            fight = DualFighter()

    elif section == 1:
        # 御灵
        fight = GoryouFight()

    elif section == 2:
        # 探索
        fight = ExploreFight()
