Пример #1
    def turn_3pt(self, A, B, C, d):
        line_AB = LineSegment(A, B)
        line_BC = LineSegment(B, C)

        q = line_AB.Ly.angle_to(line_BC.Ly, B)
        Q = (line_AB.Ly + line_BC.Ly).normalized()

        w = math.copysign(1.0, q)

        R1 = -(A * Q)**2 / (A.y**2 * (-1 + B.y**2) +
                            2 * A.x * A.z * B.x * B.z + 2 * A.y * B.y *
                            (A.x * B.x + A.z * B.z) + A.z**2 *
                            (-1 + B.z**2) - A.x**2 * (B.y**2 + B.z**2))

        t = math.acos(math.sqrt(math.cos(d)**2 - R1) / math.sqrt(1 - R1))

        ABCz = w * (line_AB.Lz + line_BC.Lz).normalized()

        V = B.deviate(ABCz, t)

        E = line_AB.projection(V)
        F = line_BC.projection(V)

        VEa = V.angle_to(E)
        VFa = V.angle_to(F)

        assert (math.isclose(VEa, VFa, rel_tol=1e-4))

        BEp = B.angle_to(E) / line_AB.length
        BFp = B.angle_to(F) / line_BC.length

        return Blip.from_vector(E), Blip.from_vector(F), VEa, BEp, BFp
Пример #2
    def joint(self, A, B, C, wa, wb, wc, radius_max):

        line_AB = LineCorridor(A, B, wa / earth_radius, wb / earth_radius)
        line_BC = LineCorridor(B, C, wb / earth_radius, wc / earth_radius)

        E, F, V, VEa, AEp, BFp = line_AB.make_joint(line_BC)

        return Blip.from_vector(E), Blip.from_vector(F), VEa, AEp
Пример #3
    def turn_4pt(self, A, B, C, D):

        line_AB = LineSegment(A, B)
        line_BC = LineSegment(B, C)
        line_CD = LineSegment(C, D)

        ABCa = line_AB.surface_angle(line_BC)
        BCDa = line_BC.surface_angle(line_CD)

        w1 = math.copysign(1.0, ABCa)
        w2 = math.copysign(1.0, BCDa)

        assert (0 < w1 * w2)

        ABCz = -(line_AB.Lz + line_BC.Lz).normalized()
        BCDz = -(line_BC.Lz + line_CD.Lz).normalized()

        ABCy = B @ ABCz
        BCDy = C @ BCDz

        # the center of the circle inscribed is V
        V = -(ABCy @ BCDy).normalized() * math.copysign(1.0, ABCa)

        E = line_AB.projection(V)
        F = line_BC.projection(V)
        G = line_CD.projection(V)

        VEa = V.angle_to(E)
        VFa = V.angle_to(F)
        VGa = V.angle_to(G)

        assert (math.isclose(VEa, VFa, rel_tol=1e-4)
                and math.isclose(VFa, VGa, rel_tol=1e-4)
                and math.isclose(VGa, VEa, rel_tol=1e-4))

        AEp = A.angle_to(E) / line_AB.length
        BFp = B.angle_to(F) / line_BC.length
        CGp = C.angle_to(G) / line_CD.length

        return Blip.from_vector(E), Blip.from_vector(F), Blip.from_vector(
            G), w1 * VFa, AEp, BFp, CGp
Пример #4
def turn_3pt(self, A, B, C, radius) :

	line_AB = LineTo(A, B)
	line_BC = LineTo(B, C)

	ABCa = line_AB.surfacea(line_BC)

	ABCz = - (line_AB.Lz + line_BC.Lz).normalized()

	V = B.deviate(ABCz, radius)

	E = line_AB.projection(V)
	F = line_BC.projection(V)

	VEa = V.angle_to(E)
	VFa = V.angle_to(F)

	BEp = B.angle(E) / line_AB.angle_ab
	BFp = B.angle(F) / line_EF

	assert(	math.isclose(VEa, VFa) )

	return Blip.from_vector(E), Blip.from_vector(F), VEa
Пример #5
 def pass_2(self, r_prev):
     r_next = list()
     a_lst = [line[4] for line in r_prev]
     for i, line in enumerate(r_prev):
         verb, lat, lon, radius, alt, spd, width = line
         if verb == 'GOTO' and radius == 0.0 and r_prev[
                 i + 1][0] == 'GOTO' and r_prev[i + 1][3] == 0.0:
             A = Blip(r_prev[i - 1][1], r_prev[i - 1][2]).as_vector
             B = Blip(lat, lon).as_vector
             C = Blip(r_prev[i + 1][1], r_prev[i + 1][2]).as_vector
             E, F, VEa, AEp = self.joint(A, B, C, r_prev[i - 1][6],
                                         r_prev[i][6], r_prev[i + 1][6],
                 "GOTO", E.lat, E.lon, 0,
                 interpolate(AEp, a_lst[i], a_lst[i + 1]), spd, width
                 "JOINT", F.lat, F.lon, VEa * earth_radius,
                 interpolate(AEp, a_lst[i], a_lst[i + 1]), spd, width
     return r_next
Пример #6
    def pass_1(self, r_prev):
        r_next = list()
        a_lst = [line[4] for line in r_prev]

        for i, line in enumerate(r_prev):
            verb, lat, lon, radius, alt, spd, width = line
            if verb == '__TURN_3PT__':
                A = Blip(r_prev[i - 1][1], r_prev[i - 1][2]).as_vector
                B = Blip(lat, lon).as_vector
                C = Blip(r_prev[i + 1][1], r_prev[i + 1][2]).as_vector
                r = radius / earth_radius
                E, F, VEa, AEp, BFp = self.turn_3pt(A, B, C, r)
                    "GOTO", E.lat, E.lon, 0,
                    interpolate(AEp, a_lst[i], a_lst[i + 1]), spd, width
                    "GOTO", F.lat, F.lon, VEa * earth_radius,
                    interpolate(BFp, a_lst[i], a_lst[i + 1]), spd, width
            elif verb == '__TURN_4PT_1__':
                A = Blip(r_prev[i - 1][1], r_prev[i - 1][2]).as_vector
                B = Blip(lat, lon).as_vector
                C = Blip(r_prev[i + 1][1], r_prev[i + 1][2]).as_vector
                D = Blip(r_prev[i + 2][1], r_prev[i + 2][2]).as_vector
                E, F, G, VFa, AEp, BFp, CGp = self.turn_4pt(A, B, C, D)
                    "GOTO", E.lat, E.lon, 0.0,
                    interpolate(AEp, a_lst[i - 1], a_lst[i + 1]), spd, width
                    "GOTO", F.lat, F.lon, VFa * earth_radius,
                    interpolate(BFp, a_lst[i], a_lst[i + 1]), spd, width
                    "GOTO", G.lat, G.lon, VFa * earth_radius,
                    interpolate(CGp, a_lst[i + 1], a_lst[i + 2]), spd, width
            elif verb == '__TURN_4PT_2__':
                pass  # this point was treated previously with __TURN_4PT_1__

        return r_next
Пример #7
    V = w * (Jy @ Iy).normalized()

    with GlobePlotMpl() as plt:
        plt.add_point(A, 'A', 'r')
        plt.add_point(B, 'B', 'g')
        plt.add_point(C, 'C', 'b')

        plt.add_point(Ix, 'Ix', 'orange')
        plt.add_point(Iy, 'Iy', 'yellow')
        plt.add_point(Iz, 'Iz', 'orange')

        plt.add_point(Jx, 'Jx', 'dodgerblue')
        plt.add_point(Jy, 'Jy', 'cyan')
        plt.add_point(Jz, 'Jz', 'dodgerblue')

        plt.add_point(V, 'v', 'magenta')

        plt.add_circle(V, B)

    return V

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from goto.globe.blip import Blip

    A = Blip(0.0, 0.0).as_vector
    B = Blip(30.0, 0.0).as_vector
    C = Blip(35.0, -15.0).as_vector

    circle_find_center(A, B, C)
Пример #8
def read_wskpt(verb, lat, lon, radius, alt, spd, width):
    return WskPt(verb, Blip(lat, lon).as_vector, radius, alt, spd, width)
Пример #9
#!/usr/bin/env python3

import collections

from cc_pathlib import Path

from goto.globe.blip import Blip

WskPt = collections.namedtuple('WskPt', ['verb', 'pos', 'radius', 'alt', 'spd', 'width'])

w_lst = list()
for p in Path("source.json").load() :
	w = WskPt(("GOTO" if len(w_lst) else "START"), Blip(p['lat'], p['lon']), p['leg_radius'], p['alt'], p['speed'], p['corridor_radius'])
	w_lst.append([w.verb, w.pos.lat, w.pos.lon, -w.radius, w.alt, w.spd, w.width])

Path("2_effective.json").save(w_lst, filter_opt={'verbose':True})
Пример #10
        s = math.copysign(1.0, s)
        Px, Py, Pz = self.progress_frame(t)
        w = self.a_width * (1 - t) + self.b_width * t

        Pm = Pz.deviate(Py, d * math.pi * s)
        return Px.deviate(Pm, w)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    from cc_pathlib import Path

    from goto.globe.blip import Blip
    from goto.globe.plot import GlobePlotMpl, GlobePlotGps

    A = Blip(-30.0, 0.0).as_vector
    B = Blip(30.0, 0.0).as_vector
    C = Blip(0.0, 15.0).as_vector

    u = ArcCorridor(A, B, C, 0.04, 0.06)

    # with GlobePlotMpl() as plt :
    # 	plt.add_point(A, 'A', 'r')
    # 	plt.add_point(B, 'B', 'g')
    # 	plt.add_point(C, 'C', 'b')
    # 	plt.add_point(u.Vx, 'V', 'k')
    # 	plt.add_segment(u)
    # 	plt.add_border(u, "orange")

    with GlobePlotGps(Path("test.plot.json")) as plt:
        plt.add_point(A, 'A')