Пример #1
    def calculate_dP_aqvMi(self, wfs):
        """Overlap between LCAO basis functions and gradient of projectors.

        Only the gradient wrt the atomic positions in the reference cell is


        nao = wfs.setups.nao
        nq = len(wfs.ibzk_qc)
        atoms = [self.atoms[i] for i in self.indices]

        # Derivatives in reference cell
        dP_aqvMi = {}
        for atom, setup in zip(atoms, wfs.setups):
            a = atom.index
            dP_aqvMi[a] = np.zeros((nq, 3, nao, setup.ni), wfs.dtype)

        # Calculate overlap between basis function and gradient of projectors
        # NOTE: the derivative is calculated wrt the atomic position and not
        # the real-space coordinate
        calc = TwoCenterIntegralCalculator(wfs.ibzk_qc, derivative=True)
        expansions = ManySiteDictionaryWrapper(wfs.tci.P_expansions, dP_aqvMi)
        calc.calculate(wfs.tci.atompairs, [expansions], [dP_aqvMi])

        # Extract derivatives in the reference unit cell
        # dP_aqvMi = {}
        # for atom in self.atoms:
        #     dP_aqvMi[atom.index] = dPall_aqvMi[atom.index]

        return dP_aqvMi
Пример #2
    def calculate_dP_aqvMi(self, wfs):
        """Overlap between LCAO basis functions and gradient of projectors.

        Only the gradient wrt the atomic positions in the reference cell is

        nao = wfs.setups.nao
        nq = len(wfs.ibzk_qc)
        atoms = [self.atoms[i] for i in self.indices]
        # Derivatives in reference cell
        dP_aqvMi = {}
        for atom, setup in zip(atoms, wfs.setups):
            a = atom.index
            dP_aqvMi[a] = np.zeros((nq, 3, nao, setup.ni), wfs.dtype)

        # Calculate overlap between basis function and gradient of projectors
        # NOTE: the derivative is calculated wrt the atomic position and not
        # the real-space coordinate
        calc = TwoCenterIntegralCalculator(wfs.ibzk_qc, derivative=True)
        expansions = ManySiteDictionaryWrapper(wfs.tci.P_expansions, dP_aqvMi)
        calc.calculate(wfs.tci.atompairs, [expansions], [dP_aqvMi])

        # Extract derivatives in the reference unit cell
        # dP_aqvMi = {}
        # for atom in self.atoms:
        #     dP_aqvMi[atom.index] = dPall_aqvMi[atom.index]
        return dP_aqvMi
Пример #3
def get_tci_dP_aMix(spos_ac, wfs, q, *args, **kwargs):
    # container for spline expansions of basis function-projector pairs
    # (note to self: remember to conjugate/negate because of that)
    from gpaw.lcao.overlap import ManySiteDictionaryWrapper,\
        TwoCenterIntegralCalculator, NewTwoCenterIntegrals

    if not isinstance(wfs.tci, NewTwoCenterIntegrals):
        raise RuntimeError('Please remember --gpaw=usenewtci=True')

    dP_aqxMi = {}
    nao = wfs.setups.nao
    nq = len(wfs.ibzk_qc)
    for a, setup in enumerate(wfs.setups):
        dP_aqxMi[a] = np.zeros((nq, 3, nao, setup.ni), wfs.dtype)

    calc = TwoCenterIntegralCalculator(wfs.ibzk_qc, derivative=True)
    expansions = ManySiteDictionaryWrapper(wfs.tci.P_expansions, dP_aqxMi)
    calc.calculate(wfs.tci.atompairs, [expansions], [dP_aqxMi])

    dP_aMix = {}
    for a in dP_aqxMi:
        dP_aMix[a] = dP_aqxMi[a].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).copy()[q]  # XXX q
    return dP_aMix
Пример #4
def get_tci_dP_aMix(spos_ac, wfs, q, *args, **kwargs):
    # container for spline expansions of basis function-projector pairs
    # (note to self: remember to conjugate/negate because of that)
    from gpaw.lcao.overlap import ManySiteDictionaryWrapper,\
         TwoCenterIntegralCalculator, NewTwoCenterIntegrals

    if not isinstance(wfs.tci, NewTwoCenterIntegrals):
        raise RuntimeError('Please remember --gpaw=usenewtci=True')

    dP_aqxMi = {}
    nao = wfs.setups.nao
    nq = len(wfs.ibzk_qc)
    for a, setup in enumerate(wfs.setups):
        dP_aqxMi[a] = np.zeros((nq, 3, nao, setup.ni), wfs.dtype)
    calc = TwoCenterIntegralCalculator(wfs.ibzk_qc, derivative=True)
    expansions = ManySiteDictionaryWrapper(wfs.tci.P_expansions, dP_aqxMi)
    calc.calculate(wfs.tci.atompairs, [expansions], [dP_aqxMi])

    dP_aMix = {}
    for a in dP_aqxMi:
        dP_aMix[a] = dP_aqxMi[a].transpose(0, 2, 3, 1).copy()[q] # XXX q
    return dP_aMix