Пример #1
def get_realspace_hs(h_skmm, s_kmm, bzk_kc, weight_k,
                     R_c=(0, 0, 0), direction='x', 

    from gpaw.symmetry import Symmetry
    from ase.dft.kpoints import get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset, \
    if usesymm is True:
        raise NotImplementedError, 'Only None and False have been implemented'

    nspins, nk, nbf = h_skmm.shape[:3]
    dir = 'xyz'.index(direction)
    transverse_dirs = np.delete([0, 1, 2], [dir])
    dtype = float
    if len(bzk_kc) > 1 or np.any(bzk_kc[0] != [0, 0, 0]):
        dtype = complex

    kpts_grid = get_monkhorst_pack_size_and_offset(bzk_kc)[0]

    # kpts in the transport direction
    nkpts_p = kpts_grid[dir]
    bzk_p_kc = monkhorst_pack((nkpts_p,1,1))[:, 0]
    weight_p_k = 1. / nkpts_p

   # kpts in the transverse directions
    bzk_t_kc = monkhorst_pack(tuple(kpts_grid[transverse_dirs]) + (1, ))
    if usesymm == False:
        #XXX a somewhat ugly hack:
        # By default GPAW reduces inversion sym in the z direction. The steps 
        # below assure reduction in the transverse dirs.
        # For now this part seems to do the job, but it may be written
        # in a smarter way in the future.
        symmetry = Symmetry([1], np.eye(3))
        symmetry.prune_symmetries(np.zeros((1, 3)))
        ibzk_kc, ibzweight_k = symmetry.reduce(bzk_kc)[:2]
        ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k = symmetry.reduce(bzk_t_kc)[:2]
        ibzk_t_kc = ibzk_t_kc[:, :2]
        nkpts_t = len(ibzk_t_kc)
    else: # usesymm = None
        ibzk_kc = bzk_kc.copy()
        ibzk_t_kc = bzk_t_kc
        nkpts_t = len(bzk_t_kc)
        weights_t_k = [1. / nkpts_t for k in range(nkpts_t)]

    h_skii = np.zeros((nspins, nkpts_t, nbf, nbf), dtype)
    if s_kmm is not None:
        s_kii = np.zeros((nkpts_t, nbf, nbf), dtype)

    tol = 7
    for j, k_t in enumerate(ibzk_t_kc):
        for k_p in bzk_p_kc:
            k = np.zeros((3,))
            k[dir] = k_p
            k[transverse_dirs] = k_t
            kpoint_list = [list(np.round(k_kc, tol)) for k_kc in ibzk_kc]
            if list(np.round(k, tol)) not in kpoint_list:
                k = -k # inversion
                index = kpoint_list.index(list(np.round(k,tol)))
                h = h_skmm[:, index].conjugate()
                if s_kmm is not None:
                    s = s_kmm[index].conjugate()
            else: # kpoint in the ibz
                index = kpoint_list.index(list(np.round(k, tol)))
                h = h_skmm[:, index]
                if s_kmm is not None:
                    s = s_kmm[index]

            c_k = np.exp(2.j * np.pi * np.dot(k, R_c)) * weight_p_k
            h_skii[:, j] += c_k * h
            if s_kmm is not None:
                s_kii[j] += c_k * s 
    if s_kmm is None:
        return ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k, h_skii
        return ibzk_t_kc, weights_t_k, h_skii, s_kii