Пример #1
    def update_intraband(self, ind_m, kpt):
        kd = self.calc.wfs.kd
        gd = self.calc.wfs.gd
        k_c = kd.bzk_kc[kpt.K] + kpt.shift_c
        k_v = 2 * np.pi * np.dot(k_c, np.linalg.inv(gd.cell_cv).T)
        atomdata_a = self.calc.wfs.setups

        ut_mvR = self.calc.wfs.gd.zeros((len(ind_m), 3), complex)
        for ind, ut_vR in zip(ind_m, ut_mvR):
            ut_vR[:] = self.make_derivative(kpt.s, kpt.K,
                                            kpt.n1 + ind,
                                            kpt.n1 + ind + 1)[0]
        npartocc = len(ind_m)
        ut_mR = kpt.ut_nR[ind_m]

        nabla0_mmv = np.zeros((npartocc, npartocc, 3), dtype=complex)
        for m in range(npartocc):
            ut_vR = ut_mvR[m]
            C_avi = [np.dot(atomdata.nabla_iiv.T, P_mi[ind_m[m]])
                     for atomdata, P_mi in zip(atomdata_a, kpt.P_ani)]

            nabla0_mv = -self.calc.wfs.gd.integrate(ut_vR, ut_mR).T
            nt_m = self.calc.wfs.gd.integrate(ut_mR[m], ut_mR)
            nabla0_mv += 1j * nt_m[:, np.newaxis] * k_v[np.newaxis, :]

            for C_vi, P_mi in zip(C_avi, kpt.P_ani):
                gemm(1.0, C_vi, P_mi[ind_m[0:npartocc]], 1.0, nabla0_mv, 'c')
            nabla0_mmv[m] = nabla0_mv

        return nabla0_mmv
Пример #2
    def project(self, x_nG):
        """Project the vector onto the unoccupied states at k+q.

        The projection operator is defined as follows::

                      --                    --             
             P      = >  |Psi ><Psi | = 1 - >  |Psi ><Psi |
              c,k+q   --     c     c        --     v     v 
                       c    k+q   k+q        v    k+q   k+q

        # It might be a good idea to move this functionality to its own class
        assert x_nG.ndim == 4
        assert self.kplusq is not None

        # k+q
        kplusqpt = self.kpt_u[self.kplusq]
        # Occupied wave function
        psit_nG = kplusqpt.psit_nG

        # Project out occupied sub-space using blas routine gemm
        m = len(x_nG)
        n = len(psit_nG)
        proj_mn = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=self.dtype)
        gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_nG, x_nG, 0.0, proj_mn, 'c')
        gemm(-1.0, psit_nG, proj_mn, 1.0, x_nG)
Пример #3
    def _pseudo_braket(self, bra_xG, ket_yG, A_yx, square=None):
        """Calculate matrix elements of braket pairs of pseudo wave functions.
        Low-level helper function. Results will be put in the *A_yx* array::
                   /     ~ *     ~   
           A    =  | dG bra (G) ket  (G)
            nn'    /       n       n'


        bra_xG: ndarray
            Set of bra-like vectors in which the matrix elements are evaluated.
        key_yG: ndarray
            Set of ket-like vectors in which the matrix elements are evaluated.
        A_yx: ndarray
            Matrix in which to put calculated elements. Take care: Due to the
            difference in Fortran/C array order and the inherent BLAS nature,
            the matrix has to be filled in transposed (conjugated in future?).

        assert bra_xG.shape[1:] == ket_yG.shape[1:]
        assert (ket_yG.shape[0], bra_xG.shape[0]) == A_yx.shape

        if square is None:
            square = (bra_xG.shape[0] == ket_yG.shape[0])

        dv = self.gd.dv
        if ket_yG is bra_xG:
            rk(dv, bra_xG, 0.0, A_yx)
        elif self.hermitian and square:
            r2k(0.5 * dv, bra_xG, ket_yG, 0.0, A_yx)
            gemm(dv, bra_xG, ket_yG, 0.0, A_yx, 'c')
Пример #4
    def calculate_sic_matrixelements(self):
        # overlap of pseudo wavefunctions
        Htphit_mG = self.vt_mG * self.phit_mG
        V_mm = np.zeros((self.nocc, self.nocc), dtype=self.dtype)
        gemm(self.gd.dv, self.phit_mG, Htphit_mG, 0.0, V_mm, 't')
        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                V_mm[m,:] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_mi.T))

        # accumulate over grid-domains
        self.V_mm = V_mm

        # Symmetrization of V and kappa-matrix:
        K_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm - V_mm.T.conj())
        V_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm + V_mm.T.conj())

        # evaluate the kinetic correction
        self.ekin = -np.trace(V_mm) * (3 - self.nspins) 
        return V_mm, K_mm, np.vdot(K_mm, K_mm).real
Пример #5
    def integrate(self,
        """Integrate function(s) over domain.

        a_xg: ndarray
            Function(s) to be integrated.
        b_yg: ndarray
            If present, integrate a_xg.conj() * b_yg.
        global_integral: bool
            If the array(s) are distributed over several domains, then the
            total sum will be returned.  To get the local contribution
            only, use global_integral=False.
        hermitian: bool
            Result is hermitian.
        _transposed_result: ndarray
            Long story.  Don't use this unless you are a method of the
            MatrixOperator class ..."""

        xshape = a_xg.shape[:-3]

        if b_yg is None:
            # Only one array:
            result = a_xg.reshape(xshape + (-1, )).sum(axis=-1) * self.dv
            if global_integral:
                if result.ndim == 0:
                    result = self.comm.sum(result)
            return result

        A_xg = np.ascontiguousarray(a_xg.reshape((-1, ) + a_xg.shape[-3:]))
        B_yg = np.ascontiguousarray(b_yg.reshape((-1, ) + b_yg.shape[-3:]))

        if _transposed_result is None:
            result_yx = np.zeros((len(B_yg), len(A_xg)), A_xg.dtype)
            result_yx = _transposed_result
            global_integral = False

        if a_xg is b_yg:
            rk(self.dv, A_xg, 0.0, result_yx)
        elif hermitian:
            r2k(0.5 * self.dv, A_xg, B_yg, 0.0, result_yx)
            gemm(self.dv, A_xg, B_yg, 0.0, result_yx, 'c')

        if global_integral:

        yshape = b_yg.shape[:-3]
        result = result_yx.T.reshape(xshape + yshape)

        if result.ndim == 0:
            return result.item()
            return result
Пример #6
def sqrt_matrix(a, preserve=False):
    """Get the sqrt of a symmetric matrix a (diagonalize is used).
    The matrix is kept if preserve=True, a=sqrt(a) otherwise."""
    n = len(a)
    if debug:
        assert a.flags.contiguous
        assert a.dtype == float
        assert a.shape == (n, n)
    if preserve:
        b = a.copy()
        b = a

    # diagonalize to get the form b = Z * D * Z^T
    # where D is diagonal
    D = np.empty((n,))
    diagonalize(b, D)
    ZT = b.copy()
    Z = np.transpose(b)

    # c = Z * sqrt(D)
    c = Z * np.sqrt(D)

    # sqrt(b) = c * Z^T
    gemm(1., ZT, np.ascontiguousarray(c), 0., b)
    return b
Пример #7
    def calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, root=-1):
        # XXX document parallel stuff, particularly root parameter
        assert self.has_initialized
        vt_G = hamiltonian.vt_sG[kpt.s]
        H_MM = np.empty((wfs.ksl.mynao, wfs.ksl.nao), wfs.dtype)

        wfs.timer.start('Potential matrix')
        wfs.basis_functions.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_G, H_MM, kpt.q)
        wfs.timer.stop('Potential matrix')

        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        wfs.timer.start('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM = wfs.ksl.distribute_overlap_matrix(H_MM, root)
        wfs.timer.stop('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM += wfs.T_qMM[kpt.q]
        return H_MM
Пример #8
    def project(self, x_nG):
        """Project the vector onto the unoccupied states at k+q.

        The projection operator is defined as follows::

                      --                    --             
             P      = >  |Psi ><Psi | = 1 - >  |Psi ><Psi |
              c,k+q   --     c     c        --     v     v 
                       c    k+q   k+q        v    k+q   k+q

        # It might be a good idea to move this functionality to its own class
        assert x_nG.ndim == 4
        assert self.kplusq is not None

        # k+q
        kplusqpt = self.kpt_u[self.kplusq]
        # Occupied wave function
        psit_nG = kplusqpt.psit_nG

        # Project out occupied sub-space using blas routine gemm
        m = len(x_nG)
        n = len(psit_nG)
        proj_mn = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=self.dtype)
        gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_nG, x_nG, 0.0, proj_mn, 'c')
        gemm(-1.0, psit_nG, proj_mn, 1.0, x_nG)
Пример #9
    def update_hilbert(self, n_mG, deps_m, df_m, chi0_wGG):
        """Update spectral function.

        Updates spectral function A_wGG and saves it to chi0_wGG for
        later hilbert-transform."""

        beta = (2**0.5 - 1) * self.domega0 / self.omega2
        o_m = abs(deps_m)
        w_m = (o_m / (self.domega0 + beta * o_m)).astype(int)
        o1_m = self.omega_w[w_m]
        o2_m = self.omega_w[w_m + 1]
        p_m = self.prefactor * abs(df_m) / (o2_m - o1_m)**2  # XXX abs()?
        p1_m = p_m * (o2_m - o_m)
        p2_m = p_m * (o_m - o1_m)

        if self.blockcomm.size > 1:
            for p1, p2, n_G, w in zip(p1_m, p2_m, n_mG, w_m):
                myn_G = n_G[self.Ga:self.Gb].reshape((-1, 1))
                gemm(p1, n_G.reshape((-1, 1)), myn_G, 1.0, chi0_wGG[w], 'c')
                gemm(p2, n_G.reshape((-1, 1)), myn_G, 1.0, chi0_wGG[w + 1],

        for p1, p2, n_G, w in zip(p1_m, p2_m, n_mG, w_m):
            czher(p1, n_G.conj(), chi0_wGG[w])
            czher(p2, n_G.conj(), chi0_wGG[w + 1])
Пример #10
    def update_intraband(self, ind_m, kpt):
        kd = self.calc.wfs.kd
        gd = self.calc.wfs.gd
        k_c = kd.bzk_kc[kpt.K] + kpt.shift_c
        k_v = 2 * np.pi * np.dot(k_c, np.linalg.inv(gd.cell_cv).T)
        atomdata_a = self.calc.wfs.setups

        ut_mvR = self.calc.wfs.gd.zeros((len(ind_m), 3), complex)
        for ind, ut_vR in zip(ind_m, ut_mvR):
            ut_vR[:] = self.make_derivative(kpt.s, kpt.K, kpt.na + ind,
                                            kpt.na + ind + 1)[0]
        npartocc = len(ind_m)
        ut_mR = kpt.ut_nR[ind_m]

        nabla0_mmv = np.zeros((npartocc, npartocc, 3), dtype=complex)
        for m in range(npartocc):
            ut_vR = ut_mvR[m]
            C_avi = [
                np.dot(atomdata.nabla_iiv.T, P_mi[ind_m[m]])
                for atomdata, P_mi in zip(atomdata_a, kpt.P_ani)

            nabla0_mv = -self.calc.wfs.gd.integrate(ut_vR, ut_mR).T
            nt_m = self.calc.wfs.gd.integrate(ut_mR[m], ut_mR)
            nabla0_mv += 1j * nt_m[:, np.newaxis] * k_v[np.newaxis, :]

            for C_vi, P_mi in zip(C_avi, kpt.P_ani):
                gemm(1.0, C_vi, P_mi[ind_m[0:npartocc]], 1.0, nabla0_mv, 'c')

            nabla0_mmv[m] = nabla0_mv

        return nabla0_mmv
Пример #11
    def iterate_one_k_point(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, Vt_xMM):
        if wfs.bd.comm.size > 1 and wfs.bd.strided:
            raise NotImplementedError

        H_MM = self.calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, Vt_xMM,
        S_MM = wfs.S_qMM[kpt.q]

        if kpt.eps_n is None:
            kpt.eps_n = np.empty(wfs.bd.mynbands)
        diagonalization_string = repr(self.diagonalizer)
        self.diagonalizer.diagonalize(H_MM, kpt.C_nM, kpt.eps_n, S_MM)

        wfs.timer.start('Calculate projections')
        # P_ani are not strictly necessary as required quantities can be
        # evaluated directly using P_aMi.  We should probably get rid
        # of the places in the LCAO code using P_ani directly
        for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
            # ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array:
            gemm(1.0, kpt.P_aMi[a], kpt.C_nM, 0.0, P_ni, 'n')
        wfs.timer.stop('Calculate projections')
Пример #12
    def integrate(self, a_xG, c_axi=None, q=-1):
        c_xI = np.zeros(a_xG.shape[:-1] + (self.nI,), self.pd.dtype)

        b_xI = c_xI.reshape((np.prod(c_xI.shape[:-1]), self.nI))
        a_xG = a_xG.reshape((-1, a_xG.shape[-1]))

        alpha = 1.0 / self.pd.gd.N_c.prod()
        if self.pd.dtype == float:
            alpha *= 2
            a_xG = a_xG.view(float)
        if c_axi is None:
            c_axi = self.dict(a_xG.shape[:-1])

        x = 0.0
        for G1, G2 in self.block(q):
            f_IG = self.expand(q, G1, G2)
            if self.pd.dtype == float:
                if G1 == 0:
                    f_IG[:, 0] *= 0.5
                f_IG = f_IG.view(float)
                G1 *= 2
                G2 *= 2

            gemm(alpha, f_IG, a_xG[:, G1:G2], x, b_xI, 'c')
            x = 1.0

        for a, I1, I2 in self.indices:
            c_axi[a][:] = self.eikR_qa[q][a] * c_xI[..., I1:I2]

        return c_axi
Пример #13
    def iterate_one_k_point(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, Vt_xMM):
        if wfs.bd.comm.size > 1 and wfs.bd.strided:
            raise NotImplementedError

        H_MM = self.calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(hamiltonian,
        S_MM = wfs.S_qMM[kpt.q]

        if kpt.eps_n is None:
            kpt.eps_n = np.empty(wfs.bd.mynbands)

        diagonalization_string = repr(self.diagonalizer)
        self.diagonalizer.diagonalize(H_MM, kpt.C_nM, kpt.eps_n, S_MM)

        wfs.timer.start('Calculate projections')
        # P_ani are not strictly necessary as required quantities can be
        # evaluated directly using P_aMi.  We should probably get rid
        # of the places in the LCAO code using P_ani directly
        for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
            # ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array:
            gemm(1.0, kpt.P_aMi[a], kpt.C_nM, 0.0, P_ni, 'n')
        wfs.timer.stop('Calculate projections')
Пример #14
    def add(self, a_xG, c_axi=1.0, q=-1, f0_IG=None):
        if isinstance(c_axi, float):
            assert q == -1, a_xG.dims == 1
            a_xG += (c_axi / self.pd.gd.dv) * self.expand(-1).sum(0)

        c_xI = np.empty(a_xG.shape[:-1] + (self.nI,), self.pd.dtype)
        for a, I1, I2 in self.indices:
            c_xI[..., I1:I2] = c_axi[a] * self.eikR_qa[q][a].conj()
        c_xI = c_xI.reshape((np.prod(c_xI.shape[:-1]), self.nI))

        a_xG = a_xG.reshape((-1, a_xG.shape[-1])).view(self.pd.dtype)
        for G1, G2 in self.block(q):
            if f0_IG is None:
                f_IG = self.expand(q, G1, G2)
                f_IG = f0_IG
            if self.pd.dtype == float:
                f_IG = f_IG.view(float)
                G1 *= 2
                G2 *= 2

            gemm(1.0 / self.pd.gd.dv, f_IG, c_xI, 1.0, a_xG[:, G1:G2])
Пример #15
    def add(self, a_xG, c_axi=1.0, q=-1, f0_IG=None):
        if isinstance(c_axi, float):
            assert q == -1, a_xG.dims == 1
            a_xG += (c_axi / self.pd.gd.dv) * self.expand(-1).sum(0)

        c_xI = np.empty(a_xG.shape[:-1] + (self.nI,), self.pd.dtype)
        for a, I1, I2 in self.indices:
            c_xI[..., I1:I2] = c_axi[a] * self.eikR_qa[q][a].conj()
        c_xI = c_xI.reshape((np.prod(c_xI.shape[:-1], dtype=int), self.nI))

        a_xG = a_xG.reshape((-1, a_xG.shape[-1])).view(self.pd.dtype)

        for G1, G2 in self.block(q):
            if f0_IG is None:
                f_IG = self.expand(q, G1, G2)
                f_IG = f0_IG

            if self.pd.dtype == float:
                f_IG = f_IG.view(float)
                G1 *= 2
                G2 *= 2

            gemm(1.0 / self.pd.gd.dv, f_IG, c_xI, 1.0, a_xG[:, G1:G2])
Пример #16
def sqrt_matrix(a, preserve=False):
    """Get the sqrt of a symmetric matrix a (diagonalize is used).
    The matrix is kept if preserve=True, a=sqrt(a) otherwise."""
    n = len(a)
    if debug:
        assert a.flags.contiguous
        assert a.dtype == float
        assert a.shape == (n, n)
    if preserve:
        b = a.copy()
        b = a

    # diagonalize to get the form b = Z * D * Z^T
    # where D is diagonal
    D = np.empty((n, ))
    diagonalize(b, D)
    ZT = b.copy()
    Z = np.transpose(b)

    # c = Z * sqrt(D)
    c = Z * np.sqrt(D)

    # sqrt(b) = c * Z^T
    gemm(1., ZT, c, 0., b)

    return b
Пример #17
    def calculate_density_matrix(self, f_n, C_nM, rho_MM=None):
        # ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array:

        self.timer.start('Calculate density matrix')
        rho_MM = self.ksl.calculate_density_matrix(f_n, C_nM, rho_MM)
        self.timer.stop('Calculate density matrix')
        return rho_MM

        # ----------------------------
        if 1:
            # XXX Should not conjugate, but call gemm(..., 'c')
            # Although that requires knowing C_Mn and not C_nM.
            # that also conforms better to the usual conventions in literature
            Cf_Mn = C_nM.T.conj() * f_n
            gemm(1.0, C_nM, Cf_Mn, 0.0, rho_MM, 'n')
            self.timer.start('band comm sum')
            self.timer.stop('band comm sum')
            # Alternative suggestion. Might be faster. Someone should test this
            from gpaw.utilities.blas import r2k
            C_Mn = C_nM.T.copy()
            r2k(0.5, C_Mn, f_n * C_Mn, 0.0, rho_MM)
Пример #18
    def calculate_sic_matrixelements(self):

        # overlap of pseudo wavefunctions
        Htphit_mG = self.vt_mG * self.phit_mG
        V_mm = np.zeros((self.nocc, self.nocc), dtype=self.dtype)
        gemm(self.gd.dv, self.phit_mG, Htphit_mG, 0.0, V_mm, 't')
        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                V_mm[m, :] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_mi.T))

        # accumulate over grid-domains
        self.V_mm = V_mm

        # Symmetrization of V and kappa-matrix:
        K_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm - V_mm.T.conj())
        V_mm = 0.5 * (V_mm + V_mm.T.conj())

        # evaluate the kinetic correction
        self.ekin = -np.trace(V_mm) * (3 - self.nspins)

        return V_mm, K_mm, np.vdot(K_mm, K_mm).real
Пример #19
    def calculate_density_matrix(self, f_n, C_nM, rho_MM=None):
        # ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array:

        self.timer.start('Calculate density matrix')
        rho_MM = self.ksl.calculate_density_matrix(f_n, C_nM, rho_MM)
        self.timer.stop('Calculate density matrix')
        return rho_MM

        # ----------------------------
        if 1:
            # XXX Should not conjugate, but call gemm(..., 'c')
            # Although that requires knowing C_Mn and not C_nM.
            # that also conforms better to the usual conventions in literature
            Cf_Mn = C_nM.T.conj() * f_n
            gemm(1.0, C_nM, Cf_Mn, 0.0, rho_MM, 'n')
            self.timer.start('band comm sum')
            self.timer.stop('band comm sum')
            # Alternative suggestion. Might be faster. Someone should test this
            from gpaw.utilities.blas import r2k
            C_Mn = C_nM.T.copy()
            r2k(0.5, C_Mn, f_n * C_Mn, 0.0, rho_MM)
Пример #20
    def update_optical_limit(self, n, m, kpt1, kpt2, deps_m, df_m, n_mG):
        if self.ut_sKnvR is None or kpt1.K not in self.ut_sKnvR[kpt1.s]:
            self.ut_sKnvR = self.calculate_derivatives(kpt1)

        kd = self.calc.wfs.kd
        gd = self.calc.wfs.gd
        k_c = kd.bzk_kc[kpt1.K] + kpt1.shift_c
        k_v = 2 * np.pi * np.dot(k_c, np.linalg.inv(gd.cell_cv).T)

        ut_vR = self.ut_sKnvR[kpt1.s][kpt1.K][n]
        atomdata_a = self.calc.wfs.setups
        C_avi = [np.dot(atomdata.nabla_iiv.T, P_ni[n])
                 for atomdata, P_ni in zip(atomdata_a, kpt1.P_ani)]
        n0_mv = -self.calc.wfs.gd.integrate(ut_vR, kpt2.ut_nR[m]).T
        nt_m = self.calc.wfs.gd.integrate(kpt1.ut_nR[n], kpt2.ut_nR[m])
        n0_mv += 1j * nt_m[:, np.newaxis] * k_v[np.newaxis, :]

        for C_vi, P_mi in zip(C_avi, kpt2.P_ani):
            P_mi = P_mi[m].copy()
            gemm(1.0, C_vi, P_mi, 1.0, n0_mv, 'c')

        deps_m = deps_m.copy()
        deps_m[deps_m > -1e-3] = np.inf
        n0_mv *= 1j / deps_m[:, np.newaxis]
        n_mG[:, 0] = n0_mv[:, 0]

        return n0_mv
Пример #21
    def update_hilbert(self, n_mG, deps_m, wd, chi0_wGG):
        """Update spectral function.

        Updates spectral function A_wGG and saves it to chi0_wGG for
        later hilbert-transform."""

        omega_w = wd.get_data()
        deps_m += self.eshift * np.sign(deps_m)
        o_m = abs(deps_m)
        w_m = wd.get_closest_index(o_m)
        o1_m = omega_w[w_m]
        o2_m = omega_w[w_m + 1]
        p_m = np.abs(1 / (o2_m - o1_m)**2)
        p1_m = p_m * (o2_m - o_m)
        p2_m = p_m * (o_m - o1_m)

        if self.blockcomm.size > 1:
            for p1, p2, n_G, w in zip(p1_m, p2_m, n_mG, w_m):
                if w + 1 < wd.wmax:  # The last frequency is not reliable
                    myn_G = n_G[self.Ga:self.Gb].reshape((-1, 1))
                    gemm(p1, n_G.reshape((-1, 1)), myn_G,
                         1.0, chi0_wGG[w], 'c')
                    gemm(p2, n_G.reshape((-1, 1)), myn_G,
                         1.0, chi0_wGG[w + 1], 'c')

        for p1, p2, n_G, w in zip(p1_m, p2_m, n_mG, w_m):
            if w + 1 < wd.wmax:  # The last frequency is not reliable
                czher(p1, n_G.conj(), chi0_wGG[w])
                czher(p2, n_G.conj(), chi0_wGG[w + 1])
Пример #22
    def calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, root=-1):
        # XXX document parallel stuff, particularly root parameter
        assert self.has_initialized
        vt_G = hamiltonian.vt_sG[kpt.s]
        H_MM = np.empty((wfs.ksl.mynao, wfs.ksl.nao), wfs.dtype)

        wfs.timer.start('Potential matrix')
        wfs.basis_functions.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_G, H_MM, kpt.q)
        wfs.timer.stop('Potential matrix')

        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        wfs.timer.start('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM = wfs.ksl.distribute_overlap_matrix(H_MM, root)
        wfs.timer.stop('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM += wfs.T_qMM[kpt.q]
        return H_MM
Пример #23
    def integrate(self, a_xG, c_axi=None, q=-1):
        c_xI = np.zeros(a_xG.shape[:-1] + (self.nI,), self.pd.dtype)

        b_xI = c_xI.reshape((np.prod(c_xI.shape[:-1], dtype=int), self.nI))
        a_xG = a_xG.reshape((-1, a_xG.shape[-1]))

        alpha = 1.0 / self.pd.gd.N_c.prod()
        if self.pd.dtype == float:
            alpha *= 2
            a_xG = a_xG.view(float)

        if c_axi is None:
            c_axi = self.dict(a_xG.shape[:-1])

        x = 0.0
        for G1, G2 in self.block(q):
            f_IG = self.expand(q, G1, G2)
            if self.pd.dtype == float:
                if G1 == 0:
                    f_IG[:, 0] *= 0.5
                f_IG = f_IG.view(float)
                G1 *= 2
                G2 *= 2

            gemm(alpha, f_IG, a_xG[:, G1:G2], x, b_xI, 'c')
            x = 1.0

        for a, I1, I2 in self.indices:
            c_axi[a][:] = self.eikR_qa[q][a] * c_xI[..., I1:I2]

        return c_axi
Пример #24
    def derivative(self, a_xG, c_axiv, q=-1):
        c_vxI = np.zeros((3,) + a_xG.shape[:-1] + (self.nI,), self.pd.dtype)
        b_vxI = c_vxI.reshape((3, np.prod(c_vxI.shape[1:-1]), self.nI))
        a_xG = a_xG.reshape((-1, a_xG.shape[-1])).view(self.pd.dtype)

        alpha = 1.0 / self.pd.gd.N_c.prod()

        K_v = self.pd.K_qv[q]

        x = 0.0
        for G1, G2 in self.block(q):
            f_IG = self.expand(q, G1, G2)
            G_Gv = self.pd.G_Qv[self.pd.Q_qG[q][G1:G2]]
            if self.pd.dtype == float:
                for v in range(3):
                    gemm(2 * alpha,
                         (f_IG * 1.0j * G_Gv[:, v]).view(float),
                         a_xG[:, 2 * G1:2 * G2],
                         x, b_vxI[v], 'c')
                for v in range(3):
                          f_IG * (G_Gv[:, v] + K_v[v]),
                          a_xG[:, G1:G2],
                          x, b_vxI[v], 'c')
            x = 1.0

        for v in range(3):
            if self.pd.dtype == float:
                for a, I1, I2 in self.indices:
                    c_axiv[a][..., v] = c_vxI[v, ..., I1:I2]
                for a, I1, I2 in self.indices:
                    c_axiv[a][..., v] = (1.0j * self.eikR_qa[q][a] *
                                         c_vxI[v, ..., I1:I2])
Пример #25
    def _pseudo_braket(self, bra_xG, ket_yG, A_yx, square=None):
        """Calculate matrix elements of braket pairs of pseudo wave functions.
        Low-level helper function. Results will be put in the *A_yx* array::
                   /     ~ *     ~   
           A    =  | dG bra (G) ket  (G)
            nn'    /       n       n'


        bra_xG: ndarray
            Set of bra-like vectors in which the matrix elements are evaluated.
        key_yG: ndarray
            Set of ket-like vectors in which the matrix elements are evaluated.
        A_yx: ndarray
            Matrix in which to put calculated elements. Take care: Due to the
            difference in Fortran/C array order and the inherent BLAS nature,
            the matrix has to be filled in transposed (conjugated in future?).

        assert bra_xG.shape[1:] == ket_yG.shape[1:]
        assert (ket_yG.shape[0], bra_xG.shape[0]) == A_yx.shape

        if square is None:
            square = (bra_xG.shape[0]==ket_yG.shape[0])

        dv = self.gd.dv
        if ket_yG is bra_xG:
            rk(dv, bra_xG, 0.0, A_yx)
        elif self.hermitian and square:
            r2k(0.5 * dv, bra_xG, ket_yG, 0.0, A_yx)
            gemm(dv, bra_xG, ket_yG, 0.0, A_yx, 'c')
Пример #26
 def update_projectors(self):
     self.timer.start('LCAO update projectors')
     # Loop over all k-points
     for k, kpt in enumerate(self.wfs.kpt_u):
         for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
             gemm(1.0, self.wfs.P_aqMi[a][kpt.q], kpt.C_nM, 0.0, P_ni, 'n')
     self.timer.stop('LCAO update projectors')
 def calculate_atomic_density_matrices_k_point(self, D_sii, kpt, a, f_n):
     P_Mi = kpt.P_aMi[a]
     rhoP_Mi = np.zeros_like(P_Mi)
     D0_ii = np.zeros(D_sii[0].shape, self.dtype)
     for rho_MM, D_ii in zip(kpt.rho_sMM, D_sii):
         gemm(1.0, P_Mi, rho_MM, 0.0, rhoP_Mi)
         gemm(1.0, rhoP_Mi, P_Mi.T.conj().copy(), 0.0, D0_ii)
         D_ii += 0.5 * (D0_ii.real + D0_ii.T.real)
Пример #28
 def calculate_atomic_density_matrices_k_point(self, D_sii, kpt, a, f_n):
     P_Mi = kpt.P_aMi[a]
     rhoP_Mi = np.zeros_like(P_Mi)
     D0_ii = np.zeros(D_sii[0].shape, self.dtype)
     for rho_MM, D_ii in zip(kpt.rho_sMM, D_sii):
         gemm(1.0, P_Mi, rho_MM, 0.0, rhoP_Mi)
         gemm(1.0, rhoP_Mi, P_Mi.T.conj().copy(), 0.0, D0_ii)
         D_ii += 0.5 * (D0_ii.real + D0_ii.T.real)
Пример #29
 def update(self, n_mG, deps_m, df_m, chi0_wGG):
     sign = 1 - 2 * self.timeordered
     for w, omega in enumerate(self.omega_w):
         x_m = df_m * (1.0 / (omega + deps_m + 1j * self.eta) -
                       1.0 / (omega - deps_m + 1j * self.eta * sign))
         nx_mG = n_mG * x_m[:, np.newaxis]
         gemm(self.prefactor, n_mG.conj(), np.ascontiguousarray(nx_mG.T),
              1.0, chi0_wGG[w])
Пример #30
    def integrate(self, a_xg, b_yg=None,
                  global_integral=True, hermitian=False,
        """Integrate function(s) over domain.

        a_xg: ndarray
            Function(s) to be integrated.
        b_yg: ndarray
            If present, integrate a_xg.conj() * b_yg.
        global_integral: bool
            If the array(s) are distributed over several domains, then the
            total sum will be returned.  To get the local contribution
            only, use global_integral=False.
        hermitian: bool
            Result is hermitian.
        _transposed_result: ndarray
            Long story.  Don't use this unless you are a method of the
            MatrixOperator class ..."""
        xshape = a_xg.shape[:-3]
        if b_yg is None:
            # Only one array:
            result = a_xg.reshape(xshape + (-1,)).sum(axis=-1) * self.dv
            if global_integral:
                if result.ndim == 0:
                    result = self.comm.sum(result)
            return result

        A_xg = np.ascontiguousarray(a_xg.reshape((-1,) + a_xg.shape[-3:]))
        B_yg = np.ascontiguousarray(b_yg.reshape((-1,) + b_yg.shape[-3:]))

        if _transposed_result is None:
            result_yx = np.zeros((len(B_yg), len(A_xg)), A_xg.dtype)
            result_yx = _transposed_result
            global_integral = False

        if a_xg is b_yg:
            rk(self.dv, A_xg, 0.0, result_yx)
        elif hermitian:
            r2k(0.5 * self.dv, A_xg, B_yg, 0.0, result_yx)
            gemm(self.dv, A_xg, B_yg, 0.0, result_yx, 'c')
        if global_integral:

        yshape = b_yg.shape[:-3]
        result = result_yx.T.reshape(xshape + yshape)
        if result.ndim == 0:
            return result.item()
            return result
Пример #31
 def update_projectors(self):
     self.timer.start('LCAO update projectors') 
     # Loop over all k-points
     for k, kpt in enumerate(self.wfs.kpt_u):
         for a, P_ni in kpt.P_ani.items():
             print('Update projector: Rank:', world.rank, 'a', a)
             gemm(1.0, kpt.P_aMi[a], kpt.C_nM, 0.0, P_ni, 'n')
     self.timer.stop('LCAO update projectors') 
Пример #32
 def __call__(self, S_wx):
     """Inplace transform"""
     B_wx = S_wx.reshape((len(S_wx), -1))
     nw, nx = B_wx.shape
     tmp_wx = np.zeros((nw, min(nx, self.blocksize)), complex)
     for x in range(0, nx, self.blocksize):
         b_wx = B_wx[:, x:x + self.blocksize]
         c_wx = tmp_wx[:, :b_wx.shape[1]]
         gemm(1.0, b_wx, self.H_ww, 0.0, c_wx)
         b_wx[:] = c_wx
Пример #33
def add_paw_correction_to_overlap(setups, P_aqMi, S_qMM, Mstart=0, Mstop=None):
    if Mstop is None:
        Mstop = setups.nao
    for a, P_qMi in P_aqMi.items():
        dO_ii = np.asarray(setups[a].dO_ii, S_qMM.dtype)
        for S_MM, P_Mi in zip(S_qMM, P_qMi):
            dOP_iM = np.zeros((dO_ii.shape[1], setups.nao), P_Mi.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dO_ii, 0.0, dOP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dOP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, S_MM, 'n')
Пример #34
 def __call__(self, S_wx):
     """Inplace transform"""
     B_wx = S_wx.reshape((len(S_wx), -1))
     nw, nx = B_wx.shape
     tmp_wx = np.zeros((nw, min(nx, self.blocksize)), complex)
     for x in range(0, nx, self.blocksize):
         b_wx = B_wx[:, x : x + self.blocksize]
         c_wx = tmp_wx[:, : b_wx.shape[1]]
         gemm(1.0, b_wx, self.H_ww, 0.0, c_wx)
         b_wx[:] = c_wx
Пример #35
 def calculate(self, wfs, kpt, dH_asp, H_MM, y):
     Mstart = wfs.ksl.Mstart
     Mstop = wfs.ksl.Mstop
     dtype = wfs.dtype
     for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
         dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), dtype)
         dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), dtype)
         # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
         gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
         gemm(y, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
Пример #36
    def update_optimal_states(self):
        # pseudo wavefunctions
        self.phit_mG = self.gd.zeros(self.nocc)
        if self.nocc > 0:
            gemm(1.0, self.kpt.psit_nG[:self.nocc], self.W_mn, 0.0,

        # PAW
        self.P_ami = {}
        for a, P_ni in self.kpt.P_ani.items():
            self.P_ami[a] = np.dot(self.W_mn, P_ni[:self.nocc])
Пример #37
Файл: sic.py Проект: qsnake/gpaw
 def update_optimal_states(self):
     # pseudo wavefunctions
     self.phit_mG = self.gd.zeros(self.nocc)
     if self.nocc > 0:
         gemm(1.0, self.kpt.psit_nG[: self.nocc], self.W_mn, 0.0, self.phit_mG)
     # PAW
     self.P_ami = {}
     for a, P_ni in self.kpt.P_ani.items():
         self.P_ami[a] = np.dot(self.W_mn, P_ni[: self.nocc])
Пример #38
 def calculate_density_matrix(self, f_n, C_nM, rho_MM=None):
     # Only a madman would use a non-transposed density matrix.
     # Maybe we should use the get_transposed_density_matrix instead
     if rho_MM is None:
         rho_MM = np.zeros((self.mynao, self.nao), dtype=C_nM.dtype)
     # XXX Should not conjugate, but call gemm(..., 'c')
     # Although that requires knowing C_Mn and not C_nM.
     # that also conforms better to the usual conventions in literature
     Cf_Mn = C_nM.T.conj() * f_n
     gemm(1.0, C_nM, Cf_Mn, 0.0, rho_MM, 'n')
     return rho_MM
Пример #39
 def rotate_function(self, psit_oG, bfs, q=-1, indices=None):
     if indices is None:
         U_ow = self.U_ow
         U_Mw = self.U_Mw
         U_ow = self.U_ow[:, indices]
         U_Mw = self.U_Mw[:, indices]
     w_wG = np.zeros((U_ow.shape[1], ) + psit_oG.shape[1:])
     if len(U_ow) > 0:
         gemm(1., psit_oG, U_ow.T.copy(), 0., w_wG)
     bfs.lcao_to_grid(U_Mw.T.copy(), w_wG, q)
     return w_wG
Пример #40
 def rotate_function(self, psit_oG, bfs, q=-1, indices=None):
     if indices is None:
         U_ow = self.U_ow
         U_Mw = self.U_Mw
         U_ow = self.U_ow[:, indices]
         U_Mw = self.U_Mw[:, indices]
     w_wG = np.zeros((U_ow.shape[1],) + psit_oG.shape[1:])
     if len(U_ow) > 0:
         gemm(1.0, psit_oG, U_ow.T.copy(), 0.0, w_wG)
     bfs.lcao_to_grid(U_Mw.T.copy(), w_wG, q)
     return w_wG
Пример #41
    def update(self, n_mG, deps_m, df_m, chi0_wGG):
        if self.timeordered:
            deps1_m = deps_m + 1j * self.eta * np.sign(deps_m)
            deps2_m = deps1_m
            deps1_m = deps_m + 1j * self.eta
            deps2_m = deps_m - 1j * self.eta

        for omega, chi0_GG in zip(self.omega_w, chi0_wGG):
            x_m = df_m * (1 / (omega + deps1_m) - 1 / (omega - deps2_m))
            nx_mG = n_mG * x_m[:, np.newaxis]
            gemm(self.prefactor, n_mG.conj(), np.ascontiguousarray(nx_mG.T), 1.0, chi0_GG)
Пример #42
def add_paw_correction_to_overlap(setups, P_aqMi, S_qMM, Mstart=0,
    if Mstop is None:
        Mstop = setups.nao
    for a, P_qMi in P_aqMi.items():
        dO_ii = np.asarray(setups[a].dO_ii, S_qMM.dtype)
        for S_MM, P_Mi in zip(S_qMM, P_qMi):
            dOP_iM = np.zeros((dO_ii.shape[1], setups.nao),
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dO_ii, 0.0, dOP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dOP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop],
                 1.0, S_MM, 'n')
Пример #43
    def update(self, n_mG, deps_m, df_m, chi0_wGG):
        if self.timeordered:
            deps1_m = deps_m + 1j * self.eta * np.sign(deps_m)
            deps2_m = deps1_m
            deps1_m = deps_m + 1j * self.eta
            deps2_m = deps_m - 1j * self.eta

        for omega, chi0_GG in zip(self.omega_w, chi0_wGG):
            x_m = df_m * (1 / (omega + deps1_m) - 1 / (omega - deps2_m))
            nx_mG = n_mG * x_m[:, np.newaxis]
            gemm(self.prefactor, n_mG.conj(), np.ascontiguousarray(nx_mG.T),
                 1.0, chi0_GG)
Пример #44
 def calculate(self, wfs, q, dX_aii, X_MM):
     dtype = X_MM.dtype
     nops = 0
     for a, dX_ii in dX_aii.items():
         P_Mi = self.P_aqMi[a][q]
         assert dtype == P_Mi.dtype
         dXP_iM = np.zeros((dX_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), dtype)
         # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
         gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dX_ii, 0.0, dXP_iM, 'c')
         nops += dXP_iM.size * dX_ii.shape[0]
         gemm(1.0, dXP_iM, P_Mi[self.Mstart:self.Mstop], 1.0, X_MM)
         nops += X_MM.size * dXP_iM.shape[0]
     self.nops = nops
Пример #45
    def calculate_hamiltonian_matrix(self, hamiltonian, wfs, kpt, Vt_xMM=None,
        # XXX document parallel stuff, particularly root parameter
        assert self.has_initialized

        bf = wfs.basis_functions
        if Vt_xMM is None:
            wfs.timer.start('Potential matrix')
            vt_G = hamiltonian.vt_sG[kpt.s]
            Vt_xMM = bf.calculate_potential_matrices(vt_G)
            wfs.timer.stop('Potential matrix')

        if bf.gamma:
            y = 1.0
            H_MM = Vt_xMM[0]
            if wfs.dtype == complex:
                H_MM = H_MM.astype(complex)
            wfs.timer.start('Sum over cells')
            y = 0.5
            k_c = wfs.kd.ibzk_qc[kpt.q]
            H_MM = (0.5 + 0.0j) * Vt_xMM[0]
            for sdisp_c, Vt_MM in zip(bf.sdisp_xc, Vt_xMM)[1:]:
                H_MM += np.exp(2j * np.pi * np.dot(sdisp_c, k_c)) * Vt_MM
            wfs.timer.stop('Sum over cells')
        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(hamiltonian.dH_asp[a][kpt.s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(y, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        wfs.timer.start('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM = wfs.ksl.distribute_overlap_matrix(
            H_MM, root, add_hermitian_conjugate=(y == 0.5))
        wfs.timer.stop('Distribute overlap matrix')
        H_MM += wfs.T_qMM[kpt.q]
        return H_MM
Пример #46
 def make_optimized(qstart, qend):
     g_qG = np.zeros((qend - qstart,) + w_wG.shape[1:], float)
     P_aqp = {}
     for a, P_wi in P_awi.items():
         ni = P_wi.shape[1]
         nii = ni * (ni + 1) // 2
         P_aqp[a] = np.zeros((qend - qstart, nii), float)
     for w1, w1_G in enumerate(w_wG):
         U = Uisq_iqj[w1, qstart: qend].copy()
         gemm(1., w1_G * w_wG, U, 1.0, g_qG)
         for a, P_wi in P_awi.items():
             P_wp = np.array([pack(np.outer(P_wi[w1], P_wi[w2])) 
                             for w2 in range(Ni)])
             gemm(1., P_wp, U, 1.0, P_aqp[a])
     return g_qG, P_aqp
Пример #47
def matrix_multiply(C_nn, psit_mG, send_mG, recv_mG):
    """Calculate new linear compination of wave functions."""
    rank = band_comm.rank
    C_imim = C_nn.reshape((B, M, B, M))
    send_mG[:] = psit_mG
    psit_mG[:] = 0.0
    beta = 0.0
    for i in range(B - 1):
        gemm(1.0, send_mG, C_imim[rank, :, (rank + i) % B], beta, psit_mG)
        beta = 1.0
        band_comm.sendreceive(send_mG, (rank - 1) % B, recv_mG, (rank + 1) % B, 117, 117)
        send_mG, recv_mG = recv_mG, send_mG
    gemm(1.0, send_mG, C_imim[rank, :, rank - 1], beta, psit_mG)

    return psit_mG
Пример #48
 def make_optimized(qstart, qend):
     g_qG = np.zeros((qend - qstart,) + w_wG.shape[1:], float)
     P_aqp = {}
     for a, P_wi in P_awi.items():
         ni = P_wi.shape[1]
         nii = ni * (ni + 1) // 2
         P_aqp[a] = np.zeros((qend - qstart, nii), float)
     for w1, w1_G in enumerate(w_wG):
         U = Uisq_iqj[w1, qstart: qend].copy()
         gemm(1., w1_G * w_wG, U, 1.0, g_qG)
         for a, P_wi in P_awi.items():
             P_wp = np.array([pack(np.outer(P_wi[w1], P_wi[w2])) 
                             for w2 in range(Ni)])
             gemm(1., P_wp, U, 1.0, P_aqp[a])
     return g_qG, P_aqp
Пример #49
    def get_overlap_energydiff(self, k, spin, mynks):
        """Calculate overlap matrices and energy difference matrix
        for requested k-point and spin with index mynks

        k		global k-point index
        spin		global spin index
        mynks		local k-point and spin index

        overlap_qvnm	overlap matrix of direction and bands
        de_nm		energy difference matrix of bands"""

        nbands = self.calc.get_number_of_bands()  # total number of bands
        identity_nm = identity(nbands, dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype)  # identity
        eigenvalues_n = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[mynks].eps_n.copy()  # eigenvalues
        occupations_n = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[mynks].f_n.copy()  # occupations
        coeff_nnu = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[mynks].C_nM.copy()  # LCAO coefficients

        #Include the GLLBSC scissors correction, if implemented
        eigenvalues_n[self.nocc:] += self.scissor

        if self.singlet:
            spin2 = self.swap_unoccupied(eigenvalues_n, occupations_n,
                                         coeff_nnu, mynks)
            spin2 = spin
        # Calculating PAW Corrections
        de_nm = (outer(eigenvalues_n, ones(nbands)) -
                 outer(ones(nbands), eigenvalues_n))
        df_nm = self.get_df_nm(occupations_n,
        gradcoeff_num = zeros(coeff_nnu.shape, dtype=self.calc.wfs.dtype)
        # Overlap Matrix initialized with PAW overlaps
        overlap_qvnm = self.get_paw_overlap(spin1=spin, spin2=spin2, k=k)
        # Calculating Overlap Matrix
        # Perform Matrix Multiplications for each direction
        nkpts = self.grad_phi_kqvnumu.shape[0]
        for qdir in range(3):
            # Be careful that mynks points to the k-point index
            gemm(1.0, self.grad_phi_kqvnumu[mynks % nkpts, qdir], coeff_nnu,
                 0.0, gradcoeff_num)
            gemm(1.0, coeff_nnu, gradcoeff_num, 1.0, overlap_qvnm[qdir], 'c')
            overlap_qvnm[qdir] /= de_nm + identity_nm
        # Sum overlap_qvnm over domains
        overlap_qvnm = self.prefactor * df_nm * (overlap_qvnm *
        return overlap_qvnm.real, de_nm
Пример #50
    def calculate_atomic_density_matrices_k_point(self, D_sii, kpt, a, f_n):
        if kpt.rho_MM is not None:
            P_Mi = self.P_aqMi[a][kpt.q]
            rhoP_Mi = np.zeros_like(P_Mi)
            D_ii = np.zeros(D_sii[kpt.s].shape, kpt.rho_MM.dtype)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, kpt.rho_MM, 0.0, rhoP_Mi)
            gemm(1.0, rhoP_Mi, P_Mi.T.conj().copy(), 0.0, D_ii)
            D_sii[kpt.s] += D_ii.real
            P_ni = kpt.P_ani[a]
            D_sii[kpt.s] += np.dot(P_ni.T.conj() * f_n, P_ni).real

        if hasattr(kpt, 'c_on'):
            for ne, c_n in zip(kpt.ne_o, kpt.c_on):
                d_nn = ne * np.outer(c_n.conj(), c_n)
                D_sii[kpt.s] += np.dot(P_ni.T.conj(), np.dot(d_nn, P_ni)).real
Пример #51
def matrix_multiply(C_nn, psit_mG, send_mG, recv_mG):
    """Calculate new linear compination of wave functions."""
    rank = band_comm.rank
    C_imim = C_nn.reshape((B, M, B, M))
    send_mG[:] = psit_mG
    psit_mG[:] = 0.0
    beta = 0.0
    for i in range(B - 1):
        gemm(1.0, send_mG, C_imim[rank, :, (rank + i) % B], beta, psit_mG)
        beta = 1.0
        band_comm.sendreceive(send_mG, (rank - 1) % B, recv_mG, (rank + 1) % B,
                              117, 117)
        send_mG, recv_mG = recv_mG, send_mG
    gemm(1.0, send_mG, C_imim[rank, :, rank - 1], beta, psit_mG)

    return psit_mG
Пример #52
    def calculate_residual_change(self, psit_xG, Htpsit_xG, P_axi, c_axi, n_x):

        assert len(n_x) == 1

        Htphit_mG = self.Htphit_mG
        phit_mG = self.phit_mG

        w_mx = np.zeros((self.nocc, 1), dtype=self.dtype)
        v_mx = np.zeros((self.nocc, 1), dtype=self.dtype)

        gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_xG, phit_mG, 0.0, w_mx, 't')
        gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_xG, Htphit_mG, 0.0, v_mx, 't')

        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            P_xi = P_axi[a]
            dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            w_mx += np.dot(P_mi, np.dot(dO_ii, P_xi.T))

            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                v_mx[m] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_xi.T))

        # sum over grid-domains

        V_mm = 0.5 * (self.V_mm + self.V_mm.T)
        q_mx = v_mx - np.dot(V_mm, w_mx)

        if self.stabpot != 0.0:
            q_mx -= self.stabpot * w_mx

        gemm(1.0, Htphit_mG, w_mx.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_xG)
        gemm(1.0, phit_mG, q_mx.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_xG)

        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            c_xi = c_axi[a]
            ct_mi = P_mi.copy()

            dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            c_xi += np.dot(q_mx.T, np.dot(P_mi, dO_ii))

            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                ct_mi[m] = np.dot(P_mi[m], dH_ii)
            c_xi += np.dot(w_mx.T, ct_mi)

        if self.stabpot != 0.0:
            Htphit_mG += self.stabpot * psit_xG
            for a, P_xi in P_axi.items():
                dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
                c_axi[a] += self.stabpot * np.dot(P_xi, dO_ii)
Пример #53
def overlap(psit_mG, send_mG, recv_mG):
    """Calculate overlap matrix.

    The master (rank=0) will return the matrix with only the lower
    part filled in."""
    Q = B // 2 + 1
    rank = band_comm.rank
    S_imm = np.empty((Q, M, M))
    send_mG[:] = psit_mG

    # Shift wave functions:
    for i in range(Q - 1):
        gemm(gd.dv, psit_mG, send_mG, 0.0, S_imm[i], 'c')
        if (band_comm.rank % 2 == 0):
            band_comm.send(send_mG, (rank - 1) % B, 42)
            band_comm.receive(recv_mG, (rank + 1) % B, 42)
            band_comm.receive(recv_mG, (rank + 1) % B, 42)
            band_comm.send(send_mG, (rank - 1) % B, 42)
        send_mG, recv_mG = recv_mG, send_mG
    gemm(gd.dv, psit_mG, send_mG, 0.0, S_imm[Q - 1], 'c')


    t1 = time()
    if domain_comm.rank == 0:
        if band_comm.rank == 0:
            # Master collects submatrices:
            S_nn = np.empty((N,N))
            S_nn[:] = 11111.77777
            S_imim = S_nn.reshape((B, M, B, M))
            S_imim[:Q, :, 0] = S_imm
            for i1 in range(1, B):
                band_comm.receive(S_imm, i1, i1)
                for i2 in range(Q):
                    if i1 + i2 < B:
                        S_imim[i1 + i2, :, i1] = S_imm[i2]
                        S_imim[i1, :, i1 + i2 - B] = S_imm[i2].T
            t2 = time()
            print 'Collect submatrices time %f' % (t2-t1)
            return S_nn
            # Slaves send their submatrices:
            band_comm.send(S_imm, 0, band_comm.rank)
Пример #54
    def calculate_residual(self, psit_nG, Htpsit_nG, P_ani, c_ani):
        """ Calculate the action of the unified Hamiltonian on an
            arbitrary state:

                H_u|Psi> =

        nocc = self.nocc
        nvirt = psit_nG.shape[0] - nocc

        # constraint for unoccupied states
        R_mk = np.zeros((nocc, nvirt), dtype=self.dtype)
        if nvirt > 0:
            gemm(self.gd.dv, psit_nG[nocc:], self.Htphit_mG, 0.0, R_mk, 't')
            # PAW
            for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
                P_ni = P_ani[a]

                for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                    dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                    R_mk[m] += np.dot(P_mi[m], np.dot(dH_ii, P_ni[nocc:].T))


        # self.R_mk = R_mk
        # R_mk  = self.R_mk
        W_mn = self.W_mn
        Htphit_mG = self.Htphit_mG
        phit_mG = self.phit_mG
        K_mm = 0.5 * (self.V_mm - self.V_mm.T)
        Q_mn = np.dot(K_mm, W_mn)

        # Action of unified Hamiltonian on occupied states:
        if nocc > 0:
            gemm(1.0, Htphit_mG, W_mn.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_nG[:nocc])
            gemm(1.0, phit_mG, Q_mn.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_nG[:nocc])
        if nvirt > 0:
            gemm(1.0, phit_mG, R_mk.T.copy(), 1.0, Htpsit_nG[nocc:])
            if self.stabpot != 0.0:
                Htpsit_nG[nocc:] += self.stabpot * psit_nG[nocc:]

        # PAW
        for a, P_mi in self.P_ami.items():
            c_ni = c_ani[a]
            ct_mi = P_mi.copy()
            dO_ii = self.setups[a].dO_ii
            c_ni[:nocc] += np.dot(Q_mn.T, np.dot(P_mi, dO_ii))
            c_ni[nocc:] += np.dot(R_mk.T, np.dot(P_mi, dO_ii))
            for m, dH_p in enumerate(self.dH_amp[a]):
                dH_ii = unpack(dH_p)
                ct_mi[m] = np.dot(P_mi[m], dH_ii)
            c_ni[:nocc] += np.dot(W_mn.T, ct_mi)
            c_ni[nocc:] += self.stabpot * np.dot(P_ani[a][nocc:], dO_ii)
Пример #55
def dot(a, b, transa='n'):
    assert len(a.shape) == 2 and a.shape[1] == b.shape[0]
    dtype = complex
    if a.dtype == complex and b.dtype == complex:
        c = a
        d = b
    elif a.dtype == float and b.dtype == complex:
        c = np.array(a, complex)
        d = b
    elif a.dtype == complex and b.dtype == float:
        d = np.array(b, complex)
        c = a
        dtype = float
        c = a
        d = b
    e = np.zeros([c.shape[0], d.shape[1]], dtype)
    gemm(1.0, np.ascontiguousarray(d), np.ascontiguousarray(c), 0.0, e, transa)
    return e
    def get_component(self, wfs, s, vt_sG, dH_asp, kpt, H_MM):
        wfs.basis_functions.calculate_potential_matrix(vt_sG[s], H_MM, kpt.q)

        # Add atomic contribution
        #           --   a     a  a*
        # H      += >   P    dH  P
        #  mu nu    --   mu i  ij nu j
        #           aij
        wfs.timer.start('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        Mstart = wfs.basis_functions.Mstart
        Mstop = wfs.basis_functions.Mstop
        wfs.timer.stop('Atomic Hamiltonian')
        for a, P_Mi in kpt.P_aMi.items():
            dH_ii = np.asarray(unpack(dH_asp[a][s]), wfs.dtype)
            dHP_iM = np.zeros((dH_ii.shape[1], P_Mi.shape[0]), wfs.dtype)
            # (ATLAS can't handle uninitialized output array)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, dH_ii, 0.0, dHP_iM, 'c')
            gemm(1.0, dHP_iM, P_Mi[Mstart:Mstop], 1.0, H_MM)
Пример #57
    def calculate_atomic_density_matrices_k_point(self, D_sii, kpt, a, f_n):
        if kpt.rho_MM is not None:
            P_Mi = kpt.P_aMi[a]
            #P_Mi = kpt.P_aMi_sparse[a]
            #ind = get_matrix_index(kpt.P_aMi_index[a])
            #D_sii[kpt.s] += np.dot(np.dot(P_Mi.T.conj(), kpt.rho_MM),
            #                       P_Mi).real
            rhoP_Mi = np.zeros_like(P_Mi)
            D_ii = np.zeros(D_sii[kpt.s].shape, kpt.rho_MM.dtype)
            #gemm(1.0, P_Mi, kpt.rho_MM[ind.T, ind], 0.0, tmp)
            gemm(1.0, P_Mi, kpt.rho_MM, 0.0, rhoP_Mi)
            gemm(1.0, rhoP_Mi, P_Mi.T.conj().copy(), 0.0, D_ii)
            D_sii[kpt.s] += D_ii.real
            #D_sii[kpt.s] += dot(dot(P_Mi.T.conj().copy(),
            #                        kpt.rho_MM[ind.T, ind]), P_Mi).real
            P_ni = kpt.P_ani[a]
            D_sii[kpt.s] += np.dot(P_ni.T.conj() * f_n, P_ni).real

        if hasattr(kpt, 'c_on'):
            for ne, c_n in zip(kpt.ne_o, kpt.c_on):
                d_nn = ne * np.outer(c_n.conj(), c_n)
                D_sii[kpt.s] += np.dot(P_ni.T.conj(), np.dot(d_nn, P_ni)).real
Пример #58
    def update_hilbert(self, n_mG, deps_m, df_m, chi0_wGG):
        beta = (2 ** 0.5 - 1) * self.domega0 / self.omega2
        o_m = abs(deps_m)
        w_m = (o_m / (self.domega0 + beta * o_m)).astype(int)
        o1_m = self.omega_w[w_m]
        o2_m = self.omega_w[w_m + 1]
        p_m = self.prefactor * abs(df_m) / (o2_m - o1_m) ** 2  # XXX abs()?
        p1_m = p_m * (o2_m - o_m)
        p2_m = p_m * (o_m - o1_m)

        if self.blockcomm.size > 1:
            for p1, p2, n_G, w in zip(p1_m, p2_m, n_mG, w_m):
                myn_G = n_G[self.Ga : self.Gb].reshape((-1, 1))
                gemm(p1, n_G.reshape((-1, 1)), myn_G, 1.0, chi0_wGG[w], "c")
                gemm(p2, n_G.reshape((-1, 1)), myn_G, 1.0, chi0_wGG[w + 1], "c")
                # chi0_wGG[w + 1] += p2 * np.outer(myn_G, n_G.conj())

        for p1, p2, n_G, w in zip(p1_m, p2_m, n_mG, w_m):
            czher(p1, n_G.conj(), chi0_wGG[w])
            czher(p2, n_G.conj(), chi0_wGG[w + 1])