Пример #1
    def load(self, method):
        """Make sure all necessary attributes have been initialized"""

        assert method in ('real', 'recip_gauss', 'recip_ewald'),\
            str(method) + ' is an invalid method name,\n' +\
            'use either real, recip_gauss, or recip_ewald'

        if method.startswith('recip'):
            if self.gd.comm.size > 1:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot do parallel FFT, use method='real'")
            if not hasattr(self, 'k2'):
                self.k2, self.N3 = construct_reciprocal(self.gd)
            if method.endswith('ewald') and not hasattr(self, 'ewald'):
                # cutoff radius
                assert self.gd.orthogonal
                rc = 0.5 * np.average(self.gd.cell_cv.diagonal())
                # ewald potential: 1 - cos(k rc)
                self.ewald = (np.ones(self.gd.n_c) -
                              np.cos(np.sqrt(self.k2) * rc))
                # lim k -> 0 ewald / k2
                self.ewald[0, 0, 0] = 0.5 * rc**2
            elif method.endswith('gauss') and not hasattr(self, 'ng'):
                gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
                self.ng = gauss.get_gauss(0) / sqrt(4 * pi)
                self.vg = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0) / sqrt(4 * pi)
        else:  # method == 'real'
            if not hasattr(self, 'solve'):
                if self.poisson is not None:
                    self.solve = self.poisson.solve
                    solver = PoissonSolver(nn=2)
                    self.solve = solver.solve
Пример #2
 def initialize(self, gd, load_gauss=False):
     # XXX this won't work now, but supposedly this class will be deprecated
     # in favour of FFTPoissonSolver, no?
     self.gd = gd
     if self.gd.comm.size > 1:
         raise RuntimeError('Cannot do parallel FFT.')
     self.k2, self.N3 = construct_reciprocal(self.gd)
     if load_gauss:
         gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
         self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
         self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)
Пример #3
 def initialize(self, gd, load_gauss=False):
     # XXX this won't work now, but supposedly this class will be deprecated
     # in favour of FFTPoissonSolver, no?
     self.gd = gd
     if self.gd.comm.size > 1:
         raise RuntimeError('Cannot do parallel FFT.')
     self.k2, self.N3 = construct_reciprocal(self.gd)
     if load_gauss:
         gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
         self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
         self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)
Пример #4
    def load_moment_corrections_gauss(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'gauss_i'):
            self.gauss_i = []
            mask_ir = []
            r_ir = []
            self.mom_ij = []

            for rmom in self.moment_corrections:
                if rmom['center'] is None:
                    center = None
                    center = np.array(rmom['center'])
                mom_j = rmom['moms']
                gauss = Gaussian(self.gd, center=center)

            r_ir = np.array(r_ir)
            mask_ir = np.array(mask_ir)

            Ni = r_ir.shape[0]
            Nr = r_ir.shape[1]

            for r in range(Nr):
                i = np.argmin(r_ir[:, r])
                mask_ir[i, r] = 1

            self.mask_ig = []
            for i in range(Ni):
                mask_r = mask_ir[i]
                mask_g = mask_r.reshape(self.gd.n_c)
Пример #5
    def load_gauss(self, center=None):
        """Load compensating charge distribution for charged systems.

        See Appendix B of
        A. Held and M. Walter, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 174108 (2014).
        # XXX Check if update is needed (dielectric changed)?
        epsr, dx_epsr, dy_epsr, dz_epsr = self.dielectric.eps_gradeps
        gauss = Gaussian(self.gd, center=center)
        rho_g = gauss.get_gauss(0)
        phi_g = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)
        x, y, z = gauss.xyz
        fac = 2. * np.sqrt(gauss.a) * np.exp(-gauss.a * gauss.r2)
        fac /= np.sqrt(np.pi) * gauss.r2
        fac -= erf(np.sqrt(gauss.a) * gauss.r) / (gauss.r2 * gauss.r)
        fac *= 2.0 * 1.7724538509055159
        dx_phi_g = fac * x
        dy_phi_g = fac * y
        dz_phi_g = fac * z
        sp = dx_phi_g * dx_epsr + dy_phi_g * dy_epsr + dz_phi_g * dz_epsr
        rho = epsr * rho_g - 1. / (4. * np.pi) * sp
        invnorm = np.sqrt(4. * np.pi) / self.gd.integrate(rho)
        self.phi_gauss = phi_g * invnorm
        self.rho_gauss = rho * invnorm
Пример #6
 def load_gauss(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'rho_gauss'):
         gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
         self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
         self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)
Пример #7
class FDPoissonSolver:
    def __init__(self, nn=3, relax='J', eps=2e-10, maxiter=1000,
                 remove_moment=None, use_charge_center=False):
        self.relax = relax
        self.nn = nn
        self.eps = eps
        self.charged_periodic_correction = None
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.remove_moment = remove_moment
        self.use_charge_center = use_charge_center

        # Relaxation method
        if relax == 'GS':
            # Gauss-Seidel
            self.relax_method = 1
        elif relax == 'J':
            # Jacobi
            self.relax_method = 2
            raise NotImplementedError('Relaxation method %s' % relax)

        self.description = None

    def todict(self):
        return {'name': 'fd', 'nn': self.nn, 'relax': self.relax,
                'eps': self.eps, 'remove_moment': self.remove_moment}
    def get_stencil(self):
        return self.nn

    def set_grid_descriptor(self, gd):
        # Should probably be renamed initialize
        self.gd = gd
        scale = -0.25 / pi

        if self.nn == 'M':
            if not gd.orthogonal:
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot use Mehrstellen stencil with '
                                   'non orthogonal cell.')

            self.operators = [LaplaceA(gd, -scale)]
            self.B = LaplaceB(gd)
            self.operators = [Laplace(gd, scale, self.nn)]
            self.B = None

        self.interpolators = []
        self.restrictors = []

        level = 0
        self.presmooths = [2]
        self.postsmooths = [1]

        # Weights for the relaxation,
        # only used if 'J' (Jacobi) is chosen as method
        self.weights = [2.0 / 3.0]

        while level < 8:
                gd2 = gd.coarsen()
            except ValueError:
            self.operators.append(Laplace(gd2, scale, 1))
            self.interpolators.append(Transformer(gd2, gd))
            self.restrictors.append(Transformer(gd, gd2))
            level += 1
            gd = gd2

        self.levels = level

        if self.operators[-1].gd.N_c.max() > 36:
            # Try to warn exactly once no matter how one uses the solver.
            if gd.comm.parent is None:
                warn = (gd.comm.rank == 0)
                warn = (gd.comm.parent.rank == 0)

            if warn:
                warntxt = '\n'.join([POISSON_GRID_WARNING, '',
                warntxt = ('Poisson warning from domain rank %d'
                           % self.gd.comm.rank)

            # Warn from all ranks to avoid deadlocks.
            warnings.warn(warntxt, stacklevel=2)

    def get_description(self):
        name = {1: 'Gauss-Seidel', 2: 'Jacobi'}[self.relax_method]
        coarsest_grid = self.operators[-1].gd.N_c
        coarsest_grid_string = ' x '.join([str(N) for N in coarsest_grid])
        assert self.levels + 1 == len(self.operators)
        lines = ['%s solver with %d multi-grid levels'
                 % (name, self.levels + 1),
                 '    Coarsest grid: %s points' % coarsest_grid_string]
        if coarsest_grid.max() > 24:
            # This friendly warning has lower threshold than the big long
            # one that we print when things are really bad.
            lines.extend(['    Warning: Coarse grid has more than 24 points.',
                          '             More multi-grid levels recommended.'])
        lines.extend(['    Stencil: %s' % self.operators[0].description,
                      '    Tolerance: %e' % self.eps,
                      '    Max iterations: %d' % self.maxiter])
        if self.remove_moment is not None:
            lines.append('    Remove moments up to L=%d' % self.remove_moment)
        if self.use_charge_center:
            lines.append('    Compensate for charged system using center of '
                         'majority charge')
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def initialize(self, load_gauss=False):
        # Should probably be renamed allocate
        gd = self.gd
        self.rhos = [gd.empty()]
        self.phis = [None]
        self.residuals = [gd.empty()]
        for level in range(self.levels):
            gd2 = gd.coarsen()
            gd = gd2
        assert len(self.phis) == len(self.rhos)
        level += 1
        assert level == self.levels

        self.step = 0.66666666 / self.operators[0].get_diagonal_element()
        self.presmooths[level] = 8
        self.postsmooths[level] = 8

        if load_gauss:

    def load_gauss(self, center=None):
        if not hasattr(self, 'rho_gauss') or center is not None:
            gauss = Gaussian(self.gd, center=center)
            self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
            self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)

    def solve(self, phi, rho, charge=None, eps=None, maxcharge=1e-6,
        assert np.all(phi.shape == self.gd.n_c)
        assert np.all(rho.shape == self.gd.n_c)

        if eps is None:
            eps = self.eps
        actual_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho)
        background = (actual_charge / self.gd.dv /

        if self.remove_moment:
            assert not self.gd.pbc_c.any()
            if not hasattr(self, 'gauss'):
                self.gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
            rho_neutral = rho.copy()
            phi_cor_L = []
            for L in range(self.remove_moment):
                phi_cor_L.append(self.gauss.remove_moment(rho_neutral, L))
            # Remove multipoles for better initial guess
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi -= phi_cor

            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)
            # correct error introduced by removing multipoles
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi += phi_cor

            return niter
        if charge is None:
            charge = actual_charge
        if abs(charge) <= maxcharge:
            # System is charge neutral. Use standard solver
            return self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and self.gd.pbc_c.all():
            # System is charged and periodic. Subtract a homogeneous
            # background charge

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0

            iters = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)
            return iters

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and not self.gd.pbc_c.any():
            # The system is charged and in a non-periodic unit cell.
            # Determine the potential by 1) subtract a gaussian from the
            # density, 2) determine potential from the neutralized density
            # and 3) add the potential from the gaussian density.

            # Load necessary attributes

            # use_charge_center: The monopole will be removed at the
            # center of the majority charge, which prevents artificial
            # dipoles.
            # Due to the shape of the Gaussian and it's Fourier-Transform,
            # the Gaussian representing the charge should stay at least
            # 7 gpts from the borders - see:
            # https://listserv.fysik.dtu.dk/pipermail/gpaw-developers/2015-July/005806.html
            if self.use_charge_center:
                charge_sign = actual_charge / abs(actual_charge)
                rho_sign = rho * charge_sign
                rho_sign[np.where(rho_sign < 0)] = 0
                absolute_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho_sign)
                center = - self.gd.calculate_dipole_moment(rho_sign) \
                        / absolute_charge
                border_offset = np.inner(self.gd.h_cv, np.array((7, 7, 7)))
                borders = np.inner(self.gd.h_cv, self.gd.N_c)
                borders -= border_offset
                if np.any(center > borders) or np.any(center < border_offset):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                            'Poisson solver: center of charge outside' + \
                            ' borders - please increase box')
                    center[np.where(center > borders)] = borders

            # Remove monopole moment
            q = actual_charge / np.sqrt(4 * pi)  # Monopole moment
            rho_neutral = rho - q * self.rho_gauss  # neutralized density

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0
                axpy(-q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi -= q * self.phi_gauss

            # Determine potential from neutral density using standard solver
            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)

            # correct error introduced by removing monopole
            axpy(q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi += q * self.phi_gauss

            return niter
            # System is charged with mixed boundaryconditions
            msg = ('Charged systems with mixed periodic/zero'
                   ' boundary conditions')
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def solve_neutral(self, phi, rho, eps=2e-10):
        self.phis[0] = phi

        if self.B is None:
            self.rhos[0][:] = rho
            self.B.apply(rho, self.rhos[0])

        niter = 1
        maxiter = self.maxiter
        while self.iterate2(self.step) > eps and niter < maxiter:
            niter += 1
        if niter == maxiter:
            msg = 'Poisson solver did not converge in %d iterations!' % maxiter
            raise PoissonConvergenceError(msg)

        # Set the average potential to zero in periodic systems
        if np.alltrue(self.gd.pbc_c):
            phi_ave = self.gd.comm.sum(np.sum(phi.ravel()))
            N_c = self.gd.get_size_of_global_array()
            phi_ave /= np.product(N_c)
            phi -= phi_ave

        return niter

    def iterate2(self, step, level=0):
        """Smooths the solution in every multigrid level"""

        residual = self.residuals[level]

        if level < self.levels:

            self.operators[level].apply(self.phis[level], residual)
            residual -= self.rhos[level]
                                          self.rhos[level + 1])
            self.phis[level + 1][:] = 0.0
            self.iterate2(4.0 * step, level + 1)
            self.interpolators[level].apply(self.phis[level + 1], residual)
            self.phis[level] -= residual

        if level == 0:
            self.operators[level].apply(self.phis[level], residual)
            residual -= self.rhos[level]
            error = self.gd.comm.sum(np.dot(residual.ravel(),
                                            residual.ravel())) * self.gd.dv
            # How about this instead:
            # error = self.gd.comm.max(abs(residual).max())
            return error

    def estimate_memory(self, mem):
        # XXX Memory estimate works only for J and GS, not FFT solver
        # Poisson solver appears to use same amount of memory regardless
        # of whether it's J or GS, which is a bit strange

        gdbytes = self.gd.bytecount()
        nbytes = -gdbytes  # No phi on finest grid, compensate ahead
        for level in range(self.levels):
            nbytes += 3 * gdbytes  # Arrays: rho, phi, residual
            gdbytes //= 8
        mem.subnode('rho, phi, residual [%d levels]' % self.levels, nbytes)

    def __repr__(self):
        template = 'PoissonSolver(relax=\'%s\', nn=%s, eps=%e)'
        representation = template % (self.relax, repr(self.nn), self.eps)
        return representation

# Initialize classes
a = 20  # Size of cell
N = 48  # Number of grid points
Nc = (N, N, N)  # Number of grid points along each axis
gd = GridDescriptor(Nc, (a, a, a), 0)  # Grid-descriptor object
solver = PoissonSolver(nn=3)  # Numerical poisson solver
solve = solver.solve
xyz, r2 = coordinates(gd)  # Matrix with the square of the radial coordinate
r = np.sqrt(r2)  # Matrix with the values of the radial coordinate
nH = np.exp(-2 * r) / pi  # Density of the hydrogen atom
gauss = Gaussian(gd)  # An instance of Gaussian

# /------------------------------------------------\
# | Check if Gaussian densities are made correctly |
# \------------------------------------------------/
for gL in range(2, 9):
    g = gauss.get_gauss(gL)  # a gaussian of gL'th order
    print("\nGaussian of order", gL)
    for mL in range(9):
        m = gauss.get_moment(g, mL)  # the mL'th moment of g
        print("  %s'th moment = %2.6f" % (mL, m))
        equal(m, gL == mL, 1e-4)

# Check the moments of the constructed 1s density
print("\nDensity of Hydrogen atom")
for L in range(4):
Пример #9
 def load_gauss(self, center=None):
     if not hasattr(self, 'rho_gauss') or center is not None:
         gauss = Gaussian(self.gd, center=center)
         self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
         self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)
Пример #10
    def solve(self, phi, rho, charge=None, eps=None, maxcharge=1e-6,
        assert np.all(phi.shape == self.gd.n_c)
        assert np.all(rho.shape == self.gd.n_c)

        if eps is None:
            eps = self.eps
        actual_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho)
        background = (actual_charge / self.gd.dv /

        if self.remove_moment:
            assert not self.gd.pbc_c.any()
            if not hasattr(self, 'gauss'):
                self.gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
            rho_neutral = rho.copy()
            phi_cor_L = []
            for L in range(self.remove_moment):
                phi_cor_L.append(self.gauss.remove_moment(rho_neutral, L))
            # Remove multipoles for better initial guess
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi -= phi_cor

            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)
            # correct error introduced by removing multipoles
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi += phi_cor

            return niter
        if charge is None:
            charge = actual_charge
        if abs(charge) <= maxcharge:
            # System is charge neutral. Use standard solver
            return self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and self.gd.pbc_c.all():
            # System is charged and periodic. Subtract a homogeneous
            # background charge

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0

            iters = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)
            return iters

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and not self.gd.pbc_c.any():
            # The system is charged and in a non-periodic unit cell.
            # Determine the potential by 1) subtract a gaussian from the
            # density, 2) determine potential from the neutralized density
            # and 3) add the potential from the gaussian density.

            # Load necessary attributes

            # use_charge_center: The monopole will be removed at the
            # center of the majority charge, which prevents artificial
            # dipoles.
            # Due to the shape of the Gaussian and it's Fourier-Transform,
            # the Gaussian representing the charge should stay at least
            # 7 gpts from the borders - see:
            # https://listserv.fysik.dtu.dk/pipermail/gpaw-developers/2015-July/005806.html
            if self.use_charge_center:
                charge_sign = actual_charge / abs(actual_charge)
                rho_sign = rho * charge_sign
                rho_sign[np.where(rho_sign < 0)] = 0
                absolute_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho_sign)
                center = - self.gd.calculate_dipole_moment(rho_sign) \
                        / absolute_charge
                border_offset = np.inner(self.gd.h_cv, np.array((7, 7, 7)))
                borders = np.inner(self.gd.h_cv, self.gd.N_c)
                borders -= border_offset
                if np.any(center > borders) or np.any(center < border_offset):
                    raise RuntimeError(
                            'Poisson solver: center of charge outside' + \
                            ' borders - please increase box')
                    center[np.where(center > borders)] = borders

            # Remove monopole moment
            q = actual_charge / np.sqrt(4 * pi)  # Monopole moment
            rho_neutral = rho - q * self.rho_gauss  # neutralized density

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0
                axpy(-q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi -= q * self.phi_gauss

            # Determine potential from neutral density using standard solver
            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)

            # correct error introduced by removing monopole
            axpy(q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi += q * self.phi_gauss

            return niter
            # System is charged with mixed boundaryconditions
            msg = ('Charged systems with mixed periodic/zero'
                   ' boundary conditions')
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
Пример #11
class BasePoissonSolver(_PoissonSolver):
    def __init__(self, eps=None, remove_moment=None, use_charge_center=False):
        self.gd = None
        self.remove_moment = remove_moment
        self.use_charge_center = use_charge_center
        self.eps = eps

    def todict(self):
        d = {'name': 'basepoisson'}
        if self.eps is not None:
            d['eps'] = self.eps
        if self.remove_moment:
            d['remove_moment'] = self.remove_moment
        if self.use_charge_center:
            d['use_charge_center'] = self.use_charge_center
        return d

    def get_description(self):
        # The idea is that the subclass writes a header and main parameters,
        # then adds the below string.
        lines = []
        if self.eps is not None:
            lines.append('    Tolerance: %e' % self.eps),
        if self.remove_moment is not None:
            lines.append('    Remove moments up to L=%d' % self.remove_moment)
        if self.use_charge_center:
            lines.append('    Compensate for charged system using center of '
                         'majority charge')
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def solve(self,
        assert np.all(phi.shape == self.gd.n_c)
        assert np.all(rho.shape == self.gd.n_c)

        if eps is None:
            eps = self.eps
        actual_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho)
        background = (actual_charge / self.gd.dv /

        if self.remove_moment:
            assert not self.gd.pbc_c.any()
            if not hasattr(self, 'gauss'):
                self.gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
            rho_neutral = rho.copy()
            phi_cor_L = []
            for L in range(self.remove_moment):
                phi_cor_L.append(self.gauss.remove_moment(rho_neutral, L))
            # Remove multipoles for better initial guess
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi -= phi_cor

            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps, timer=timer)
            # correct error introduced by removing multipoles
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi += phi_cor

            return niter
        if charge is None:
            charge = actual_charge
        if abs(charge) <= maxcharge:
            # System is charge neutral. Use standard solver
            return self.solve_neutral(phi,
                                      rho - background,

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and self.gd.pbc_c.all():
            # System is charged and periodic. Subtract a homogeneous
            # background charge

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0

            iters = self.solve_neutral(phi,
                                       rho - background,
            return iters

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and not self.gd.pbc_c.any():
            # The system is charged and in a non-periodic unit cell.
            # Determine the potential by 1) subtract a gaussian from the
            # density, 2) determine potential from the neutralized density
            # and 3) add the potential from the gaussian density.

            # Load necessary attributes

            # use_charge_center: The monopole will be removed at the
            # center of the majority charge, which prevents artificial
            # dipoles.
            # Due to the shape of the Gaussian and it's Fourier-Transform,
            # the Gaussian representing the charge should stay at least
            # 7 gpts from the borders - see:
            # https://listserv.fysik.dtu.dk/pipermail/gpaw-developers/2015-July/005806.html
            if self.use_charge_center:
                charge_sign = actual_charge / abs(actual_charge)
                rho_sign = rho * charge_sign
                rho_sign[np.where(rho_sign < 0)] = 0
                absolute_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho_sign)
                center = -(self.gd.calculate_dipole_moment(rho_sign) /
                border_offset = np.inner(self.gd.h_cv, np.array((7, 7, 7)))
                borders = np.inner(self.gd.h_cv, self.gd.N_c)
                borders -= border_offset
                if np.any(center > borders) or np.any(center < border_offset):
                    raise RuntimeError('Poisson solver: '
                                       'center of charge outside borders '
                                       '- please increase box')
                    center[np.where(center > borders)] = borders

            # Remove monopole moment
            q = actual_charge / np.sqrt(4 * pi)  # Monopole moment
            rho_neutral = rho - q * self.rho_gauss  # neutralized density

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0
                axpy(-q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi -= q * self.phi_gauss

            # Determine potential from neutral density using standard solver
            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps, timer=timer)

            # correct error introduced by removing monopole
            axpy(q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi += q * self.phi_gauss

            return niter
            # System is charged with mixed boundaryconditions
            msg = ('Charged systems with mixed periodic/zero'
                   ' boundary conditions')
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def load_gauss(self, center=None):
        if not hasattr(self, 'rho_gauss') or center is not None:
            gauss = Gaussian(self.gd, center=center)
            self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
            self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)
Пример #12
    def solve(self,

        if eps is None:
            eps = self.eps
        actual_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho)
        background = (actual_charge / self.gd.dv /

        if self.remove_moment:
            assert not self.gd.pbc_c.any()
            if not hasattr(self, 'gauss'):
                self.gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
            rho_neutral = rho.copy()
            phi_cor_L = []
            for L in range(self.remove_moment):
                phi_cor_L.append(self.gauss.remove_moment(rho_neutral, L))
            # Remove multipoles for better initial guess
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi -= phi_cor

            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)
            # correct error introduced by removing multipoles
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi += phi_cor

            return niter
        if charge is None:
            charge = actual_charge
        if abs(charge) <= maxcharge:
            # System is charge neutral. Use standard solver
            return self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and self.gd.pbc_c.all():
            # System is charged and periodic. Subtract a homogeneous
            # background charge

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0

            iters = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)
            return iters

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and not self.gd.pbc_c.any():
            # The system is charged and in a non-periodic unit cell.
            # Determine the potential by 1) subtract a gaussian from the
            # density, 2) determine potential from the neutralized density
            # and 3) add the potential from the gaussian density.

            # Load necessary attributes

            # Remove monopole moment
            q = actual_charge / np.sqrt(4 * pi)  # Monopole moment
            rho_neutral = rho - q * self.rho_gauss  # neutralized density

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0
                axpy(-q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi -= q * self.phi_gauss

            # Determine potential from neutral density using standard solver
            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)

            # correct error introduced by removing monopole
            axpy(q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi += q * self.phi_gauss

            return niter
            # System is charged with mixed boundaryconditions
            msg = 'Charged systems with mixed periodic/zero'
            msg += ' boundary conditions'
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
Пример #13
class PoissonSolver:
    def __init__(self,
        self.relax = relax
        self.nn = nn
        self.eps = eps
        self.charged_periodic_correction = None
        self.maxiter = maxiter
        self.remove_moment = remove_moment

        # Relaxation method
        if relax == 'GS':
            # Gauss-Seidel
            self.relax_method = 1
        elif relax == 'J':
            # Jacobi
            self.relax_method = 2
            raise NotImplementedError('Relaxation method %s' % relax)

        self.description = None

    def get_stencil(self):
        return self.nn

    def set_grid_descriptor(self, gd):
        # Should probably be renamed initialize
        self.gd = gd
        self.dv = gd.dv

        gd = self.gd
        scale = -0.25 / pi

        if self.nn == 'M':
            if not gd.orthogonal:
                raise RuntimeError('Cannot use Mehrstellen stencil with '
                                   'non orthogonal cell.')

            self.operators = [LaplaceA(gd, -scale)]
            self.B = LaplaceB(gd)
            self.operators = [Laplace(gd, scale, self.nn)]
            self.B = None

        self.interpolators = []
        self.restrictors = []

        level = 0
        self.presmooths = [2]
        self.postsmooths = [1]

        # Weights for the relaxation,
        # only used if 'J' (Jacobi) is chosen as method
        self.weights = [2.0 / 3.0]

        while level < 8:
                gd2 = gd.coarsen()
            except ValueError:
            self.operators.append(Laplace(gd2, scale, 1))
            self.interpolators.append(Transformer(gd2, gd))
            self.restrictors.append(Transformer(gd, gd2))
            level += 1
            gd = gd2

        self.levels = level

    def get_description(self):
        name = {1: 'Gauss-Seidel', 2: 'Jacobi'}[self.relax_method]
        coarsest_grid = self.operators[-1].gd.N_c
        coarsest_grid_string = ' x '.join([str(N) for N in coarsest_grid])
        assert self.levels + 1 == len(self.operators)
        lines = [
            '%s solver with %d multi-grid levels' % (name, self.levels + 1),
            '    Coarsest grid: %s points' % coarsest_grid_string
        if coarsest_grid.max() > 24:
                '    Warning: Coarse grid has more than 24 points.',
                '             More multi-grid levels recommended.'
            '    Stencil: %s' % self.operators[0].description,
            '    Tolerance: %e' % self.eps,
            '    Max iterations: %d' % self.maxiter
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def initialize(self, load_gauss=False):
        # Should probably be renamed allocate
        gd = self.gd
        self.rhos = [gd.empty()]
        self.phis = [None]
        self.residuals = [gd.empty()]
        for level in range(self.levels):
            gd2 = gd.coarsen()
            gd = gd2
        assert len(self.phis) == len(self.rhos)
        level += 1
        assert level == self.levels

        self.step = 0.66666666 / self.operators[0].get_diagonal_element()
        self.presmooths[level] = 8
        self.postsmooths[level] = 8

        if load_gauss:

    def load_gauss(self):
        if not hasattr(self, 'rho_gauss'):
            gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
            self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
            self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)

    def solve(self,

        if eps is None:
            eps = self.eps
        actual_charge = self.gd.integrate(rho)
        background = (actual_charge / self.gd.dv /

        if self.remove_moment:
            assert not self.gd.pbc_c.any()
            if not hasattr(self, 'gauss'):
                self.gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
            rho_neutral = rho.copy()
            phi_cor_L = []
            for L in range(self.remove_moment):
                phi_cor_L.append(self.gauss.remove_moment(rho_neutral, L))
            # Remove multipoles for better initial guess
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi -= phi_cor

            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)
            # correct error introduced by removing multipoles
            for phi_cor in phi_cor_L:
                phi += phi_cor

            return niter
        if charge is None:
            charge = actual_charge
        if abs(charge) <= maxcharge:
            # System is charge neutral. Use standard solver
            return self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and self.gd.pbc_c.all():
            # System is charged and periodic. Subtract a homogeneous
            # background charge

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0

            iters = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho - background, eps=eps)
            return iters

        elif abs(charge) > maxcharge and not self.gd.pbc_c.any():
            # The system is charged and in a non-periodic unit cell.
            # Determine the potential by 1) subtract a gaussian from the
            # density, 2) determine potential from the neutralized density
            # and 3) add the potential from the gaussian density.

            # Load necessary attributes

            # Remove monopole moment
            q = actual_charge / np.sqrt(4 * pi)  # Monopole moment
            rho_neutral = rho - q * self.rho_gauss  # neutralized density

            # Set initial guess for potential
            if zero_initial_phi:
                phi[:] = 0.0
                axpy(-q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi -= q * self.phi_gauss

            # Determine potential from neutral density using standard solver
            niter = self.solve_neutral(phi, rho_neutral, eps=eps)

            # correct error introduced by removing monopole
            axpy(q, self.phi_gauss, phi)  # phi += q * self.phi_gauss

            return niter
            # System is charged with mixed boundaryconditions
            msg = 'Charged systems with mixed periodic/zero'
            msg += ' boundary conditions'
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)

    def solve_neutral(self, phi, rho, eps=2e-10):
        self.phis[0] = phi

        if self.B is None:
            self.rhos[0][:] = rho
            self.B.apply(rho, self.rhos[0])

        niter = 1
        maxiter = self.maxiter
        while self.iterate2(self.step) > eps and niter < maxiter:
            niter += 1
        if niter == maxiter:
            msg = 'Poisson solver did not converge in %d iterations!' % maxiter
            raise PoissonConvergenceError(msg)

        # Set the average potential to zero in periodic systems
        if np.alltrue(self.gd.pbc_c):
            phi_ave = self.gd.comm.sum(np.sum(phi.ravel()))
            N_c = self.gd.get_size_of_global_array()
            phi_ave /= np.product(N_c)
            phi -= phi_ave

        return niter

    def iterate(self, step, level=0):
        residual = self.residuals[level]
        niter = 0
        while True:
            niter += 1
            if level > 0 and niter == 1:
                residual[:] = -self.rhos[level]
                self.operators[level].apply(self.phis[level], residual)
                residual -= self.rhos[level]
            error = self.gd.comm.sum(np.vdot(residual, residual))
            if niter == 1 and level < self.levels:
                self.restrictors[level].apply(residual, self.rhos[level + 1])
                self.phis[level + 1][:] = 0.0
                self.iterate(4.0 * step, level + 1)
                self.interpolators[level].apply(self.phis[level + 1], residual)
                self.phis[level] -= residual
            residual *= step
            self.phis[level] -= residual
            if niter == 2:

        return error

    def iterate2(self, step, level=0):
        """Smooths the solution in every multigrid level"""

        residual = self.residuals[level]

        if level < self.levels:
            self.operators[level].relax(self.relax_method, self.phis[level],

            self.operators[level].apply(self.phis[level], residual)
            residual -= self.rhos[level]
            self.restrictors[level].apply(residual, self.rhos[level + 1])
            self.phis[level + 1][:] = 0.0
            self.iterate2(4.0 * step, level + 1)
            self.interpolators[level].apply(self.phis[level + 1], residual)
            self.phis[level] -= residual

        self.operators[level].relax(self.relax_method, self.phis[level],
                                    self.rhos[level], self.postsmooths[level],
        if level == 0:
            self.operators[level].apply(self.phis[level], residual)
            residual -= self.rhos[level]
            error = self.gd.comm.sum(np.dot(residual.ravel(),
                                            residual.ravel())) * self.dv
            return error

    def estimate_memory(self, mem):
        # XXX Memory estimate works only for J and GS, not FFT solver
        # Poisson solver appears to use same amount of memory regardless
        # of whether it's J or GS, which is a bit strange

        gdbytes = self.gd.bytecount()
        nbytes = -gdbytes  # No phi on finest grid, compensate ahead
        for level in range(self.levels):
            nbytes += 3 * gdbytes  # Arrays: rho, phi, residual
            gdbytes //= 8
        mem.subnode('rho, phi, residual [%d levels]' % self.levels, nbytes)

    def __repr__(self):
        template = 'PoissonSolver(relax=\'%s\', nn=%s, eps=%e)'
        representation = template % (self.relax, repr(self.nn), self.eps)
        return representation
Пример #14
 def load_gauss(self):
     if not hasattr(self, 'rho_gauss'):
         gauss = Gaussian(self.gd)
         self.rho_gauss = gauss.get_gauss(0)
         self.phi_gauss = gauss.get_gauss_pot(0)
Пример #15
psolvers = (WeightedFDPoissonSolver, ADM12PoissonSolver,

# test neutral system with constant permittivity
parprint('neutral, constant permittivity')
epsinf = 80.
eps = gd.zeros()
qs = (-1., 1.)
shifts = (-1., 1.)
rho = gd.zeros()
phi_expected = gd.zeros()
for q, shift in zip(qs, shifts):
    gauss_norm = q / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)
    gauss = Gaussian(gd, center=(box / 2. + shift) * np.ones(3) / Bohr)
    rho += gauss_norm * gauss.get_gauss(0)
    phi_expected += gauss_norm * gauss.get_gauss_pot(0) / epsinf

for ps in psolvers:
    phi = solve(ps, eps, rho)
    parprint(ps, np.abs(phi - phi_expected).max())
    equal(phi, phi_expected, 1e-3)

# test charged system with constant permittivity
parprint('charged, constant permittivity')
epsinf = 80.
eps = gd.zeros()
q = -2.
gauss_norm = q / np.sqrt(4 * np.pi)
Пример #16
from gpaw.utilities.gauss import Gaussian
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.poisson import PoissonSolver

# Initialize classes
a = 20.0  # Size of cell
inv_width = 19  # inverse width of the gaussian
N = 48  # Number of grid points
center_of_charge = (a / 2, a / 2, 3 * a / 4)  # off center charge
Nc = (N, N, N)                # Number of grid points along each axis
gd = GridDescriptor(Nc, (a, a, a), 0)    # Grid-descriptor object
solver = PoissonSolver(nn=3, use_charge_center=True)
gauss = Gaussian(gd, a=inv_width, center=center_of_charge)
test_poisson = Gaussian(gd, a=inv_width, center=center_of_charge)

# /-------------------------------------------------\
# | Check if Gaussian potentials are made correctly |
# \-------------------------------------------------/

# Array for storing the potential
pot = gd.zeros(dtype=float, global_array=False)
vg = test_poisson.get_gauss_pot(0)
# Get analytic functions
ng = gauss.get_gauss(0)
#    vg = solver.phi_gauss
# Solve potential numerically
niter = solver.solve(pot, ng, charge=1.0, zero_initial_phi=False)
Пример #17
from gpaw.helmholtz import HelmholtzSolver, ScreenedPoissonGaussian

# Initialize classes
a = 20  # Size of cell
inv_width = 31  # inverse width of the gaussian
N = 48  # Number of grid points
coupling = -0.4  # dampening
Nc = (N, N, N)  # Number of grid points along each axis
gd = GridDescriptor(Nc, (a, a, a), 0)  # Grid-descriptor object
solver = HelmholtzSolver(k2=coupling, nn=3)  # Numerical poisson solver
# solver = PoissonSolver(nn=3)  # Numerical poisson solver
# solver = HelmholtzSolver(0.16)  # Numerical poisson solver
xyz, r2 = coordinates(gd)  # Matrix with the square of the radial coordinate
gauss = Gaussian(gd, a=inv_width)  # An instance of Gaussian
test_screened_poisson = ScreenedPoissonGaussian(gd, a=inv_width)

# /-------------------------------------------------\
# | Check if Gaussian potentials are made correctly |
# \-------------------------------------------------/

# Array for storing the potential
pot = gd.zeros(dtype=float, global_array=False)
vg = test_screened_poisson.get_phi(-coupling)  # esp. for dampening
# Get analytic functions
ng = gauss.get_gauss(0)
#    vg = solver.phi_gauss
# Solve potential numerically
niter = solver.solve(pot, ng, charge=None, zero_initial_phi=True)
Пример #18
    return np.sqrt(np.sum(a.ravel()**2)) / len(a.ravel())

# Initialize classes
a = 20  # Size of cell
N = 48  # Number of grid points
Nc = (N, N, N)  # Number of grid points along each axis
gd = GridDescriptor(Nc, (a, a, a), 0)  # Grid-descriptor object
solver = PoissonSolver(nn=3)  # Numerical poisson solver
solve = solver.solve
xyz, r2 = coordinates(gd)  # Matrix with the square of the radial coordinate
r = np.sqrt(r2)  # Matrix with the values of the radial coordinate
nH = np.exp(-2 * r) / pi  # Density of the hydrogen atom
gauss = Gaussian(gd)  # An instance of Gaussian

# /------------------------------------------------\
# | Check if Gaussian densities are made correctly |
# \------------------------------------------------/
for gL in range(2, 9):
    g = gauss.get_gauss(gL)  # a gaussian of gL'th order
    print('\nGaussian of order', gL)
    for mL in range(9):
        m = gauss.get_moment(g, mL)  # the mL'th moment of g
        print('  %s\'th moment = %2.6f' % (mL, m))
        equal(m, gL == mL, 1e-4)

# Check the moments of the constructed 1s density
print('\nDensity of Hydrogen atom')
for L in range(4):
Пример #19
from gpaw.helmholtz import HelmholtzSolver, ScreenedPoissonGaussian

# Initialize classes
a = 20 # Size of cell
inv_width = 31 # inverse width of the gaussian
N = 48 # Number of grid points
coupling = -0.4 # dampening
Nc = (N, N, N)                # Number of grid points along each axis
gd = GridDescriptor(Nc, (a,a,a), 0)    # Grid-descriptor object
solver = HelmholtzSolver(k2=coupling, nn=3)  # Numerical poisson solver
# solver = PoissonSolver(nn=3)  # Numerical poisson solver
# solver = HelmholtzSolver(0.16)  # Numerical poisson solver
xyz, r2 = coordinates(gd)     # Matrix with the square of the radial coordinate
gauss = Gaussian(gd, a=inv_width)          # An instance of Gaussian
test_screened_poisson = ScreenedPoissonGaussian(gd, a=inv_width)

# /-------------------------------------------------\
# | Check if Gaussian potentials are made correctly |
# \-------------------------------------------------/

# Array for storing the potential
pot = gd.zeros(dtype=float, global_array=False)
vg = test_screened_poisson.get_phi(-coupling)  # esp. for dampening
# Get analytic functions
ng = gauss.get_gauss(0)
#    vg = solver.phi_gauss
# Solve potential numerically
niter = solver.solve(pot, ng, charge=None, zero_initial_phi=True)