Пример #1
 def test_united_dimensionless(self):
     "Check dimensionless unit-ed variables work"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y', 'hr/day')
     c = MonomialEquality(x, y)
     self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, MonomialEquality))
Пример #2
"Example Vectorize usage, from gpkit/tests/t_vars.py"
from gpkit import Variable, Vectorize, VectorVariable

with Vectorize(3):
    with Vectorize(5):
        y = Variable("y")
        x = VectorVariable(2, "x")
    z = VectorVariable(7, "z")

assert (y.shape == (5, 3))
assert (x.shape == (2, 5, 3))
assert (z.shape == (7, 3))
Пример #3
"Show autosweep_1d functionality"
import pickle
import numpy as np
import gpkit
from gpkit import units, Variable, Model
from gpkit.tools.autosweep import autosweep_1d
from gpkit.small_scripts import mag

A = Variable("A", "m**2")
l = Variable("l", "m")

m1 = Model(A**2, [A >= l**2 + units.m**2])
tol1 = 1e-3
bst1 = autosweep_1d(m1, tol1, l, [1, 10], verbosity=0)
print("Solved after %2i passes, cost logtol +/-%.3g" % (bst1.nsols, bst1.tol))
# autosweep solution accessing
l_vals = np.linspace(1, 10, 10)
sol1 = bst1.sample_at(l_vals)
print("values of l: %s" % l_vals)
print("values of A: %s" % sol1("A"))
cost_estimate = sol1["cost"]
cost_lb, cost_ub = sol1.cost_lb(), sol1.cost_ub()
print("cost lower bound:\n%s\n" % cost_lb)
print("cost estimate:\n%s\n" % cost_estimate)
print("cost upper bound:\n%s\n" % cost_ub)
# you can evaluate arbitrary posynomials
np.testing.assert_allclose(mag(2*sol1(A)), mag(sol1(2*A)))
assert (sol1["cost"] == sol1(A**2)).all()
# the cost estimate is the logspace mean of its upper and lower bounds
np.testing.assert_allclose((np.log(mag(cost_lb)) + np.log(mag(cost_ub)))/2,
Пример #4
 def test_parse_variables(self):
     Fuselage(Variable("Wfueltot", 5, "lbf"))
Пример #5
    def setup(self, alt, **kwargs):
        p_sl = Variable("p_{sl}", 101325, "Pa", "Pressure at sea level")
        T_sl = Variable("T_{sl}", 288.15, "K", "Temperature at sea level")
        L_atm = Variable("L_{atm}", .0065, "K/m", "Temperature lapse rate")
        M_atm = Variable("M_{atm}", .0289644, "kg/mol",
                         "Molar mass of dry air")
        p_atm = Variable("P_{atm}", "Pa", "air pressure")
        R_atm = Variable("R_{atm}", 8.31447, "J/mol/K",
                         "air specific heating value")
        TH = 5.257386998354459  #(g*M_atm/R_atm/L_atm).value
        rho = self.rho = Variable('\\rho', 'kg/m^3', 'Density of air')
        T_atm = self.T_atm = Variable("T_{atm}", "K", "air temperature")

        h = self.h = alt['h']
        Dynamic viscosity (mu) as a function of temperature
        mu = Variable('\\mu', 'kg/(m*s)', 'Dynamic viscosity')

        T_s = Variable('T_s', 110.4, "K", "Sutherland Temperature")
        C_1 = Variable('C_1', 1.458E-6, "kg/(m*s*K^0.5)",
                       'Sutherland coefficient')

        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints = [
                # Pressure-altitude relation
                (p_atm / p_sl)**(1 / 5.257) == T_atm / T_sl,

                # Ideal gas law
                rho == p_atm / (R_atm / M_atm * T_atm),

                #temperature equation
                SignomialEquality(T_sl, T_atm + L_atm * h),

                #constraint on mu
                mu == C_1 * T_atm**1.5 / (6.64 * units('K^.28') * T_s**0.72),

        #like to use a local subs here in the future
        subs = None

        return constraints
Пример #6
    def setup(self, aircraft, sp=False):

        fs = FlightState()
        A = Variable("A", "m/s**2", "log fit equation helper 1")
        B = Variable("B", "1/m", "log fit equation helper 2")

        g = Variable("g", 9.81, "m/s**2", "gravitational constant")
        mu = Variable("\\mu_b", 0.025, "-", "coefficient of friction")
        T = Variable("T", "lbf", "take off thrust")
        cda = Variable("CDA", 0.024, "-", "parasite drag coefficient")

        CLg = Variable("C_{L_g}", "-", "ground lift coefficient")
        CDg = Variable("C_{D_g}", "-", "grag ground coefficient")
        cdp = Variable("c_{d_{p_{stall}}}", 0.025, "-",
                       "profile drag at Vstallx1.2")
        Kg = Variable("K_g", 0.04, "-", "ground-effect induced drag parameter")
        CLto = Variable("C_{L_{TO}}", 3.5, "-", "max lift coefficient")
        Vstall = Variable("V_{stall}", "knots", "stall velocity")
        e = Variable("e", 0.8, "-", "span efficiency")

        zsto = Variable("z_{S_{TO}}", "-", "take off distance helper variable")
        Sto = Variable("S_{TO}", "ft", "take off distance")
        Sground = Variable("S_{ground}", "ft", "ground roll")
        etaprop = Variable("\\eta_{prop}", 0.8, "-", "propellor efficiency")
        msafety = Variable("m_{fac}", 1.4, "-", "safety margin")

        path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        df = pd.read_csv(path + os.sep + "logfit.csv")
        fd = df.to_dict(orient="records")[0]

        constraints = [
            T / aircraft.topvar("W") >= A / g + mu,
            T <= aircraft["P_{shaft-max}"] * etaprop / fs["V"],
            CDg >= 0.024 + cdp + CLto**2 / pi / aircraft["AR"] / e,
            Vstall == (2 * aircraft.topvar("W") / fs["\\rho"] /
                       aircraft.wing["S"] / CLto)**0.5,
            fs["V"] == 1.3 * Vstall,
            FitCS(fd, zsto, [A / g, B * fs["V"]**2 / g]),
            Sground >= 1.0 / 2.0 / B * zsto, Sto / msafety >= Sground

        if sp:
            with SignomialsEnabled():
                    (B * aircraft.topvar("W") / g +
                     0.5 * fs["\\rho"] * aircraft.wing["S"] * mu * CLto >=
                     0.5 * fs["\\rho"] * aircraft.wing["S"] * CDg)
                B >= (g / aircraft.topvar("W") * 0.5 * fs["\\rho"] *
                      aircraft.wing["S"] * CDg)

        return constraints, fs
Пример #7
"Debug examples"
from gpkit import Variable, Model, units

x = Variable("x", "ft")
x_min = Variable("x_min", 2, "ft")
x_max = Variable("x_max", 1, "ft")
y = Variable("y", "volts")

m = Model(x / y, [x <= x_max, x >= x_min])

print("# Now let's try a model unsolvable with relaxed constants\n")

m2 = Model(x, [x <= units("inch"), x >= units("yard")])

print("# And one that's only unbounded\n")

# the value of x_min was used up in the previous model!
x_min = Variable("x_min", 2, "ft")
m3 = Model(x / y, [x >= x_min])
Пример #8
 def setup(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     return [x >= 1]
Пример #9
 def test_bad_gp_sub(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     y = Variable("y")
     m = Model(x, [y >= 1], {y: x})
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
Пример #10
    def setup(self,aircraft,Nsegments):
        self.aircraft = aircraft
        W_f_m   = Variable('W_{f_m}','N','total mission fuel')
        t_m     = Variable('t_m','hr','total mission time')

        with Vectorize(Nsegments):
            Wavg    = Variable('W_{avg}','N','segment average weight')
            Wstart  = Variable('W_{start}', 'N', 'weight at the beginning of flight segment')
            Wend    = Variable('W_{end}', 'N', 'weight at the end of flight segment')
            h       = Variable('h','m','final segment flight altitude')
            havg    = Variable('h_{avg}','m','average segment flight altitude')
            dhdt    = Variable('\\frac{dh}{dt}','m/hr','climb rate')
            W_f_s   = Variable('W_{f_s}','N', 'segment fuel burn')
            t_s     = Variable('t_s','hr','time spent in flight segment')
            R_s     = Variable('R_s','km','range flown in segment')
            state   = Atmosphere()
            self.aircraftP = self.aircraft.dynamic(state)

        # Mission variables
        hcruise    = Variable('h_{cruise_m}', 'm', 'minimum cruise altitude')
        Range      = Variable("Range_m", "km", "aircraft range")
        W_p        = Variable("W_{p_m}", "N", "payload weight", pr=20.)
        rho_p      = Variable("\\rho_{p_m}", "kg/m^3", "payload density", pr = 10.)
        V_min      = Variable("V_{min_m}", "m/s", "takeoff speed", pr=20.)
        TOfac      = Variable('T/O factor_m', '-','takeoff thrust factor')
        cost_index = Variable("C_m", '1/hr','hourly cost index')

        constraints = []

        # Setting up the mission
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            constraints += [havg == state['h'], # Linking states
                        h[1:Nsegments-1] >= hcruise,  # Adding minimum cruise altitude

                        # Weights at beginning and end of mission
                        Wstart[0] >= W_p + self.aircraft.wing['W_w'] + self.aircraft.engine['W_e'] + self.aircraft.fuse['W_{fuse}'] + W_f_m,
                        Wend[Nsegments-1] >= W_p + self.aircraft.wing['W_w'] + self.aircraft.engine['W_e'] + self.aircraft.fuse['W_{fuse}'],

                        # Lift, and linking segment start and end weights
                        Wavg <= 0.5 * state['\\rho'] * self.aircraft['S'] * self.aircraftP.wingP['C_L'] * self.aircraftP['V'] ** 2,
                        Wstart >= Wend + W_f_s, # Making sure fuel gets burnt!
                        Wstart[1:Nsegments] == Wend[:Nsegments-1],
                        Wavg == Wstart ** 0.5 * Wend ** 0.5,

                        # Altitude changes
                        h[0] == t_s[0]*dhdt[0], # Starting altitude
                        dhdt >= 1.*units('m/hr'),
                        havg[0] == 0.5*h[0],
                        havg[1:Nsegments] == (h[1:Nsegments]*h[0:Nsegments-1])**(0.5),
                        SignomialEquality(h[1:Nsegments],h[:Nsegments-1] + t_s[1:Nsegments]*dhdt[1:Nsegments]),

                        # Thrust and fuel burn
                        W_f_s >= self.aircraftP.engineP['BSFC'] * self.aircraftP.engineP['P_{shaft}'] * t_s,
                        self.aircraftP.engineP['T'] * self.aircraftP['V'] >= self.aircraftP['D'] * self.aircraftP['V'] + Wavg * dhdt,

                        # Max MSL thrust at least 2*climb thrust
                        self.aircraft.engine['P_{shaft,max}'] >= TOfac*self.aircraftP.engineP['P_{shaft}'][0],

                        # Flight time
                        t_s == R_s/self.aircraftP['V'],

                        # Aggregating segment variables
                        self.aircraft['W_f'] >= W_f_m,
                        R_s == Range/Nsegments, # Dividing into equal range segments
                        W_f_m >= sum(W_f_s),
                        t_m >= sum(t_s)

        # Maximum takeoff weight
        constraints += [self.aircraft['W'] >= W_p + self.aircraft.wing['W_w'] + self.aircraft['W_f'] +
                        self.aircraft.engine['W_e'] + self.aircraft.fuse['W_{fuse}']]

        # Stall constraint
        constraints += [self.aircraft['W'] <= 0.5 * state['\\rho'] *
                            self.aircraft['S'] * self.aircraft['C_{L,max}'] * V_min ** 2]

        # Wing weight model
        constraints += [self.aircraft.wing['W_{w_{strc}}']**2. >=
                        self.aircraft.wing['W_{w_{coeff1}}']**2. / self.aircraft.wing['\\tau']**2. *
                        (self.aircraft.wing['N_{ult}']**2. * self.aircraft.wing['A'] ** 3. *
                        ((W_p + self.aircraft.fuse['W_{fuse}'] +
                          self.aircraft['W_e'] + self.aircraft.fuse['V_{f_{fuse}}']*self.aircraft['g']*self.aircraft['\\rho_f']) *
                         self.aircraft['W'] * self.aircraft.wing['S']))]

        # Fuselage volume and weight
        constraints += [self.aircraft.fuse['V_{fuse}'] >=
                        self.aircraft.fuse['V_{f_{fuse}}'] + W_p/(rho_p*self.aircraft['g']),
                        self.aircraft.fuse['W_{fuse}'] == self.aircraft.fuse['S_{fuse}']*self.aircraft.wing['W_{w_{coeff2}}'],

        # Upper bounding variables
        constraints += [t_m <= 100000*units('hr'),
            W_f_m <= 1e10*units('N'),
            cost_index >= 1e-10*units('1/hr')]

        return constraints, state, self.aircraft, self.aircraftP
Пример #11
    def setup(self):
        B       = Variable('B', 'm', 'Landing gear base')
        E       = Variable('E', 'GPa', 'Modulus of elasticity, 4340 steel')
        Eland   = Variable('E_{land}', 'J', 'Max KE to be absorbed in landing')
        Fwm     = Variable('F_{w_m}', '-', 'Weight factor (main)')
        Fwn     = Variable('F_{w_n}', '-', 'Weight factor (nose)')
        I_m     = Variable('I_m', 'm^4', 'Area moment of inertia (main strut)')
        I_n     = Variable('I_n', 'm^4', 'Area moment of inertia (nose strut)')
        K       = Variable('K', '-', 'Column effective length factor')
        L_m     = Variable('L_m', 'N', 'Max static load through main gear')
        L_n     = Variable('L_n', 'N', 'Min static load through nose gear')
        L_n_dyn = Variable('L_{n_{dyn}}', 'N', 'Dyn. braking load, nose gear')
        Lwm     = Variable('L_{w_m}', 'N', 'Static load per wheel (main)')
        Lwn     = Variable('L_{w_n}', 'N', 'Static load per wheel (nose)')
        N_s     = Variable('N_s', '-', 'Factor of safety')
        S_sa    = Variable('S_{sa}', 'm', 'Stroke of the shock absorber')
##        S_t     = Variable('S_t', 'm', 'Tire deflection')
        T       = Variable('T', 'm', 'Main landing gear track')
        WAWm    = Variable('W_{wa,m}', 'lbf',
                           'Wheel assembly weight for single main gear wheel')
        WAWn    = Variable('W_{wa,n}', 'lbf',
                           'Wheel assembly weight for single nose gear wheel')
##        W_0     = Variable('W_{0_{lg}}', 'N',
##                           'Weight of aircraft excluding landing gear')
        Clg = Variable('C_{lg}', 1, '-', 'Landing Gear Weight Margin/Sens Factor')
        W_lg    = Variable('W_{lg}', 'N', 'Weight of landing gear')
        W_mg    = Variable('W_{mg}', 'N', 'Weight of main gear')
        W_ms    = Variable('W_{ms}', 'N', 'Weight of main struts')
        W_mw    = Variable('W_{mw}', 'N', 'Weight of main wheels (per strut)')
        W_ng    = Variable('W_{ng}', 'N', 'Weight of nose gear')
        W_ns    = Variable('W_{ns}', 'N', 'Weight of nose strut')
        W_nw    = Variable('W_{nw}', 'N', 'Weight of nose wheels (total)')
        d_oleo  = Variable('d_{oleo}', 'm', 'Diameter of oleo shock absorber')
        dtm     = Variable('d_{t_m}', 'in', 'Diameter of main gear tires')
        dtn     = Variable('d_{t_n}', 'in', 'Diameter of nose gear tires')
        dxm     = Variable('\\Delta x_m', 'm', 'Distance b/w main gear and CG')
        dxn     = Variable('\\Delta x_n', 'm', 'Distance b/w nose gear and CG')
        eta_s   = Variable('\\eta_s', '-', 'Shock absorber efficiency')
        faddm   = Variable('f_{add,m}', '-', 'Proportional added weight, main')
        faddn   = Variable('f_{add,n}', '-', 'Proportional added weight, nose')
        g       = Variable('g', 9.81, 'm/s^2', 'Gravitational acceleration')
        h_nac   = Variable('h_{nacelle}', 'm', 'Min. nacelle clearance')
        hhold   = Variable('h_{hold}', 'm', 'Hold height')
        l_m     = Variable('l_m', 'm', 'Length of main gear')
        l_n     = Variable('l_n', 'm', 'Length of nose gear')
        l_oleo  = Variable('l_{oleo}', 'm', 'Length of oleo shock absorber')
        lam     = Variable('\\lambda_{LG}', '-',
                           'Ratio of max to static load') # Torenbeek p360
        n_mg    = Variable('n_{mg}', '-', 'Number of main gear struts')
        nwps    = Variable('n_{wps}', '-', 'Number of wheels per strut')
        p_oleo  = Variable('p_{oleo}', 'lbf/in^2', 'Oleo pressure')
       #p_t     = Variable('p_t', 170, 'lbf/in^2', 'Tyre pressure')
        r_m     = Variable('r_m', 'm', 'Radius of main gear struts')
        r_n     = Variable('r_n', 'm', 'Radius of nose gear struts')
        rho_st  = Variable('\\rho_{st}', 'kg/m^3', 'Density of 4340 Steel')
        sig_y_c = Variable('\\sigma_{y_c}', 'Pa',
                           'Compressive yield strength 4340 steel') #  AZOM
        t_m     = Variable('t_m', 'm', 'Thickness of main gear strut wall')
        t_n     = Variable('t_n', 'm', 'Thickness of nose gear strut wall')
        t_nac   = Variable('t_{nacelle}', 'm', 'Nacelle thickness')
        tan_15  = Variable('\\tan(\\phi_{min})', '-', 'Lower bound on phi')
        tan_63  = Variable('\\tan(\\psi_{max})', '-', 'Upper bound on psi')
        tan_gam = Variable('\\tan(\\gamma)', '-', 'Dihedral angle')
        tan_phi = Variable('\\tan(\\phi)', '-', 'Angle b/w main gear and CG')
        tan_psi = Variable('\\tan(\\psi)', '-', 'Tip over angle')
        tan_th  = Variable('\\tan(\\theta_{max})', '-', 'Max rotation angle')
        w_ult   = Variable('w_{ult}', 'ft/s', 'Ultimate velocity of descent')
        wtm     = Variable('w_{t_m}', 'm', 'Width of main tires')
        wtn     = Variable('w_{t_n}', 'm', 'Width of nose tires')
        x_m     = Variable('x_m', 'm', 'x-location of main gear')
        x_n     = Variable('x_n', 'm', 'x-location of nose gear')
        x_upswp = Variable('x_{up}', 'm', 'Fuselage upsweep point')
        xcglg   = Variable('x_{CG_{lg}}', 'm', 'Landing gear CG')
        y_m     = Variable('y_m', 'm', 'y-location of main gear (symmetric)')
        z_CG_0  = Variable('z_{CG}', 'm',
                           'CG height relative to bottom of fuselage')
        zwing   = Variable('z_{wing}', 'm',
                           'Height of wing relative to base of fuselage')

        d_nac   = Variable('d_{nacelle}', 'm', 'Nacelle diameter')

        with SignomialsEnabled():

            objective = W_lg

            constraints = [
                           # Track and Base geometry definitions
                           TCS([l_n+zwing+y_m*tan_gam>=l_m], reltol=1E-3), #[SP]
                           T == 2*y_m,
                           TCS([x_n + B <= x_m]),
                           x_n >= 5*units.m, # nose gear after nose

                           # Longitudinal tip over (static)
                           tan_phi == tan_15,

                           # Lateral tip over in turn (dynamic)
                           # www.dept.aoe.vt.edu/~mason/Mason_f/M96SC03.pdf
                           # stricter constraint uses forward CG
                           # cos(arctan(y/x))) = x/sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
                           1 >= (z_CG_0 + l_m)**2 * (y_m**2 + B**2) /
                                (dxn * y_m * tan_psi)**2,
                           tan_psi <= tan_63,

                           # Tail strike: Longitudinal ground clearance in
                           # takeoff, landing (Raymer says 10-15 degrees)
                           # TODO?: 2 cases:(i) upsweep angle > rotation angle,
                           # (ii) upsweep angle < rotation ang
                           x_upswp - x_m <= l_m/tan_th, # [SP]

                           # Size/Volume for retraction
                           y_m >= l_m,

                           # Brake sizing for stopping aircraft

                           # Hard landing
                           # http://www.boeing.com/commercial/aeromagazine/...
                           # articles/qtr_3_07/AERO_Q307_article3.pdf
                           # sink rate of 10 feet per second at the maximum
                           # design landing weight
                           # Landing condition from Torenbeek p360
##                           Eland >= W/(2*g)*w_ult**2, # Torenbeek (10-26)
                           # S_t == 0.5*lam*Lwm/(p*(dtm*bt)**0.5), # (10-30)
                           S_sa == (1/eta_s)*(Eland/(L_m*lam)),# - eta_t*S_t),
                           # [SP] Torenbeek (10-28)

                           l_oleo == 2.5*S_sa, # Raymer 244
                           d_oleo == 1.3*(4*lam*L_m/n_mg/(np.pi*p_oleo))**0.5,
                           l_m >= l_oleo + dtm/2,

                           # Wheel weights
                           Fwm == Lwm*dtm/(1000*Lwm.units*dtm.units),
                           WAWm == 1.2*Fwm**0.609*units.lbf,# Currey p145
                           Fwn == Lwn*dtn/(1000*units.lbf*units.inches),
                           WAWn == 1.2*Fwn**0.609*units.lbf,# Currey p145
                           Lwm == L_m/(n_mg*nwps),
                           Lwn == L_n/nwps,

                           # Main wheel diameter/width (Raymer p233)
                           dtm == 1.63*(Lwm/(4.44*units.N))**0.315*units.inch,
                           wtm == 0.1043*(Lwm/(4.44*units.N))**0.48*units.inch,
                           dtn == 0.8*dtm,
                           wtn == 0.8*wtm,

                           # TODO: Beam sizing and max bending (limits track,
                           # downward pressure on y_m)

                           # Weight is a function of height and load through
                           # each strut as well as tyre size (and obviously
                           # number of struts)
                           # Main gear strut weight (for a single strut) is a
                           # function of length and load passing through strut
                           W_ms >= 2*np.pi*r_m*t_m*l_m * rho_st * g,
                           # Compressive yield in hard landing condition
                           N_s * lam * L_m/n_mg <= sig_y_c * (2*np.pi*r_m*t_m),
                           W_mw == nwps*WAWm,

                           # Nose gear strut weight is a function of length and
                           # load passing through strut
                           W_ns >= 2*np.pi*r_n*t_n*l_n * rho_st * g,
                           # find cross sectional area based on compressive yield
                           N_s * (L_n + L_n_dyn) <= sig_y_c*(2*np.pi*r_n*t_n),
                           W_nw >= nwps*WAWn,

                           # Buckling constraint on main gear
                           L_m <= np.pi**2*E*I_m/(K*l_m)**2,
                           I_m == np.pi*r_m**3*t_m,

                           # Buckling constraint on nose gear
                           # source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckling
                           L_n <= np.pi**2*E*I_n/(K*l_n)**2,
                           I_n == np.pi*r_n**3*t_n,

                           # Machining constraint # p89 Mason
                           # www.dept.aoe.vt.edu/~mason/Mason_f/M96SC08.pdf
                           2*r_m/t_m <= 40,
                           2*r_m/t_n <= 40,

                           # Retraction constraint on strut diameter
                           2*wtm + 2*r_m <= hhold,
                           2*wtn + 2*r_n <= 0.8*units.m, #TODO improve this

                           # Weight accounting
                           W_mg >= n_mg*(W_ms + W_mw*(1 + faddm)),# Currey p264
                           W_ng >= W_ns + W_nw*(1 + faddn),
                           W_lg >= Clg * (W_mg + W_ng),

                           #LG CG accounting
                           TCS([W_lg*xcglg >= W_ng*x_n + W_mg*x_m], reltol=1E-2,
                           x_m >= xcglg,

        return constraints
Пример #12
    def setup(self):
        # Non-dimensional constants
        C_Lmax     = Variable("C_{L,max}", 1.6, "-", "lift coefficient at stall", pr=5.)
        e          = Variable("e", 0.92, "-", "Oswald efficiency factor", pr=3.)
        # k          = Variable("k", "-", "form factor")
        N_ult      = Variable("N_{ult}", 3, "-", "ultimate load factor", pr=15.)
        # S_wetratio = Variable("(\\frac{S}{S_{wet}})", "-", "wetted area ratio")
        tau        = Variable("\\tau", "-", "airfoil thickness to chord ratio")
        tau_ref    = Variable("\\tau_{ref}", 0.12, "-", "reference airfoil thickness to chord ratio")

        # Dimensional constants
        W_w_coeff1 = Variable("W_{w_{coeff1}}", 2e-5, "1/m",
                              "wing weight coefficient 1", pr= 30.) #orig  12e-5
        W_w_coeff2 = Variable("W_{w_{coeff2}}", 60., "Pa",
                              "wing weight coefficient 2", pr=10.)

        # Free Variables (fixed for performance eval.)
        A         = Variable("A", "-", "aspect ratio",fix = True)
        S         = Variable("S", "m^2", "total wing area", fix = True)
        W_w       = Variable("W_w", "N", "wing weight")
        W_w_strc  = Variable('W_{w_{strc}}','N','wing structural weight', fix = True)
        W_w_surf  = Variable('W_{w_{surf}}','N','wing skin weight', fix = True)
        V_f_wing  = Variable("V_{f_{wing}}",'m^3','fuel volume in the wing', fix = True)

        constraints = []

        # Structural model
        constraints += [W_w_surf >= W_w_coeff2 * S,
                        W_w >= W_w_surf + W_w_strc]

      # Wing fuel and form factor model
        constraints += [V_f_wing**2 <= 0.0009*S**3/A*tau**2, # linear with b and tau, quadratic with chord
                        tau >= 0.08, tau <= 0.23,

        # Form factor model

        return constraints
Пример #13
 def test_equality_relaxation(self):
     x = Variable("x")
     m = Model(x, [x == 3, x == 4])
     rc = ConstraintsRelaxed(m)
     m2 = Model(rc.relaxvars.prod() * x**0.01, rc)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(m2.solve(verbosity=0)(x), 3, places=3)
Пример #14
    def test_becomes_posy_sensitivities(self):
        # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        # model from #1165
        ujet = Variable("ujet")
        PK = Variable("PK")
        Dp = Variable("Dp", 0.662)
        fBLI = Variable("fBLI", 0.4)
        fsurf = Variable("fsurf", 0.836)
        mdot = Variable("mdot", 1 / 0.7376)
        with SignomialsEnabled():
            m = Model(PK, [
                mdot * ujet + fBLI * Dp >= 1, PK >= 0.5 * mdot * ujet *
                (2 + ujet) + fBLI * fsurf * Dp
        var_senss = m.solve(verbosity=0)["sensitivities"]["variables"]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[Dp], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fBLI], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fsurf], 0.19, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[mdot], -0.17, 2)

        # Linked variable
        Dp = Variable("Dp", 0.662)
        mDp = Variable("-Dp", lambda c: -c[Dp])
        fBLI = Variable("fBLI", 0.4)
        fsurf = Variable("fsurf", 0.836)
        mdot = Variable("mdot", 1 / 0.7376)
        m = Model(PK, [
            mdot * ujet >= 1 + fBLI * mDp, PK >= 0.5 * mdot * ujet *
            (2 + ujet) + fBLI * fsurf * Dp
        var_senss = m.solve(verbosity=0)["sensitivities"]["variables"]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[Dp], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fBLI], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fsurf], 0.19, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[mdot], -0.17, 2)

        # fixed negative variable
        Dp = Variable("Dp", 0.662)
        mDp = Variable("-Dp", -0.662)
        fBLI = Variable("fBLI", 0.4)
        fsurf = Variable("fsurf", 0.836)
        mdot = Variable("mdot", 1 / 0.7376)
        m = Model(PK, [
            mdot * ujet >= 1 + fBLI * mDp, PK >= 0.5 * mdot * ujet *
            (2 + ujet) + fBLI * fsurf * Dp
        var_senss = m.solve(verbosity=0)["sensitivities"]["variables"]
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[Dp] + var_senss[mDp], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fBLI], -0.16, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[fsurf], 0.19, 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(var_senss[mdot], -0.17, 2)
Пример #15
 def test_setattr(self):
     kd = KeyDict()
     x = Variable("x", lineage=(("test", 0),))
     kd[x] = 1
     self.assertIn(x, kd)
     self.assertEqual(set(kd), set([x.key]))
Пример #16
 def setup(self):
     x = self.x = Variable("x", "ft")
     x_max = Variable("x_{max}", 1, "yard")
     self.cost = 1 / x
     return [x <= x_max]
Пример #17
    def setup(self):

        Wing.fillModel = None
        self.wing = Wing()

        W = Variable("W", "lbf", "aircraft weight")
        WS = Variable("W/S", "lbf/ft^2", "Aircraft wing loading")
        PW = Variable("P/W", "hp/lbf", "Aircraft shaft hp/weight ratio")
        Wpay = Variable("W_{pay}", 2 * 195, "lbf", "payload weight")
        hbatt = Variable("h_{batt}", 210, "W*hr/kg", "battery specific energy")
        etae = Variable("\\eta_{e}", 0.9, "-", "total electrical efficiency")
        Wbatt = Variable("W_{batt}", "lbf", "battery weight")
        Wwing = Variable("W_{wing}", "lbf", "wing weight")
        Pshaftmax = Variable("P_{shaft-max}", "W", "max shaft power")
        sp_motor = Variable("sp_{motor}", 7. / 9.81, "kW/N",
                            'Motor specific power')
        Wmotor = Variable("W_{motor}", "lbf", "motor weight")
        Wcent = Variable("W_{cent}", "lbf", "aircraft center weight")
        fstruct = Variable("f_{struct}", 0.2, "-",
                           "structural weight fraction")
        Wstruct = Variable("W_{struct}", "lbf", "structural weight")
        e = Variable("e", 0.8, "-", "span efficiency factor")
        CL_max_clean = Variable("CL_{max_{clean}}", 1.6, "-", "Clean CL max")
        CL_max_to = Variable("CL_{max_{to}}", 2.0, "-", "Clean CL max")
        CL_max_aprch = Variable("CL_{max_{aprch}}", 2.4, "-", "Clean CL max")
        fbattmax = Variable("f_{batt,max}", 1.0, "-", "max battery fraction")

        loading = self.wing.spar.loading(self.wing)
            loading.kappa: 0.05,
            self.wing.spar.material.sigma: 1.5e9,
            loading.Nmax: 6,
            self.wing.skin.material.tmin: 0.012 * 4,
            self.wing.mfac: 1.4,
            self.wing.spar.mfac: 0.8
        constraints = [
            Wcent == loading.W,
            WS == W / self.wing.planform.S,
            PW == Pshaftmax / W,
            TCS([W >= Wbatt + Wpay + self.wing.W + Wmotor + Wstruct]),
            Wcent >= Wbatt + Wpay + Wmotor + Wstruct,
            Wstruct >= fstruct * W,
            Wmotor >= Pshaftmax / sp_motor,
            Wbatt / W <= fbattmax,

        return constraints, self.wing, loading
Пример #18
 def setup(self):
     x = self.x = Variable("x", "m")
     x_min = Variable("x_{min}", 1, "cm")
     self.cost = x
     return [x >= x_min]
Пример #19
"Minimizes cylindrical tank surface area for a particular volume."
from gpkit import Variable, VectorVariable, Model

M = Variable("M", 100, "kg", "Mass of Water in the Tank")
rho = Variable("\\rho", 1000, "kg/m^3", "Density of Water in the Tank")
A = Variable("A", "m^2", "Surface Area of the Tank")
V = Variable("V", "m^3", "Volume of the Tank")
d = VectorVariable(3, "d", "m", "Dimension Vector")

constraints = (A >= 2 * (d[0] * d[1] + d[0] * d[2] + d[1] * d[2]),
               V == d[0] * d[1] * d[2], M == V * rho)

m = Model(A, constraints)
sol = m.solve(verbosity=0)
print sol.table()
Пример #20
 def setup(self):
     y = self.y = Variable('y')
     s = Sub()
     sy = s["y"]
     self.cost = y
     return [s, y >= sy, sy >= 1]
Пример #21
from gpkit import Variable
g = Variable("g", 9.81, "m/s^2", "earth surface gravitational acceleration")
Пример #22
 def setup(self):
     sub = Sub()
     x = self.x = Variable("x")
     self.cost = x
     return sub, [x >= sub["y"], sub["y"] >= 1]
Пример #23
def SimPleAC():
    "Creates SimpleAC model"
    # Env. constants
    g = Variable("g", 9.81, "m/s^2", "gravitational acceleration")
    mu = Variable("\\mu", 1.775e-5, "kg/m/s", "viscosity of air")
    rho = Variable("\\rho", 1.23, "kg/m^3", "density of air")
    rho_f = Variable("\\rho_f", 817, "kg/m^3", "density of fuel")

    # Non-dimensional constants
    C_Lmax = Variable("C_{L,max}", 1.6, "-", "max CL with flaps down")
    e = Variable("e", 0.92, "-", "Oswald efficiency factor")
    k = Variable("k", 1.17, "-", "form factor")
    N_ult = Variable("N_{ult}", 3.3, "-", "ultimate load factor")
    S_wetratio = Variable("(\\frac{S}{S_{wet}})", 2.075, "-",
                          "wetted area ratio")
    tau = Variable("\\tau", 0.12, "-", "airfoil thickness to chord ratio")
    W_W_coeff1 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff1}}", 2e-5, "1/m",
                          "wing weight coefficent 1")  # 12e-5 originally
    W_W_coeff2 = Variable("W_{W_{coeff2}}", 60, "Pa",
                          "wing weight coefficent 2")

    # Dimensional constants
    Range = Variable("Range", 3000, "km", "aircraft range")
    TSFC = Variable("TSFC", 0.6, "1/hr", "thrust specific fuel consumption")
    V_min = Variable("V_{min}", 25, "m/s", "takeoff speed")
    W_0 = Variable("W_0", 6250, "N", "aircraft weight excluding wing")

    # Free Variables
    LoD = Variable("L/D", "-", "lift-to-drag ratio")
    D = Variable("D", "N", "total drag force")
    V = Variable("V", "m/s", "cruising speed")
    W = Variable("W", "N", "total aircraft weight")
    Re = Variable("Re", "-", "Reynold's number")
    CDA0 = Variable("(CDA0)", "m^2", "fuselage drag area")  # 0.035 originally
    C_D = Variable("C_D", "-", "drag coefficient")
    C_L = Variable("C_L", "-", "lift coefficient of wing")
    C_f = Variable("C_f", "-", "skin friction coefficient")
    W_f = Variable("W_f", "N", "fuel weight")
    V_f = Variable("V_f", "m^3", "fuel volume")
    V_f_avail = Variable("V_{f_{avail}}", "m^3", "fuel volume available")
    T_flight = Variable("T_{flight}", "hr", "flight time")

    # Free variables (fixed for performance eval.)
    A = Variable("A", "-", "aspect ratio")
    S = Variable("S", "m^2", "total wing area")
    W_w = Variable("W_w", "N", "wing weight")
    W_w_strc = Variable("W_w_strc", "N", "wing structural weight")
    W_w_surf = Variable("W_w_surf", "N", "wing skin weight")
    V_f_wing = Variable("V_f_wing", "m^3", "fuel volume in the wing")
    V_f_fuse = Variable("V_f_fuse", "m^3", "fuel volume in the fuselage")

    objective = W_f

    constraints = []

    # Weight and lift model
    constraints += [
        W >= W_0 + W_w + W_f,
        W_0 + W_w + 0.5 * W_f <= 0.5 * rho * S * C_L * V**2,
        W <= 0.5 * rho * S * C_Lmax * V_min**2, T_flight >= Range / V,
        LoD == C_L / C_D

    # Thrust and drag model
    C_D_fuse = CDA0 / S
    C_D_wpar = k * C_f * S_wetratio
    C_D_ind = C_L**2 / (np.pi * A * e)
    constraints += [
        W_f >= TSFC * T_flight * D, D >= 0.5 * rho * S * C_D * V**2,
        C_D >= C_D_fuse + C_D_wpar + C_D_ind,
        V_f_fuse <= 10 * units("m") * CDA0, Re <=
        (rho / mu) * V * (S / A)**0.5, C_f >= 0.074 / Re**0.2

    # Fuel volume model
    with SignomialsEnabled():
        constraints += [
            V_f == W_f / g / rho_f,
            # linear with b and tau, quadratic with chord
            V_f_wing**2 <= 0.0009 * S**3 / A * tau**2,
            V_f_avail <= V_f_wing + V_f_fuse,  # [SP]
            Tight([V_f_avail >= V_f])

    # Wing weight model
    constraints += [
        W_w_surf >= W_W_coeff2 * S,
        W_w_strc**2 >= W_W_coeff1**2 / tau**2 * N_ult**2 * A**3 *
        (V_f_fuse * g * rho_f + W_0) * W * S, W_w >= W_w_surf + W_w_strc

    m = Model(objective, constraints)

    return m
Пример #24
 def setup(self):
     y = self.y = Variable('y')
     self.cost = y
     return [y >= 2]
Пример #25
    def setup(self, ac, substitutions=None, **kwargs):
        #define the number of each flight segment
        Nclimb = 2
        Ncruise = 2

        with Vectorize(Nclimb):
            climb = ClimbSegment(ac)

        with Vectorize(Ncruise):
            cruise = CruiseSegment(ac)

        #declare new variables
        W_ftotal = Variable('W_{f_{total}}', 'N', 'Total Fuel Weight')
        W_fclimb = Variable('W_{f_{climb}}', 'N',
                            'Fuel Weight Burned in Climb')
        W_fcruise = Variable('W_{f_{cruise}}', 'N',
                             'Fuel Weight Burned in Cruise')
        W_total = Variable('W_{total}', 'N', 'Total Aircraft Weight')
        CruiseAlt = Variable('CruiseAlt', 'ft', 'Cruise Altitude [feet]')
        ReqRng = Variable('R_{req}', 'nautical_miles', 'Required Cruise Range')

        h = climb['h']
        hftClimb = climb['hft']
        dhft = climb['dhft']
        hftCruise = cruise['hft']

        #make overall constraints
        constraints = []

            #weight constraints
                ac['W_{e}'] + ac['W_{payload}'] + W_ftotal +
                ac['numeng'] * ac['W_{engine}'] + ac['W_{wing}'] <= W_total
            climb['W_{start}'][0] == W_total,
            climb['W_{end}'][-1] == cruise['W_{start}'][0],

            # similar constraint 1
            TCS([climb['W_{start}'] >= climb['W_{end}'] + climb['W_{burn}']]),
            # similar constraint 2
                cruise['W_{start}'] >= cruise['W_{end}'] + cruise['W_{burn}']
            climb['W_{start}'][1:] == climb['W_{end}'][:-1],
            cruise['W_{start}'][1:] == cruise['W_{end}'][:-1],
                ac['W_{e}'] + ac['W_{payload}'] +
                ac['numeng'] * ac['W_{engine}'] + ac['W_{wing}'] <=
            TCS([W_ftotal >= W_fclimb + W_fcruise]),
            TCS([W_fclimb >= sum(climb['W_{burn}'])]),
            TCS([W_fcruise >= sum(cruise['W_{burn}'])]),

            #altitude constraints
            hftCruise == CruiseAlt,
            TCS([hftClimb[1:Ncruise] >= hftClimb[:Ncruise - 1] + dhft]),
            TCS([hftClimb[0] >= dhft[0]]),
            hftClimb[-1] <= hftCruise,

            #compute the dh
            dhft == hftCruise / Nclimb,

            #constrain the thrust
            climb['thrust'] <= 2 * max(cruise['thrust']),

            #set the range for each cruise segment, doesn't take credit for climb
            #down range disatnce covered
            cruise.cruiseP['Rng'] == ReqRng / (Ncruise),

            #set the TSFC
            climb['TSFC'] == .7 * units('1/hr'),
            cruise['TSFC'] == .5 * units('1/hr'),

        # Model.setup(self, W_ftotal + s*units('N'), constraints + ac + climb + cruise, subs)
        return constraints + ac + climb + cruise
Пример #26
 def test_dimensionless_units(self):
     x = Variable('x', 3, 'ft')
     y = Variable('y', 1, 'm')
     if x.units is not None:
         # units are enabled
         self.assertAlmostEqual((x / y).value, 0.9144)
Пример #27
"Another simple primal infeasible example"
from gpkit import Variable, Model

#Make the necessary Variables
x = Variable("x")
y = Variable("y", 2)

#make the constraints
constraints = [x >= 1, 0.5 <= x * y, x * y <= 1.5]

#declare the objective
objective = x * y

#construct the model
m = Model(objective, constraints)

#solve the model
#raises RuntimeWarning uknown on cvxopt and RuntimeWarning
#PRIM_INFES_CER with mosek
Пример #28
 def test_unitless_monomial_sub(self):
     "Tests that dimensionless and undimensioned subs can interact."
     x = Variable("x", "-")
     y = Variable("y")
     self.assertEqual(x.sub({x: y}), y)
Пример #29
 def test_setattr(self):
     kd = KeyDict()
     x = Variable("x", models=["test"])
     kd[x] = 1
     self.assertIn(x, kd)
     self.assertEqual(set(kd), set([x.key]))
Пример #30
 def test_str(self):
     "Test that MonomialEquality.__str__ returns a string"
     x = Variable('x')
     y = Variable('y')
     mec = (x == y)
     self.assertEqual(type(mec.str_without()), str)