def plot_grace(station_name, filename, out_dir):
    grace_ts = gps_io_functions.read_grace(filename)
    plt.plot_date(grace_ts.dtarray, grace_ts.u, '-b')
    plt.plot_date(grace_ts.dtarray, grace_ts.v, '-g')
    plt.plot_date(grace_ts.dtarray, grace_ts.w, '-r')
    plt.legend(['east', 'north', 'vertical'])
    plt.ylabel('Displacement (mm)')
    plt.savefig(out_dir + station_name + "_gracets.eps")
def remove_seasonals_by_GRACE(Data, grace_dir):
    # Here we use pre-computed GRACE load model time series to correct the GPS time series.
    # We recognize that the horizontals will be bad, and that the resolution of GRACE is coarse.
    # For these reasons, this is not an important part of the analysis.
    # Read and interpolate GRACE loading model
    # Subtract the GRACE model
    # Remove a trend from the GPS data
    # Return the object.

    filename = grace_dir + "scaled_" + + "_PREM_model_ts.txt";
    if not os.path.isfile(filename):
        print("Error! GRACE not found for %s" %;
        print("Returning placeholder object.");
        wimpyObj = get_wimpy_object(Data)
        return wimpyObj, wimpyObj;

    # If the station has been pre-computed with GRACE:
    Data = gps_ts_functions.remove_nans(Data);
    [grace_model] = gps_io_functions.read_grace(filename);
    my_paired_ts = grace_ts_functions.pair_GPSGRACE(Data, grace_model);
    decyear = gps_ts_functions.get_float_times(my_paired_ts.dtarray);

    # Subtract the GRACE object
    dE_filt, dN_filt, dU_filt = [], [], [];
    for i in range(len(my_paired_ts.dtarray)):
        dE_filt.append(my_paired_ts.east[i] - my_paired_ts.u[i]);
        dN_filt.append(my_paired_ts.north[i] - my_paired_ts.v[i]);
        dU_filt.append(my_paired_ts.vert[i] - my_paired_ts.w[i]);

    # A Simple detrending
    dE_detrended = np.zeros(np.shape(decyear));
    dN_detrended = np.zeros(np.shape(decyear));
    dU_detrended = np.zeros(np.shape(decyear));
    east_coef = np.polyfit(decyear, dE_filt, 1)[0];
    for i in range(len(dE_filt)):
        dE_detrended[i] = dE_filt[i] - east_coef * decyear[i] - (dE_filt[0] - east_coef * decyear[0]);
    north_coef = np.polyfit(decyear, dN_filt, 1)[0];
    for i in range(len(dN_filt)):
        dN_detrended[i] = (dN_filt[i] - north_coef * decyear[i]) - (dN_filt[0] - north_coef * decyear[0]);
    vert_coef = np.polyfit(decyear, dU_filt, 1)[0];
    for i in range(len(dU_filt)):
        dU_detrended[i] = (dU_filt[i] - vert_coef * decyear[i]) - (dU_filt[0] - vert_coef * decyear[0]);

    detrended = gps_io_functions.Timeseries(, coords=Data.coords, dtarray=my_paired_ts.dtarray,
                                            dN=dN_detrended, dE=dE_detrended, dU=dU_detrended, Sn=my_paired_ts.N_err,
                                            Se=my_paired_ts.E_err, Su=my_paired_ts.V_err, EQtimes=Data.EQtimes);
    trended = gps_io_functions.Timeseries(, coords=Data.coords, dtarray=my_paired_ts.dtarray, dN=dN_filt,
                                          dE=dE_filt, dU=dU_filt, Sn=my_paired_ts.N_err, Se=my_paired_ts.E_err,
                                          Su=my_paired_ts.V_err, EQtimes=Data.EQtimes);
    return detrended, trended;  # 0 = successful completion
Пример #3
def get_grace(data_config_file, station):
    Params = gps_io_functions.read_config_file(data_config_file)
    filename = Params.grace_dir + "scaled_" + station + "_PREM_model_ts.txt"
    [myData] = gps_io_functions.read_grace(filename)
    Offset = offsets.get_empty_offsets()
    return [myData, Offset, Offset]
Пример #4
def grace_inputs(file_list):
    dataobj_list = []
    for item in file_list:
        grace_ts = gps_io_functions.read_grace(item)
    return [dataobj_list]