def diagnose_gpudb( argv ): """ Run a diagnostic test on GPUdb Argument: argv -- Command line arguments """ # Parse the command line arguments if ( len(sys.argv) == 1 ): # None provided # Print help message and quit print ( helpMessage ) sys.exit( 2 ) try: # Parse the command line arguments opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "hlg:p:v" ) except getopt.GetoptError: print ( helpMessage ) sys.exit( 2 ) # Some default values GPUdb_IP = '' # Run locally by default GPUdb_Port = '9191' # Default port isVerbose = False # Parse the arguments for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': # print usage and exit print ( helpMessage ) sys.exit() if opt == '-l': # run gpudb on local machine isServer = False if opt == '-g': # run gpudb on a server gpudb at the specified IP address GPUdb_IP = arg set_id = "TwitterPointText" # Default set ID for server gpudb if opt == '-p': # run gpudb on a server gpudb at the specified port GPUdb_Port = arg if opt == '-v': # prints verbose messages (only the success message, really) isVerbose = True # Set up GPUdb with binary encoding gpudb = GPUdb( encoding='BINARY', host = GPUdb_IP, port = GPUdb_Port ) # Create a data type point_schema_str = """{ "type":"record", "name":"point", "fields": [ {"name":"x","type":"double"}, {"name":"y","type":"double"}, {"name":"OBJECT_ID","type":"string"} ] }""".replace(' ','').replace('\n','') # Register the data type and ensure that it worked # Endpoint: /create/type create_resp = gpudb.create_type ( point_schema_str, "point_type" ) assert create_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to create point data type; error message: " \ % create_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Using the registered type's ID, create a new set (and check that worked) # Endpoint: /create/table type_id = create_resp[ 'type_id' ] table_name = "diagnostics_point_set_" + create_table_resp = gpudb.create_table( table_name, type_id ) # not a part of a collection assert create_table_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to create point table; error message: %s" \ % create_table_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Add some data to the set in batches # Endpoint: /insert/records/random count_1 = 2000 param_map_1 = { "x": {"min": 0, "max": 42 }, "y": {"min": 0, "max": 42 } } random_resp = gpudb.insert_records_random( table_name, count_1, param_map_1 ) # Check that the first set of objects were generated successfully assert random_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to generate random points; error message: %s" \ % random_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Add another batch of data points to the same set, but at a different location # Endpoint: /insert/records/random count_2 = 2000 param_map_2 = { "x": {"min": -50, "max": -20 }, "y": {"min": -50, "max": -20 } } random_resp = gpudb.insert_records_random( table_name, count_2, param_map_2 ) # Check that the first set of objects were generated successfully assert random_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to generate random points; error message: %s" \ % random_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Check the total size of the set is as intended # Endpoint: /show/table total_size = count_1 + count_2 show_table_resp = gpudb.show_table( table_name, options = {"get_sizes": "true"} ) assert show_table_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to check status of set; error message: %s" \ % show_table_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] assert show_table_resp[ 'total_size' ] == total_size, "Error: Total size of set is not as expected. Set size = %s, expected size = %s" % ( show_table_resp[ 'total_size' ], total_size ) # Query chaining: do two filters one after another, get final count # Do a similar query with select, check count against the chained queries # Bounding box: x within [10, 20] and y within [10, 20] # Endpoint: /filter/bybox bbox_view_name = "diagnostics_bbox_result_" + bbox_resp = gpudb.filter_by_box( table_name, bbox_view_name, "x", 10, 20, "y", 10, 20 ) assert bbox_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform bounding box query; error message: %s" \ % bbox_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Filter by radius: 100km radius around (lon, lat) = (15, 15) # Endpoint: /filter/byradius fradius_view_name = "diagnostics_filter_by_radius_result_" + fradius_resp = gpudb.filter_by_radius( bbox_view_name, fradius_view_name, "x", 15, "y", 15, 100000 ) assert fradius_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform filter by radius query; error message: %s" \ % fradius_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Do a select query with a predicate that should yield the same result # as the above chained queries # Select: ( (10 <= x) and (x <= 20) and (10 <= y) and (y <= 20) and (geodist(x, y, 15, 15) < 100000) ) # Endpoint: /filter filter_view_name = "diagnostics_filter_result_" + predicate = "( (10 <= x) and (x <= 20) and (10 <= y) and (y <= 20) and (geodist(x, y, 15, 15) < 100000) )" filter_resp = gpudb.filter( table_name, filter_view_name, predicate ) assert filter_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform filter query; error message: %s" \ % filter_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] assert filter_resp[ 'count' ] == fradius_resp[ 'count' ], "Error: Mismatch in counts of filter (%s) and chained queries (bounding box then filter by radius) (%s)" \ % ( filter_resp[ 'count' ], fradius_resp[ 'count' ] ) # Delete a few objects and check the set size of the original set # # Delete objects: Delte a few objects given a predicate # Endpoint: /delete/records delete_expression = ["((15 <= x) and (x <= 18.5))"] delete_resp = gpudb.delete_records( table_name, delete_expression ) assert delete_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform delete operation; error message: %s" \ % delete_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Check that the size of the set has gone down # Statistics return the count as a default # Endpoint: /aggregate/statistics new_size = total_size - delete_resp[ 'count_deleted' ] statistics_resp = gpudb.aggregate_statistics( table_name, "x", "count" ) assert statistics_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform the statistics operation; error message: %s" \ % statistics_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] assert statistics_resp[ 'stats' ][ 'count' ] == new_size, "Error: Mismatch in counts of set size (%s) and expected size (%s)" \ % ( statistics_resp[ 'count' ], new_size ) # Update a few objects and check the update was successful by doing a select # # Update objects based on x, change the y value # Endpoing: /update/records update_predicate = "((-35 <= x) and (x <= -33.5))" update_resp = gpudb.update_records( table_name, [ update_predicate ], [{'y': "71"}] ) assert update_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform the update operation; error message: %s" \ % update_resp['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Check that the selected objects' y values have been changed # # Obtain the selected objects by performing a select query # Endpoint: /filter filter_view_name2 = "diagnostics_filter_result_2_" + filter_resp1 = gpudb.filter( table_name, filter_view_name2, update_predicate ) assert filter_resp1['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform filter operation; error message: %s" \ % filter_resp1['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Get all the objects in the resultant set that has the update y value # and check that it matches with the above count # Endpont: /filter filter_expression = "(y == 71)" filter_view_name3 = "diagnostics_filter_result_3_" + filter_resp2 = gpudb.filter( table_name, filter_view_name3, filter_expression ) assert filter_resp2['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed to perform filter operation; error message: %s" \ % filter_resp2['status_info'][ 'message' ] # Now check that the counts match assert filter_resp1[ 'count' ] == filter_resp2[ 'count' ], "GPUdb failed in performing update correctly; expected count is %s, but given count is %s" \ % ( filter_resp1[ 'count' ], filter_resp2[ 'count' ] ) # Clear all the tables (dropping the original table also drops views) clear_resp = gpudb.clear_table( table_name ) assert clear_resp['status_info'][ 'status' ] == 'OK', "GPUdb failed in clearing set %s" % table_name if isVerbose: print ( "The diagnostics tests succeeded!" )