def register_point_cloud(self): registration_result_array = [] depth_im_seg, camera_intr = self.get_object_point_cloud_from_sensor( ) #self.database_objects[1]# source_point_cloud, source_normal_cloud = self.get_point_normal_cloud( depth_im_seg, camera_intr) source_sample_size = int(source_point_cloud.shape[1]) if self.debug: print source_sample_size vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im_seg) source_sample_size = 1000 p2pis = PointToPlaneICPSolver(sample_size=source_sample_size) p2pfm = PointToPlaneFeatureMatcher() for objectFileName in self.obj_filenames: self.load_object_point_clouds([objectFileName]) for (target_depth_im, target_camera_intr) in self.database_objects: if self.debug: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(target_depth_im) target_point_cloud, target_normal_cloud = self.get_point_normal_cloud( target_depth_im, target_camera_intr) registration_result = p2pis.register(source_point_cloud, target_point_cloud, source_normal_cloud, target_normal_cloud, p2pfm, num_iterations=10) registration_result_array.append(registration_result) return registration_result_array
def get_current_point_cloud(debug=False, start_node=True, env='simulator'): giob = GetInitialObjectBelief(None, debug, start_node, env) (depth_im_seg, _) = giob.get_object_point_cloud_from_sensor() if debug: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im_seg)
def save_point_cloud(self, filename_prefix, depth_im_seg, camera_intr): if self.debug: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im_seg) + '.npy') + '.intr')
def get_current_rgb_image(debug=False, start_node=True, env='simulator'): giob = GetInitialObjectBelief(None, debug, start_node, env) (color_im_seg, camera_intr) = giob.get_world_color_image() (depth_im_seg, camera_intr) = giob.get_object_point_cloud_from_sensor(None, False) if debug: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im_seg) vis.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis.imshow(color_im_seg) return (depth_im_seg, color_im_seg, camera_intr)
def load_object_point_clouds(self, obj_filenames=None): if obj_filenames is None: obj_filenames = self.obj_filenames ans = [] for filename in obj_filenames: print "Loading " + filename depth_im, camera_intr = self.load_saved_point_cloud(filename) ans.append((depth_im, camera_intr)) if self.debug: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im) self.database_objects = ans return ans
def execute_policy(self, rgbd_image_state, grasping_policy, grasp_pose_publisher, pose_frame): """ Executes a grasping policy on an RgbdImageState Parameters ---------- rgbd_image_state: :obj:`RgbdImageState` RgbdImageState from perception module to encapsulate depth and color image along with camera intrinsics grasping_policy: :obj:`GraspingPolicy` grasping policy to use grasp_pose_publisher: :obj:`Publisher` ROS Publisher to publish planned grasp's ROS Pose only for visualization pose_frame: :obj:`str` frame of reference to publish pose alone in """ # execute the policy's action rospy.loginfo('Planning Grasp') grasp_planning_start_time = time.time() grasp = grasping_policy(rgbd_image_state) # create GQCNNGrasp return msg and populate it gqcnn_grasp = GQCNNGrasp() gqcnn_grasp.grasp_success_prob = grasp.q_value gqcnn_grasp.pose = grasp.grasp.pose().pose_msg # create and publish the pose alone for visualization ease of grasp pose in rviz pose_stamped = PoseStamped() pose_stamped.pose = grasp.grasp.pose().pose_msg header = Header() header.stamp = header.frame_id = pose_frame pose_stamped.header = header grasp_pose_publisher.publish(pose_stamped) # return GQCNNGrasp msg rospy.loginfo('Total grasp planning time: ' + str(time.time() - grasp_planning_start_time) + ' secs.') if self.cfg['vis']['vis_final_grasp']: vis.imshow(rgbd_image_state.rgbd_im) vis.grasp(grasp.grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) return gqcnn_grasp
def get_current_point_cloud_for_movement(min_x, debug=False, start_node=True, env='simulator', min_z=None): giob = GetInitialObjectBelief(None, debug, start_node, env) (camera_intr, point_cloud_world, T_camera_world) = giob.get_world_point_cloud() cfg = copy.deepcopy(giob.detector_cfg) cfg['min_pt'][2] = cfg['min_z_for_movement'] if min_z is not None: cfg['min_pt'][2] = min_z if min_x > cfg['min_pt'][0]: cfg['min_pt'][0] = min_x seg_point_cloud_world = giob.get_segmented_point_cloud_world( cfg, point_cloud_world) """ import sensor_msgs.point_cloud2 as pcl2 from sensor_msgs.msg import Image, PointCloud2, PointField print pc2 = PointCloud2() pc2.header.frame_id = giob.WORLD_FRAME segmented_pc = pcl2.create_cloud_xyz32(pc2.header, np.transpose( pcl_pub = rospy.Publisher('mico_node/pointcloud', PointCloud2, queue_size=10) i = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): #hello_str = "hello world %s" % rospy.get_time() #rospy.loginfo(hello_str) pcl_pub.publish(segmented_pc) #depth_im_pub.publish(depth_im) rospy.sleep(5) i = i+1 if i > 5: break #return copy.deepcopy(point_cloud_world) """ if debug: seg_point_cloud_cam = T_camera_world.inverse() * seg_point_cloud_world depth_im_seg = camera_intr.project_to_image(seg_point_cloud_cam) vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im_seg) return seg_point_cloud_world
def visualize_observation_list(observation_list_file_name): if('.log' in observation_list_file_name): system_command = "grep 'Observation =' " + observation_list_file_name + " | cut -d'|' -f2" content = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-O", "extglob", "-c", system_command]) system_command = "grep 'Action =' " + observation_list_file_name + " | cut -d' ' -f6,7,8,9" action_content = subprocess.check_output(["bash", "-O", "extglob", "-c", system_command]) content = content.strip() action_content = action_content.strip() content = content.split('\n') action_content = action_content.split('\n') else: with open(observation_list_file_name) as f: content = f.readlines() actions_file_name = observation_list_file_name.replace('observations', 'actions') action_content = [] if(os.path.exists(actions_file_name)): with open(actions_file_name) as f: action_content = f.readlines() content = [x.strip() for x in content] action_content = [x.strip() for x in action_content] print content print action_content print len(content) print len(action_content) num_cols = math.ceil(math.sqrt(len(content))) num_rows = math.ceil(len(content)*1.0/num_cols) vis.figure() for i in range(0,len(content)): ax = plt.subplot(num_rows,num_cols,i+1) filename_prefix = content[i] camera_intr = perception.CameraIntrinsics.load(filename_prefix + '.intr') color_im = + '.npz', frame=camera_intr.frame) vis.imshow(color_im) if(i < len(action_content)): ax.set_title(action_content[i])
def main(): delete_files = False directory_name = None out_directory_name = './' num_days = 5 opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "d:o:", ["dir=", "out="]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-d", "--dir"): directory_name = arg if opt in ("-o", "--out"): out_directory_name = arg if directory_name is None: print "Please specify directory name" return num_saved = 0 for root, dir, files in os.walk(directory_name): #print "Root " + root for file in files: filename = os.path.join(root, file) #print filename if filename.endswith('.npz') and "depth" not in filename: rgb_image = vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(rgb_image) save_ans = raw_input("Shall I save[y|n]?") if save_ans == 'y': png_file_name = os.path.basename(filename).replace( '.npz', '.png') new_file_name = os.path.join(out_directory_name, png_file_name) num_saved = num_saved + 1 print num_saved plt.close()
def get_depth_image_thumbmail(depth_im, size_x=16, size_y=8, debug=False): depth_im_centered, _ = depth_im.center_nonzero() #if crop_point is None: # crop_point = #check depth_im_focus = depth_im_centered.focus(size_x, size_y) depth_im_focus_zero_pixels = depth_im_focus.zero_pixels() depth_im_centered_zero_pixels = depth_im_centered.zero_pixels() clipped = False try: assert np.array_equal(depth_im_focus_zero_pixels, depth_im_centered_zero_pixels) except: clipped = True #debug = True """ print depth_im_focus_zero_pixels[0] print depth_im_centered_zero_pixels[0] a = np.append(depth_im_focus_zero_pixels,depth_im_centered_zero_pixels, axis=0) b,counts = np.unique(["{}-{}".format(i, j) for i, j in a], return_counts=True) #c = np.where(counts==1) print len(b) print len(counts) c = np.array([map(int,x.split('-')) for x in b[np.where(counts==1)]]) print c print print depth_im_centered[c[:,0],c[:,1]] """ depth_im_crop = depth_im_centered.crop(size_x, size_y) depth_im_crop_thumbnail = depth_im_crop.resize(0.25) if debug: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 4, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im_crop) vis.subplot(1, 4, 2) vis.imshow(depth_im_centered) vis.subplot(1, 4, 3) vis.imshow(depth_im) vis.subplot(1, 4, 4) vis.imshow(depth_im_crop_thumbnail) return depth_im_crop_thumbnail, clipped
# setup sensor sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(sensor_type, config['sensor']) sensor.start() camera_intr = sensor.ir_intrinsics # read images color_im, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() color_im = color_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=inpaint_rescale_factor) depth_im = depth_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=inpaint_rescale_factor) rgbd_im = RgbdImage.from_color_and_depth(color_im, depth_im) state = RgbdImageState(rgbd_im, camera_intr) # init policy policy = CrossEntropyAntipodalGraspingPolicy(policy_config) policy_start = time.time() action = policy(state)'Planning took %.3f sec' % (time.time() - policy_start)) # vis final grasp if policy_config['vis']['final_grasp']: vis.figure(size=(10, 10)) vis.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.color) vis.grasp(action.grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Planned grasp on color (Q=%.3f)' % (action.q_value)) vis.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.depth) vis.grasp(action.grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Planned grasp on depth (Q=%.3f)' % (action.q_value))
def generate_gqcnn_dataset(dataset_path, database, target_object_keys, env_rv_params, gripper_name, config): """ Generates a GQ-CNN TensorDataset for training models with new grippers, quality metrics, objects, and cameras. Parameters ---------- dataset_path : str path to save the dataset to database : :obj:`Hdf5Database` Dex-Net database containing the 3D meshes, grasps, and grasp metrics target_object_keys : :obj:`OrderedDict` dictionary mapping dataset names to target objects (either 'all' or a list of specific object keys) env_rv_params : :obj:`OrderedDict` parameters of the camera and object random variables used in sampling (see meshpy_berkeley.UniformPlanarWorksurfaceImageRandomVariable for more info) gripper_name : str name of the gripper to use config : :obj:`autolab_core.YamlConfig` other parameters for dataset generation Notes ----- Required parameters of config are specified in Other Parameters Other Parameters ---------------- images_per_stable_pose : int number of object and camera poses to sample for each stable pose stable_pose_min_p : float minimum probability of occurrence for a stable pose to be used in data generation (used to prune bad stable poses gqcnn/crop_width : int width, in pixels, of crop region around each grasp center, before resize (changes the size of the region seen by the GQ-CNN) gqcnn/crop_height : int height, in pixels, of crop region around each grasp center, before resize (changes the size of the region seen by the GQ-CNN) gqcnn/final_width : int width, in pixels, of final transformed grasp image for input to the GQ-CNN (defaults to 32) gqcnn/final_height : int height, in pixels, of final transformed grasp image for input to the GQ-CNN (defaults to 32) table_alignment/max_approach_table_angle : float max angle between the grasp axis and the table normal when the grasp approach is maximally aligned with the table normal table_alignment/max_approach_offset : float max deviation from perpendicular approach direction to use in grasp collision checking table_alignment/num_approach_offset_samples : int number of approach samples to use in collision checking collision_checking/table_offset : float max allowable interpenetration between the gripper and table to be considered collision free collision_checking/table_mesh_filename : str path to a table mesh for collision checking (default data/meshes/table.obj) collision_checking/approach_dist : float distance, in meters, between the approach pose and final grasp pose along the grasp axis collision_checking/delta_approach : float amount, in meters, to discretize the straight-line path from the gripper approach pose to the final grasp pose tensors/datapoints_per_file : int number of datapoints to store in each unique tensor file on disk tensors/fields : :obj:`dict` dictionary mapping field names to dictionaries specifying the data type, height, width, and number of channels for each tensor debug : bool True (or 1) if the random seed should be set to enforce deterministic behavior, False (0) otherwise vis/candidate_grasps : bool True (or 1) if the collision free candidate grasps should be displayed in 3D (for debugging) vis/rendered_images : bool True (or 1) if the rendered images for each stable pose should be displayed (for debugging) vis/grasp_images : bool True (or 1) if the transformed grasp images should be displayed (for debugging) """ # read data gen params output_dir = dataset_path gripper = RobotGripper.load(gripper_name) image_samples_per_stable_pose = config['images_per_stable_pose'] stable_pose_min_p = config['stable_pose_min_p'] # read gqcnn params gqcnn_params = config['gqcnn'] im_crop_height = gqcnn_params['crop_height'] im_crop_width = gqcnn_params['crop_width'] im_final_height = gqcnn_params['final_height'] im_final_width = gqcnn_params['final_width'] cx_crop = float(im_crop_width) / 2 cy_crop = float(im_crop_height) / 2 # open database dataset_names = target_object_keys.keys() datasets = [database.dataset(dn) for dn in dataset_names] # set target objects for dataset in datasets: if target_object_keys[] == 'all': target_object_keys[] = dataset.object_keys # setup grasp params table_alignment_params = config['table_alignment'] min_grasp_approach_offset = -np.deg2rad( table_alignment_params['max_approach_offset']) max_grasp_approach_offset = np.deg2rad( table_alignment_params['max_approach_offset']) max_grasp_approach_table_angle = np.deg2rad( table_alignment_params['max_approach_table_angle']) num_grasp_approach_samples = table_alignment_params[ 'num_approach_offset_samples'] phi_offsets = [] if max_grasp_approach_offset == min_grasp_approach_offset: phi_inc = 1 elif num_grasp_approach_samples == 1: phi_inc = max_grasp_approach_offset - min_grasp_approach_offset + 1 else: phi_inc = (max_grasp_approach_offset - min_grasp_approach_offset) / ( num_grasp_approach_samples - 1) phi = min_grasp_approach_offset while phi <= max_grasp_approach_offset: phi_offsets.append(phi) phi += phi_inc # setup collision checking coll_check_params = config['collision_checking'] approach_dist = coll_check_params['approach_dist'] delta_approach = coll_check_params['delta_approach'] table_offset = coll_check_params['table_offset'] table_mesh_filename = coll_check_params['table_mesh_filename'] if not os.path.isabs(table_mesh_filename): table_mesh_filename = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..', table_mesh_filename) table_mesh = ObjFile(table_mesh_filename).read() # set tensor dataset config tensor_config = config['tensors'] tensor_config['fields']['depth_ims_tf_table']['height'] = im_final_height tensor_config['fields']['depth_ims_tf_table']['width'] = im_final_width tensor_config['fields']['obj_masks']['height'] = im_final_height tensor_config['fields']['obj_masks']['width'] = im_final_width # add available metrics (assuming same are computed for all objects) metric_names = [] dataset = datasets[0] obj_keys = dataset.object_keys if len(obj_keys) == 0: raise ValueError('No valid objects in dataset %s' % ( obj = dataset[obj_keys[0]] grasps = dataset.grasps(obj.key, grasp_metrics = dataset.grasp_metrics(obj.key, grasps, metric_names = grasp_metrics[grasp_metrics.keys()[0]].keys() for metric_name in metric_names: tensor_config['fields'][metric_name] = {} tensor_config['fields'][metric_name]['dtype'] = 'float32' # init tensor dataset tensor_dataset = TensorDataset(output_dir, tensor_config) tensor_datapoint = tensor_dataset.datapoint_template # setup log file experiment_log_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'dataset_generation.log') formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s') hdlr = logging.FileHandler(experiment_log_filename) hdlr.setFormatter(formatter) logging.getLogger().addHandler(hdlr) root_logger = logging.getLogger() # copy config out_config_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'dataset_generation.json') ordered_dict_config = collections.OrderedDict() for key in config.keys(): ordered_dict_config[key] = config[key] with open(out_config_filename, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(ordered_dict_config, outfile) # 1. Precompute the set of valid grasps for each stable pose: # i) Perpendicular to the table # ii) Collision-free along the approach direction # load grasps if they already exist grasp_cache_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, CACHE_FILENAME) if os.path.exists(grasp_cache_filename):'Loading grasp candidates from file') candidate_grasps_dict = pkl.load(open(grasp_cache_filename, 'rb')) # otherwise re-compute by reading from the database and enforcing constraints else: # create grasps dict candidate_grasps_dict = {} # loop through datasets and objects for dataset in datasets:'Reading dataset %s' % ( for obj in dataset: if obj.key not in target_object_keys[]: continue # init candidate grasp storage candidate_grasps_dict[obj.key] = {} # setup collision checker collision_checker = GraspCollisionChecker(gripper) collision_checker.set_graspable_object(obj) # read in the stable poses of the mesh stable_poses = dataset.stable_poses(obj.key) for i, stable_pose in enumerate(stable_poses): # render images if stable pose is valid if stable_pose.p > stable_pose_min_p: candidate_grasps_dict[obj.key][] = [] # setup table in collision checker T_obj_stp = stable_pose.T_obj_table.as_frames( 'obj', 'stp') T_obj_table = obj.mesh.get_T_surface_obj( T_obj_stp, delta=table_offset).as_frames('obj', 'table') T_table_obj = T_obj_table.inverse() collision_checker.set_table(table_mesh_filename, T_table_obj) # read grasp and metrics grasps = dataset.grasps(obj.key, 'Aligning %d grasps for object %s in stable %s' % (len(grasps), obj.key, # align grasps with the table aligned_grasps = [ grasp.perpendicular_table(stable_pose) for grasp in grasps ] # check grasp validity 'Checking collisions for %d grasps for object %s in stable %s' % (len(grasps), obj.key, for aligned_grasp in aligned_grasps: # check angle with table plane and skip unaligned grasps _, grasp_approach_table_angle, _ = aligned_grasp.grasp_angles_from_stp_z( stable_pose) perpendicular_table = ( np.abs(grasp_approach_table_angle) < max_grasp_approach_table_angle) if not perpendicular_table: continue # check whether any valid approach directions are collision free collision_free = False for phi_offset in phi_offsets: rotated_grasp = aligned_grasp.grasp_y_axis_offset( phi_offset) collides = collision_checker.collides_along_approach( rotated_grasp, approach_dist, delta_approach) if not collides: collision_free = True break # store if aligned to table candidate_grasps_dict[obj.key][].append( GraspInfo(aligned_grasp, collision_free)) # visualize if specified if collision_free and config['vis'][ 'candidate_grasps']:'Grasp %d' % ( vis.figure() vis.gripper_on_object(gripper, aligned_grasp, obj, stable_pose.T_obj_world) # save to file'Saving to file') pkl.dump(candidate_grasps_dict, open(grasp_cache_filename, 'wb')) # 2. Render a dataset of images and associate the gripper pose with image coordinates for each grasp in the Dex-Net database # setup variables obj_category_map = {} pose_category_map = {} cur_pose_label = 0 cur_obj_label = 0 cur_image_label = 0 # render images for each stable pose of each object in the dataset render_modes = [RenderMode.SEGMASK, RenderMode.DEPTH_SCENE] for dataset in datasets:'Generating data for dataset %s' % ( # iterate through all object keys object_keys = dataset.object_keys for obj_key in object_keys: obj = dataset[obj_key] if obj.key not in target_object_keys[]: continue # read in the stable poses of the mesh stable_poses = dataset.stable_poses(obj.key) for i, stable_pose in enumerate(stable_poses): # render images if stable pose is valid if stable_pose.p > stable_pose_min_p: # log progress'Rendering images for object %s in %s' % (obj.key, # add to category maps if obj.key not in obj_category_map.keys(): obj_category_map[obj.key] = cur_obj_label pose_category_map['%s_%s' % (obj.key,] = cur_pose_label # read in candidate grasps and metrics candidate_grasp_info = candidate_grasps_dict[obj.key][] candidate_grasps = [g.grasp for g in candidate_grasp_info] grasp_metrics = dataset.grasp_metrics(obj.key, candidate_grasps, # compute object pose relative to the table T_obj_stp = stable_pose.T_obj_table.as_frames('obj', 'stp') T_obj_stp = obj.mesh.get_T_surface_obj(T_obj_stp) # sample images from random variable T_table_obj = RigidTransform(from_frame='table', to_frame='obj') scene_objs = { 'table': SceneObject(table_mesh, T_table_obj) } urv = UniformPlanarWorksurfaceImageRandomVariable( obj.mesh, render_modes, 'camera', env_rv_params, stable_pose=stable_pose, scene_objs=scene_objs) render_start = time.time() render_samples = urv.rvs( size=image_samples_per_stable_pose) render_stop = time.time()'Rendering images took %.3f sec' % (render_stop - render_start)) # visualize if config['vis']['rendered_images']: d = int(np.ceil( np.sqrt(image_samples_per_stable_pose))) # binary vis2d.figure() for j, render_sample in enumerate(render_samples): vis2d.subplot(d, d, j + 1) vis2d.imshow(render_sample.renders[ RenderMode.SEGMASK].image) # depth table vis2d.figure() for j, render_sample in enumerate(render_samples): vis2d.subplot(d, d, j + 1) vis2d.imshow(render_sample.renders[ RenderMode.DEPTH_SCENE].image) # tally total amount of data num_grasps = len(candidate_grasps) num_images = image_samples_per_stable_pose num_save = num_images * num_grasps'Saving %d datapoints' % (num_save)) # for each candidate grasp on the object compute the projection # of the grasp into image space for render_sample in render_samples: # read images binary_im = render_sample.renders[ RenderMode.SEGMASK].image depth_im_table = render_sample.renders[ RenderMode.DEPTH_SCENE].image # read camera params T_stp_camera = shifted_camera_intr = # read pixel offsets cx =[1] cy =[0] # compute intrinsics for virtual camera of the final # cropped and rescaled images camera_intr_scale = float(im_final_height) / float( im_crop_height) cropped_camera_intr = shifted_camera_intr.crop( im_crop_height, im_crop_width, cy, cx) final_camera_intr = cropped_camera_intr.resize( camera_intr_scale) # create a thumbnail for each grasp for grasp_info in candidate_grasp_info: # read info grasp = grasp_info.grasp collision_free = grasp_info.collision_free # get the gripper pose T_obj_camera = T_stp_camera * T_obj_stp.as_frames( 'obj', T_stp_camera.from_frame) grasp_2d = grasp.project_camera( T_obj_camera, shifted_camera_intr) # center images on the grasp, rotate to image x axis dx = cx - dy = cy - translation = np.array([dy, dx]) binary_im_tf = binary_im.transform( translation, grasp_2d.angle) depth_im_tf_table = depth_im_table.transform( translation, grasp_2d.angle) # crop to image size binary_im_tf = binary_im_tf.crop( im_crop_height, im_crop_width) depth_im_tf_table = depth_im_tf_table.crop( im_crop_height, im_crop_width) # resize to image size binary_im_tf = binary_im_tf.resize( (im_final_height, im_final_width), interp='nearest') depth_im_tf_table = depth_im_tf_table.resize( (im_final_height, im_final_width)) # visualize the transformed images if config['vis']['grasp_images']: grasp_center = Point(, frame=final_camera_intr.frame) tf_grasp_2d = Grasp2D( grasp_center, 0, grasp_2d.depth, width=gripper.max_width, camera_intr=final_camera_intr) # plot 2D grasp image vis2d.figure() vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 1) vis2d.imshow(binary_im) vis2d.grasp(grasp_2d) vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 2) vis2d.imshow(depth_im_table) vis2d.grasp(grasp_2d) vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 3) vis2d.imshow(binary_im_tf) vis2d.grasp(tf_grasp_2d) vis2d.subplot(2, 2, 4) vis2d.imshow(depth_im_tf_table) vis2d.grasp(tf_grasp_2d) vis2d.title('Coll Free? %d' % (grasp_info.collision_free)) # plot 3D visualization vis.figure() T_obj_world = vis.mesh_stable_pose( obj.mesh, stable_pose.T_obj_world, style='surface', dim=0.5) vis.gripper(gripper, grasp, T_obj_world, color=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) # form hand pose array hand_pose = np.r_[,, grasp_2d.depth, grasp_2d.angle, -, -, grasp_2d.width_px] # store to data buffers tensor_datapoint[ 'depth_ims_tf_table'] = depth_im_tf_table.raw_data tensor_datapoint[ 'obj_masks'] = binary_im_tf.raw_data tensor_datapoint['hand_poses'] = hand_pose tensor_datapoint['collision_free'] = collision_free tensor_datapoint['obj_labels'] = cur_obj_label tensor_datapoint['pose_labels'] = cur_pose_label tensor_datapoint['image_labels'] = cur_image_label for metric_name, metric_val in grasp_metrics[].iteritems(): coll_free_metric = ( 1 * collision_free) * metric_val tensor_datapoint[ metric_name] = coll_free_metric tensor_dataset.add(tensor_datapoint) # update image label cur_image_label += 1 # update pose label cur_pose_label += 1 # force clean up gc.collect() # update object label cur_obj_label += 1 # force clean up gc.collect() # save last file tensor_dataset.flush() # save category mappings obj_cat_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'object_category_map.json') json.dump(obj_category_map, open(obj_cat_filename, 'w')) pose_cat_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, 'pose_category_map.json') json.dump(pose_category_map, open(pose_cat_filename, 'w'))
def visualize_tensor_dataset(dataset, config): """ Visualizes a Tensor dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset : :obj:`TensorDataset` dataset to visualize config : :obj:`autolab_core.YamlConfig` parameters for visualization Notes ----- Required parameters of config are specified in Other Parameters Other Parameters ---------------- field_name : str name of the field in the TensorDataset to visualize (defaults to depth_ims_tf_table, which is a single view point cloud of the object on a table) field_type : str type of image that the field name correspondes to (defaults to depth, can also be `segmask` if using the field `object_masks`) print_fields : :obj:`list` of str names of additiona fields to print to the command line filter : :obj:`dict` mapping str to :obj:`dict` contraints that all displayed datapoints must satisfy (supports any univariate field name as a key and numeric thresholds) gripper_width_px : float width of the gripper to plot in pixels font_size : int size of font on the rendered images """ # shuffle the tensor indices indices = dataset.datapoint_indices np.random.shuffle(indices) # read config field_name = config['field_name'] field_type = config['field_type'] font_size = config['font_size'] print_fields = config['print_fields'] gripper_width_px = config['gripper_width_px'] num = 0 for i, ind in enumerate(indices): datapoint = dataset[ind] data = datapoint[field_name] if field_type == RenderMode.SEGMASK: image = BinaryImage(data) elif field_type == RenderMode.DEPTH: image = DepthImage(data) else: raise ValueError('Field type %s not supported!' % (field_type)) skip_datapoint = False for f, filter_cfg in config['filter'].iteritems(): data = datapoint[f] if 'greater_than' in filter_cfg.keys( ) and data < filter_cfg['greater_than']: skip_datapoint = True break elif 'less_than' in filter_cfg.keys( ) and data > filter_cfg['less_than']: skip_datapoint = True break if skip_datapoint: continue'DATAPOINT %d' % (num)) for f in print_fields: data = datapoint[f]'Field %s:' % (f)) print data grasp_2d = Grasp2D(Point(, 0, datapoint['hand_poses'][2]) vis2d.figure() if field_type == RenderMode.RGBD: vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis2d.imshow(image.color) vis2d.grasp(grasp_2d, width=gripper_width_px) vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis2d.imshow(image.depth) vis2d.grasp(grasp_2d, width=gripper_width_px) elif field_type == RenderMode.GD: vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis2d.imshow(image.gray) vis2d.grasp(grasp_2d, width=gripper_width_px) vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis2d.imshow(image.depth) vis2d.grasp(grasp_2d, width=gripper_width_px) else: vis2d.imshow(image) vis2d.grasp(grasp_2d, width=gripper_width_px) vis2d.title('Datapoint %d: %s' % (ind, field_type)) num += 1
def _sample_antipodal_grasps(self, rgbd_im, camera_intr, num_samples, segmask=None, visualize=False): """ Sample a set of 2D grasp candidates from a depth image by finding depth edges, then uniformly sampling point pairs and keeping only antipodal grasps with width less than the maximum allowable. Parameters ---------- rgbd_im : :obj:`perception.RgbdImage` RGB-D image to sample from camera_intr : :obj:`perception.CameraIntrinsics` intrinsics of the camera that captured the images num_samples : int number of grasps to sample segmask : :obj:`perception.BinaryImage` binary image segmenting out the object of interest visualize : bool whether or not to show intermediate samples (for debugging) Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`Grasp2D` list of 2D grasp candidates """ # compute edge pixels edge_start = time() depth_im = rgbd_im.depth depth_im = depth_im.apply(snf.gaussian_filter, sigma=self._depth_grad_gaussian_sigma) depth_im_downsampled = depth_im.resize(self._rescale_factor) depth_im_threshed = depth_im_downsampled.threshold_gradients( self._depth_grad_thresh) edge_pixels = self._downsample_rate * depth_im_threshed.zero_pixels() if segmask is not None: edge_pixels = np.array( [p for p in edge_pixels if np.any(segmask[p[0], p[1]] > 0)]) num_pixels = edge_pixels.shape[0] logging.debug('Depth edge detection took %.3f sec' % (time() - edge_start)) logging.debug('Found %d edge pixels' % (num_pixels)) # exit if no edge pixels if num_pixels == 0: return [] # compute_max_depth min_depth = np.min( + self._min_depth_offset max_depth = np.max( + self._max_depth_offset # compute surface normals normal_start = time() edge_normals = self._surface_normals(depth_im, edge_pixels) logging.debug('Normal computation took %.3f sec' % (time() - normal_start)) if visualize: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im) if num_pixels > 0: vis.scatter(edge_pixels[:, 1], edge_pixels[:, 0], s=10, c='b') X = [pix[1] for pix in edge_pixels] Y = [pix[0] for pix in edge_pixels] U = [10 * pix[1] for pix in edge_normals] V = [-10 * pix[0] for pix in edge_normals] plt.quiver(X, Y, U, V, units='x', scale=1, zorder=2, color='g') vis.title('Edge pixels and normals') vis.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis.imshow(depth_im_threshed) vis.title('Edge map') # form set of valid candidate point pairs sample_start = time() max_grasp_width_px = Grasp2D(Point(np.zeros(2)), 0.0, min_depth, width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=camera_intr).width_px normal_ip = dists = ssd.squareform(ssd.pdist(edge_pixels)) valid_indices = np.where( (normal_ip < -np.cos(np.arctan(self._friction_coef))) & (dists < max_grasp_width_px) & (dists > 0.0)) valid_indices = np.c_[valid_indices[0], valid_indices[1]] num_pairs = valid_indices.shape[0] logging.debug('Normal pruning %.3f sec' % (time() - sample_start)) # raise exception if no antipodal pairs if num_pairs == 0: return [] # iteratively sample grasps k = 0 grasps = [] sample_size = min(self._max_rejection_samples, num_pairs) candidate_pair_indices = np.random.choice(num_pairs, size=sample_size, replace=False) while k < sample_size and len(grasps) < num_samples: # sample a random pair without replacement j = candidate_pair_indices[k] pair_ind = valid_indices[j, :] p1 = edge_pixels[pair_ind[0], :] p2 = edge_pixels[pair_ind[1], :] n1 = edge_normals[pair_ind[0], :] n2 = edge_normals[pair_ind[1], :] width = np.linalg.norm(p1 - p2) k += 1 # check force closure if force_closure(p1, p2, n1, n2, self._friction_coef): # compute grasp parameters grasp_center = (p1 + p2) / 2 grasp_axis = p2 - p1 grasp_axis = grasp_axis / np.linalg.norm(grasp_axis) grasp_theta = 0 if grasp_axis[1] != 0: grasp_theta = np.arctan(grasp_axis[0] / grasp_axis[1]) # compute distance from image center dist_from_center = np.linalg.norm(grasp_center - dist_from_boundary = min( np.abs(depth_im.height - grasp_center[0]), np.abs(depth_im.width - grasp_center[1]), grasp_center[0], grasp_center[1]) if dist_from_center < self._max_dist_from_center and \ dist_from_boundary > self._min_dist_from_boundary: # form grasp object grasp_center_pt = Point( np.array([grasp_center[1], grasp_center[0]])) grasp = Grasp2D(grasp_center_pt, grasp_theta, 0.0) # check grasp dists grasp_dists = [ Grasp2D.image_dist(grasp, candidate, alpha=self._angle_dist_weight) for candidate in grasps ] if len(grasps) == 0 or np.min( grasp_dists) > self._min_grasp_dist: if visualize: vis.figure() vis.imshow(depth_im) vis.scatter(p1[1], p1[0]) vis.scatter(p2[1], p2[0]) vis.title('Grasp candidate %d' % (len(grasps))) # sample depths for i in range(self._depth_samples_per_grasp): # get depth in the neighborhood of the center pixel depth_win =[grasp_center[0] - self._h:grasp_center[0] + self._h, grasp_center[1] - self._w:grasp_center[1] + self._w] center_depth = np.min(depth_win) if center_depth == 0 or np.isnan(center_depth): continue # sample depth between the min and max min_depth = np.min( center_depth) + self._min_depth_offset max_depth = np.max( center_depth) + self._max_depth_offset sample_depth = min_depth + ( max_depth - min_depth) * np.random.rand() candidate_grasp = Grasp2D( grasp_center_pt, grasp_theta, sample_depth, width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=camera_intr) grasps.append(candidate_grasp) # return sampled grasps return grasps
def plan_grasp(self, req): """ Grasp planner request handler Parameters --------- req: :obj:`ROS ServiceRequest` ROS ServiceRequest for grasp planner service """ rospy.loginfo('Planning Grasp') # get the raw depth and color images as ROS Image objects raw_color = req.color_image raw_depth = req.depth_image # get the raw camera info as ROS CameraInfo object raw_camera_info = req.camera_info # get the bounding box as a custom ROS BoundingBox msg bounding_box = req.bounding_box # wrap the camera info in a perception CameraIntrinsics object camera_intrinsics = perception.CameraIntrinsics(raw_camera_info.header.frame_id, raw_camera_info.K[0], raw_camera_info.K[4], raw_camera_info.K[2], raw_camera_info.K[5], raw_camera_info.K[1], raw_camera_info.height, raw_camera_info.width) ### Create wrapped Perception RGB and Depth Images by unpacking the ROS Images using CVBridge ### try: color_image = perception.ColorImage(self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(raw_color, "rgb8"), frame=camera_intrinsics.frame) depth_image = perception.DepthImage(self.cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(raw_depth, desired_encoding = "passthrough"), frame=camera_intrinsics.frame) except CvBridgeError as cv_bridge_exception: rospy.logerr(cv_bridge_exception) # visualize if self.cfg['vis']['vis_uncropped_color_image']: vis.imshow(color_image) if self.cfg['vis']['vis_uncropped_depth_image']: vis.imshow(depth_image) # aggregate color and depth images into a single perception rgbdimage rgbd_image = perception.RgbdImage.from_color_and_depth(color_image, depth_image) # calc crop parameters minX = bounding_box.minX minY = bounding_box.minY maxX = bounding_box.maxX maxY = bounding_box.maxY # contain box to image->don't let it exceed image height/width bounds no_pad = False if minX < 0: minX = 0 no_pad = True if minY < 0: minY = 0 no_pad = True if maxX > rgbd_image.width: maxX = rgbd_image.width no_pad = True if maxY > rgbd_image.height: maxY = rgbd_image.height no_pad = True centroidX = (maxX + minX) / 2 centroidY = (maxY + minY) / 2 # add some padding to bounding box to prevent empty pixel regions when the image is rotated during grasp planning if not no_pad: width = (maxX - minX) + self.cfg['width_pad'] height = (maxY - minY) + self.cfg['height_pad'] else: width = (maxX - minX) height = (maxY - minY) # crop camera intrinsics and rgbd image cropped_camera_intrinsics = camera_intrinsics.crop(height, width, centroidY, centroidX) cropped_rgbd_image = rgbd_image.crop(height, width, centroidY, centroidX) # visualize if self.cfg['vis']['vis_cropped_rgbd_image']: vis.imshow(cropped_rgbd_image) # create an RGBDImageState with the cropped RGBDImage and CameraIntrinsics image_state = RgbdImageState(cropped_rgbd_image, cropped_camera_intrinsics) # execute policy try: return self.execute_policy(image_state, self.grasping_policy, self.grasp_pose_publisher, cropped_camera_intrinsics.frame) except NoValidGraspsException: rospy.logerr('While executing policy found no valid grasps from sampled antipodal point pairs. Aborting Policy!') raise rospy.ServiceException('While executing policy found no valid grasps from sampled antipodal point pairs. Aborting Policy!') except NoAntipodalPairsFoundException: rospy.logerr('While executing policy could not sample any antipodal point pairs from input image. Aborting Policy! Please check if there is an object in the workspace or if the output of the object detector is reasonable.') raise rospy.ServiceException('While executing policy could not sample any antipodal point pairs from input image. Aborting Policy! Please check if there is an object in the workspace or if the output of the object detector is reasonable.')
config_filename) # read config config = YamlConfig(config_filename) policy_config = config['policy'] # load test case state_path = os.path.join(test_case_path, 'state') action_path = os.path.join(test_case_path, 'action') state = RgbdImageState.load(state_path) action = ParallelJawGrasp.load(action_path) if policy_config['vis']['input']: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1,2,1) vis.imshow(state.rgbd_im.color) vis.subplot(1,2,2) vis.imshow(state.rgbd_im.depth) # init policy policy = CrossEntropyAntipodalGraspingPolicy(policy_config) policy_start = time.time() action = policy(state)'Planning took %.3f sec' %(time.time() - policy_start)) # vis final grasp if policy_config['vis']['final_grasp']: vis.figure(size=(10,10)) vis.subplot(1,2,1) vis.imshow(state.rgbd_im.color)
os.path.join(config['calib_dir'], sensor_frame, tf_filename)) # setup sensor sensor = RgbdSensorFactory.sensor(sensor_type, config['sensor']) sensor.start() camera_intr = sensor.ir_intrinsics # read images color_im, depth_im, _ = sensor.frames() color_im = color_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=inpaint_rescale_factor) depth_im = depth_im.inpaint(rescale_factor=inpaint_rescale_factor) rgbd_im = RgbdImage.from_color_and_depth(color_im, depth_im) # sample grasps grasp_sampler = AntipodalDepthImageGraspSampler(sample_config, gripper_width) grasps = grasp_sampler.sample(rgbd_im, camera_intr, num_grasp_samples, segmask=None, seed=100, visualize=visualize_sampling) # visualize vis.figure() vis.imshow(depth_im) for grasp in grasps: vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Sampled grasps')
def action(self, state): """ Plans the grasp with the highest probability of success on the given RGB-D image. Attributes ---------- state : :obj:`RgbdImageState` image to plan grasps on Returns ------- :obj:`ParallelJawGrasp` grasp to execute """ # take the greedy action with prob 1 - epsilon if np.random.rand() > self.epsilon: logging.debug('Taking greedy action') return CrossEntropyAntipodalGraspingPolicy.action(self, state) # otherwise take a random action logging.debug('Taking random action') # check valid input if not isinstance(state, RgbdImageState): raise ValueError('Must provide an RGB-D image state.') # parse state rgbd_im = state.rgbd_im camera_intr = state.camera_intr segmask = state.segmask # sample random antipodal grasps grasps = self._grasp_sampler.sample( rgbd_im, camera_intr, self._num_seed_samples, segmask=segmask, visualize=self.config['vis']['grasp_sampling'], seed=self._seed) num_grasps = len(grasps) if num_grasps == 0: logging.warning('No valid grasps could be found') return None # choose a grasp uniformly at random grasp_ind = np.random.choice(num_grasps, size=1)[0] grasp = grasps[grasp_ind] depth = grasp.depth # create transformed image image_tensor, pose_tensor = self.grasps_to_tensors([grasp], state) image = DepthImage(image_tensor[0, ...]) # predict prob success output_arr = self.gqcnn.predict(image_tensor, pose_tensor) q_value = output_arr[0, -1] # visualize planned grasp if self.config['vis']['grasp_plan']: scale_factor = float(self.gqcnn.im_width) / float(self._crop_width) scaled_camera_intr = camera_intr.resize(scale_factor) vis_grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 0.0, depth, width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=scaled_camera_intr) vis.figure() vis.imshow(image) vis.grasp(vis_grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Best Grasp: d=%.3f, q=%.3f' % (depth, q_value)) # return action return ParallelJawGrasp(grasp, q_value, image)
def action(self, state): """ Plans the grasp with the highest probability of success on the given RGB-D image. Attributes ---------- state : :obj:`RgbdImageState` image to plan grasps on Returns ------- :obj:`ParallelJawGrasp` grasp to execute """ # check valid input if not isinstance(state, RgbdImageState): raise ValueError('Must provide an RGB-D image state.') # parse state rgbd_im = state.rgbd_im camera_intr = state.camera_intr segmask = state.segmask # sample grasps grasps = self._grasp_sampler.sample( rgbd_im, camera_intr, self._num_grasp_samples, segmask=segmask, visualize=self.config['vis']['grasp_sampling'], seed=None) num_grasps = len(grasps) # form tensors image_tensor, pose_tensor = self.grasps_to_tensors(grasps, state) if self.config['vis']['tf_images']: # read vis params k = self.config['vis']['k'] d = utils.sqrt_ceil(k) # display grasp transformed images vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) for i, image_tf in enumerate(image_tensor[:k, ...]): depth = pose_tensor[i][0] vis.subplot(d, d, i + 1) vis.imshow(DepthImage(image_tf)) vis.title('Image %d: d=%.3f' % (i, depth)) # predict grasps predict_start = time() output_arr = self.gqcnn.predict(image_tensor, pose_tensor) q_values = output_arr[:, -1] logging.debug('Prediction took %.3f sec' % (time() - predict_start)) if self.config['vis']['grasp_candidates']: # display each grasp on the original image, colored by predicted success vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.depth) for grasp, q in zip(grasps, q_values): vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True, vis.title('Sampled grasps') if self.config['vis']['grasp_ranking']: # read vis params k = self.config['vis']['k'] d = utils.sqrt_ceil(k) # form camera intr for the thumbnail (to compute gripper width) scale_factor = float(self.gqcnn.im_width) / float(self._crop_width) scaled_camera_intr = camera_intr.resize(scale_factor) # sort grasps q_values_and_indices = zip(q_values, np.arange(num_grasps)) q_values_and_indices.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) for i, p in enumerate(q_values_and_indices[:k]): # read stats for grasp q_value = p[0] ind = p[1] depth = pose_tensor[ind][0] image = DepthImage(image_tensor[ind, ...]) grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 0.0, depth, width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=scaled_camera_intr) # plot vis.subplot(d, d, i + 1) vis.imshow(image) vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5) vis.title('K=%d: d=%.3f, q=%.3f' % (i, depth, q_value)) # select grasp index =, q_values) grasp = grasps[index] q_value = q_values[index] image = DepthImage(image_tensor[index, ...]) pose = pose_tensor[index, ...] depth = pose[0] if self.config['vis']['grasp_plan']: scale_factor = float(self.gqcnn.im_width) / float(self._crop_width) scaled_camera_intr = camera_intr.resize(scale_factor) grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 0.0, pose[0], width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=scaled_camera_intr) vis.figure() vis.imshow(image) vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Best Grasp: d=%.3f, q=%.3f' % (depth, q_value)) # return action return ParallelJawGrasp(grasp, q_value, image)
def get_data_from_source(object_type, use_kmeans=False, kmeans_label='', for_test=False): object_labels = get_baseline_labels(use_kmeans=use_kmeans, kmeans_label=kmeans_label, object_type=object_type) if object_type == 'g3db_instances': object_name = 'g3db_instances_non_test_version7' if for_test: object_name = 'g3db_instances_version7' #object_name = '39_beerbottle_final-13-Nov-2015-09-07-13_instance0' #object_name = '1_Coffeecup_final-10-Dec-2015-06-58-01_instance0' #object_name = 'Cylinder_7' #object_name = '39_beerbottle_final-13-Nov-2015-09-07-13_instance0' object_file_dir = '../grasping_ros_mico/point_clouds_for_classification' if object_type == 'g3db_instances_for_classification': object_name = 'g3db_instances_for_classification' #object_name = '39_beerbottle_final-13-Nov-2015-09-07-13_instance0' object_file_dir = '../grasping_ros_mico/point_clouds_for_classification/additional_g3db_objects_for_classification' object_file_names = giob.get_object_filenames(object_name, object_file_dir) X = [] Y = [] object_names = [] clipped_objects = [] outfile_name = object_file_dir + "/clipped_object_list.txt" with open(outfile_name, 'r') as f: for line in f: clipped_objects.append(line.strip()) for object_file_name_ in object_file_names: object_instance_name = object_file_name_.replace('.yaml', '').split('/')[-1] for i in range(0, 81): if for_test: if object_instance_name in object_labels.keys(): Y.append(object_labels[object_instance_name]) else: Y.append(1000) else: Y.append(object_labels[object_instance_name]) object_names.append(object_instance_name + "/" + repr(i)) object_file_name = object_file_name_.replace('.yaml', '') + "/" + repr(i) thumbnail_object_file_name = object_file_name + "_thumbnail.npy" if os.path.exists(thumbnail_object_file_name): print "Loading " + thumbnail_object_file_name depth_im_cropped = thumbnail_object_file_name) if False: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 1, 1) vis.imshow(depth_im_cropped) else: print "Creating " + thumbnail_object_file_name object_list = giob.load_object_file([object_file_name]) (depth_im_cropped, clipped) = get_depth_image_thumbmail(object_list[0][0], 200, 160, False) if clipped: clipped_objects.append(object_file_name) X.append( #print clipped_objects outfile_name = object_file_dir + "/clipped_object_list.txt" with open(outfile_name, 'w') as f: f.write("\n".join(sorted(clipped_objects))) f.write("\n") assert len(X) == len(Y) return (X, Y, object_names)
def action(self, state): """ Plans the grasp with the highest probability of success on the given RGB-D image. Attributes ---------- state : :obj:`RgbdImageState` image to plan grasps on Returns ------- :obj:`ParallelJawGrasp` grasp to execute """ # check valid input if not isinstance(state, RgbdImageState): raise ValueError('Must provide an RGB-D image state.') # parse state rgbd_im = state.rgbd_im camera_intr = state.camera_intr segmask = state.segmask # sample grasps grasps = self._grasp_sampler.sample( rgbd_im, camera_intr, self._num_seed_samples, segmask=segmask, visualize=self.config['vis']['grasp_sampling'], seed=self._seed) num_grasps = len(grasps) if num_grasps == 0: logging.warning('No valid grasps could be found') return None # form tensors image_tensor, pose_tensor = self.grasps_to_tensors(grasps, state) if self.config['vis']['tf_images']: # read vis params k = self.config['vis']['k'] d = utils.sqrt_ceil(k) # display grasp transformed images vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) for i, image_tf in enumerate(image_tensor[:k, ...]): depth = pose_tensor[i][0] vis.subplot(d, d, i + 1) vis.imshow(DepthImage(image_tf)) vis.title('Image %d: d=%.3f' % (i, depth)) # display grasp transformed images vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) for i in range(d): image_tf = image_tensor[i, ...] depth = pose_tensor[i][0] grasp = grasps[i] vis.subplot(d, 2, 2 * i + 1) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.depth) vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Grasp %d: d=%.3f' % (i, depth)) vis.subplot(d, 2, 2 * i + 2) vis.imshow(DepthImage(image_tf)) vis.title('TF image %d: d=%.3f' % (i, depth)) # iteratively refit and sample for j in range(self._num_iters): logging.debug('CEM iter %d' % (j)) # predict grasps predict_start = time() output_arr = self.gqcnn.predict(image_tensor, pose_tensor) q_values = output_arr[:, -1] logging.debug('Prediction took %.3f sec' % (time() - predict_start)) # sort grasps q_values_and_indices = zip(q_values, np.arange(num_grasps)) q_values_and_indices.sort(key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) if self.config['vis']['grasp_candidates']: # display each grasp on the original image, colored by predicted success vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.depth) for grasp, q in zip(grasps, q_values): vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True, vis.title('Sampled grasps iter %d' % (j)) if self.config['vis']['grasp_ranking']: # read vis params k = self.config['vis']['k'] d = utils.sqrt_ceil(k) # form camera intr for the thumbnail (to compute gripper width) scale_factor = float(self.gqcnn.im_width) / float( self._crop_width) scaled_camera_intr = camera_intr.resize(scale_factor) vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) for i, p in enumerate(q_values_and_indices[:k]): # read stats for grasp q_value = p[0] ind = p[1] depth = pose_tensor[ind][0] image = DepthImage(image_tensor[ind, ...]) grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 0.0, depth, width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=scaled_camera_intr) # plot vis.subplot(d, d, i + 1) vis.imshow(image) vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5) vis.title('K=%d: d=%.3f, q=%.3f' % (i, depth, q_value)) # fit elite set num_refit = max(int(np.ceil(self._gmm_refit_p * num_grasps)), 1) elite_q_values = [i[0] for i in q_values_and_indices[:num_refit]] elite_grasp_indices = [ i[1] for i in q_values_and_indices[:num_refit] ] elite_grasps = [grasps[i] for i in elite_grasp_indices] elite_grasp_arr = np.array([g.feature_vec for g in elite_grasps]) if self.config['vis']['elite_grasps']: # display each grasp on the original image, colored by predicted success vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.depth) for grasp, q in zip(elite_grasps, elite_q_values): vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True, vis.title('Elite grasps iter %d' % (j)) # normalize elite set elite_grasp_mean = np.mean(elite_grasp_arr, axis=0) elite_grasp_std = np.std(elite_grasp_arr, axis=0) elite_grasp_std[elite_grasp_std == 0] = 1.0 elite_grasp_arr = (elite_grasp_arr - elite_grasp_mean) / elite_grasp_std # fit a GMM to the top samples num_components = max( int(np.ceil(self._gmm_component_frac * num_refit)), 1) uniform_weights = (1.0 / num_components) * np.ones(num_components) gmm = GaussianMixture(n_components=num_components, weights_init=uniform_weights, reg_covar=self._gmm_reg_covar) train_start = time() train_duration = time() - train_start logging.debug('GMM fitting with %d components took %.3f sec' % (num_components, train_duration)) # sample the next grasps sample_start = time() grasp_vecs, _ = gmm.sample(n_samples=self._num_gmm_samples) grasp_vecs = elite_grasp_std * grasp_vecs + elite_grasp_mean sample_duration = time() - sample_start logging.debug('GMM sampling took %.3f sec' % (sample_duration)) # convert features to grasps grasps = [] for grasp_vec in grasp_vecs: grasps.append( Grasp2D.from_feature_vec(grasp_vec, width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=camera_intr)) num_grasps = len(grasps) if num_grasps == 0: logging.warning('No valid grasps could be found') return None # form tensors image_tensor, pose_tensor = self.grasps_to_tensors(grasps, state) if self.config['vis']['tf_images']: # read vis params k = self.config['vis']['k'] d = utils.sqrt_ceil(k) # display grasp transformed images vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) for i, image_tf in enumerate(image_tensor[:k, ...]): depth = pose_tensor[i][0] vis.subplot(d, d, i + 1) vis.imshow(DepthImage(image_tf)) vis.title('Image %d: d=%.3f' % (i, depth)) # predict final set of grasps predict_start = time() output_arr = self.gqcnn.predict(image_tensor, pose_tensor) q_values = output_arr[:, -1] logging.debug('Final prediction took %.3f sec' % (time() - predict_start)) if self.config['vis']['grasp_candidates']: # display each grasp on the original image, colored by predicted success vis.figure(size=(FIGSIZE, FIGSIZE)) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.depth) for grasp, q in zip(grasps, q_values): vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True, vis.title('Final sampled grasps') # select grasp index =, q_values) grasp = grasps[index] q_value = q_values[index] image = DepthImage(image_tensor[index, ...]) pose = pose_tensor[index, ...] depth = pose[0] if self.config['vis']['grasp_plan']: scale_factor = float(self.gqcnn.im_width) / float(self._crop_width) scaled_camera_intr = camera_intr.resize(scale_factor) grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 0.0, pose[0], width=self._gripper_width, camera_intr=scaled_camera_intr) vis.figure() vis.imshow(image) vis.grasp(grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Best Grasp: d=%.3f, q=%.3f' % (depth, q_value)) # return action return ParallelJawGrasp(grasp, q_value, image)
# read config config = YamlConfig(config_filename) policy_config = config['policy'] # read image depth_im_arr = pkl.load(open(depth_im_filename, 'r')) depth_im = DepthImage(depth_im_arr) color_im = ColorImage( np.zeros([depth_im.height, depth_im.width, 3]).astype(np.uint8)) rgbd_im = RgbdImage.from_color_and_depth(color_im, depth_im) segmask_arr = 255 * (depth_im_arr < 1.0) segmask = BinaryImage(segmask_arr.astype(np.uint8)) camera_intr = CameraIntrinsics.load(camera_intr_filename) state = RgbdImageState(rgbd_im, camera_intr, segmask=segmask) # init policy policy = UniformRandomGraspingPolicy(policy_config) policy_start = time.time() action = policy(state)'Planning took %.3f sec' % (time.time() - policy_start)) # vis final grasp if policy_config['vis']['final_grasp']: vis.figure(size=(10, 10)) vis.imshow(rgbd_im.depth, vmin=policy_config['vis']['vmin'], vmax=policy_config['vis']['vmax']) vis.grasp(action.grasp, scale=1.5, show_center=False, show_axis=True) vis.title('Antipodal grasp')
def visualize(self): """ Visualize predictions """'Visualizing ' + self.datapoint_type) # iterate through shuffled file indices for i in self.indices: im_filename = self.im_filenames[i] pose_filename = self.pose_filenames[i] label_filename = self.label_filenames[i]'Loading Image File: ' + im_filename + ' Pose File: ' + pose_filename + ' Label File: ' + label_filename) # load tensors from files metric_tensor = np.load(os.path.join(self.data_dir, label_filename))['arr_0'] label_tensor = 1 * (metric_tensor > self.metric_thresh) image_tensor = np.load(os.path.join(self.data_dir, im_filename))['arr_0'] hand_poses_tensor = np.load( os.path.join(self.data_dir, pose_filename))['arr_0'] pose_tensor = self._read_pose_data(hand_poses_tensor, self.input_data_mode) # score with neural network pred_p_success_tensor = self._gqcnn.predict( image_tensor, pose_tensor) # compute results classification_result = ClassificationResult( [pred_p_success_tensor], [label_tensor])'Error rate on files: %.3f' % (classification_result.error_rate))'Precision on files: %.3f' % (classification_result.precision))'Recall on files: %.3f' % (classification_result.recall)) mispred_ind = classification_result.mispredicted_indices() correct_ind = classification_result.correct_indices() # IPython.embed() if self.datapoint_type == 'true_positive' or self.datapoint_type == 'true_negative': vis_ind = correct_ind else: vis_ind = mispred_ind num_visualized = 0 # visualize for ind in vis_ind: # limit the number of sampled datapoints displayed per object if num_visualized >= self.samples_per_object: break num_visualized += 1 # don't visualize the datapoints that we don't want if self.datapoint_type == 'true_positive': if classification_result.labels[ind] == 0: continue elif self.datapoint_type == 'true_negative': if classification_result.labels[ind] == 1: continue elif self.datapoint_type == 'false_positive': if classification_result.labels[ind] == 0: continue elif self.datapoint_type == 'false_negative': if classification_result.labels[ind] == 1: continue'Datapoint %d of files for %s' % (ind, im_filename))'Depth: %.3f' % (hand_poses_tensor[ind, 2])) data = image_tensor[ind, ...] if self.display_image_type == RenderMode.SEGMASK: image = BinaryImage(data) elif self.display_image_type == RenderMode.GRAYSCALE: image = GrayscaleImage(data) elif self.display_image_type == RenderMode.COLOR: image = ColorImage(data) elif self.display_image_type == RenderMode.DEPTH: image = DepthImage(data) elif self.display_image_type == RenderMode.RGBD: image = RgbdImage(data) elif self.display_image_type == RenderMode.GD: image = GdImage(data) vis2d.figure() if self.display_image_type == RenderMode.RGBD: vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis2d.imshow(image.color) grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 'img'), 0, hand_poses_tensor[ind, 2], self.gripper_width_m) grasp.camera_intr = grasp.camera_intr.resize(1.0 / 3.0) vis2d.grasp(grasp) vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis2d.imshow(image.depth) vis2d.grasp(grasp) elif self.display_image_type == RenderMode.GD: vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis2d.imshow(image.gray) grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 'img'), 0, hand_poses_tensor[ind, 2], self.gripper_width_m) grasp.camera_intr = grasp.camera_intr.resize(1.0 / 3.0) vis2d.grasp(grasp) vis2d.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis2d.imshow(image.depth) vis2d.grasp(grasp) else: vis2d.imshow(image) grasp = Grasp2D(Point(, 'img'), 0, hand_poses_tensor[ind, 2], self.gripper_width_m) grasp.camera_intr = grasp.camera_intr.resize(1.0 / 3.0) vis2d.grasp(grasp) vis2d.title('Datapoint %d: Pred: %.3f Label: %.3f' % (ind, classification_result.pred_probs[ind, 1], classification_result.labels[ind])) # cleanup self._cleanup()
def run_experiment(): """ Run the experiment """ # get the images from the sensor previous_grasp = None while True: rospy.loginfo("Waiting for images") start_time = time.time() raw_color = rospy.wait_for_message("/camera/rgb/image_color", Image) raw_depth = rospy.wait_for_message("/camera/depth_registered/image", Image) image_load_time = time.time() - start_time rospy.loginfo('Images loaded in: ' + str(image_load_time) + ' secs.') ### Create wrapped Perception RGB and Depth Images by unpacking the ROS Images using CVBridge ### try: color_image = perception.ColorImage( cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(raw_color, "rgb8"), frame=T_camera_world.from_frame) depth_image = perception.DepthImage( cv_bridge.imgmsg_to_cv2(raw_depth, desired_encoding="passthrough"), frame=T_camera_world.from_frame) except CvBridgeError as cv_bridge_exception: rospy.logerr(cv_bridge_exception) # inpaint to remove holes inpainted_color_image = color_image.inpaint( rescale_factor=INPAINT_RESCALE_FACTOR) inpainted_depth_image = depth_image.inpaint( rescale_factor=INPAINT_RESCALE_FACTOR) if DETECT_OBJECTS: detector = RgbdDetectorFactory.detector('point_cloud_box') detections = detector.detect(inpainted_color_image, inpainted_depth_image, detector_cfg, camera_intrinsics, T_camera_world, vis_foreground=False, vis_segmentation=False) detected_obj = None if previous_grasp is not None: position = previous_grasp.pose.position position = np.array([position.x, position.y, position.z]) center_point = Point(position, camera_intrinsics.frame) center_pixel = camera_intrinsics.project(center_point, camera_intrinsics.frame) i, j = center_pixel.y, center_pixel.x if DETECT_OBJECTS: for detection in detections: binaryIm = detection.binary_im if binaryIm[i, j]: segmask = binaryIm detected_obj = detection break else: # Generate an ellipse inverse segmask centered on previous grasp y, x = np.ogrid[-i:IMAGE_HEIGHT - i, -j:IMAGE_WIDTH - j] circlemask = x * x + y * y <= CIRCLE_RAD * CIRCLE_RAD segmask_data = np.ones( (IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH), dtype=np.uint8) * 255 segmask_data[circlemask] = 0 segmask = BinaryImage(segmask_data, camera_intrinsics.frame) else: segmask = BinaryImage( np.ones((IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH), dtype=np.uint8) * 255, camera_intrinsics.frame) segmask._encoding = 'mono8' if VISUALIZE_DETECTOR_OUTPUT: vis.figure() vis.subplot(1, 2, 1) vis.imshow(detected_obj.color_thumbnail) vis.subplot(1, 2, 2) vis.imshow(detected_obj.depth_thumbnail) try: rospy.loginfo('Planning Grasp') start_time = time.time() planned_grasp_data = plan_grasp(inpainted_color_image.rosmsg, inpainted_depth_image.rosmsg, segmask.rosmsg, raw_camera_info, boundingBox) grasp_plan_time = time.time() - start_time rospy.loginfo('Total grasp planning time: ' + str(grasp_plan_time) + ' secs.') rospy.loginfo('Queueing Grasp') previous_grasp = planned_grasp_data.grasp execute_grasp(previous_grasp) # raw_input("Press ENTER to resume") except rospy.ServiceException as e: rospy.logerr(e) previous_grasp = None raw_input("Press ENTER to resume")