Пример #1
def Adam(SubsetData, W2, wnn, alpha, RegW, sigma, K=None):
    import numpy as np
    from grad import gradcoswx1coswx2, Lossfunction2
    import copy

    if K is None:
        from sklearn.metrics import pairwise
        K = pairwise.rbf_kernel(SubsetData, gamma=sigma**2 / 2)

    Nfeat = np.shape(W2)[0]
    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-5
    WTMP = copy.copy(wnn)
    woldnn = copy.copy(wnn)
    gradnorm = []
    loss = []
    it = 0
    m = np.zeros((Nfeat, 1))
    v = np.zeros((Nfeat, 1))
    b1 = 0.9
    b2 = 0.999
    eps = 1e-8
    alpha = 0.1
    while (err2 > tol):

        it = it + 1
        #        print('iteration', it)
        GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData, W2, wnn, sigma, K)

        m = b1 * m + (1 - b1) * GNew
        v = b2 * v + (1 - b2) * (GNew**2)
        alphaN = alpha * (np.sqrt((1 - b2**it) / (1 - b1**it)))

        #        alpha = alphaN /(1+(alphaN*RegW*it))
        wnn = wnn - (alphaN) * (RegW * wnn + (m / (np.sqrt(v) + eps)))
        #        wnn = wnn - (alpha)*(0.1*wnn+GNew)
        #        wnn = wnn - (alpha)*(0.0*wnn+NG)
        WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnn), axis=1)
        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnn)
        r, s = np.shape(W2)
        if (s == 1):
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, sigma, K))
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, sigma, K, wnn))
        print('Loss is', loss[it - 1])
        err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnn)
        #            print('The error2 is', err2)
        if (err2 <= tol):
            #                print('done')
        elif (it > 250):
            #                print('break')
        woldnn = wnn

    return wnn, loss
Пример #2
def Adagrad(SubsetData, W2, wnn, alpha, RegW, sigma, K=None):
    import numpy as np
    from grad import gradcoswx1coswx2, Lossfunction2
    import copy

    if K is None:
        from sklearn.metrics import pairwise
        K = pairwise.rbf_kernel(SubsetData, gamma=sigma**2 / 2)

    Nfeat = np.shape(W2)[0]
    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-5
    WTMP = copy.copy(wnn)
    woldnn = copy.copy(wnn)
    gradnorm = []
    loss = []
    it = 0
    CumGrad = np.zeros((Nfeat, 1))
    eps = 1e-5
    alpha = 0.1

    while (err2 > tol):

        it = it + 1
        #        print('iteration', it)
        GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData, W2, wnn, sigma, K)
        CumGrad = CumGrad + GNew**2
        alphaN = alpha / (eps + np.sqrt(CumGrad))

        wnn = wnn - (alphaN) * (RegW * wnn + GNew)

        WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnn), axis=1)
        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnn)
        r, s = np.shape(W2)
        if (s == 1):
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, sigma, K))
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, sigma, K, wnn))
        print('Loss is', loss[it - 1])

        err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnn)
        #            print('The error2 is', err2)
        if (err2 <= tol):
            #                print('done')
        elif (it > 250):
            #                print('break')
        woldnn = wnn

#    minloss = np.argmin()
    return wnn, gradnorm, loss
Пример #3
def BoldDrive(SubsetData, W2, wnn, alphaN, RegW, sigma, K=None):
    import numpy as np
    from grad import gradcoswx1coswx2, Lossfunction2
    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-5
    WTMP = wnn
    woldnn = wnn
    gradnorm = []
    loss = []
    it = 0
    while (err2 > tol):

        r, s = np.shape(W2)
        if (s == 1):
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, sigma, K))
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, sigma, K, wnn))
        print('Loss is', loss[it])

        GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData, W2, wnn, sigma, K)
        #            alpha = alphaN*np.sqrt(100/(100+ita))
        alpha = alphaN / (1 + (alphaN * RegW * it))
        wnn = wnn - (alpha) * (RegW * wnn + GNew)
        WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnn), axis=1)
        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnn)

        err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnn)
        #            print('The error2 is', err2)
        if (err2 <= tol):
            #                print('done')
        elif (it > 250):
            #                print('break')
        woldnn = wnn
        it = it + 1

    return wnn, loss
Пример #4
def philippe_AdaptiveLearningRateErrorCheck(SubsetData,
    weight update as mentioned by philippe
    new_w = sigma/std(new_w)
    import numpy as np
    from grad import gradcoswx1coswx2, Lossfunction2, gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop
    from math import copysign
    import copy
    import time

    if K is None:
        from sklearn.metrics import pairwise
        K = pairwise.rbf_kernel(SubsetData, gamma=sigma**2 / 2)

    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-10
    niter = 201
    WTMP = wnn
    woldnn = 0
    gradnorm = []
    loss = np.zeros((niter, 1))
    it = 0

    SubsetDataN = SubsetData.copy()
    gamma = sigma**2 / 2
    b_update = True

    E_old = 500
    E = 0
    alpha = np.zeros((niter, 1))
    Ncheck = 100
    end_ncheck = 0
    n_check = 0
    while (it < niter):

        if (it == Ncheck):
            print('Error check', it)
            index = np.argmin(loss[0:Ncheck])
            print('Index', index)
            wnn = WTMP[:, index]
            wnn = wnn[:, np.newaxis]
            alphaN = alpha[index]
            #            alphaN = 1.0
            E = loss[index]
            old_loss = E
            print('Error', E)
            newit = index

        r, s = np.shape(W2)

        if (s == 1):
            loss[it] = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, sigma, K))
            loss[it] = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, sigma, K, wnn))
        loss[it] = loss[it] + RegW * np.sum(np.square(wnn))
        #print('Loss is ', loss[it])

        #         IRegW =1
        #       #nv = 0.0
        #        # Noise addition to the Gradient
        #        RegW = IRegW/(1+it)*0.55
        #        randomNoise = np.random.normal(0, nv,1)
        randomNoise = 0.0
        if (it <= Ncheck):
            #GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData,W2,wnn,sigma, K)
            GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop(SubsetData, W2, wnn, sigma, K)
            GNew1 = GNew + randomNoise
            GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew1
            if b_update:
                GNew[-1] = GNew1[-1].copy()
            alpha[it] = (alphaN / (1 + (alphaN * RegW * it)))

            wnew = wnn - (alpha[it] * GNew)
            # philippe update
            wnew = wnew * (np.sqrt(2 * gamma) / np.std(wnew))
            wnn = copy.copy(wnew)
        elif (it > (Ncheck)):

            GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop(SubsetData, W2, wnn, sigma, K)
            GNew1 = GNew + randomNoise
            GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew1
            if b_update:
                GNew[-1] = GNew1[-1].copy()
            beta = (alphaN) / (1 + (alphaN * RegW * newit))
            wnew = wnn - (beta * GNew)
            # philippe update
            wnew = wnew * (np.sqrt(2 * gamma) / np.std(wnew))
            print('Learning rate =', beta)
            if (s == 1):
                nloss = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnew, sigma, K))
                nloss = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, sigma, K, wnew))

            new_loss = nloss + RegW * np.sum(np.square(wnew))
            print('New Loss =', new_loss)
            print('Old Loss =', old_loss)
            newit = newit + 1
            if (new_loss < old_loss):
                wnn = np.copy(wnew)
                old_loss = np.copy(new_loss)
                alphaN = alphaN * 0.7

#        SubsetData = SubsetDataN + np.random.normal(0,0.01,(1,1))

#        if (it==0):
#            WTMP = wnew
#        else:
        WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnew), axis=1)

        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnew)

        if (it > 0):
            err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnew)

#        if (err2<=tol):
##                print('done')
#            break
        if (it >= niter - 1):
            #           print('break')
        woldnn = copy.copy(wnn)
        it = it + 1
#        print('Iteration', it)

#    print('Iterations', it)
    if (it == 1):
        minindex = np.argmin(loss[0])
        minindex = np.argmin(loss[0:it - 1])
    wnn = WTMP[:, minindex]
    wnn = wnn[:, np.newaxis]

    return wnn, loss
Пример #5
def AdaptiveLearningRateErrorCheck(SubsetData,
    import numpy as np
    from grad import Lossfunction2, gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop
    from math import copysign
    import copy
    import time

    if K is None:
        from sklearn.metrics import pairwise
        K = pairwise.rbf_kernel(SubsetData, gamma=gamma)

    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-5
    niter = 1001
    WTMP = wnn
    woldnn = 0
    gradnorm = []
    loss = np.zeros((niter, 1))
    it = 0

    SubsetDataN = SubsetData.copy()
    sigma_inv2 = 2 * gamma

    E_old = 500
    E = 0
    alpha = np.zeros((niter, 1))
    Ncheck = 100
    end_ncheck = 0
    n_check = 0
    while (err2 > tol):

        if (it == Ncheck):
            #            print ('Error check', it)
            index = np.argmin(loss[0:Ncheck])
            #            print('Index', index)
            wnn = WTMP[:, index]
            wnn = wnn[:, np.newaxis]
            alphaN = alpha[index]
            E = loss[index]
            #            print('Error', E)
            newit = index

        r, s = np.shape(W2)

        if (s == 1):
            loss[it] = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, gamma, K))
            loss[it] = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, gamma, K, wnn))
        loss[it] = loss[it] + RegW * (np.sum(np.square(wnn[0:len(wnn) - 1])))
        #        print('Loss is ', loss[it])
        #        time.sleep(0.5)

        #         IRegW =1
        #       #nv = 0.0
        #        # Noise addition to the Gradient
        #        RegW = IRegW/(1+it)*0.55
        #        randomNoise = np.random.normal(0, nv,1)
        randomNoise = 0.0
        if (it <= Ncheck):
            #GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData,W2,wnn,sigma, K)
            GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop(SubsetData, W2, wnn, gamma, K)
            GNew1 = GNew + randomNoise
            GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew1
            GNew[-1] = GNew1[-1].copy()
            alpha[it] = (alphaN / (1 + (alphaN * RegW * it)))

            wnew = wnn - (alpha[it] * GNew)
            if philippe_update:
                wnew = wnew * (sigma_inv2 / np.std(wnew))
        elif (it > (Ncheck)):
            E = loss[it]
            newit = newit + 1
            if (E > E_old):
                alphaN = alphaN / 5.0
                wnn = woldnn.copy()
                #GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData,W2,wnn,sigma, K)
                GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop(SubsetData, W2, wnn, gamma,
                GNew1 = GNew + randomNoise
                GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew1
                GNew[-1] = GNew1[-1].copy()
                beta = (alphaN)  # /(1+(alphaN*RegW*newit)))
                wnew = wnn - (beta * GNew)
                if philippe_update:
                    wnew = wnew * (sigma_inv2 / np.std(wnew))
                #GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData,W2,wnn,sigma, K)
                GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop(SubsetData, W2, wnn, gamma,
                GNew1 = GNew + randomNoise
                GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew1
                GNew[-1] = GNew1[-1].copy()
                alphaN = alphaN / 2.0
                #beta = (alphaN /(1+(alphaN*RegW*newit)))
                beta = alphaN
                wnew = wnn - (beta * GNew)
                if philippe_update:
                    wnew = wnew * (sigma_inv2 / np.std(wnew))
#        SubsetData = SubsetDataN + np.random.normal(0,0.01,(1,1))

#        if (it==0):
#            WTMP = wnew
#        else:
        WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnew), axis=1)

        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnew)

        if (it > 0):
            err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnew)

        if (err2 <= tol):
            #                print('done')
        elif (it >= niter - 1):
            #           print('break')
        woldnn = copy.copy(wnn)
        wnn = copy.copy(wnew)
        E_old = copy.copy(E)
        it = it + 1

#        print('Iteration', it)

#    print('Iterations', it)
    if (it == 1):
        minindex = np.argmin(loss[0])
        minindex = np.argmin(loss[0:it - 1])
    wnn = WTMP[:, minindex]
    wnn = wnn[:, np.newaxis]

    return wnn, loss
Пример #6
def AdaptiveRateBatchCheck(SubsetData, W2, wnn, alphaN, RegW, sigma, K=None):
    import numpy as np
    from grad import gradcoswx1coswx2, Lossfunction2
    from math import copysign
    import copy

    if K is None:
        from sklearn.metrics import pairwise
        K = pairwise.rbf_kernel(SubsetData, gamma=sigma**2 / 2)

    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-5
    niter = 251
    WTMP = wnn
    woldnn = 0
    gradnorm = []
    loss = np.zeros((niter, 1))
    it = 0
    deltaold = 0.01
    delta = deltaold
    deltaMin = np.tile(0.0, (np.size(wnn), 1))
    deltaMax = np.tile(1.0, (np.size(wnn), 1))
    nplus = 1.1
    nminus = 0.25
    GOld = 0.0
    deltaW = 0.0
    E_old = 500
    E = 0
    alpha = np.zeros((niter, 1))
    Ncheck = 20
    end_ncheck = 0
    n_check = 0
    while (err2 > tol):

        r, s = np.shape(W2)
        if (s == 1):
            loss[it] = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, sigma, K))
            loss[it] = (Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, sigma, K, wnn))
        print('Loss is ', loss[it])

        if ((np.mod(it, Ncheck) == 0) & (it > 0)):
            print('Error check', it)
            E = loss[it]
            st_ncheck = end_ncheck
            n_check = n_check + 1
            end_ncheck = Ncheck * n_check
            if (E > E_old):
                print('Error greater', it)
                index = np.argmin(loss[st_ncheck:end_ncheck - 1])
                index = index + st_ncheck
                print('Index', index)
                E = loss[index]
                wnn = WTMP[:, index]
                wnn = wnn[:, np.newaxis]
                alphaN = alpha[index]
                print('alphaN ', alphaN)
                alphaN = alpha[it - 1]

        GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData, W2, wnn, sigma, K)
        GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew
        alpha[it] = (alphaN / (1 + (alphaN * RegW * it)))

        wnn = wnn - (alpha[it]) * (GNew)
        #        if (it==0):
        #            WTMP = wnn
        #        else:
        WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnn), axis=1)

        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnn)

        if (it > 0):
            err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnn)

        if (err2 <= tol):
            #                print('done')
        elif (it >= niter - 1):
            #           print('break')

        woldnn = copy.copy(wnn)
        E_old = copy.copy(E)
        it = it + 1
        print('Iteration', it)

    minindex = np.argmin(loss)
    wnn = WTMP[:, minindex]
    wnn = wnn[:, np.newaxis]
    return wnn, loss
Пример #7
def IPprop(SubsetData, W2, wnn, alphaN, RegW, sigma, K=None):
    import numpy as np
    from grad import gradcoswx1coswx2, Lossfunction2
    from math import copysign
    import copy

    if K is None:
        from sklearn.metrics import pairwise
        K = pairwise.rbf_kernel(SubsetData, gamma=sigma**2 / 2)

    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-5
    WTMP = wnn
    woldnn = 0
    gradnorm = []
    loss = []
    it = 0
    deltaold = 0.01
    delta = deltaold
    deltaMin = np.tile(0.0, (np.size(wnn), 1))
    deltaMax = np.tile(1.0, (np.size(wnn), 1))
    nplus = 1.1
    nminus = 0.25
    GOld = 0.0
    deltaW = 0.0
    old_E = 500
    while (err2 > tol):

        if (it == 51):
            index = np.argmin(loss)
            wnn = WTMP[:, index]
            wnn = wnn[:, np.newaxis]
            deltaold = 0.01
            old_E = 10000
            print('Index', index)

        r, s = np.shape(W2)
        if (s == 1):
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, sigma, K))
            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, sigma, K, wnn))

        E = loss[it]
        GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2(SubsetData, W2, wnn, sigma, K)
        GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew

        if (it < 51):

            alpha = alphaN / (1 + (alphaN * RegW * it))
            wnn = wnn - (alpha) * (GNew)
            WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnn), axis=1)

####            print('The error2 is', err2)
            sigGrad = GNew * GOld
            deltaPlus = np.minimum(deltaold * nplus, deltaMax) * (sigGrad > 0)
            deltaminus = np.maximum(deltaold * nminus,
                                    deltaMin) * (sigGrad < 0)
            deltaequal = deltaold * (sigGrad == 0)

            delta = deltaPlus + deltaminus + deltaequal
            signG = np.sign(sigGrad) + (it == 0)
            deltaW = -(signG) * delta * (sigGrad >= 0) - deltaW * (
                (sigGrad < 0) * (E > old_E))
            #GNew = GNew*(sigGrad>0)
            #wnn = wnn + (0.1*wnn+deltaW)
            wnn = wnn + deltaW

        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnn)

        print('Loss is ', loss[it])

        if (it > 0):
            err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnn)

        if (err2 <= tol):
            #                print('done')
        elif (it > 250):
            #                print('break')
        woldnn = copy.copy(wnn)
        deltaold = copy.copy(delta)
        GOld = copy.copy(GNew)

        old_E = copy.copy(E)
        it = it + 1
        print('Iteration', it)

    return wnn, loss
Пример #8
def Gradientdescent(SubsetData,
    import numpy as np
    from grad import gradcoswx1coswx2, Lossfunction2, gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop
    import time
    import copy
    err2 = 2
    tol = 1e-10
    WTMP = wnn
    woldnn = wnn
    gradnorm = []
    loss = []
    intloss = []
    display = False
    it = 0
    max_iter = 150
    Ncheck = 50
    beta = np.zeros((max_iter, 1))
    sigma_inv2 = 2 * gamma
    intloss = np.zeros((max_iter, 1))
    loss = np.zeros((max_iter, 1))
    while (it < max_iter):
        #        randomNoise = np.random.normal(0, 1,1)
        randomNoise = 0.0
        r, s = np.shape(W2)
        if (s == 1):
            #            intloss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData,wnn,gamma,K))
            intloss[it] = Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnn, gamma, K)
            #            intloss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData,W2,gamma,K, wnn))
            intloss[it] = Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, gamma, K, wnn)
        if update_b:
            lw = len(wnn)
            intloss[it] = intloss[it] + RegW * np.sum(np.square(wnn[0:lw - 1]))
            intloss[it] = intloss[it] + RegW * np.sum(np.square(wnn))
        if display:
            print('Initial Loss =', intloss[it])

        if (it == 0):
            old_loss = intloss[0]
        if (it == Ncheck):
            old_loss = intloss[0]
            min_index = np.argmin(loss[0:Ncheck])
            alphaN = beta[np.abs(min_index - 1)]
            if display:
                print('min_index', min_index)
                print('alp', alphaN)
                print('min_loss', loss[min_index])
        if (it < Ncheck):
            old_loss = 0.0
        GNew = gradcoswx1coswx2WithOutLoop(SubsetData, W2, wnn, gamma, K)
        GNew1 = GNew + randomNoise
        GNew = (RegW * wnn) + GNew1
        if update_b:
            GNew[-1] = GNew1[-1].copy()


#            alpha = alphaN*np.sqrt(100/(100+ita))
        if it >= Ncheck:
            alpha = alphaN / (1 + (alphaN * RegW * it))

            alpha = alphaN

        wnew = wnn - (alpha) * (GNew)
        if philippe_update:
            if update_b:
                wnew[0:len(wnew) - 1] = wnew[0:len(wnew) - 1] * (
                    sigma_inv2 / np.std(wnew[0:len(wnew) - 1]))
                wnew[len(wnew) - 1] = wnew[len(wnew) - 1] / (2 * np.pi)
                wnew = wnew * (sigma_inv2 / np.std(wnew))

        WTMP = np.concatenate((WTMP, wnn), axis=1)
        iternorm2 = np.linalg.norm(wnn)
        if display:
            print('Learning rate is=', alpha)

        r, s = np.shape(W2)
        if (s == 1):
            #            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData,wnew,gamma,K))
            loss[it] = Lossfunction2(SubsetData, wnew, gamma, K)
            #            loss.append(Lossfunction2(SubsetData,W2,gamma,K, wnew))
            loss[it] = Lossfunction2(SubsetData, W2, gamma, K, wnew)
        if update_b:
            lw = len(wnew)
            loss[it] = loss[it] + RegW * np.sum(np.square(wnew[0:lw - 1]))
            loss[it] = loss[it] + RegW * np.sum(np.square(wnew))

        new_loss = loss[it]
        if display:
            print('Loss is', new_loss)
            print('Old Loss is', old_loss)
        if new_loss < old_loss:
            wnn = np.copy(wnew)
            old_loss = np.copy(new_loss)
            if display:
            alphaN = alphaN * 0.7
            beta[it] = np.copy(alphaN)

        err2 = np.linalg.norm(woldnn - wnn)
        #            print('The error2 is', err2)
        if (err2 <= tol) and (it >= 75):
            if display:
        if (it > 250):
            #                print('break')
        woldnn = np.copy(wnn)
        it = it + 1
    if display:
    return wnn, loss