Пример #1
 def test_merge(self):
     # Config files are loaded and merged
     conf = ChainConfig([
         ('a', PathConfig(self.a)),
         ('b', PathConfig(self.b))])
     eq_(+conf, PathConfig(self.final))
Пример #2
 def test_default(self):
     # Missing, empty or malformed config files return an empty AttrDict
     conf = ChainConfig([
         ('missing', PathConfig(self.missing)),
         ('error', PathConfig(self.error)),
         ('empty', PathConfig(self.empty)),
         ('string', PathConfig(self.string)),
     eq_(+conf, AttrDict())
Пример #3
def callback_commandline(commands):
    Find what method should be run based on the command line programs. This
    refactoring allows us to test gramex.commandline() to see if it processes
    the command line correctly, without actually running the commands.

    Returns a callback method and kwargs for the callback method.
    # Set logging config at startup. (Services may override this.)
    log_config = (+PathConfig(paths['source'] / 'gramex.yaml')).get(
        'log', AttrDict())
    log_config.root.level = logging.INFO
    from . import services

    # kwargs has all optional command line args as a dict of values / lists.
    # args has all positional arguments as a list.
    kwargs = parse_command_line(commands)
    args = kwargs.pop('_')

    # If --help or -V --version is specified, print a message and end
    if kwargs.get('V') is True or kwargs.get('version') is True:
        return console, {'msg': 'Gramex %s' % __version__}

    # Any positional argument is treated as a gramex command
    if len(args) > 0:
        base_command = args.pop(0).lower()
        method = 'install' if base_command == 'update' else base_command
        if method in {
            import gramex.install
            if 'help' in kwargs:
                return console, {'msg': gramex.install.show_usage(method)}
            return getattr(gramex.install, method), {
                'args': args,
                'kwargs': kwargs
        raise NotImplementedError('Unknown gramex command: %s' % base_command)
    elif kwargs.get('help') is True:
        return console, {'msg': __doc__.strip().format(**globals())}

    # Use current dir as base (where gramex is run from) if there's a gramex.yaml.
    if not os.path.isfile('gramex.yaml'):
        return console, {
            'msg': 'No gramex.yaml. See https://learn.gramener.com/guide/'

    # Run gramex.init(cmd={command line arguments like YAML variables})
    app_log.info('Gramex %s | %s | Python %s', __version__, os.getcwd(),
                 sys.version.replace('\n', ' '))
    return init, {'cmd': AttrDict(app=kwargs)}
Пример #4
    def test_chain_update(self):
        # Chained config files are changed on update
        # Set up a configuration with 2 files -- conf1.test and conf2.test.
        with self.conf1.open(mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
            yaml.dump({'url': {}}, handle)
        with self.conf2.open(mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
            yaml.dump({'url': {'a': 1}}, handle)

        conf = ChainConfig()
        conf.conf1 = PathConfig(self.conf1)
        conf.conf2 = PathConfig(self.conf2)
        eq_(+conf, {'url': {'a': 1}})

        # Change conf2.test and ensure that its original contents are replaced,
        # not just merged with previous value
        with self.conf2.open(mode='w', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
            yaml.dump({'url': {'b': 10}}, handle)
        eq_(+conf, {'url': {'b': 10}})
Пример #5
    def test_import(self):
        # Check if config files are imported
        conf_imp = ChainConfig(conf=PathConfig(self.imp))
        conf_b = ChainConfig(conf=PathConfig(self.b))

        # When temp is missing, config matches b
        eq_(+conf_imp, +conf_b)

        # Once temp file is created, it is automatically imported
        data = AttrDict(a=1, b=2)
        with self.temp.open('w') as out:
            yaml.dump(dict(data), out)
        result = +conf_b
        eq_(+conf_imp, result)

        # Once removed, it no longer used
        eq_(+conf_imp, +conf_b)
Пример #6
def mail(args, kwargs):
    # Get config file location
    default_dir = os.path.join(variables['GRAMEXDATA'], 'mail')
    if 'conf' in kwargs:
        confpath = kwargs.conf
    elif os.path.exists('gramex.yaml'):
        confpath = os.path.abspath('gramex.yaml')
        confpath = os.path.join(default_dir, 'gramexmail.yaml')

    if not os.path.exists(confpath):
        if 'init' in kwargs:
            with io.open(confpath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as handle:
            app_log.info('Initialized %s', confpath)
        elif not args and not kwargs:
            app_log.error('Missing config %s. Use --init to generate skeleton',

    conf = PathConfig(confpath)
    if 'list' in kwargs:
        for key, alert in conf.get('alert', {}).items():
            to = alert.get('to', '')
            if isinstance(to, list):
                to = ', '.join(to)
            gramex.console('{:15}\t"{}" to {}'.format(key,

    if 'init' in kwargs:
        app_log.error('Config already exists at %s', confpath)

    if len(args) < 1:

    from gramex.services import email as setup_email, create_alert
    alert_conf = conf.get('alert', {})
    email_conf = conf.get('email', {})
    sys.path += os.path.dirname(confpath)
    for key in args:
        if key not in alert_conf:
            app_log.error('Missing key %s in %s', key, confpath)
        alert = create_alert(key, alert_conf[key])
Пример #7
    def check_files(self, appname, expected_files):
        '''app/ directory should have expected files'''
        folder = self.appdir(appname)
        actual = set()
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
            for filename in files:
                if '.git' not in root:
                    actual.add(os.path.join(root, filename))
        expected = {os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder, filename))
                    for filename in expected_files}
        self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

        conf = +PathConfig(Path(self.appdir('apps.yaml')))
        self.assertTrue(appname in conf)
        self.assertTrue('target' in conf[appname])
        self.assertTrue('cmd' in conf[appname] or 'url' in conf[appname])
        self.assertTrue('installed' in conf[appname])
        self.assertTrue('time' in conf[appname].installed)
Пример #8
    def test_update(self):
        # Config files are updated on change
        conf = ChainConfig(temp=PathConfig(self.temp))

        # When the file is missing, config is empty
        eq_(+conf, {})

        # When the file is blank, config is empty
        with self.temp.open('w') as out:
        eq_(+conf, {})

        # Once created, it is automatically reloaded
        data = AttrDict(a=1, b=2)
        with self.temp.open('w') as out:
            yaml.dump(dict(data), out)
        eq_(+conf, data)

        # Deleted file is detected
        eq_(+conf, {})
Пример #9
            if exe_path is not None:
                cmd = cmd.format(FILE=setup_file, EXE=exe_path)
                app_log.info('Running %s', cmd)
                _run_console(cmd, cwd=target)
            app_log.warning('Skipping %s. No %s found', setup_file, exe)

app_dir = Path(variables.get('GRAMEXDATA')) / 'apps'
if not app_dir.exists():

# Get app configuration by chaining apps.yaml in gramex + app_dir + command line
apps_config = ChainConfig()
apps_config['base'] = PathConfig(gramex.paths['source'] / 'apps.yaml')
user_conf_file = app_dir / 'apps.yaml'
apps_config['user'] = PathConfig(
    user_conf_file) if user_conf_file.exists() else AttrDict()

app_keys = {
    'url': 'URL / filename of a ZIP file to install',
    'cmd': 'Command used to install file',
    'dir': 'Sub-directory under "url" to run from (optional)',
    'Strip root directory with a single child (optional, default=True)',
    'target': 'Local directory where the app is installed',
    'installed': 'Additional installation information about the app',
    'run': 'Runtime keyword arguments for the app',
Пример #10
def init(force_reload=False, **kwargs):
    Update Gramex configurations and start / restart the instance.

    ``gramex.init()`` can be called any time to refresh configuration files.
    ``gramex.init(key=val)`` adds ``val`` as a configuration layer named
    ``key``. If ``val`` is a Path, it is converted into a PathConfig. (If it is
    Path directory, use ``gramex.yaml``.)

    Services are re-initialised if their configurations have changed. Service
    callbacks are always re-run (even if the configuration hasn't changed.)
        setup_secrets(paths['base'] / '.secrets.yaml')
    except Exception as e:

    # Reset variables

    # Initialise configuration layers with provided configurations
    # AttrDicts are updated as-is. Paths are converted to PathConfig
    for key, val in paths.items():
        if isinstance(val, Path):
            if val.is_dir():
                val = val / 'gramex.yaml'
            val = PathConfig(val)
        config_layers[key] = val

    # Locate all config files
    config_files = set()
    for path_config in config_layers.values():
        if hasattr(path_config, '__info__'):
            for pathinfo in path_config.__info__.imports:
    config_files = list(config_files)

    # Add config file folders to sys.path
    sys.path[:] = _sys_path + [
        str(path.absolute().parent) for path in config_files

    from . import services
    )['service'] = services.info  # gramex.service = gramex.services.info

    # Override final configurations
    # --settings.debug => log.root.level = True
    if appconfig.app.get('settings', {}).get('debug', False):
        appconfig.log.root.level = logging.DEBUG

    # Set up a watch on config files (including imported files)
    if appconfig.app.get('watch', True):
        from services import watcher
                      on_modified=lambda event: init())

    # Run all valid services. (The "+" before config_chain merges the chain)
    # Services may return callbacks to be run at the end
    for key, val in appconfig.items():
        if key not in conf or conf[key] != val or force_reload:
            if hasattr(services, key):
                app_log.debug('Loading service: %s', key)
                conf[key] = prune_keys(val, {'comment'})
                callback = getattr(services, key)(conf[key])
                if callable(callback):
                    callbacks[key] = callback
                app_log.error('No service named %s', key)

    # Run the callbacks. Specifically, the app service starts the Tornado ioloop
    for key in (+config_layers).keys():
        if key in callbacks:
            app_log.debug('Running callback: %s', key)
Пример #11
 def test_random(self):
     # * in keys is replaced with a random 5-char alphanumeric
     conf = PathConfig(self.random)
     for key, val in conf.random.items():
         regex = re.compile(val.replace('*', '[A-Za-z0-9]{5}'))
Пример #12
 def test_import_merge(self):
     conf = PathConfig(self.importmerge)
     for key, val in conf.items():
         eq_(val['expected'], val['actual'])
Пример #13
 def test_if(self):
     conf = PathConfig(self.condition)
     for key, val in conf.items():
         eq_(val['expected'], val['actual'])
Пример #14
 def test_imports(self):
     conf = PathConfig(self.imports)
     for key, result in conf.items():
         eq_(result.source, result.target,
             key + ': %r != %r' % (result.source, result.target))
Пример #15
import pytest
import re
import requests
import time
import gramex.cache
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from lxml.html import document_fromstring
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException
from six import string_types
from tornado.web import create_signed_value
from gramex.config import ChainConfig, PathConfig, objectpath, variables

# Get Gramex conf from current directory
gramex_conf = ChainConfig()
gramex_conf['source'] = PathConfig(os.path.join(variables['GRAMEXPATH'], 'gramex.yaml'))
gramex_conf['base'] = PathConfig('gramex.yaml')
secret = objectpath(+gramex_conf, 'app.settings.cookie_secret')
drivers = {}
default = object()

class ChromeConf(dict):
    def __init__(self, **conf):
        self['goog:chromeOptions'] = {'args': ['--no-sandbox']}
        for key, val in conf.items():
            getattr(self, key)(val)

    def headless(self, val):
        if val:
Пример #16
    def test_variables(self):
        # Templates interpolate string variables
        # Create configuration with 2 layers and a subdirectory import
        conf = +ChainConfig(
        # Custom variables are deleted after use
        ok_('variables' not in conf)
        for key in ['base', 'child', 'subdir']:
            # {.} maps to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_DOT' % key], str(self.chain[key].parent))
            # $YAMLPATH maps to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_YAMLPATH' % key], str(self.chain[key].parent))
            # $YAMLURL is the relative path to YAML file's directory
            eq_(conf['%s_YAMLURL' % key], conf['%s_YAMLURL_EXPECTED' % key])
            # Environment variables are present by default
            eq_(conf['%s_HOME' % key], os.environ.get('HOME', ''))
            # Non-existent variables map to ''
            eq_(conf['%s_NONEXISTENT' % key],
                os.environ.get('NONEXISTENT', ''))
            # Custom variables are applied
            eq_(conf['%s_THIS' % key], key)
            # Custom variables are inherited. Defaults do not override
            eq_(conf['%s_ROOT' % key], conf.base_ROOT)
            # Default variables are set
            eq_(conf['%s_DEFAULT' % key], key)
            # Functions run and override values
            eq_(conf['%s_FUNCTION' % key], key)
            # Default functions "underride" values
            eq_(conf['%s_DEFAULT_FUNCTION' % key], 'base')
            # Functions can use variables using gramex.config.variables
            eq_(conf['%s_FUNCTION_VAR' % key], conf.base_ROOT + key)
            # Derived variables
            eq_(conf['%s_DERIVED' % key], '%s/derived' % key)
            # $URLROOT is the frozen to base $YAMLURL
            eq_(conf['%s_YAMLURL_VAR' % key],
                conf['%s_YAMLURL_VAR_EXPECTED' % key])
            # $GRAMEXPATH is the gramex path
            gramex_path = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(gramex))
            eq_(conf['%s_GRAMEXPATH' % key], gramex_path)
            # $GRAMEXAPPS is the gramex apps path
            eq_(conf['%s_GRAMEXAPPS' % key], os.path.join(gramex_path, 'apps'))
            # $GRAMEXHOST is the socket.gethostname
            eq_(conf['%s_GRAMEXHOST' % key], socket.gethostname())
        # Imports do not override, but do setdefault
        eq_(conf['path'], str(self.chain['base'].parent))
        eq_(conf['subpath'], str(self.chain['subdir'].parent))

        # Check if variable types are preserved
        eq_(conf['numeric'], 1)
        eq_(conf['boolean'], True)
        eq_(conf['object'], {'x': 1})
        eq_(conf['list'], [1, 2])

        # Check if variables of different types are string substituted
        eq_(conf['numeric_subst'], '/1')
        eq_(conf['boolean_subst'], '/True')
        # Actually, conf['object_subst'] is "/AttrDict([('x', 1)])". Let's not test that.
        # eq_(conf['object_subst'], "/{'x': 1}")
        eq_(conf['list_subst'], '/[1, 2]')

        # Check condition variables
        for key, val in conf['conditions'].items():
            eq_('is-' + key, val)
Пример #17
def callback_commandline(commands):
    Find what method should be run based on the command line programs. This
    refactoring allows us to test gramex.commandline() to see if it processes
    the command line correctly, without actually running the commands.

    Returns a callback method and kwargs for the callback method.
    # Ensure that log colours are printed properly on cygwin.
    if sys.platform == 'cygwin':  # colorama.init() gets it wrong on Cygwin
        import colorlog.escape_codes  # noqa: Let colorlog call colorama.init() first
        import colorama
        colorama.init(convert=True)  # Now we'll override with convert=True

    # Set logging config at startup. (Services may override this.)
    log_config = (+PathConfig(paths['source'] / 'gramex.yaml')).get(
        'log', AttrDict())
    log_config.root.level = logging.INFO
    from . import services

    # args has all optional command line args as a dict of values / lists.
    # cmd has all positional arguments as a list.
    args = parse_command_line(commands)
    cmd = args.pop('_')

    # If --help or -V --version is specified, print a message and end
    if args.get('V') is True or args.get('version') is True:
        return console, {'msg': 'Gramex %s' % __version__}
    if args.get('help') is True:
        return console, {'msg': __doc__.strip().format(**globals())}

    # Any positional argument is treated as a gramex command
    if len(cmd) > 0:
        kwargs = {'cmd': cmd, 'args': args}
        base_command = cmd.pop(0).lower()
        method = 'install' if base_command == 'update' else base_command
        if method in {
            import gramex.install
            return getattr(gramex.install, method), kwargs
        raise NotImplementedError('Unknown gramex command: %s' % base_command)

    # Use current dir as base (where gramex is run from) if there's a gramex.yaml.
    # Else use source/guide, and point the user to the welcome screen
    if not os.path.isfile('gramex.yaml'):
        from gramex.install import run
        args.setdefault('browser', '/welcome')
        return run, {'cmd': ['guide'], 'args': args}

    app_log.info('Gramex %s | %s | Python %s', __version__, os.getcwd(),
                 sys.version.replace('\n', ' '))
    return init, {'cmd': AttrDict(app=args)}