Пример #1
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create HourGlass object that produces the report.

        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        inc_id        - Whether to include IDs.
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self.__db = self.database

        self.__used_people = []
        self.__family_father = [] # links allocated from family to father
        self.__family_mother = [] # links allocated from family to mother

        self.__node_label = {} # labels of node for merge sosa number

        self.max_descend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxdescend').get_value()
        self.max_ascend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxascend').get_value()
        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        self.colorize = menu.get_option_by_name('color').get_value()
        self.colors = {'male': menu.get_option_by_name('colormales').get_value(),
            'female': menu.get_option_by_name('colorfemales').get_value(),
            'unknown': menu.get_option_by_name('colorunknown').get_value(),
            'family': menu.get_option_by_name('colorfamilies').get_value()
        self.roundcorners = menu.get_option_by_name('roundcorners').get_value()

        self.ahnentafel = menu.get_option_by_name('ahnentafel').get_value()

        self.ahnentafelnum = menu.get_option_by_name('ahnentafelnum').get_value()

        self.includeid = menu.get_option_by_name('inc_id').get_value()

        arrow_str = menu.get_option_by_name('arrow').get_value()
        if 'o' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'none'
        if 'c' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'none'

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        menu = options.menu
        self.db = database
        self.pid_list = {}
        self.pair_list = {}

        # General
        self.root_pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.root_pid_year = int(
        dest_path = menu.get_option_by_name('dest_path').get_value()
        dest_file = menu.get_option_by_name('dest_file').get_value()
        self.age_difference = int(
        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)
        self.rlocale = self._locale

        # What
        self.show_id = bool(menu.get_option_by_name('show_id').get_value())
        self.opt = bool(menu.get_option_by_name('optimize').get_value())

        # Color
        self.m_bg = menu.get_option_by_name('m_bg').get_value()
        self.w_bg = menu.get_option_by_name('w_bg').get_value()

        # Size
        self.year_to_pixel_factor = int(
        self.offset_y = int(menu.get_option_by_name('offset_y').get_value())
        self.offset_x = int(menu.get_option_by_name('offset_y').get_value())
        self.box_width = int(menu.get_option_by_name('box_width').get_value())
        self.box_offset_x = int(
        self.vert_length = int(
        self.scale_x = int(menu.get_option_by_name('scale_x').get_value())

        # File and directory issues
        self.dest_html = os.path.join(dest_path, os.path.basename(dest_file))
        utils_path = os.path.join(USER_PLUGINS, "TimePedigreeHTML", "utils")
        js_source = os.path.join(utils_path, "wz_jsgraphics.js")
        js_target = os.path.join(dest_path, "wz_jsgraphics.js")
        jpg_source = os.path.join(utils_path, "bg.jpg")
        jpg_target = os.path.join(dest_path, "bg.jpg")
        jpg_source = os.path.join(utils_path, "README.txt")
        jpg_target = os.path.join(dest_path, "README.txt")
        if not os.path.isdir(dest_path):
            os.makedirs(dest_path) # create dir if necessary
        if not os.path.isfile(js_target):
            shutil.copyfile(js_source,  js_target)
        if not os.path.isfile(jpg_target):
            shutil.copyfile(jpg_source, jpg_target)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the FamilyGroup object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        filter    - Filter to be applied to the families of the database.
                    The option class carries its number, and the function
                    returning the list of filters.
        incattrs      - Whether to include attributes
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        self._user = user
        menu = options.menu

        self._ = self._locale.translation.sgettext # needed for English

        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self.db = self.database

        self.filter = menu.get_option_by_name('filter').get_filter()

        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()
        self.gramps_ids = get_value('inc_id')
        self.recursive = get_value('recursive')
        self.missing_info = get_value('missinginfo')
        self.generations = get_value('generations')
        self.inc_fam_notes = get_value('incFamNotes')
        self.inc_par_events = get_value('incParEvents')
        self.inc_par_addr = get_value('incParAddr')
        self.inc_par_notes = get_value('incParNotes')
        self.inc_par_names = get_value('incParNames')
        self.inc_par_mar = get_value('incParMar')
        self.inc_rel_dates = get_value('incRelDates')
        self.inc_chi_mar = get_value('incChiMar')
        self.include_attrs = get_value('incattrs')

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.place_format = menu.get_option_by_name("place_format").get_value()
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the FamilyGroup object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        filter    - Filter to be applied to the families of the database.
                    The option class carries its number, and the function
                    returning the list of filters.
        incattrs      - Whether to include attributes
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        self._user = user
        menu = options.menu

        self._ = self._locale.translation.sgettext # needed for English

        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self.db = self.database

        self.filter = menu.get_option_by_name('filter').get_filter()

        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()
        self.gramps_ids = get_value('inc_id')
        self.recursive = get_value('recursive')
        self.missing_info = get_value('missinginfo')
        self.generations = get_value('generations')
        self.inc_fam_notes = get_value('incFamNotes')
        self.inc_par_events = get_value('incParEvents')
        self.inc_par_addr = get_value('incParAddr')
        self.inc_par_notes = get_value('incParNotes')
        self.inc_par_names = get_value('incParNames')
        self.inc_par_mar = get_value('incParMar')
        self.inc_rel_dates = get_value('incRelDates')
        self.inc_chi_mar = get_value('incChiMar')
        self.include_attrs = get_value('incattrs')

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.place_format = menu.get_option_by_name("place_format").get_value()
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create HourGlass object that produces the report.

        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        inc_id        - Whether to include IDs.
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self.__db = self.database

        self.__used_people = []
        self.__family_father = [] # links allocated from family to father
        self.__family_mother = [] # links allocated from family to mother

        self.max_descend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxdescend').get_value()
        self.max_ascend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxascend').get_value()
        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.__db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        self.colorize = menu.get_option_by_name('color').get_value()
        self.colors = {'male': menu.get_option_by_name('colormales').get_value(),
            'female': menu.get_option_by_name('colorfemales').get_value(),
            'unknown': menu.get_option_by_name('colorunknown').get_value(),
            'family': menu.get_option_by_name('colorfamilies').get_value()
        self.roundcorners = menu.get_option_by_name('roundcorners').get_value()

        self.includeid = menu.get_option_by_name('inc_id').get_value()

        arrow_str = menu.get_option_by_name('arrow').get_value()
        if 'o' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'none'
        if 'c' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'none'

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the KinshipReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        maxdescend    - Maximum generations of descendants to include.
        maxascend     - Maximum generations of ancestors to include.
        incspouses    - Whether to include spouses.
        inccousins    - Whether to include cousins.
        incaunts      - Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces.
        pid           - The Gramps ID of the center person for the report.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self.__db = self.database

        self.max_descend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxdescend').get_value()
        self.max_ascend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxascend').get_value()
        self.inc_spouses = menu.get_option_by_name('incspouses').get_value()
        self.inc_cousins = menu.get_option_by_name('inccousins').get_value()
        self.inc_aunts = menu.get_option_by_name('incaunts').get_value()
        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.rel_calc = get_relationship_calculator(reinit=True,

        self.kinship_map = {}
        self.spouse_map = {}
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the KinshipReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        maxdescend    - Maximum generations of descendants to include.
        maxascend     - Maximum generations of ancestors to include.
        incspouses    - Whether to include spouses.
        inccousins    - Whether to include cousins.
        incaunts      - Whether to include aunts/uncles/nephews/nieces.
        pid           - The Gramps ID of the center person for the report.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self.__db = self.database

        self.max_descend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxdescend').get_value()
        self.max_ascend = menu.get_option_by_name('maxascend').get_value()
        self.inc_spouses = menu.get_option_by_name('incspouses').get_value()
        self.inc_cousins = menu.get_option_by_name('inccousins').get_value()
        self.inc_aunts = menu.get_option_by_name('incaunts').get_value()
        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.rel_calc = get_relationship_calculator(reinit=True,

        self.kinship_map = {}
        self.spouse_map = {}
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the EndOfLineReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        # eol_map is a map whose:
        #   keys are the generations of the people
        #   values are a map whose:
        #      keys are person handles
        #      values are an array whose:
        #         elements are an array of ancestor person handles that link
        #         the eol person handle to the person or interest
        # eol_map[generation][person_handle][pedigree_idx][ancestor_handle_idx]
        # There is an array of pedigrees because one person could show up twice
        # in one generation (descendants marrying). Most people only have one
        # pedigree.
        # eol_map is populated by get_eol() which calls itself recursively.
        self.eol_map = {}
        self.get_eol(self.center_person, 1, [])
Пример #9
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the EndOfLineReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        # eol_map is a map whose:
        #   keys are the generations of the people
        #   values are a map whose:
        #      keys are person handles
        #      values are an array whose:
        #         elements are an array of ancestor person handles that link
        #         the eol person handle to the person or interest
        # eol_map[generation][person_handle][pedigree_idx][ancestor_handle_idx]
        # There is an array of pedigrees because one person could show up twice
        # in one generation (descendants marrying). Most people only have one
        # pedigree.
        # eol_map is populated by get_eol() which calls itself recursively.
        self.eol_map = {}
        self.get_eol(self.center_person, 1, [])
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the AncestorReport object that produces the Ahnentafel report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen       - Maximum number of generations to include.
        pagebbg   - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        namebrk       - Whether a line break should follow the name
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self.map = {}
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('maxgen').get_value()
        self.pgbrk = menu.get_option_by_name('pagebbg').get_value()
        self.opt_namebrk = menu.get_option_by_name('namebrk').get_value()
        self.want_ids = menu.get_option_by_name('inc_id').get_value()

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self.database,
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the AncestorReport object that produces the Ahnentafel report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen       - Maximum number of generations to include.
        pagebbg   - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        namebrk       - Whether a line break should follow the name
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self.map = {}
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('maxgen').get_value()
        self.pgbrk = menu.get_option_by_name('pagebbg').get_value()
        self.opt_namebrk = menu.get_option_by_name('namebrk').get_value()
        self.want_ids = menu.get_option_by_name('inc_id').get_value()

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self.database,  use_fulldate=True,
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the TagReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        tag             - The tag each object must match to be included.
        name_format     - Preferred format to display names of people
        incl_private    - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        living_opt = stdoptions.run_living_people_option(
            self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        self._lv = menu.get_option_by_name('living_people').get_value()
        for (value, description) in living_opt.get_items(xml_items=True):
            if value == self._lv:
                living_desc = self._(description)
        self.living_desc = self._("(Living people: %(option_name)s)") % {
            'option_name': living_desc

        self.tag = menu.get_option_by_name('tag').get_value()
        if not self.tag:
            raise ReportError(
                _('Tag Report'),
                _('You must first create a tag before running this report.'))

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.place_format = menu.get_option_by_name("place_format").get_value()
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the TagReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        tag             - The tag each object must match to be included.
        name_format     - Preferred format to display names of people
        incl_private    - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        living_opt = stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu,
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        self._lv = menu.get_option_by_name('living_people').get_value()
        for (value, description) in living_opt.get_items(xml_items=True):
            if value == self._lv:
                living_desc = self._(description)
        self.living_desc = self._("(Living people: %(option_name)s)"
                                 ) % {'option_name' : living_desc}

        self.tag = menu.get_option_by_name('tag').get_value()
        if not self.tag:
            raise ReportError(
                _('Tag Report'),
                _('You must first create a tag before running this report.'))

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.place_format = menu.get_option_by_name("place_format").get_value()
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the SourceReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the GRAMPS database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        Sources          - List of places to report on.

        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        self.__db = database

        menu = options.menu
        self.title_string = menu.get_option_by_name('title').get_value()
        self.subtitle_string = menu.get_option_by_name('subtitle').get_value()
        self.footer_string = menu.get_option_by_name('footer').get_value()

        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        self.showperson = menu.get_option_by_name('showperson').get_value()

        filter_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter')
        self.filter = filter_option.get_filter()
#        self.sort = Sort.Sort(self.database)

        if self.filter.get_name() != '':
            # Use the selected filter to provide a list of source handles
            sourcefilterlist = self.__db.iter_source_handles()
            self.source_handles = self.filter.apply(self.__db, sourcefilterlist)
            self.source_handles = self.__db.get_source_handles()
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the SourceReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the GRAMPS database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        Sources          - List of places to report on.

        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        self.__db = database

        menu = options.menu
        self.title_string = menu.get_option_by_name('title').get_value()
        self.subtitle_string = menu.get_option_by_name('subtitle').get_value()
        self.footer_string = menu.get_option_by_name('footer').get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        self.showperson = menu.get_option_by_name('showperson').get_value()

        filter_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter')
        self.filter = filter_option.get_filter()
        #        self.sort = Sort.Sort(self.database)

        if self.filter.get_name() != '':
            # Use the selected filter to provide a list of source handles
            sourcefilterlist = self.__db.iter_source_handles()
            self.source_handles = self.filter.apply(self.__db,
            self.source_handles = self.__db.get_source_handles()
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create AncestorTree object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self.options = options
        self._user = user

        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, options.menu)
        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, options.menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, options.menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, options.menu)
        self._nd = self._name_display
Пример #17
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Initialize the report.

        @param database: the Gramps database instance
        @param options: instance of the Options class for this report
        @param user: a gramps.gen.user.User() instance

        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)
        self.user = user
        menu = options.menu
        self.citation_handles = set()

        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)
        self.rlocale = self._locale
        self.person_id    = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.document_class = 'memoir'
        self.styleName = 'default'
        self.language = 'russian'
Пример #18
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create AncestorTree object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self.options = options
        self._user = user

        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, options.menu)
        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, options.menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, options.menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, options.menu)
        self._nd = self._name_display
Пример #19
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create FamilyLinesReport object that eventually produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database     - the Gramps database instance
        options      - instance of the FamilyLinesOptions class for this report
        user         - a gen.user.User() instance
        name_format  - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private - Whether to include private data
        inc_id       - Whether to include IDs.
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        menu = options.menu
        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        # initialize several convenient variables
        self._people = set() # handle of people we need in the report
        self._families = set() # handle of families we need in the report
        self._deleted_people = 0
        self._deleted_families = 0
        self._user = user

        self._followpar = get_value('followpar')
        self._followchild = get_value('followchild')
        self._removeextra = get_value('removeextra')
        self._gidlist = get_value('gidlist')
        self._colormales = get_value('colormales')
        self._colorfemales = get_value('colorfemales')
        self._colorunknown = get_value('colorunknown')
        self._colorfamilies = get_value('colorfamilies')
        self._limitparents = get_value('limitparents')
        self._maxparents = get_value('maxparents')
        self._limitchildren = get_value('limitchildren')
        self._maxchildren = get_value('maxchildren')
        self._incimages = get_value('incimages')
        self._imageonside = get_value('imageonside')
        self._imagesize = get_value('imagesize')
        self._useroundedcorners = get_value('useroundedcorners')
        self._usesubgraphs = get_value('usesubgraphs')
        self._incdates = get_value('incdates')
        self._just_years = get_value('justyears')
        self._incplaces = get_value('incplaces')
        self._incchildcount = get_value('incchildcnt')
        self.includeid = get_value('inc_id')

        arrow_str = get_value('arrow')
        if 'd' in arrow_str:
            self._arrowheadstyle = 'normal'
            self._arrowheadstyle = 'none'
        if 'a' in arrow_str:
            self._arrowtailstyle = 'normal'
            self._arrowtailstyle = 'none'

        # the gidlist is annoying for us to use since we always have to convert
        # the GIDs to either Person or to handles, so we may as well convert the
        # entire list right now and not have to deal with it ever again
        self._interest_set = set()
        if not self._gidlist:
            raise ReportError(_('Empty report'),
                              _('You did not specify anybody'))
        for gid in self._gidlist.split():
            person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(gid)
            if person:
                #option can be from another family tree, so person can be None

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        # convert the 'surnamecolors' string to a dictionary of names and colors
        self._surnamecolors = {}
        tmp = get_value('surnamecolors')
        if tmp.find('\xb0') >= 0:
            # new style delimiter (see bug report #2162)
            tmp = tmp.split('\xb0')
            # old style delimiter
            tmp = tmp.split(' ')

        while len(tmp) > 1:
            surname = tmp.pop(0).encode('iso-8859-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
            colour = tmp.pop(0)
            self._surnamecolors[surname] = colour

        self._colorize = get_value('color')
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create RelGraphReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        filter     - Filter to be applied to the people of the database.
                     The option class carries its number, and the function
                     returning the list of filters.
        arrow      - Arrow styles for heads and tails.
        showfamily - Whether to show family nodes.
        inc_id     - Whether to include IDs.
        url        - Whether to include URLs.
        inclimg    - Include images or not
        imgpos     - Image position, above/beside name
        color      - Whether to use outline, colored outline or filled color
                     in graph
        color_males    - Colour to apply to males
        color_females  - Colour to apply to females
        color_unknown  - Colour to apply to unknown genders
        color_families - Colour to apply to families
        dashed         - Whether to use dashed lines for non-birth relationships
        use_roundedcorners - Whether to use rounded corners for females
        name_format    - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private   - Whether to include private data
        event_choice   - Whether to include dates and/or places
        occupation     - Whether to include occupations
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        menu = options.menu
        get_option_by_name = options.menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        self.includeid = get_value('inc_id')
        self.includeurl = get_value('url')
        self.includeimg = get_value('includeImages')
        self.imgpos = get_value('imageOnTheSide')
        self.use_roundedcorners = get_value('useroundedcorners')
        self.adoptionsdashed = get_value('dashed')
        self.show_families = get_value('showfamily')
        self.use_subgraphs = get_value('usesubgraphs')
        self.event_choice = get_value('event_choice')
        self.occupation = get_value('occupation')
        self.use_html_output = False

        self.colorize = get_value('color')
        color_males = get_value('colormales')
        color_females = get_value('colorfemales')
        color_unknown = get_value('colorunknown')
        color_families = get_value('colorfamilies')
        self.colors = {
            'male': color_males,
            'female': color_females,
            'unknown': color_unknown,
            'family': color_families

        arrow_str = get_value('arrow')
        if 'd' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'none'
        if 'a' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'none'
        filter_option = get_option_by_name('filter')
        self._filter = filter_option.get_filter()

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        pid = get_value('pid')
        self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        self.increlname = get_value('increlname')
        if self.increlname:
            self.rel_calc = get_relationship_calculator(reinit=True,

        if __debug__:
            self.advrelinfo = get_value('advrelinfo')
            self.advrelinfo = False
Пример #21
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the PlaceReport object produces the Place report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - instance of a gen.user.User class

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        places          - List of places to report on.
        center          - Center of report, person or event
        incl_private    - Whether to include private data
        name_format     - Preferred format to display names
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death

        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self._user = user
        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        living_opt = stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu,
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        self._lv = menu.get_option_by_name('living_people').get_value()
        for (value, description) in living_opt.get_items(xml_items=True):
            if value == self._lv:
                living_desc = self._(description)
        self.living_desc = self._("(Living people: %(option_name)s)"
                                 ) % {'option_name': living_desc}

        places = menu.get_option_by_name('places').get_value()
        self.center = menu.get_option_by_name('center').get_value()

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
        self._nd = self._name_display

        self.place_format = menu.get_option_by_name("place_format").get_value()

        filter_option = menu.get_option_by_name('filter')
        self.filter = filter_option.get_filter()

        self.sort = Sort(self._db)

        self.place_handles = []
        if self.filter.get_name() != '':
            # Use the selected filter to provide a list of place handles
            plist = self._db.iter_place_handles()
            self.place_handles = self.filter.apply(self._db, plist,

        if places:
            # Add places selected individually
            self.place_handles += self.__get_place_handles(places)

        if not self.place_handles:
            raise ReportError(
                _('Place Report'),
                _('Please select at least one place before running this.'))

Пример #22
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, options.menu)
        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, options.menu)

        self.database = database

        self._gidlist = options.menu.get_option_by_name(
        self._withparents = options.menu.get_option_by_name(
        self._withchildren = options.menu.get_option_by_name(
        self._withspouses = options.menu.get_option_by_name(
        self._usesubgraphs = options.menu.get_option_by_name(

        self.fillcolor = {
        self.nodestyle = {
            Person.MALE: 'solid',
            Person.FEMALE: 'rounded',
            Person.UNKNOWN: 'solid'
        self.nodeshape = {
            Person.MALE: 'box',
            Person.FEMALE: 'box',
            Person.UNKNOWN: 'hexagon'

        symbols = Symbols()
        self.symbols = {

            # marriage symbols display with extra linebreaks in Graphviz family nodes
            # todo: using fallbacks for now
Пример #23
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the DescendantReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen           - Maximum number of generations to include.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        dups          - Whether to include duplicate descendant trees
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs

        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('gen').get_value()
        self.want_ids = menu.get_option_by_name('inc_id').get_value()

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        #Initialize the Printinfo class
        self._showdups = menu.get_option_by_name('dups').get_value()
        numbering = menu.get_option_by_name('numbering').get_value()
        if numbering == "Simple":
            obj = PrintSimple(self._showdups)
        elif numbering == "Henry":
            obj = PrintHenry()
        elif numbering == "Modified Henry":
            obj = PrintHenry(modified=True)
        elif numbering == "d'Aboville":
            obj = PrintDAboville()
        elif numbering == "de Villiers/Pama":
            obj = PrintVilliers()
        elif numbering == "Meurgey de Tupigny":
            obj = PrintMeurgey()
            raise AttributeError("no such numbering: '%s'" % numbering)

        marrs = menu.get_option_by_name('marrs').get_value()
        divs = menu.get_option_by_name('divs').get_value()

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.obj_print = Printinfo(self.doc, self.database, obj, marrs, divs,
                                   self._name_display, self._locale,
Пример #24
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the DetAncestorReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen           - Maximum number of generations to include.
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs
        pagebgg       - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        pageben       - Whether to include page break before End Notes.
        firstName     - Whether to use first names instead of pronouns.
        fulldate      - Whether to use full dates instead of just year.
        listchildren  - Whether to list children.
        list_children_spouses - Whether to list the spouses of the children
        includenotes  - Whether to include notes.
        incattrs      - Whether to include attributes
        blankplace    - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________.
        blankDate     - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________.
        calcageflag   - Whether to compute age.
        dupperson     - Whether to omit duplicate ancestors
                            (e.g. when distant cousins marry).
        verbose       - Whether to use complete sentences
        childref      - Whether to add descendant references in child list.
        addimages     - Whether to include images.
        pid           - The Gramps ID of the center person for the report.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        other_events  - Whether to include other events.
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self.map = {}
        self._user = user

        menu = options.menu
        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        self.max_generations = get_value('gen')
        self.pgbrk = get_value('pagebbg')
        self.pgbrkenotes = get_value('pageben')
        self.fulldate = get_value('fulldates')
        use_fulldate = self.fulldate
        self.listchildren = get_value('listc')
        self.list_children_spouses = get_value('listc_spouses')
        self.includenotes = get_value('incnotes')
        use_call = get_value('usecall')
        blankplace = get_value('repplace')
        blankdate = get_value('repdate')
        self.calcageflag = get_value('computeage')
        self.dupperson = get_value('omitda')
        self.verbose = get_value('verbose')
        self.childref = get_value('desref')
        self.addimages = get_value('incphotos')
        self.inc_names = get_value('incnames')
        self.inc_events = get_value('incevents')
        self.inc_addr = get_value('incaddresses')
        self.inc_sources = get_value('incsources')
        self.inc_srcnotes = get_value('incsrcnotes')
        self.inc_attrs = get_value('incattrs')
        self.initial_sosa = get_value('initial_sosa')
        self.want_ids = get_value('inc_id')
        pid = get_value('pid')
        self.other_events = get_value('incotherevents')

        self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
        self._nd = self._name_display

        self.place_format = menu.get_option_by_name("place_format").get_value()

        self.gen_handles = {}
        self.prev_gen_handles = {}

        if blankdate:
            empty_date = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_date = ""

        if blankplace:
            empty_place = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_place = ""

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self._db,

        self.bibli = Bibliography(Bibliography.MODE_DATE
                                  | Bibliography.MODE_PAGE)
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create RelGraphReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        filter     - Filter to be applied to the people of the database.
                     The option class carries its number, and the function
                     returning the list of filters.
        arrow      - Arrow styles for heads and tails.
        showfamily - Whether to show family nodes.
        inc_id     - Whether to include IDs.
        url        - Whether to include URLs.
        inclimg    - Include images or not
        imgpos     - Image position, above/beside name
        color      - Whether to use outline, colored outline or filled color
                     in graph
        color_males    - Colour to apply to males
        color_females  - Colour to apply to females
        color_unknown  - Colour to apply to unknown genders
        color_families - Colour to apply to families
        dashed         - Whether to use dashed lines for non-birth relationships
        use_roundedcorners - Whether to use rounded corners for females
        name_format    - Preferred format to display names
        incl_private   - Whether to include private data
        event_choice   - Whether to include dates and/or places
        occupation     - Whether to include occupations
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        menu = options.menu
        get_option_by_name = options.menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        self.includeid = get_value('inc_id')
        self.includeurl = get_value('url')
        self.includeimg = get_value('includeImages')
        self.imgpos = get_value('imageOnTheSide')
        self.use_roundedcorners = get_value('useroundedcorners')
        self.adoptionsdashed = get_value('dashed')
        self.show_families = get_value('showfamily')
        self.use_subgraphs = get_value('usesubgraphs')
        self.event_choice = get_value('event_choice')
        self.occupation = get_value('occupation')
        self.use_html_output = False

        self.colorize = get_value('color')
        color_males = get_value('colormales')
        color_females = get_value('colorfemales')
        color_unknown = get_value('colorunknown')
        color_families = get_value('colorfamilies')
        self.colors = {
            'male': color_males,
            'female': color_females,
            'unknown': color_unknown,
            'family': color_families

        arrow_str = get_value('arrow')
        if 'd' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowheadstyle = 'none'
        if 'a' in arrow_str:
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'normal'
            self.arrowtailstyle = 'none'
        filter_option = get_option_by_name('filter')
        self._filter = filter_option.get_filter()

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        pid = get_value('pid')
        self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        self.increlname = get_value('increlname')
        if self.increlname:
            self.rel_calc = get_relationship_calculator(reinit=True,

        if __debug__:
            self.advrelinfo = get_value('advrelinfo')
            self.advrelinfo = False
Пример #26
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the DetAncestorReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen           - Maximum number of generations to include.
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs
        pagebgg       - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        pageben       - Whether to include page break before End Notes.
        firstName     - Whether to use first names instead of pronouns.
        fulldate      - Whether to use full dates instead of just year.
        listchildren  - Whether to list children.
        list_children_spouses - Whether to list the spouses of the children
        includenotes  - Whether to include notes.
        incattrs      - Whether to include attributes
        blankplace    - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________.
        blankDate     - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________.
        calcageflag   - Whether to compute age.
        dupperson     - Whether to omit duplicate ancestors
                            (e.g. when distant cousins marry).
        verbose       - Whether to use complete sentences
        childref      - Whether to add descendant references in child list.
        addimages     - Whether to include images.
        pid           - The Gramps ID of the center person for the report.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        other_events  - Whether to include other events.
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self.map = {}
        self._user = user

        menu = options.menu
        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        self.max_generations = get_value('gen')
        self.pgbrk = get_value('pagebbg')
        self.pgbrkenotes = get_value('pageben')
        self.fulldate = get_value('fulldates')
        use_fulldate = self.fulldate
        self.listchildren = get_value('listc')
        self.list_children_spouses = get_value('listc_spouses')
        self.includenotes = get_value('incnotes')
        use_call = get_value('usecall')
        blankplace = get_value('repplace')
        blankdate = get_value('repdate')
        self.calcageflag = get_value('computeage')
        self.dupperson = get_value('omitda')
        self.verbose = get_value('verbose')
        self.childref = get_value('desref')
        self.addimages = get_value('incphotos')
        self.inc_names = get_value('incnames')
        self.inc_events = get_value('incevents')
        self.inc_addr = get_value('incaddresses')
        self.inc_sources = get_value('incsources')
        self.inc_srcnotes = get_value('incsrcnotes')
        self.inc_attrs = get_value('incattrs')
        self.initial_sosa = get_value('initial_sosa')
        self.want_ids = get_value('inc_id')
        pid = get_value('pid')
        self.other_events = get_value('incotherevents')

        self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)
        self._nd = self._name_display

        self.gen_handles = {}
        self.prev_gen_handles = {}

        if blankdate:
            empty_date = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_date = ""

        if blankplace:
            empty_place = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_place = ""

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self._db, self.verbose, use_call,
                                   use_fulldate, empty_date, empty_place,

        self.bibli = Bibliography(Bibliography.MODE_DATE|Bibliography.MODE_PAGE)
Пример #27
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the DetDescendantReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen           - Maximum number of generations to include.
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs
        pagebgg       - Whether to include page breaks between generations.
        pageben       - Whether to include page break before End Notes.
        fulldates     - Whether to use full dates instead of just year.
        listc         - Whether to list children.
        list_children_spouses - Whether to list the spouses of the children
        incnotes      - Whether to include notes.
        usecall       - Whether to use the call name as the first name.
        repplace      - Whether to replace missing Places with ___________.
        repdate       - Whether to replace missing Dates with ___________.
        computeage    - Whether to compute age.
        verbose       - Whether to use complete sentences.
        numbering     - The descendancy numbering system to be utilized.
        desref        - Whether to add descendant references in child list.
        incphotos     - Whether to include images.
        incnames      - Whether to include other names.
        incevents     - Whether to include events.
        incaddresses  - Whether to include addresses.
        incsrcnotes   - Whether to include source notes in the Endnotes
                            section. Only works if Include sources is selected.
        incmates      - Whether to include information about spouses
        incattrs      - Whether to include attributes
        incpaths      - Whether to include the path of descendancy
                            from the start-person to each descendant.
        incssign      - Whether to include a sign ('+') before the
                            descendant number in the child-list
                            to indicate a child has succession.
        pid           - The Gramps ID of the center person for the report.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        incmateref    - Whether to print mate information or reference
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        structure     - How to structure the report
        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        self.map = {}
        self._user = user

        menu = options.menu
        get_option_by_name = menu.get_option_by_name
        get_value = lambda name: get_option_by_name(name).get_value()


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)
        self._db = self.database

        self.max_generations = get_value('gen')
        self.pgbrk = get_value('pagebbg')
        self.pgbrkenotes = get_value('pageben')
        self.fulldate = get_value('fulldates')
        use_fulldate = self.fulldate
        self.listchildren = get_value('listc')
        self.list_children_spouses = get_value('listc_spouses')
        self.inc_notes = get_value('incnotes')
        use_call = get_value('usecall')
        blankplace = get_value('repplace')
        blankdate = get_value('repdate')
        self.calcageflag = get_value('computeage')
        self.verbose = get_value('verbose')
        self.numbering = get_value('numbering')
        self.childref = get_value('desref')
        self.addimages = get_value('incphotos')
        self.structure = get_value('structure')
        self.inc_names = get_value('incnames')
        self.inc_events = get_value('incevents')
        self.inc_addr = get_value('incaddresses')
        self.inc_sources = get_value('incsources')
        self.inc_srcnotes = get_value('incsrcnotes')
        self.inc_mates = get_value('incmates')
        self.inc_attrs = get_value('incattrs')
        self.inc_paths = get_value('incpaths')
        self.inc_ssign = get_value('incssign')
        self.inc_materef = get_value('incmateref')
        self.want_ids = get_value('inc_id')

        pid = get_value('pid')
        self.center_person = self._db.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        self.gen_handles = {}
        self.prev_gen_handles = {}
        self.gen_keys = []
        self.dnumber = {}
        self.dmates = {}
        self.numbers_printed = list()

        if blankdate:
            empty_date = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_date = ""

        if blankplace:
            empty_place = EMPTY_ENTRY
            empty_place = ""

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        self.__narrator = Narrator(self._db, self.verbose,
                                   use_call, use_fulldate,
                                   empty_date, empty_place,

        self.bibli = Bibliography(Bibliography.MODE_DATE|Bibliography.MODE_PAGE)
Пример #28
    def __init__(self, database, options, user):
        Create the DescendantReport object that produces the report.

        The arguments are:

        database        - the Gramps database instance
        options         - instance of the Options class for this report
        user            - a gen.user.User() instance

        This report needs the following parameters (class variables)
        that come in the options class.

        gen           - Maximum number of generations to include.
        name_format   - Preferred format to display names
        dups          - Whether to include duplicate descendant trees
        incl_private  - Whether to include private data
        living_people - How to handle living people
        years_past_death - Consider as living this many years after death
        inc_id        - Whether to include Gramps IDs

        Report.__init__(self, database, options, user)

        menu = options.menu


        stdoptions.run_date_format_option(self, menu)

        stdoptions.run_private_data_option(self, menu)
        stdoptions.run_living_people_option(self, menu, self._locale)
        self.database = CacheProxyDb(self.database)

        self.max_generations = menu.get_option_by_name('gen').get_value()
        self.want_ids = menu.get_option_by_name('inc_id').get_value()

        pid = menu.get_option_by_name('pid').get_value()
        self.center_person = self.database.get_person_from_gramps_id(pid)
        if self.center_person is None:
            raise ReportError(_("Person %s is not in the Database") % pid)

        #Initialize the Printinfo class
        self._showdups = menu.get_option_by_name('dups').get_value()
        numbering = menu.get_option_by_name('numbering').get_value()
        if numbering == "Simple":
            obj = PrintSimple(self._showdups)
        elif numbering == "Henry":
            obj = PrintHenry()
        elif numbering == "Modified Henry":
            obj = PrintHenry(modified=True)
        elif numbering == "d'Aboville":
            obj = PrintDAboville()
        elif numbering == "de Villiers/Pama":
            obj = PrintVilliers()
        elif numbering == "Meurgey de Tupigny":
            obj = PrintMeurgey()
            raise AttributeError("no such numbering: '%s'" % numbering)

        marrs = menu.get_option_by_name('marrs').get_value()
        divs = menu.get_option_by_name('divs').get_value()

        stdoptions.run_name_format_option(self, menu)

        pformat = menu.get_option_by_name("place_format").get_value()

        self.obj_print = Printinfo(self.doc, self.database, obj, marrs, divs,
                                   self._name_display, self._locale,
                                   self.want_ids, pformat)