class FamilyEvents(Events): """ Displays the events for a family. """ def db_changed(self): self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'family-update', self.update) self.connect_signal('Family', self.update) def update_has_data(self): active_handle = self.get_active('Family') active = None if active_handle: active = self.dbstate.db.get_family_from_handle(active_handle) self.set_has_data(self.get_has_data(active)) def get_has_data(self, active_family): """ Return True if the gramplet has data, else return False. """ if active_family: for event_ref in active_family.get_event_ref_list(): return True return False def main(self): # return false finishes active_handle = self.get_active('Family') self.db = CacheProxyDb(self.dbstate.db) self.model.clear() self.callman.unregister_all() if active_handle: self.display_family(active_handle) else: self.set_has_data(False) self.db = None def display_family(self, active_handle): """ Display the events for the active family. """ active_family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(active_handle) self.cached_start_date = self.get_start_date() for event_ref in active_family.get_event_ref_list(): self.add_event_ref(event_ref) self.set_has_data(self.model.count > 0) def get_start_date(self): """ Get the start date for a family, usually a marriage date, or something close to marriage. """ active_handle = self.get_active('Family') active = self.db.get_family_from_handle(active_handle) event = get_marriage_or_fallback(self.db, active) return event.get_date_object() if event else None
def main(self): # return false finishes active_handle = self.get_active('Family') self.db = CacheProxyDb(self.dbstate.db) self.model.clear() self.callman.unregister_all() if active_handle: self.display_family(active_handle) else: self.set_has_data(False) self.db = None
def _rebuild_filter(self, ignore=None): """ function called when view must be build, given filter options in the filter sidebar """ self.clear_cache() self._in_build = True if (self.db is not None) and self.db.is_open(): cdb = CacheProxyDb(self.db) allkeys = self.node_map.full_srtkey_hndl_map() if not allkeys: allkeys = self.sort_keys() if ident = False if ignore is None: dlist =, allkeys, tupleind=1, user=self.user) else: dlist = cdb, [k for k in allkeys if k[1] != ignore], tupleind=1) elif ignore is None: ident = True dlist = allkeys else: ident = False dlist = [k for k in allkeys if k[1] != ignore] self.node_map.set_path_map(dlist, allkeys, identical=ident, reverse=self._reverse) else: self.node_map.clear_map() self._in_build = False
def __rebuild_filter(self, dfilter, skip, items, gen_cursor, data_map, add_func): """ Rebuild the data map for a single Gramps object type, where a filter is applied. """ pmon = progressdlg.ProgressMonitor( progressdlg.StatusProgress, (self.uistate,), popup_time=2, title=_("Loading items...")) status_ppl = progressdlg.LongOpStatus(total_steps=items, interval=items // 20) pmon.add_op(status_ppl) self.__total += items assert not skip if dfilter: cdb = CacheProxyDb(self.db) for handle in dfilter.apply(cdb, tree=True, user=User(parent=self.uistate.window)): status_ppl.heartbeat() data = data_map(handle) add_func(handle, data) self.__displayed += 1 else: with gen_cursor() as cursor: for handle, data in cursor: status_ppl.heartbeat() add_func(handle, data) self.__displayed += 1 status_ppl.end()
def __init__(self, event_list, db, groups, **kwargs): """ @param event_list: A list of lists, every entry is a group, the entries in a group are the data that needs to be shown subordinate to the group @param db: a database objects that can be used to obtain info @param groups: a list of (key, name) tuples. key is a key for the group that might be used. name is the name for the group. @param kwargs: A dictionary of additional settings/values. """ self.start_date = kwargs.get("start_date", None) typeobjs = (x[1] for x in self.COLS) Gtk.TreeStore.__init__(self, *typeobjs) self.db = CacheProxyDb(db) self.groups = groups for index, group in enumerate(event_list): parentiter = self.append(None, row=self.row_group(index, group)) for eventref in group: event = db.get_event_from_handle(eventref.ref) self.append(parentiter, row=self.row(index, eventref, event))
class PersonEvents(Events): """ Displays the events for a person. """ def db_changed(self): self.connect(self.dbstate.db, 'person-update', self.update) def active_changed(self, handle): self.update() def update_has_data(self): active_handle = self.get_active('Person') active = None if active_handle: active = self.dbstate.db.get_person_from_handle(active_handle) self.set_has_data(self.get_has_data(active)) def get_has_data(self, active_person): """ Return True if the gramplet has data, else return False. """ if active_person: if active_person.get_event_ref_list(): return True for family_handle in active_person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self.dbstate.db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) if family: for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): return True return False def main(self): # return false finishes active_handle = self.get_active('Person') self.db = CacheProxyDb(self.dbstate.db) self.model.clear() self.callman.unregister_all() if active_handle: self.display_person(active_handle) else: self.set_has_data(False) self.db = None def display_person(self, active_handle): """ Display the events for the active person. """ active_person = self.db.get_person_from_handle(active_handle) if active_person: self.cached_start_date = self.get_start_date() for event_ref in active_person.get_event_ref_list(): self.add_event_ref(event_ref) for family_handle in active_person.get_family_handle_list(): family = self.db.get_family_from_handle(family_handle) self.display_family(family, active_person) else: self.cached_start_date = None self.set_has_data(self.model.count > 0) def display_family(self, family, active_person): """ Display the events for the given family. """ spouse_handle = find_spouse(active_person, family) if spouse_handle: spouse = self.db.get_person_from_handle(spouse_handle) else: spouse = None if family: for event_ref in family.get_event_ref_list(): self.add_event_ref(event_ref, spouse) def get_start_date(self): """ Get the start date for a person, usually a birth date, or something close to birth. """ active_handle = self.get_active('Person') active = self.db.get_person_from_handle(active_handle) event = get_birth_or_fallback(self.db, active) return event.get_date_object() if event else None
class EventRefModel(Gtk.TreeStore): #index of the working group _ROOTINDEX = 0 _GROUPSTRING = _('%(groupname)s - %(groupnumber)d') COL_DESCR = (0, str) COL_TYPE = (1, str) COL_GID = (2, str) COL_DATE = (3, str) COL_PLACE = (4, str) COL_ROLE = (5, str) COL_PARTIC = (6, str) COL_SORTDATE = (7, str) COL_EVENTREF = (8, object) COL_FONTWEIGHT = (9, int) COL_AGE = (10, str) COL_SORTAGE = (11, str) COL_PRIVATE = (12, bool) COL_HAS_SOURCE = (13, bool) COLS = (COL_DESCR, COL_TYPE, COL_GID, COL_DATE, COL_PLACE, COL_ROLE, COL_PARTIC, COL_SORTDATE, COL_EVENTREF, COL_FONTWEIGHT, COL_AGE, COL_SORTAGE, COL_PRIVATE, COL_HAS_SOURCE) def __init__(self, event_list, db, groups, **kwargs): """ @param event_list: A list of lists, every entry is a group, the entries in a group are the data that needs to be shown subordinate to the group @param db: a database objects that can be used to obtain info @param groups: a list of (key, name) tuples. key is a key for the group that might be used. name is the name for the group. @param kwargs: A dictionary of additional settings/values. """ self.start_date = kwargs.get("start_date", None) typeobjs = (x[1] for x in self.COLS) Gtk.TreeStore.__init__(self, *typeobjs) self.db = CacheProxyDb(db) self.groups = groups for index, group in enumerate(event_list): parentiter = self.append(None, row=self.row_group(index, group)) for eventref in group: event = db.get_event_from_handle(eventref.ref) self.append(parentiter, row=self.row(index, eventref, event)) def row_group(self, index, group): name = self.namegroup(index, len(group)) spouse = self.groups[index][2] return [ spouse, name, '', '', '', '', '', '', (index, None), WEIGHT_BOLD, '', '', None, None ] def namegroup(self, groupindex, length): return self._GROUPSTRING % { 'groupname': self.groups[groupindex][1], 'groupnumber': length } def row(self, index, eventref, event): return [ event.get_description(), str(event.get_type()), event.get_gramps_id(), self.column_date(eventref), self.column_place(eventref), self.column_role(eventref), self.column_participant(eventref), self.column_sort_date(eventref), (index, eventref), self.colweight(index), self.column_age(event), self.column_sort_age(event), eventref.get_privacy(), event.has_citations(), ] def colweight(self, index): return WEIGHT_NORMAL def column_role(self, event_ref): return str(event_ref.get_role()) def column_date(self, event_ref): event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) retval = get_date(event) if not get_date_valid(event): return invalid_date_format % escape(retval) else: return retval def column_sort_date(self, event_ref): event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) date = event.get_date_object() if date: return "%09d" % date.get_sort_value() else: return "" def column_place(self, event_ref): if event_ref and event_ref.ref: event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(event_ref.ref) if event: return place_displayer.display_event(self.db, event) return "" def column_participant(self, event_ref): return get_participant_from_event(self.db, event_ref.ref) def column_age(self, event): """ Returns a string representation of age in years. Change precision=2 for "year, month", or precision=3 for "year, month, days" """ date = event.get_date_object() if date and self.start_date: if (date == self.start_date and date.modifier == Date.MOD_NONE and not (event.get_type().is_death_fallback() or event.get_type() == EventType.DEATH)): return "" else: return (date - self.start_date).format(precision=age_precision) else: return "" def column_sort_age(self, event): """ Returns a string version of number of days of age. """ date = event.get_date_object() if date and self.start_date: return "%09d" % int(date - self.start_date) else: return ""