def check_preferred(request, name, person): """ Check for a proper preferred name. """ names = [] if person: names = person.name_set.all() if name.preferred: # then all reast should not be: for s in names: if s.preferred and != s.preferred = False update_last_changed(s, request.user.username) else: # then one of them should be ok = False for s in names: if != if s.preferred: ok = True break else: s.preferred = False update_last_changed(s, request.user.username) ok = True break if not ok: name.preferred = True
def check_order(request, person): """ Check for proper ordering 1..., and for a preferred name. """ order = 1 preferred = False for name in person.name_set.all().order_by("order"): if name.preferred: preferred = True if name.order != order: name.order = order update_last_changed(name, request.user.username) order += 1 if not preferred: name = person.name_set.get(order=1) name.preferred = True update_last_changed(name, request.user.username)
def process_repository(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Repository") context["tviews"] = _("Repositories") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_repository_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick repository", Repository, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick repository", Repository, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: parent_model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? parent_obj = parent_model.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Repository.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) dji.add_repository_ref_default(parent_obj, ref_obj) parent_obj.save_cache() # rebuild cache return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-repositories" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "add": repository = Repository(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Repository, "R")) repositoryform = RepositoryForm(instance=repository) repositoryform.model = repository elif act in ["view", "edit"]: repository = Repository.objects.get(handle=handle) repositoryform = RepositoryForm(instance=repository) repositoryform.model = repository elif act == "save": repository = Repository.objects.get(handle=handle) repositoryform = RepositoryForm(request.POST, instance=repository) repositoryform.model = repository if repositoryform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(repository, request.user.username) repository = act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": repository = Repository(handle=create_id()) repositoryform = RepositoryForm(request.POST, instance=repository) repositoryform.model = repository if repositoryform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(repository, request.user.username) repository = if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_repository_ref_default(obj, repository) obj.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-repositories" % (item, handle)) act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": repository = Repository.objects.get(handle=handle) repository.delete() return redirect("/repository/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["repositoryform"] = repositoryform context["object"] = repository context["repository"] = repository context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_event(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Event") context["tviews"] = _("Events") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_event_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick event", Event, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick event", Event, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: parent_model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? parent_obj = parent_model.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Event.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) dji.add_event_ref_default(parent_obj, ref_obj) if item == "person": # then need to recheck birth/death indexes: recheck_birth_death_refs(parent_obj) parent_obj.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-events" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "add": event = Event(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Event, "E")) eventform = EventForm(instance=event) eventform.model = event elif act in ["view", "edit"]: event = Event.objects.get(handle=handle) genlibevent = db.get_event_from_handle(handle) if genlibevent: date = genlibevent.get_date_object() event.text = dd(date) eventform = EventForm(instance=event) eventform.model = event elif act == "save": event = Event.objects.get(handle=handle) eventform = EventForm(request.POST, instance=event) eventform.model = event if eventform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(event, request.user.username) event = # Check any person that might be referenced to see if # birth/death issues changed: check_event(event) act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": event = Event(handle=create_id()) eventform = EventForm(request.POST, instance=event) eventform.model = event if eventform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(event, request.user.username) event = if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_event_ref_default(obj, event) if item == "person": # then need to recheck birth/death indexes: recheck_birth_death_refs(obj) obj.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-events" % (item, handle)) act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": event = Event.objects.get(handle=handle) delete_event(event) return redirect("/event/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["eventform"] = eventform context["object"] = event context["event"] = event context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_family(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Family") context["tviews"] = _("Familes") if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": # Adds a person to an existing family item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick family", Family, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = "person" return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick family", Family, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Family.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) if item == "child": dji.add_child_ref_default(ref_obj, person) # add person to family #person.parent_families.add(ref_obj) # add family to child pfo = MyParentFamilies( person=person, family=ref_obj, order=len(person.parent_families.all()) + 1) elif item == "spouse": if == "Female": ref_obj.mother = person elif == "Male": ref_obj.father = person else: ref_obj.father = person # FIXME: Unknown gender, add to open #person.families.add(ref_obj) # add family to person pfo = MyFamilies(person=person, family=ref_obj, order=len(person.families.all()) + 1) return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-references" % ("person", handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = "person" return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "add": family = Family(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Family, "F"), family_rel_type=FamilyRelType.objects.get( val=FamilyRelType._DEFAULT[0])) if add_to: what, phandle = add_to person = Person.objects.get(handle=phandle) gender = # Male, Female, Unknown if what == "spouse": if gender == "Male": family.father = person elif gender == "Female": family.mother = person else: # You have to pick one! family.father = person elif what == "child": pass # FIXME: can't show child in table? # Table from children_table else: # unknown what! raise Exception("can't add_to: '%s'" % what) familyform = FamilyForm(instance=family) familyform.model = family elif act in ["view", "edit"]: family = Family.objects.get(handle=handle) familyform = FamilyForm(instance=family) familyform.model = family elif act == "save": # editing an existing family family = Family.objects.get(handle=handle) old_family_mother = family.mother old_family_father = family.father familyform = FamilyForm(request.POST, instance=family) familyform.model = family if familyform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(family, request.user.username) family = # Remove family from previous mother/father if changed if familyform.cleaned_data[ "mother"] != old_family_mother and old_family_mother: MyFamilies.objects.get(person=old_family_mother, family=family).delete() if familyform.cleaned_data[ "father"] != old_family_father and old_family_father: MyFamilies.objects.get(person=old_family_father, family=family).delete() # Add family to newly selected mother/father if needed: if familyform.cleaned_data["mother"]: if family not in familyform.cleaned_data[ "mother"].families.all(): #family.mother.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies( person=familyform.cleaned_data["mother"], family=family, order=len( familyform.cleaned_data["mother"].families.all()) + 1) if familyform.cleaned_data["father"]: if family not in familyform.cleaned_data[ "father"].families.all(): #family.father.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies( person=family.father, family=family, order=len( familyform.cleaned_data["father"].families.all()) + 1) act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": family = Family(family_rel_type=FamilyRelType.objects.get( val=FamilyRelType._DEFAULT[0]), handle=create_id()) familyform = FamilyForm(request.POST, instance=family) familyform.model = family if familyform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(family, request.user.username) family = if family.mother: #family.mother.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies(person=family.mother, family=family, order=len(family.mother.families.all()) + 1) if family.father: #family.father.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies(person=family.father, family=family, order=len(family.father.families.all()) + 1) family.save_cache() if add_to: # add child or spouse to family item, handle = add_to person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) if item == "child": dji.add_child_ref_default(family, person) # add person to family ##person.parent_families.add(family) # add family to child pfo = MyParentFamilies( person=person, family=family, order=len(person.parent_families.all()) + 1) #elif item == "spouse": # already added by selecting return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-references" % ("person", handle, build_search(request))) act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": family = Family.objects.get(handle=handle) family.delete() return redirect("/family/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["familyform"] = familyform context["object"] = family context["family"] = family context["action"] = act view_template = "view_family_detail.html" return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_place(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Place") context["tviews"] = _("Places") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_place_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete if act == "add": place = Place(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Place, "P")) placeform = PlaceForm(instance=place) placeform.model = place elif act in ["view", "edit"]: place = Place.objects.get(handle=handle) placeform = PlaceForm(instance=place) placeform.model = place elif act == "save": place = Place.objects.get(handle=handle) placeform = PlaceForm(request.POST, instance=place) placeform.model = place if placeform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(place, request.user.username) place = act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": place = Place(handle=create_id()) placeform = PlaceForm(request.POST, instance=place) placeform.model = place if placeform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(place, request.user.username) place = if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_place_ref(obj, place.handle) obj.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-places" % (item, handle)) act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": place = Place.objects.get(handle=handle) place.delete() return redirect("/place/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["placeform"] = placeform context["object"] = place context["place"] = place context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_person(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Person") context["tviews"] = _("People") logform = None if request.user.is_authenticated(): if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick a person", Person, ("name__surname__surname", "name__first_name"), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to # ("Family", handle) pickform = PickForm("Pick a person", Person, ("name__surname__surname", "name__first_name"), request.POST) if["picklist"]: person_handle =["picklist"] person = Person.objects.get(handle=person_handle) model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) # get family dji.add_child_ref_default(obj, person) # add person to family #person.parent_families.add(obj) # add family to child pfo = MyParentFamilies(person=person, family=obj, order=len(person.parent_families.all())+1) person.save_cache() # rebuild child obj.save_cache() # rebuild family return redirect("/%s/%s%s" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = "family" return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act in ["edit", "view"]: pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, empty=False) if act == "edit": logform = LogForm() elif act == "add": pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle=None, protect=False, empty=True) logform = LogForm() elif act == "delete": pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=False, empty=True) person.delete() return redirect("/person/%s" % build_search(request)) elif act in ["save", "create"]: # could be create a new person # look up old data, if any: logform = LogForm(request.POST) if handle: person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) name = person.name_set.get(preferred=True) surname = name.surname_set.get(primary=True) else: # create new item person = Person(handle=create_id()) name = Name(person=person, preferred=True) surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1) surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1, name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0])) # combine with user data: pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person) pf.model = person nf = NameFormFromPerson(request.POST, instance=name) nf.model = name sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname) sf.model = surname # check if valid: if nf.is_valid() and pf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid() and logform.is_valid(): # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid() update_last_changed(person, request.user.username) person = # Process data: name.person = person name = # Manually set any data: name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else "" name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False? Remove from form? check_preferred(request, name, person) update_last_changed(name, request.user.username) # Process data: = name surname = # Manually set any data: surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else "" surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False? Remove from form? # FIXME: put this in correct place to get correct cache, before changes: make_log(person, act, request.user.username, logform.cleaned_data["reason"], person.cache) if add_to: # Adding a child to the family item, handle = add_to # ("Family", handle) model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) # get family dji.add_child_ref_default(obj, person) # add person to family #person.parent_families.add(obj) # add family to child pfo = MyParentFamilies(person=person, family=obj, order=len(person.parent_families.all())+1) person.save_cache() # rebuild child obj.save_cache() # rebuild family return redirect("/%s/%s%s" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) person.save_cache() return redirect("/person/%s%s" % (person.handle, build_search(request))) else: # need to edit again if handle: act = "edit" else: act = "add" else: # error? raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person") else: # not authenticated # BEGIN NON-AUTHENTICATED ACCESS try: person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) except: raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person") if person.private: raise Http404(_("Requested %s does not exist.") % "person") pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, protect=True) # END NON-AUTHENTICATED ACCESS context["action"] = act context["view"] = "person" context["tview"] = _("Person") context["tviews"] = _("People") context["personform"] = pf context["nameform"] = nf context["surnameform"] = sf context["logform"] = logform context["person"] = person context["object"] = person context["next"] = "/person/%s" % person.handle
def process_source(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Source") context["tviews"] = _("Sources") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_source_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick source", Source, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick source", Source, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: parent_model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? parent_obj = parent_model.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Source.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) dji.add_source_ref_default(parent_obj, ref_obj) parent_obj.save_cache() # rebuild cache return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-sources" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "add": source = Source(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Source, "S")) sourceform = SourceForm(instance=source) sourceform.model = source elif act in ["view", "edit"]: source = Source.objects.get(handle=handle) sourceform = SourceForm(instance=source) sourceform.model = source elif act == "save": source = Source.objects.get(handle=handle) sourceform = SourceForm(request.POST, instance=source) sourceform.model = source if sourceform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(source, request.user.username) source = dji.rebuild_cache(source) act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": source = Source(handle=create_id()) sourceform = SourceForm(request.POST, instance=source) sourceform.model = source if sourceform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(source, request.user.username) source = dji.rebuild_cache(source) if add_to: raise Exception("Cannot add reference") act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": source = Source.objects.get(handle=handle) source.delete() return redirect("/source/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["sourceform"] = sourceform context["object"] = source context["source"] = source context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_note(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Note") context["tviews"] = _("Notes") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_note_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick note", Note, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick note", Note, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: parent_model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? parent_obj = parent_model.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Note.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) dji.add_note_ref(parent_obj, ref_obj) parent_obj.save_cache() # rebuild cache return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-notes" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "add": note = Note(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Note, "N")) notetext = "" noteform = NoteForm(instance=note, initial={"notetext": notetext}) noteform.model = note elif act in ["view", "edit"]: note = Note.objects.get(handle=handle) genlibnote = db.get_note_from_handle(note.handle) notetext = snf.format(genlibnote) noteform = NoteForm(instance=note, initial={"notetext": notetext}) noteform.model = note elif act == "save": note = Note.objects.get(handle=handle) notetext = "" noteform = NoteForm(request.POST, instance=note, initial={"notetext": notetext}) noteform.model = note if noteform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(note, request.user.username) notedata = parse_styled_text(["notetext"]) note.text = notedata[0] note = dji.save_note_markup(note, notedata[1]) note.save_cache() notetext =["notetext"] act = "view" else: notetext =["notetext"] act = "edit" elif act == "create": note = Note(handle=create_id()) notetext = "" noteform = NoteForm(request.POST, instance=note, initial={"notetext": notetext}) noteform.model = note if noteform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(note, request.user.username) notedata = parse_styled_text(["notetext"]) note.text = notedata[0] note = dji.save_note_markup(note, notedata[1]) note.save_cache() if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_note_ref(obj, note) obj.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-notes" % (item, handle)) notetext =["notetext"] act = "view" else: notetext =["notetext"] act = "add" elif act == "delete": # FIXME: delete markup too for this note note = Note.objects.get(handle=handle) note.delete() return redirect("/note/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["noteform"] = noteform context["object"] = note context["notetext"] = notetext context["note"] = note context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_tag(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Tag") context["tviews"] = _("Tags") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_tag_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete if act == "add": tag = Tag() tagform = TagForm(instance=tag) tagform.model = tag elif act in ["view", "edit"]: tag = Tag.objects.get(handle=handle) tagform = TagForm(instance=tag) tagform.model = tag elif act == "save": tag = Tag.objects.get(handle=handle) tagform = TagForm(request.POST, instance=tag) tagform.model = tag if tagform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(tag, request.user.username) tag = act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": tag = Tag(handle=create_id()) tagform = TagForm(request.POST, instance=tag) tagform.model = tag if tagform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(tag, request.user.username) tag = if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_tag_ref_default(obj, tag) obj.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-tags" % (item, handle)) act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": tag = Tag.objects.get(handle=handle) tag.delete() return redirect("/tag/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["tagform"] = tagform context["object"] = tag context["tag"] = tag context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_media(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Media") context["tviews"] = _("Media") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_media_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick media", Media, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick media", Media, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: parent_model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? parent_obj = parent_model.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Media.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) dji.add_media_ref_default(parent_obj, ref_obj) parent_obj.save_cache() # rebuild cache return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-media" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "full": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) media_type, media_ext = media.mime.split("/", 1) # FIXME: This should be absolute: folder = Config.objects.get( setting="behavior.addmedia-image-dir").value # FIXME: media.path should not have any .. for security response = HttpResponse(content_type=media.mime) if NEW_PIL or media_ext != "png": image ="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)), media_ext) else: # FIXME: older PIL 1.1.6 cannot read interlaced PNG files reader = png.Reader(filename="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)) x, y, pixels, meta = reader.asDirect() image = png.Image(pixels, meta) return response elif act == "thumbnail": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) media_type, media_ext = media.mime.split("/", 1) # FIXME: This should be absolute: folder = Config.objects.get( setting="behavior.addmedia-image-dir").value # FIXME: media.path should not have any .. for security response = HttpResponse(content_type=media.mime) if os.path.exists("%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path)): if NEW_PIL or media_ext != "png": image ="%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path)), media_ext) else: # FIXME: older PIL 1.1.6 cannot read interlaced PNG files reader = png.Reader(filename="%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path)) x, y, pixels, meta = reader.asDirect() image = png.Image(pixels, meta) else: try: os.makedirs("%s/thumbnail" % folder) except: pass if NEW_PIL or media_ext != "png": image ="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)) image.thumbnail((300, 300), Image.ANTIALIAS)"%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path), media_ext), media_ext) else: # FIXME: older PIL 1.1.6 cannot read interlaced PNG files reader = png.Reader(filename="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)) x, y, pixels, meta = reader.asDirect() meta["interlace"] = False image = png.Image(pixels, meta)"/tmp/%s" % media.path) # Now open in PIL to rescale image ="/tmp/%s" % media.path) image.thumbnail((300, 300), Image.ANTIALIAS)"%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path), media_ext), media_ext.upper()) return response elif act == "add": media = Media(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Media, "M")) mediaform = MediaForm(instance=media) mediaform.model = media elif act in ["view", "edit"]: media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) mediaform = MediaForm(instance=media) mediaform.model = media elif act == "save": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) mediaform = MediaForm(request.POST, instance=media) mediaform.model = media if mediaform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(media, request.user.username) media = act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": media = Media(handle=create_id()) mediaform = MediaForm(request.POST, instance=media) mediaform.model = media if mediaform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(media, request.user.username) media = if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_media_ref_default(obj, media) obj.save_cache() media.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-gallery" % (item, handle)) else: media.save_cache() act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) media.delete() return redirect("/media/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["mediaform"] = mediaform context["object"] = media context["media"] = media context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_media(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Media") context["tviews"] = _("Media") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_media_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick media", Media, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick media", Media, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: parent_model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? parent_obj = parent_model.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Media.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) dji.add_media_ref_default(parent_obj, ref_obj) parent_obj.save_cache() # rebuild cache return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-media" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "full": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) media_type, media_ext = media.mime.split("/", 1) # FIXME: This should be absolute: folder = Config.objects.get(setting="behavior.addmedia-image-dir").value # FIXME: media.path should not have any .. for security response = HttpResponse(content_type=media.mime) if NEW_PIL or media_ext != "png": image ="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)), media_ext) else: # FIXME: older PIL 1.1.6 cannot read interlaced PNG files reader = png.Reader(filename="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)) x, y, pixels, meta = reader.asDirect() image = png.Image(pixels, meta) return response elif act == "thumbnail": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) media_type, media_ext = media.mime.split("/", 1) # FIXME: This should be absolute: folder = Config.objects.get(setting="behavior.addmedia-image-dir").value # FIXME: media.path should not have any .. for security response = HttpResponse(content_type=media.mime) if os.path.exists("%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path)): if NEW_PIL or media_ext != "png": image ="%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path)), media_ext) else: # FIXME: older PIL 1.1.6 cannot read interlaced PNG files reader = png.Reader(filename="%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path)) x, y, pixels, meta = reader.asDirect() image = png.Image(pixels, meta) else: try: os.makedirs("%s/thumbnail" % folder) except: pass if NEW_PIL or media_ext != "png": image ="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)) image.thumbnail((300,300), Image.ANTIALIAS)"%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path), media_ext), media_ext) else: # FIXME: older PIL 1.1.6 cannot read interlaced PNG files reader = png.Reader(filename="%s/%s" % (folder, media.path)) x, y, pixels, meta = reader.asDirect() meta["interlace"] = False image = png.Image(pixels, meta)"/tmp/%s" % media.path) # Now open in PIL to rescale image ="/tmp/%s" % media.path) image.thumbnail((300,300), Image.ANTIALIAS)"%s/thumbnail/%s" % (folder, media.path), media_ext), media_ext.upper()) return response elif act == "add": media = Media(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Media, "M")) mediaform = MediaForm(instance=media) mediaform.model = media elif act in ["view", "edit"]: media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) mediaform = MediaForm(instance=media) mediaform.model = media elif act == "save": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) mediaform = MediaForm(request.POST, instance=media) mediaform.model = media if mediaform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(media, request.user.username) media = act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": media = Media(handle=create_id()) mediaform = MediaForm(request.POST, instance=media) mediaform.model = media if mediaform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(media, request.user.username) media = if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_media_ref_default(obj, media) obj.save_cache() media.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-gallery" % (item, handle)) else: media.save_cache() act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": media = Media.objects.get(handle=handle) media.delete() return redirect("/media/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["mediaform"] = mediaform context["object"] = media context["media"] = media context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_citation(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Citation") context["tviews"] = _("Citations") context["action"] = "view" view_template = "view_citation_detail.html" if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick citation", Citation, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick citation", Citation, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: parent_model = dji.get_model(item) # what model? parent_obj = parent_model.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Citation.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) dji.add_citation_ref_default(parent_obj, ref_obj) parent_obj.save_cache() # rebuild cache return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-citations" % (item, handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = item return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "add": source = Source(gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Source, "S")) sourceform = SourceForm(instance=source) sourceform.model = source citation = Citation(source=source, gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Citation, "C")) citationform = CitationForm(instance=citation) citationform.model = citation elif act in ["view", "edit"]: citation = Citation.objects.get(handle=handle) citationform = CitationForm(instance=citation) citationform.model = citation source = citation.source sourceform = SourceForm(instance=source) sourceform.model = source elif act == "save": citation = Citation.objects.get(handle=handle) citationform = CitationForm(request.POST, instance=citation) citationform.model = citation if citationform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(citation, request.user.username) citation = act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": source = Source(handle=create_id()) sourceform = SourceForm(request.POST, instance=source) sourceform.model = source citation = Citation(handle=create_id(), source=source) citationform = CitationForm(request.POST, instance=citation) citationform.model = citation if citationform.is_valid() and sourceform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(source, request.user.username) source = citation.source = source update_last_changed(citation, request.user.username) citation = source.save_cache() citation.save_cache() if add_to: item, handle = add_to model = dji.get_model(item) obj = model.objects.get(handle=handle) dji.add_citation_ref(obj, citation.handle) obj.save_cache() return redirect("/%s/%s#tab-citations" % (item, handle)) act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": citation = Citation.objects.get(handle=handle) citation.delete() return redirect("/citation/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["citationform"] = citationform context["sourceform"] = sourceform context["object"] = citation context["citation"] = citation context["source"] = source context["action"] = act return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_family(request, context, handle, act, add_to=None): # view, edit, save """ Process act on person. Can return a redirect. """ context["tview"] = _("Family") context["tviews"] = _("Familes") if handle == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") # Handle: edit, view, add, create, save, delete, share, save-share if act == "share": # Adds a person to an existing family item, handle = add_to context["pickform"] = PickForm("Pick family", Family, (), request.POST) context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = "person" return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "save-share": item, handle = add_to pickform = PickForm("Pick family", Family, (), request.POST) if["picklist"]: person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) # to add ref_handle =["picklist"] ref_obj = Family.objects.get(handle=ref_handle) if item == "child": dji.add_child_ref_default(ref_obj, person) # add person to family #person.parent_families.add(ref_obj) # add family to child pfo = MyParentFamilies(person=person, family=ref_obj, order=len(person.parent_families.all())+1) elif item == "spouse": if == "Female": ref_obj.mother = person elif == "Male": ref_obj.father = person else: ref_obj.father = person # FIXME: Unknown gender, add to open #person.families.add(ref_obj) # add family to person pfo = MyFamilies(person=person, family=ref_obj, order=len(person.families.all())+1) return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-references" % ("person", handle, build_search(request))) else: context["pickform"] = pickform context["object_handle"] = handle context["object_type"] = "person" return render_to_response("pick.html", context) elif act == "add": family = Family( gramps_id=dji.get_next_id(Family, "F"), family_rel_type=FamilyRelType.objects.get( val=FamilyRelType._DEFAULT[0])) if add_to: what, phandle = add_to person = Person.objects.get(handle=phandle) gender = # Male, Female, Unknown if what == "spouse": if gender == "Male": family.father = person elif gender == "Female": family.mother = person else: # You have to pick one! family.father = person elif what == "child": pass # FIXME: can't show child in table? # Table from children_table else: # unknown what! raise Exception("can't add_to: '%s'" % what) familyform = FamilyForm(instance=family) familyform.model = family elif act in ["view", "edit"]: family = Family.objects.get(handle=handle) familyform = FamilyForm(instance=family) familyform.model = family elif act == "save": # editing an existing family family = Family.objects.get(handle=handle) old_family_mother = family.mother old_family_father = family.father familyform = FamilyForm(request.POST, instance=family) familyform.model = family if familyform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(family, request.user.username) family = # Remove family from previous mother/father if changed if familyform.cleaned_data["mother"] != old_family_mother and old_family_mother: MyFamilies.objects.get(person=old_family_mother, family=family).delete() if familyform.cleaned_data["father"] != old_family_father and old_family_father: MyFamilies.objects.get(person=old_family_father, family=family).delete() # Add family to newly selected mother/father if needed: if familyform.cleaned_data["mother"]: if family not in familyform.cleaned_data["mother"].families.all(): #family.mother.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies(person=familyform.cleaned_data["mother"], family=family, order=len(familyform.cleaned_data["mother"].families.all())+1) if familyform.cleaned_data["father"]: if family not in familyform.cleaned_data["father"].families.all(): #family.father.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies(person=family.father, family=family, order=len(familyform.cleaned_data["father"].families.all())+1) act = "view" else: act = "edit" elif act == "create": family = Family(family_rel_type=FamilyRelType.objects.get( val=FamilyRelType._DEFAULT[0]), handle=create_id()) familyform = FamilyForm(request.POST, instance=family) familyform.model = family if familyform.is_valid(): update_last_changed(family, request.user.username) family = if family.mother: #family.mother.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies(person=family.mother, family=family, order=len(family.mother.families.all())+1) if family.father: #family.father.families.add(family) pfo = MyFamilies(person=family.father, family=family, order=len(family.father.families.all())+1) family.save_cache() if add_to: # add child or spouse to family item, handle = add_to person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) if item == "child": dji.add_child_ref_default(family, person) # add person to family ##person.parent_families.add(family) # add family to child pfo = MyParentFamilies(person=person, family=family, order=len(person.parent_families.all())+1) #elif item == "spouse": # already added by selecting return redirect("/%s/%s%s#tab-references" % ("person", handle, build_search(request))) act = "view" else: act = "add" elif act == "delete": family = Family.objects.get(handle=handle) family.delete() return redirect("/family/") else: raise Exception("Unhandled act: '%s'" % act) context["familyform"] = familyform context["object"] = family context["family"] = family context["action"] = act view_template = "view_family_detail.html" return render_to_response(view_template, context)
def process_name(request, handle, order, act="view"): if order == "add": act = "add" if "action" in request.POST: act = request.POST.get("action") ### Process act: if act in "view": pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, order=order) name = nf.model elif act == "edit": pf, nf, sf, person = get_person_forms(handle, order=order) name = nf.model elif act == "delete": person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) name = person.name_set.filter(order=order) names = person.name_set.all() if len(names) > 1: name.delete() check_order(request, person) else: request.user.message_set.create(message = "Can't delete only name.") return redirect("/person/%s%s#tab-names" % (person.handle, build_search(request))) elif act == "add": # add name person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) name = Name(person=person, preferred=False, display_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]), sort_as=NameFormatType.objects.get(val=NameFormatType._DEFAULT[0]), name_type=NameType.objects.get(val=NameType._DEFAULT[0])) nf = NameForm(instance=name) nf.model = name surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=1, name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0])) sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname) sf.model = surname elif act == "create": # make new data person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) name = Name(preferred=False) next_order = max([name.order for name in person.name_set.all()]) + 1 surname = Surname(name=name, primary=True, order=next_order, name_origin_type=NameOriginType.objects.get(val=NameOriginType._DEFAULT[0])) # combine with user data: nf = NameForm(request.POST, instance=name) = None # FIXME: why did this get set to an existing name? Should be new. Remove from form? name.preferred = False nf.model = name sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=surname) sf.model = surname if nf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid(): # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid() # person = # Process data: name = name.person = person update_last_changed(name, request.user.username) # Manually set any data: name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else "" name.preferred = False # FIXME: why is this False? Remove from form? name.order = next_order # Process data: surname = = name # Manually set any data: surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else "" surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False? Remove from form? person.save_cache() return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s%s#tab-surnames" % (person.handle, name.order, build_search(request))) else: act = "add" elif act == "save": # look up old data: person = Person.objects.get(handle=handle) oldname = person.name_set.get(order=order) oldsurname = oldname.surname_set.get(primary=True) # combine with user data: pf = PersonForm(request.POST, instance=person) pf.model = person nf = NameForm(request.POST, instance=oldname) nf.model = oldname sf = SurnameForm(request.POST, instance=oldsurname) sf.model = oldsurname if nf.is_valid() and sf.is_valid(): # name.preferred and surname.primary get set False in the above is_valid() # person = # Process data: oldname.person = person name = # Manually set any data: name.suffix = nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] if nf.cleaned_data["suffix"] != " suffix " else "" name.preferred = True # FIXME: why is this False? Remove from form? update_last_changed(name, request.user.username) check_preferred(request, name, person) # Process data: = name surname = # Manually set any data: surname.prefix = sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] if sf.cleaned_data["prefix"] != " prefix " else "" surname.primary = True # FIXME: why is this False? Remove from form? person.save_cache() return redirect("/person/%s/name/%s%s#tab-surnames" % (person.handle, name.order, build_search(request))) else: act = "edit" context = RequestContext(request) context["action"] = act context["tview"] = _('Name') context["tviews"] = _('Names') context["view"] = 'name' context["handle"] = handle context["id"] = id context["person"] = person context["object"] = person context["nameform"] = nf context["surnameform"] = sf context["order"] = order context["next"] = "/person/%s/name/%d" % (person.handle, name.order) view_template = "view_name_detail.html" return render_to_response(view_template, context)