Пример #1
def main():
    xmax = 500
    ymax = 700
    graph.windowSize(xmax, ymax)
    graph.canvasSize(xmax, ymax)

    background(xmax, ymax, 300)

    x0 = 500
    y0 = 300
    window_width = 180
    window_indent = 20
    while x0 >= 0:
        window(x0, y0, window_width, window_indent, 5)
        x0 -= (window_width + window_indent)

    clew(200, 640, 50, 1)
    clew(400, 600, 30, -1)
    clew(300, 500, 30, -1)
    clew(150, 370, 15, 1)
    clew(70, 600, 15, 1)
    clew(425, 400, 15, -1)

    cat(350, 300, 80, 1, 'brown')
    cat(150, 450, 80, -1, 'grey')

    cat(100, 350, 30, -1, 'brown')
    cat(450, 500, 30, -1, 'brown')
    cat(100, 650, 30, -1, 'grey')
    cat(400, 650, 30, 1, 'grey')
    cat(350, 550, 30, 1, 'brown')

Пример #2
def paint_pictire(canvas_width, canvas_height):
    canvasSize(canvas_width, canvas_height)
    windowSize(canvas_width, canvas_height)
    paint_ground(canvas_width, canvas_height)
    paint_house(canvas_width, canvas_height)
    paint_window(320, 20, canvas_width / 3, canvas_height / 2 * 0.75,
                 (213, 255, 230), (135, 205, 222))
Пример #3
def main():
    xmax = 500
    ymax = 700
    graph.windowSize(xmax, ymax)
    graph.canvasSize(xmax, ymax)

    background(xmax, ymax, 300)

    x0 = 500
    y0 = 300
    window_width = 180
    window_indent = 20
    while x0 >= 0:
        window(x0, y0, window_width, window_indent, 5)
        x0 -= (window_width + window_indent)

    my_pic = graph.canvas()
    graph.canvasSize(xmax, ymax)

    clew(200, 640, 50, 1)
    cat(350, 300, 80, 1, 'brown')


Пример #4
def fon():
    canvasSize(1200, 800)  # drawing size
    penColor(0, 255, 0)  # grass
    brushColor(0, 245, 0)
    rectangle(0, 400, 1200, 800)
    penColor(200, 230, 255)  # sky
    brushColor(200, 230, 255)
    rectangle(0, 0, 1200, 400)
Пример #5
def background():
    # Draws sky.
    canvasSize(1000, 600)
    brushColor(135, 206, 250)
    rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 300)
    # Draws sand.
    brushColor(255, 229, 124)
    rectangle(0, 600, 1000, 500)
    # Draws sea.
    brushColor(0, 0, 205)
    rectangle(0, 300, 1000, 500)
Пример #6
# Scale
k = 4

# Start points
p = -200
o = 0

lines = 0
rows = 0

# Background
rectangle(0 * k + p, 0 * k + o, 800 * k, 400 * k + o)

canvasSize(720 + 320 * n, 960)
windowSize(720 + 320 * n, 960)

def draw_marlin():
    global marlin
    marlin = list()
    global lines, rows, p, o
    while lines <= 1:
        while rows <= n:

            # Face
                polygon([(115 * k + p, 89 * k + o), (108 * k + p, 77 * k + o),
                         (108 * k + p, 70 * k + o), (103 * k + p, 58 * k + o),
Пример #7
import graph
import MyLib
from math import *

graph.windowSize(1000, 1000)
graph.canvasSize(1000, 1000)

x0 = 600
y0 = 300
r = 200

graph.penColor(0, 0, 0)
graph.brushColor(155, 155, 155)

graph.circle(x0, y0, r)

indent = r / 10

MyLib.sector(x0 - r / 5, y0 + r / 5, r, (3 / 2) * pi, 2 * pi, 1, 0)
MyLib.sector(x0 - r / 5 - indent, y0 + r / 5 + indent, r, (3 / 2) * pi, 2 * pi,
             1, 0)
MyLib.sector(x0 - r / 5 - 2.5 * indent, y0 + r / 5 + 2.5 * indent, r,
             (3 / 2) * pi, 2 * pi, 1, 0)

MyLib.sector(x0 + r / 4, y0 + r / 2, r, pi, (3 / 2) * pi - pi / 6, 1, 0)
MyLib.sector(x0 + r / 4 + 2 * indent, y0 + r / 2 + 2 * indent, r, pi,
             (3 / 2) * pi - pi / 6, 1, 0)
MyLib.sector(x0 + r / 4 + 4 * indent, y0 + r / 2 + 4 * indent, r, pi + pi / 10,
             (3 / 2) * pi - pi / 6, 1, 0)
Пример #8
    randomly splits n stars across the rectangle with height and width
    for i in range(n):
        star(randint(0, width), randint(0, height))

def fancy_cloud(x, y, size, n):
    draws n clouds with decreasing size, creates gradient effect
    for i in range(n):
        cloud(x, y, size - i // 2, i)

windowSize(600, 800)
canvasSize(500, 800)

brushColor(70, 50, 90)
rectangle(0, 0, 500, 400)

brushColor(59, 135, 59)
rectangle(0, 400, 500, 800)

brushColor(255, 244, 164)
circle(350, 120, 100)


fancy_cloud(350, 180, 70, 100)
fancy_cloud(400, 40, 50, 100)
fancy_cloud(180, 30, 60, 70)
Пример #9
from brusochek import Brusochek
from Controller import ControllerClass
import graph

center = 10  # половина центральной части платформы

width = 800  # Размер экрана
height = 600  # Размер экрана
radius = 10  # Радиус шарика
FrameSize = 6
graph.windowSize(width + 50, height + 50)  # размер окна
graph.canvasSize(width, height)  # размер холста
graph.canvasPos(0, 0)  # позиция холста

objects = ControllerClass('position.txt', width, height, FrameSize,
                          radius)  # объект контроллера

graph.penColor('black')  # цвет рамки
graph.penSize(FrameSize)  # ширина рамки
graph.line(5, 5, 5, height)  # левая сторона рамки
graph.line(5, 5, width, 5)  # верхняя сторона рамки
graph.line(width, 5, width, height)  # правая сторона рамки

def mov(event):
    objects.brusochek.mov(width, event.keycode)

def update():

    for dot in objects.dots:
Пример #10
import graph as g
import math

window_width = 640
window_height = 442
g.windowSize(window_width, window_height)
g.canvasSize(window_width, window_height)

picture_width = 600
pen_width_0 = 0
pen_width_1 = 1


width_line_of_sky = 187
sky_upper_left_point_x = 20
sky_upper_left_point_y = 20
sky_bottom_right_point_x = sky_upper_left_point_x + picture_width
sky_bottom_right_point_y = sky_upper_left_point_y + width_line_of_sky
sky_color = '#94ffff'
g.rectangle(sky_upper_left_point_x, sky_upper_left_point_y,
            sky_bottom_right_point_x, sky_bottom_right_point_y)

amplitude_sin_beach = 8
period_sin_beach = 88

width_line_of_sea = 101
sea_upper_left_point_x = sky_upper_left_point_x
sea_upper_left_point_y = sky_bottom_right_point_y
sea_bottom_right_point_x = sky_bottom_right_point_x
Пример #11
    brushColor(252, 252, 12)
    polygon([(100 * k, 60 * k), (200 * k - 80 * k, 70 * k), (100 * k, 80 * k),
             (80 * k, 70 * k)])
    brushColor(252, 156, 12)
    polygon([(100 * k, 72 * k), (200 * k - 80 * k, 70 * k), (100 * k, 77 * k),
             (80 * k, 70 * k)])

# ##

# ## start main ###

# #init
windowSize(200 * k, 300 * k)
canvasSize(200 * k, 300 * k)
# print


# test code

obj = polygon([(50 * k, 50 * k), (150 * k, 50 * k), (150 * k, 150 * k),
               (50 * k, 150 * k)])

# changeCoord(obj,[(x,y),(x,y)])
# Animation
Пример #12
from graph import windowSize, canvasSize, polygon, brushColor, rectangle, penColor, circle, line, run

windowSize(600, 600)
canvasSize(600, 600)

def ellipse(a, b, x0, y0):
    x = a
    y = 0
    s = [(x0 + a, y0)]
    for i in range(2 * a):
        x -= 1
        y = ((1 - x**2 / (a**2)) * b**2)**0.5
        s.append((x + x0, y + y0))
    for i in range(2 * a):
        x += 1
        y = -(((1 - x**2 / (a**2)) * b**2)**0.5)
        s.append((x + x0, y + y0))

def man(a, b):
    penColor(133, 133, 133)
    brushColor(133, 133, 133)
    ellipse(50, 95, a, b + 120)
    penColor(229, 194, 152)
    brushColor(229, 194, 152)
    circle(a, b, 45)
    penColor(0, 0, 0)
    # отрисовывает руки : первая строка - правую, а вторая строка - левую;
    line(a + 40, b + 60, a + 80, b + 140)
Пример #13
import graph as gr
import sys
import json
import os
import tty
import termios
from time import sleep

width = 1190
height = 950

gr.windowSize(width, height)
gr.canvasSize(width, height)

gr.brushColor(90, 90, 90)
gr.penColor(90, 90, 90)
gr.rectangle(0, 0, width, height)

scene = []
with open('anim.scene', 'r') as file:
    scene = json.loads(file.read())

polygons_screen = []
polygons = []
polygonTypeV = 'full'

def updatePolygons():
    global polygons_screen, polygonTypeV, polygons
    for polygon in polygons_screen:
        points.append((i, 0.02 * i * (i - 30)))
    return points

def bird(scale: float = 1., angle: float = 0.):
    """Draw a scaled and turned instance of a bird"""
    pts = turn(scale_reflect(bird_pts(), scale, False), angle)
    lines = []
    for i in range(len(pts) - 1):
        lines.append(line(*pts[i], *pts[i + 1]))
    return lines

windowSize(600, 900)
canvasSize(600, 900)

# Background
color(20, 20, 180)
rectangle(0, 0, 600, 100)
color(100, 40, 210)
rectangle(0, 100, 600, 180)
color(140, 60, 200)
rectangle(0, 180, 600, 250)
color(170, 100, 170)
rectangle(0, 250, 600, 340)
color(230, 140, 170)
rectangle(0, 340, 600, 410)
color(250, 160, 50)
rectangle(0, 410, 600, 490)
color(40, 120, 150)
Пример #15
from graph import windowSize, canvasSize, polygon, brushColor, rectangle, penColor, circle, line, run

windowSize(1000, 600)
canvasSize(1000, 600)

def ellipse(a, b, x0, y0):
    x = a
    y = 0
    s = [(x0 + a, y0)]
    for i in range(2 * a):
        x -= 1
        y = ((1 - x ** 2 / (a ** 2)) * b ** 2) ** 0.5
        s.append((x + x0, y + y0))
    for i in range(2 * a):
        x += 1
        y = -(((1 - x ** 2 / (a ** 2)) * b ** 2) ** 0.5)
        s.append((x + x0, y + y0))

def man(a, b):
    penColor(133, 133, 133)
    brushColor(133, 133, 133)
    ellipse(50, 95, a, b + 120)
    penColor(229, 194, 152)
    brushColor(229, 194, 152)
    circle(a, b, 45)
    penColor(0, 0, 0)
# отрисовывает руки : первая строка - правую, а вторая строка - левую;
    line(a + 40, b + 60, a + 80, b + 140)
Пример #16
import graph as g

g.windowSize(300, 400)
g.canvasSize(300, 400)

x0 = 20
y0 = 20
x1 = x0 + 256
y1 = y0 + 360
a = 0.26
x2 = x1
y2 = y0 + a * (y1 - y0)

b = 0.87
xc = x0 + b * (x1 - x0)
c = 0.1
yc = y0 + c * (y1 - y0)
d = 0.1
r = d * (x1 - x0)

g.rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1)

g.rectangle(x0, y0, x2, y2)

g.circle(xc, yc, r)
Пример #17
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import graph as g

import math

# z is size

z = 2
g.windowSize(1200 / z, 1000 / z)
g.canvasSize(1200 / z, 1000 / z)

# background

g.rectangle(0, 0, 1200 / z, 1000 / z)

def bs(x, y):
    g.rectangle(x, y, x + 10 / z, y + 10 / z)

x = 0
for i in range(120):
    y = 0
    if x % (4 / z) == 0:
        for j in range(50):
            bs(x, y)
            y += 20 / z
Пример #18
import graph
import MyLib
from math import *

graph.windowSize(500, 700)
graph.canvasSize(500, 700)

graph.brushColor(85, 70, 0)
graph.rectangle(0, 0, 500, 300)
graph.brushColor(125, 100, 0)
graph.rectangle(0, 300, 500, 700)

x0 = 500
y0 = 300
window_width = 180
window_indent = 20
while x0 >= 0:
    MyLib.window(x0, y0, window_width, window_indent, 5)
    x0 -= (window_width + window_indent)

MyLib.clew(200, 640, 50, 1)
MyLib.clew(400, 600, 30, - 1)
MyLib.clew(300, 500, 30, - 1)
MyLib.clew(150, 370, 15, 1)
MyLib.clew(70, 600, 15, 1)
MyLib.clew(425, 400, 15, - 1)

MyLib.cat(350, 300, 80, 1, 'brown')
MyLib.cat(150, 450, 80, -1, 'grey')

MyLib.cat(100, 350, 30, -1, 'brown')
Пример #19
from graph import windowSize, canvasSize, run
from graph import brushColor, penColor
from graph import polygon, circle, label
from math import sin, cos

windowSize(3000, 1000)
canvasSize(1760, 769)

def hair(color, x_coord):
    default_hair = [[(293 - 463 + x_coord, 275), (336 - 463 + x_coord, 219),
                     (267 - 463 + x_coord, 205)],
                    [(316 - 463 + x_coord, 230), (378 - 463 + x_coord, 200),
                     (329 - 463 + x_coord, 166)],
                    [(362 - 463 + x_coord, 201), (431 - 463 + x_coord, 186),
                     (377 - 463 + x_coord, 149)],
                    [(417 - 463 + x_coord, 184), (476 - 463 + x_coord, 180),
                     (436 - 463 + x_coord, 144)],
                    [(457 - 463 + x_coord, 187), (509 - 463 + x_coord, 186),
                     (486 - 463 + x_coord, 143)],
                    [(498 - 463 + x_coord, 178), (543 - 463 + x_coord, 200),
                     (525 - 463 + x_coord, 151)],
                    [(532 - 463 + x_coord, 187), (586 - 463 + x_coord, 220),
                     (573 - 463 + x_coord, 152)],
                    [(576 - 463 + x_coord, 206), (621 - 463 + x_coord, 253),
                     (615 - 463 + x_coord, 182)],
                    [(608 - 463 + x_coord, 235), (644 - 463 + x_coord, 289),
                     (674 - 463 + x_coord, 218)]]
    for i in range(8):
Пример #20
        graph.polygon([(x + 1.5 * r + h_m, y), (x + 2 * r + h_m, y - 1.5 * r),
                       (x + 3 * r + h_m, y - 1.5 * r),
                       (x + 1.5 * r + h_m, y)]))
    a.append(graph.circle(x + 13 / 3 * r, y + 1 / 3 * r, 1 / 4 * r))
    a.append(graph.circle(x + 13 / 3 * r, y + 1 / 3 * r, 1 / 5 * r))

    return a

d = 1000
h = 700
graph.windowSize(d, h)
graph.canvasSize(d, h)
background(h, d)
clouds(0.6 * d, (10 / 75) * h, 0.9)
clouds(0.38 * d, (7 / 75) * h, 0.7)
clouds(0.1 * d, (13 / 75) * h, 1.2)
Sun(d - 0.123 * d, 0.167 * d, 50)

obj1 = ship(3.8 / 5 * d, 8 / 15 * h, 1)
obj2 = ship(3.5 / 7 * d, 8.5 / 15 * h, 0.7)
umbrella(0.25 * d, 0.55 * h, 1)
umbrella(0.50 * d, 0.65 * h, 0.7)

graph.onTimer(update, 50)
Пример #21
def elips(x1, y1, x2, r):
    el = []
    for x in range(int(x1), int(x2) + 1):
            (x, y1 +
             math.sqrt(abs(((x1 - x2) / 2)**2 / r - (x -
                                                     (x1 + x2) / 2)**2 / r))))
    for x in range(int(x2), int(x1), -1):
            (x, y1 -
             math.sqrt(abs(((x1 - x2) / 2)**2 / r - (x -
                                                     (x1 + x2) / 2)**2 / r))))

graph.canvasSize(794 * 900 / 1123, 900)
graph.brushColor(0, 255, 255)
graph.rectangle(0, 900 * 0.6, 794, 0)
graph.brushColor(230, 230, 230)
graph.rectangle(0, 900 * 0.6, 794 * 900 / 1123, 900)
elips(794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.15, 900 * 0.49, 794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.35, 3)
elips(2, 900 * 0.7, 794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.3, 0.3)
graph.polyline([(794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.3 + 5, 900 * 0.65),
                (794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.37, 900 * 0.565),
                (794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.8, 900 * 0.3)])
graph.elips(794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.25, 900 * 0.595, 794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.4, 4)
graph.elips(794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.15, 900 * 0.84, 794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.4, 1.7)
graph.elips(794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.32, 900 * 0.9, 794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.5, 6)
graph.circle(794 * 900 / 1123 * 0.18, 900 * 0.46, 10)
Пример #22
from math import sin, cos, pi
from graph import canvasSize
from graph import penSize, brushColor, penColor
from graph import circle, rectangle, polygon
from graph import run

canvasSize(1200, 800)  # основа
penColor(0, 255, 0)
brushColor(0, 245, 0)
rectangle(0, 400, 1200, 800)
penColor(200, 230, 255)
brushColor(200, 230, 255)
rectangle(0, 0, 1200, 400)

penColor(255, 50, 200)
brushColor("yellow")  # солнце
verts = []
t = 0
while t < 241:
    z_1 = pi / 120 * t
    z_2 = pi / 8 * t
    x = 100 + 50 * (1 + 0.05 * sin(z_2)) * cos(z_1)
    y = 100 + 50 * (1 + 0.05 * sin(z_2)) * sin(z_1)
    verts.append((x, y))
    t += 1

penColor(0, 0, 0)
brushColor(210, 200, 10)  # дом1
Пример #23
    brushColor(51, 0, 51)
    polygon([(1000, 500), (0, 500), (0, 240), (100, 265), (200, 365),
             (xf5[0], yf5[0]), (xf5[1], yf5[1]), (xf5[2], yf5[2]),
             (xf5[3], yf5[3]), (xf5[4], yf5[4]), (xf5[5], yf5[5]),
             (xf5[6], yf5[6]), (xf5[7], yf5[7]), (xf5[8], yf5[8]),
             (xf5[9], yf5[9]), (650, 435), (675, 450), (xf6[0], yf6[0]),
             (xf6[1], yf6[1]), (xf6[2], yf6[2]), (xf6[3], yf6[3]),
             (xf6[4], yf6[4]), (xf6[5], yf6[5]), (xf6[6], yf6[6]),
             (xf6[7], yf6[7]), (xf6[8], yf6[8]), (xf6[9], yf6[9]),
             (xf6[10], yf6[10]), (xf6[11], yf6[11]), (xf6[12], yf6[12]),
             (xf6[13], yf6[13])])

# рисует третью линию гор, используя для рисования кривых массивы xf5, yf5 и xf6, yf6

canvasSize(1000, 500)
windowSize(1000, 500)
sun(475, 95, 50)
penColor(51, 0, 29)
brushColor(51, 0, 29)
bird(750, 400, 1)
bird(650, 330, 0.8)
bird(775, 340, 0.5)
bird(675, 350, 0.5)
bird(475, 207, 0.5)
bird(475, 170, 0.5)
Пример #24
        y0 = 0

def bird(x, y, color):
    graph.line(x, y, x + 20, y)
    graph.line((x + 20), y, (x + 37), y + 10)

def cir(a, b, r):
    graph.circle(a, b, r)

graph.windowSize(1200, 800)
graph.canvasSize(1200, 800)

graph.rectangle(0, 0, 1200, 200)
graph.rectangle(0, 200, 1200, 400)
graph.rectangle(0, 400, 1200, 600)
graph.rectangle(0, 600, 1200, 800)

def update():
    for i in range(1, 11):
        x = 1.1**i
Пример #25
def ghost(x, y, r, g, b):
    brushColor(r, g, b)
    a = polygon([(350 + x, 400 + y), (355 + x, 410 + y), (360 + x, 405 + y),
                 (365 + x, 410 + y), (370 + x, 407 + y), (375 + x, 403 + y),
                 (380 + x, 400 + y), (385 + x, 403 + y), (390 + x, 400 + y),
                 (395 + x, 407 + y), (400 + x, 405 + y), (405 + x, 407 + y),
                 (400 + x, 420 + y), (395 + x, 390 + y), (393 + x, 393 + y),
                 (390 + x, 390 + y), (385 + x, 387 + y), (380 + x, 385 + y),
                 (376 + x, 380 + y), (373 + x, 376 + y), (370 + x, 360 + y),
                 (368 + x, 345 + y), (365 + x, 343 + y), (360 + x, 340 + y),
                 (357 + x, 343 + y), (351 + x, 357 + y), (350 + x, 400 + y)])
    return a

windowSize(500, 600)
canvasSize(800, 800)
brushColor(101, 67, 33)
rectangle(0, 300, 500, 800)
rectangle(0, 0, 500, 300)

dom(0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
brushColor(176, 196, 222)
a = ghost(-100, -100, 33, 232, 33)
penColor(255, 255, 254)
brushColor(255, 255, 254)
circle(460, 50, 40)
el(370, 170, 0, 255, 255)
el(350, 70, 10, 243, 30)
el(250, 50, 20, 255, 255)
penColor(0, 0, 0)
Пример #26
def ellipse(x0, y0, c, f):
    n = 1000
    a = []

    for num in range(n):
        x = x0 + c * m.cos(2 * m.pi * num / n)
        y = y0 + f * m.sin(2 * m.pi * num / n)
        a.append((x, y))

    result = graph.polygon(a)
    return result

graph.windowSize(450, 600)
graph.canvasSize(450, 600)

graph.rectangle(0, 0, 450, 600)

graph.rectangle(0, 300, 450, 600)

x1 = 0
y1 = 80

for i in range(15):
    graph.rectangle(x1, y1, (x1 + 30), (y1 + 250))
    x1 = x1 + 30  # 30 is wieght of zabor