def cost_list_generator(G, graph_ordered_dict, car_spacing=5):
    """This function takes updated pos_lists at the end of each iteration and converts them to cost_lists"""

    nodes = list(G.nodes())

    cost_lists = [[0, 0, 0, 0] for i in repeat(None, len(nodes))]

    for i in range(len(nodes)):

        node = nodes[i]
        up, down, right, left = nearby_nodes_from_ordered_dict(
            graph_ordered_dict, node)

        if not (down == 'False'):
            cost_lists[i][0] = cost_list_from_pos_list(
                G[down][node]['pos_list'], G[down][node]['weight'],
        if not (up == 'False'):
            cost_lists[i][1] = cost_list_from_pos_list(G[up][node]['pos_list'],
        if not (left == 'False'):
            cost_lists[i][2] = cost_list_from_pos_list(
                G[left][node]['pos_list'], G[left][node]['weight'],
        if not (right == 'False'):
            cost_lists[i][3] = cost_list_from_pos_list(
                G[right][node]['pos_list'], G[right][node]['weight'],

    return cost_lists
def traffic_sim(graph_ordered_dict, G, fs, modes, time_interval):
    nodes = list(G.nodes())

    for j in range(0, len(nodes)):
        node = nodes[j]
        mode = modes[j]
        f = fs[j]

        up, down, right, left = nearby_nodes_from_ordered_dict(
            graph_ordered_dict, node)

        # move_cars(pos_list, distance, weight, signal_bool, f_list, car_spacing=5)
        # a = [pop_list_straight, pop_list_right, pop_list_left], [pos_list_straight, pos_list_aut], [straight, right, left]   TRUE case
        # [[], [], pop_list], [pos_list, pos_list], [0, 0, left]   FALSE CASE

        if mode == 0:

            sim_thanos_straight(G, node, time_interval, f, up, down, right,

        if mode == 1:

            sim_thanos_aut(G, node, time_interval, f, up, down, right, left)

        if mode == 2:

            sim_thanos_aut(G, node, time_interval, f, down, up, left, right)

        if mode == 3:

            sim_thanos_straight(G, node, time_interval, f, right, left, down,

        if mode == 4:

            sim_thanos_aut(G, node, time_interval, f, right, left, down, up)

        if mode == 5:

            sim_thanos_aut(G, node, time_interval, f, left, right, up, down)

    # current_signals = modes_to_signals(modes)
    # last_signals_list = []

    for i in list(G.edges):

        G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list'] = G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list_temp'] + G[i[0]][

        # metric(last_signals_list[-1], current_signals[i][1], G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list_temp'])

        # last_signals_list.append(current_signals[:])

        G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list_stick'] = G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list_temp'][:]
        G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list_temp'] = []

        # print("G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list_temp']   ", G[i[0]][i[1]]['pos_list_temp'])

    for i in list(G.edges):
Пример #3
def traffic_init(graph_ordered_dict, G, cost_lists, car_spacing=5):
    """This function initializes the graph by adding position list and and effective length by using the cost_list."""

    """In this loop, we assign effective lengths of each segment based on cost lists. Assume each car in a cost_list 
        takes 5 meters of space."""
    # this loop adds the effective length on each segment by using the cost list
    """Adding cars in the position list. Take the number of cars from the cost list and add them in the position list"""

    nodes = list(G.nodes())

    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        node = nodes[i]

        up, down, right, left = nearby_nodes_from_ordered_dict(graph_ordered_dict, node)

        if not (up == 'False'):
            G[node][up]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[node][up]['weight'], cost_lists[up][0], car_spacing)
            G[up][node]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[up][node]['weight'], cost_lists[node][1], car_spacing)

            G[node][up]['effective'] = G[node][up]['weight'] - cost_lists[up][0] * car_spacing
            G[up][node]['effective'] = G[up][node]['weight'] - cost_lists[node][1] * car_spacing

        if not (down == 'False'):
            G[node][down]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[node][down]['weight'], cost_lists[down][1], car_spacing)
            G[down][node]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[down][node]['weight'], cost_lists[node][0], car_spacing)

            G[node][down]['effective'] = G[node][down]['weight'] - cost_lists[down][1] * car_spacing
            G[down][node]['effective'] = G[down][node]['weight'] - cost_lists[node][0] * car_spacing

        if not (right == 'False'):
            G[node][right]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[node][right]['weight'], cost_lists[right][2], car_spacing)
            G[right][node]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[right][node]['weight'], cost_lists[node][3], car_spacing)

            G[node][right]['effective'] = G[node][right]['weight'] - cost_lists[right][2] * car_spacing
            G[right][node]['effective'] = G[right][node]['weight'] - cost_lists[node][3] * car_spacing

        if not (left == 'False'):
            G[node][left]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[node][left]['weight'], cost_lists[left][3], car_spacing)
            G[left][node]['pos_list'] = pos_list_gen(G[left][node]['weight'], cost_lists[node][2], car_spacing)

            G[node][left]['effective'] = G[node][left]['weight'] - cost_lists[left][3] * car_spacing
            G[left][node]['effective'] = G[left][node]['weight'] - cost_lists[node][2] * car_spacing
Пример #4
def node_mode_table(j, node, graph_ordered_dict):
    # neighbors = nx.neighbors(G, node)

    # if node[0]

    up, down, right, left = nearby_nodes_from_ordered_dict(graph_ordered_dict, node)

    # print("up | down | right | left: ", up, down, right, left)

    if j == 0:
        return [I(up, 0), I(up, 1), I(down, 0), I(down, 2)], [up, down, right, left], [0, 1, 0, 2]
    if j == 1:
        return [I(up, 1), I(up, 0), I(right, 4), I(right, 3)], [up, down, right, left], [1, 0, 4, 3]
    if j == 2:
        return [I(down, 2), I(down, 0), I(left, 5), I(left, 3)], [up, down, right, left], [2, 0, 5, 3]
    if j == 3:
        return [I(right, 3), I(right, 4), I(left, 3), I(left, 5)], [up, down, right, left], [3, 4, 3, 5]
    if j == 4:
        return [I(right, 4), I(right, 3), I(down, 2), I(down, 0)], [up, down, right, left], [4, 3, 2, 0]
    if j == 5:
        return [I(left, 5), I(left, 3), I(up, 1), I(up, 0)], [up, down, right, left], [5, 3, 1, 0]
Пример #5
def q3(G, node_list, dim, graph_ordered_dict, runtime, run, cost_lists, lembda, lembda1=0.7, lembda2=0.3, buff=4):
    q3 = np.zeros((dim, dim))

    cutoff_speed = 0

    for i in range(len(node_list)):
        q1_coeff_ = q1_coeff(cost_lists[i])

        # q1_coeff_ = [1,1,1,1,1,1]
        node = node_list[i]

        up, down, right, left = nearby_nodes_from_ordered_dict(graph_ordered_dict, node)
        nearby_nodes_list = [up, down, right, left]

        distance_list = []
        speed_list = []
        # t_list = []

        runtime_list = []
        # print("RUNTIME: ", runtime)

        for k in range(len(nearby_nodes_list)):
            # print('Node', 'nearby_nodes_list', node, nearby_nodes_list[k])
            if nearby_nodes_list[k] == 'False':
                # t_list.append(0)
                # t_list.append(distance_list[k]/speed_list[k])
                runtime_list.append(int(round((distance_list[k] / speed_list[k]) / runtime)))

        for i_ in nearby_nodes_list:

            rel = nearby_nodes_list.index(i_)
            if i_ != 'False':
                nearby_nodes_x = nearby_nodes_from_ordered_dict(graph_ordered_dict, i_)

            x = nearby_nodes_x[rel]

            if i_ != 'False' and x != 'False':

                # if G[i][i_]['speed'] >= cutoff_speed:
                if G[i_][x]['speed'] >= cutoff_speed:

                    # print("ohahahajuuuu Allah uhhhhhhhh")

                    for j in range(6):
                        nm_table = node_mode_table(j, node, graph_ordered_dict)
                        nm_list = nm_table[0]
                        # nearby_nodes_list = nm_table[1]
                        j_prime = nm_table[2]

                        I_ = I(i, j)

                        # print("nm_table: ", nm_table)

                        # print("I_", I_)
                        # print("nm_list: ", nm_list)

                        # print("RUNTIME LIST UHHHHH: ", runtime_list)

                        if runtime_list[0] != 0 and run != 0:
                            # print("\nruntime_list[0]: ", runtime_list[0])
                            # print("run: ", run)
                            if runtime_list[0] > run:
                                if runtime_list[0] - run <= buff:
                                    # print("PERCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ", abs(runtime_list[0] - run))
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[0] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[0]] -= lembda1 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[0]])[j_prime[0]])

                            if runtime_list[0] <= run:
                                if run % runtime_list[0] <= buff:
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[0] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[0]] -= lembda1 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[0]])[j_prime[0]])

                        if runtime_list[1] != 0 and run != 0:
                            # print("\nruntime_list[1]: ", runtime_list[1])
                            # print("run: ", run)
                            if runtime_list[1] > run:
                                if runtime_list[1] - run <= buff: # or run % runtime_list[1] <= 4:
                                    # print("PERCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ", abs(runtime_list[1] - run))
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[1] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[1]] -= lembda2 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[1]])[j_prime[1]])

                            if runtime_list[1] <= run:
                                if run % runtime_list[1] <= buff:
                                    # print("PERCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ", abs(runtime_list[1] - run))
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[1] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[1]] -= lembda2 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[1]])[j_prime[1]])

                        if runtime_list[2] != 0 and run != 0:
                            # print("\nruntime_list[2]: ", runtime_list[2])
                            # print("run: ", run)
                            if runtime_list[2] > run:
                                if runtime_list[2] - run <= buff:  # or run % runtime_list[2] <= 4:
                                    # print("PERCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ", abs(runtime_list[2] - run))
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[2] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[2]] -= lembda1 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[2]])[j_prime[2]])

                            if runtime_list[2] <= run:
                                if run % runtime_list[2] <= buff:
                                    # print("PERCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ", abs(runtime_list[2] - run))
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[2] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[2]] -= lembda1 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[2]])[j_prime[2]])

                        if runtime_list[3] != 0 and run != 0:
                            # print("\nruntime_list[3]: ", runtime_list[3])
                            # print("run: ", run)
                            if runtime_list[3] > run:
                                if runtime_list[3] - run <= buff: # run % runtime_list[3] <= 4:
                                    # print("PERCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ", abs(runtime_list[3] - run))
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[3] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[3]] -= lembda2 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[3]])[j_prime[3]])

                            if runtime_list[3] <= run:
                                if run % runtime_list[3] <= buff:
                                    # print("PERCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ", abs(runtime_list[3] - run))
                                    if not (I_ == 'False' or nm_list[3] == 'False'):
                                        q3[I_][nm_list[3]] -= lembda2 * (q1_coeff_[j] + q1_coeff(cost_lists[nearby_nodes_list[3]])[j_prime[3]])

    return lembda * q3
Пример #6
def metric_q3_bad(G, graph_ordered_dict_, mode, cost_list, b):
    """This function returns a parameter that quantifies how well Q3 is working - namely, how many cars pass
    through signals unhindered"""

    badness = 0
    up, down, right, left = nearby_nodes_from_ordered_dict(
        graph_ordered_dict_, b)

    if mode == 0:
        if right != 'False':
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[2]
        if down != 'False':
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[2]

        if left != 'False':
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[3]
        if up != 'False':
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[3]

    if mode == 1:
        if down != 'False':
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[1]
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[2]
        if left != 'False':
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[1]
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[3]

        if right != 'False':
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[2]

        if up != 'False':
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[3]

    if mode == 2:
        if up != 'False':
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[0]
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[3]
        if right != 'False':
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[0]
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[2]
        if down != 'False':
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[2]
        if left != 'False':
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[3]

    if mode == 3:
        if up != 'False':
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[0]
        if right != 'False':
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[0]
        if down != 'False':
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[1]
        if left != 'False':
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[1]

    if mode == 4:
        if up != 'False':
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[0]
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[3]
        if right != 'False':
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[0]
        if down != 'False':
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[1]
        if left != 'False':
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[1]
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[3]

    if mode == 5:
        if up != 'False':
            badness += G[b][up]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[0]
        if right != 'False':
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[0]
            badness += G[b][right]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[2]
        if down != 'False':
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.7 * cost_list[1]
            badness += G[b][down]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[2]
        if left != 'False':
            badness += G[b][left]['speed'] * 0.3 * cost_list[1]

    return badness