def test_placeholder(self): """Test placeholder functionalities.""" g0_graph = tf.Graph() with g0_graph.as_default(): tf.constant(1, name="foo") g0 = gde.Graph(g0_graph) a0 = g0["foo"].output(0) # Test placeholder name. self.assertEqual(gde.util.placeholder_name(a0), "geph__foo_0") self.assertEqual(gde.util.placeholder_name(None), "geph") self.assertEqual(gde.util.placeholder_name(a0, scope="foo/"), "foo/geph__foo_0") self.assertEqual(gde.util.placeholder_name(a0, scope="foo"), "foo/geph__foo_0") self.assertEqual(gde.util.placeholder_name(None, scope="foo/"), "foo/geph") self.assertEqual(gde.util.placeholder_name(None, scope="foo"), "foo/geph") # Test placeholder creation. g1_graph = tf.Graph() with g1_graph.as_default(): tf.constant(1, dtype=tf.float32, name="a1") g1 = gde.Graph(g1_graph) a1_tensor = g1["a1"].output(0) print("Type of a1_tensor is {}".format(type(a1_tensor))) ph1 = gde.util.make_placeholder_from_tensor(g1, a1_tensor) ph2 = gde.util.make_placeholder_from_dtype_and_shape(g1, dtype=tf.float32) self.assertEqual(, "geph__a1_0") self.assertEqual(, "geph")
def test_graph_while_loop(self): tf_graph = tf.Graph() with tf_graph.as_default(): max_index = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.int32, shape=tuple()) index_start = tf.constant(1) sum_start = tf.constant(0) _, result = tf.while_loop( cond=lambda i, unused_s: i <= max_index, body=lambda i, s: (i + 1, s + i), loop_vars=[index_start, sum_start]) g = gde.Graph(tf_graph) result_tensor = g[].output(0) max_index_tensor = g[].output(0) g.frozen = True copied_graph = gde.Graph() _, copy_info = gde.copy( g, dst_graph=copied_graph, dst_scope="imported") copied_result_tensor = copy_info.transformed(result_tensor) copied_max_index_tensor = copy_info.transformed(max_index_tensor) tf_copied_graph = tf.Graph() with tf_copied_graph.as_default(): tf.import_graph_def(copied_graph.to_graph_def(), name="") with tf.Session() as sess: n = 10 sum_val =, feed_dict={ n}) self.assertEqual(sum_val, 55)
def test_graph_cond(self): tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): choice_tensor = tf.placeholder(shape=(), dtype=tf.bool, name="choice") _ = tf.identity( tf.cond( choice_tensor, lambda: tf.constant(1), lambda: tf.constant(2) ), name="result" ) g = gde.Graph(tf_g) choice = g["choice"].output(0) result = g["result"].output(0) copied_g = gde.Graph() _, copy_info = gde.copy( g, dst_graph=copied_g, dst_scope="imported") copied_result = copy_info.transformed(result) copied_choice = copy_info.transformed(choice) tf_copied_graph = tf.Graph() with tf_copied_graph.as_default(): tf.import_graph_def(copied_g.to_graph_def(), name="") with tf.Session() as sess: res =, feed_dict={ True}) self.assertEqual(res, 1) res =, feed_dict={ False}) self.assertEqual(res, 2)
def test_unique_graph(self): """Test for gde.util.check_graphs and gde.util.get_unique_graph.""" g0_graph = tf.Graph() with g0_graph.as_default(): tf.constant(1, name="a") tf.constant(2, name="b") g1_graph = tf.Graph() with g1_graph.as_default(): tf.constant(1, name="a") tf.constant(2, name="b") g0 = gde.Graph(g0_graph.as_graph_def()) g1 = gde.Graph(g1_graph.as_graph_def()) a0, b0, a1, b1 = (g0["a"], g0["b"], g1["a"], g1["b"]) print("g0['a'] returns {} (type {})".format(g0['a'], type(g0['a']))) # Same graph, should be fine. self.assertIsNone(gde.util.check_graphs(a0, b0)) # Two different graphs, should assert. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): gde.util.check_graphs(a0, b0, a1, b1) # a0 and b0 belongs to the same graph, should be fine. self.assertEqual(gde.util.get_unique_graph([a0, b0]), g0) # Different graph, should raise an error. with self.assertRaises(ValueError): gde.util.get_unique_graph([a0, b0, a1, b1])
def test_copy_with_collection(self): """Test for issue #36""" tmp_graph = tf.Graph() with tmp_graph.as_default(): c = tf.constant(42, name="FortyTwo") tmp_graph.add_to_collection("Answers", c) g = gde.Graph(tmp_graph) g2 = gde.Graph() gde.transform.copy(g, g2) self.assertTrue("Answers" in g2.get_all_collection_keys())
def test_graph_collection_types(self): # Build a graph with NodeList that has an operation and tensor, # and ByteList with variable tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, [None]) x = tf.get_variable("x", [1]) with tf.name_scope('loss'): cross_entropy = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy( labels=y_, logits=x) with tf.name_scope('adam_optimizer'): _ = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(1e-4).minimize(cross_entropy) g = gde.Graph(tf_g) keys = g.get_all_collection_keys() # Check that loss tensor added to collection self.assertIn('losses', keys) t = g.get_tensor_by_name( "loss/sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_loss/value:0") self.assertIn('losses', t.collection_names) # Check that variable added to collection self.assertIn('variables', keys) v = g.get_variable_by_name('x:0') self.assertIn('variables', v.collection_names) # Check that op added to collection self.assertIn('train_op', keys) n = g.get_node_by_name("adam_optimizer/Adam") self.assertIn('train_op', n.collection_names)
def test_change_batch_size_variable_size(self): """ Verifies that a batch size of None (variable size) works. Also verifies that passing a tensor instead of node works. """ tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): input_tensor = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=[32, 1], name="Input") result_tensor = input_tensor + 42.0 g = gde.Graph(tf_g) # Note that we pass a Tensor as the third argument instead of a Node. gde.rewrite.change_batch_size(g, None, [g[]]) with g.to_tf_graph().as_default(): with tf.Session() as sess: result =, { np.array([0]).reshape([1, 1])}) self.assertTrue( np.array_equal(result, np.array([42.]).reshape([1, 1]))) result =, { np.array([0, 1]).reshape([2, 1])}) self.assertTrue( np.array_equal(result, np.array([42., 43.]).reshape([2, 1])))
def test_transform_nodedef_fn(self): transformer = gde.Transformer() def nodedef_fn(node_def): if "_foo" in node_def.attr: del node_def.attr["_foo"] node_def.attr["_bar"].s = b"bar" return node_def my_copy_op_handler = functools.partial( gde.transform.copy_op_handler, nodedef_fn=nodedef_fn) transformer.transform_op_handler = my_copy_op_handler graph = gde.Graph() transformer(self.graph, graph, "", "") c0_before = self.graph["Const"] c0_after = graph["Const"] self.assertEqual(c0_before.get_attr("_foo"), "foo") with self.assertRaises(ValueError): c0_after.get_attr("_foo") all_ops = graph.nodes for op in all_ops: self.assertEqual(op.get_attr("_bar"), "bar")
def main(_): # Create a graph tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): a = tf.constant(1.0, shape=[2, 3], name="a") c = tf.add(tf.placeholder(dtype=np.float32), tf.placeholder(dtype=np.float32), name="c") # Serialize the graph g = gde.Graph(tf_g.as_graph_def()) print("Before:\n{}".format(_indent(g.to_graph_def()))) # Modify the graph. # In this case we replace the two input placeholders with constants. # One of the constants (a) is a node that was in the original graph. # The other one (b) we create here. b = gde.make_const(g, "b", np.full([2, 3], 2.0, dtype=np.float32)) gde.swap_inputs(g[], [g[], b.output(0)]) print("After:\n{}".format(_indent(g.to_graph_def()))) # Reconstitute the modified serialized graph as TensorFlow graph... with g.to_tf_graph().as_default(): # ...and print the value of c, which should be 2x3 matrix of 3.0's with tf.Session() as sess: res = print("Result is:\n{}".format(_indent(res)))
def test_graph_replace_gradients(self): tmp_graph = tf.Graph() with tmp_graph.as_default(): w_tensor = tf.Variable(0.0, name="w") y_tensor = tf.multiply(tf.multiply(w_tensor, w_tensor, name="mul1"), w_tensor, name="mul2") grad_tensor = tf.gradients(y_tensor, w_tensor, name="gradient")[0] _ = tf.identity(grad_tensor, "grad") g = gde.Graph(tmp_graph) # Extract the operations. replacement_ts = {g["w/read"].output(0): g["grad"].output(0)} # Should not raise exception. res = gde.graph_replace(g["grad"].output(0), replacement_ts, dst_scope="res") self.assertNotEqual(, g["grad"].output(0).name) after_graph = tf.Graph() with after_graph.as_default(): tf.import_graph_def(g.to_graph_def(), name="") gde.util.load_variables_to_tf_graph(g) with tf.Session() as sess: g_val, res_val =[g["grad"].output(0).name,]) self.assertNear(g_val, 0.0, ERROR_TOLERANCE) self.assertNear(res_val, 0.0, ERROR_TOLERANCE)
def test_fold_batch_norms_mat_mul(self): """ Python port of TestFoldBatchNormsMatMul in the TF Graph Transform Tool tests. """ input_data = (np.array( [1., 4., 2., 5., 3., 6., -1., -4., -2., -5., -3., -6.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([6, 2])) weights_data = (np.array([1., 2., 3., 4.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2, 2])) mul_values_data = (np.array([2., 3.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2])) # Create and run graph: # (input, weights) --> MatMul --> Mul(const) tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): in_t = tf.constant(input_data, name="input_op") weights_t = tf.constant(weights_data, name="weights_op") matmul_t = tf.linalg.matmul(in_t, weights_t, name="matmul_op") mul_values_t = tf.constant(mul_values_data, name="mul_values") output_t = tf.multiply(matmul_t, mul_values_t, name="output") with tf.Session(graph=tf_g) as sess: original_outputs = # Rewrite and compare results g = gde.Graph(tf_g) gde.rewrite.fold_batch_norms(g) with tf.Session(graph=g.to_tf_graph()) as sess: fused_outputs = self.assertClose(original_outputs, fused_outputs, delta=1e-5) # Make sure the rewrite happened for n in g.nodes: self.assertNotEqual(n.op_type, "Mul")
def test_fold_batch_norms_up_fused(self): """ Test of the fold_batch_norms_up() rewrite with the pattern: FusedBatchNorm => Relu => Conv2D """ input_data = (np.array( [1., 4., 2., 5., 3., 6., -1., -4., -2., -5., -3., -6.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([1, 1, 6, 2])) weights_data = (np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], dtype=np.float32).reshape([1, 2, 2, 2])) mean_data = np.array([10., 20.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) variance_data = np.array([0.25, 0.5], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) beta_data = np.array([0.1, 0.6], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) gamma_data = np.array([1., 2.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) # Create the non-deprecated part of the graph # input -> Relu -> Conv2D tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): in_t = tf.constant(input_data, name="input_op") relu_t = tf.nn.relu(in_t, name="relu_op") weights_t = tf.constant(weights_data, name="weights_op") conv_t = tf.nn.conv2d(relu_t, weights_t, [1, 1, 1, 1], "VALID", name="output") mean_t = tf.constant(mean_data, name="mean_op") variance_t = tf.constant(variance_data, name="variance_op") beta_t = tf.constant(beta_data, name="beta_op") gamma_t = tf.constant(gamma_data, name="gamma_op") g = gde.Graph(tf_g) # Add fused batch norm node manually because there's no Python API to add # this op directly. batch_norm_node = g.add_node("batch_norm_op", "FusedBatchNorm") batch_norm_node.set_inputs([ g[], g[], g[], g[], g[] ]) batch_norm_node.add_attr("T", tf.float32) batch_norm_node.add_attr("epsilon", 0.00001) batch_norm_node.add_attr("is_training", False) batch_norm_node.infer_outputs() # Redirect the input of the ReLU to our new batch norm g.get_node_by_name( [batch_norm_node.output(0)]) # Run the graph before and after the rewrite and compare results with tf.Session(graph=g.to_tf_graph()) as sess: original_outputs ="output:0") gde.rewrite.fold_batch_norms_up(g) with tf.Session(graph=g.to_tf_graph()) as sess: fused_outputs ="output:0") self.assertClose(original_outputs, fused_outputs, delta=1e-5) # Make sure the rewrite happened for n in g.nodes: self.assertNotEqual(n.op_type, "FusedBatchNorm")
def build_graph(self): tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): a = tf.constant(1, name="a") b = tf.constant(2, name="b") c = tf.constant(10, name="c") add_res = tf.add(a, b, name="add") res = tf.multiply(add_res, c, name="mult") g = gde.Graph(g=tf_g) return g
def test_fold_fused_batch_norms(self): """ Version of test_fold_old_batch_norms() with a FusedBatchNorms op instead of BatchNormWithGlobalNormalization """ input_data = (np.array( [1., 4., 2., 5., 3., 6., -1., -4., -2., -5., -3., -6.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([1, 1, 6, 2])) weights_data = (np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], dtype=np.float32).reshape([1, 2, 2, 2])) mean_data = np.array([10., 20.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) variance_data = np.array([0.25, 0.5], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) beta_data = np.array([0.1, 0.6], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) gamma_data = np.array([1., 2.], dtype=np.float32).reshape([2]) # Create the non-deprecated part of the graph # (input, weights) --> Conv2D --> [...], plus inputs to [...] tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): in_t = tf.constant(input_data, name="input_op") weights_t = tf.constant(weights_data, name="weights_op") conv_t = tf.nn.conv2d(in_t, weights_t, [1, 1, 1, 1], "VALID", name="conv_op") mean_t = tf.constant(mean_data, name="mean_op") variance_t = tf.constant(variance_data, name="variance_op") beta_t = tf.constant(beta_data, name="beta_op") gamma_t = tf.constant(gamma_data, name="gamma_op") g = gde.Graph(tf_g) # Add fused batch norm node manually because there's no Python API to add # this op directly. batch_norm_node = g.add_node("output", "FusedBatchNorm") batch_norm_node.set_inputs([ g[], g[], g[], g[], g[] ]) batch_norm_node.add_attr("T", tf.float32) batch_norm_node.add_attr("epsilon", 0.00001) batch_norm_node.add_attr("is_training", False) batch_norm_node.infer_outputs() # Run the graph before and after the rewrite and compare results with tf.Session(graph=g.to_tf_graph()) as sess: original_outputs ="output:0") gde.rewrite.fold_old_batch_norms(g) with tf.Session(graph=g.to_tf_graph()) as sess: fused_outputs ="output:0") self.assertClose(original_outputs, fused_outputs, delta=1e-5) # Make sure the rewrite happened for n in g.nodes: self.assertNotEqual(n.op_type, "FusedBatchNorm")
def setUp(self): tf_graph = tf.Graph() with tf_graph.as_default(): c0 = tf.constant(1.0, shape=[10], name="Const") c0.op._set_attr("_foo", tf.AttrValue(s=b"foo")) c1 = tf.constant(1.0, shape=[10], name="Const") c2 = tf.constant(1.0, shape=[10], name="Const") i = tf.constant(1.0, shape=[10], name="Input") tf.identity(tf.add(c2, tf.add(c1, tf.add(c0, i))), name="o") self.graph = gde.Graph(tf_graph) self.o = self.graph["o"]
def test_graph_replace_missing(self): tmp_graph = tf.Graph() with tmp_graph.as_default(): a_tensor = tf.constant(1.0, name="a") b_tensor = tf.constant(2.0, name="b") _ = tf.add(a_tensor, 2 * b_tensor, name="c") _ = tf.constant(2.0, name="d") g = gde.Graph(tmp_graph) res = gde.graph_replace([g["b"].output(0), g["c"].output(0)], {g["a"].output(0): g["d"].output(0)}) self.assertEqual(res[0].name, "b:0") self.assertEqual(res[1].name, "c_1:0")
def test_node_collection_type_unique(self): g = gde.Graph() a = g.add_node("a", "a_op") a.set_outputs_from_pairs([(tf.int32, tf.TensorShape([]))]) a.add_to_collection("mixed_collection") b = g.add_node("b", "b_op") b.set_outputs_from_pairs([(tf.int32, tf.TensorShape([]))]) t = b.outputs[0] t.add_to_collection("mixed_collection") with self.assertRaisesRegex( TypeError, "Node collections cannot be Nodes and Tensors.*"): g.get_collection_by_name("mixed_collection")
def test_make_list_of_node(self): """Test for gde.util.make_list_of_op.""" g0_graph = tf.Graph() with g0_graph.as_default(): tf.constant(1, name="a0") tf.constant(2, name="b0") g0 = gde.Graph(g0_graph) # Should extract the ops from the graph. self.assertEqual(len(gde.util.make_list_of_op(g0)), 2) # Should extract the ops from the tuple. self.assertEqual(len(gde.util.make_list_of_op((g0["a0"], g0["b0"]))), 2)
def _make_javascript_deployable_graph(frozen_graph_def, graph_gen, temp_dir, saved_model_location): # type: (tf.GraphDef, prepost.GraphGen, str, str) -> None """ Prepare a SavedModel directory with a graph that is deployable via TensorFlow.js Args: frozen_graph_def: Base starter graph produced by inference, after turning variables to constants but before other rewrites. graph_gen: Callbacks for the current model temp_dir: Temporary directory in which to dump intermediate results in case they are needed for debugging. saved_model_location: Location where the final output SavedModel should go Returns: A graph that has been optimized. No preprocessing or postprocessing ops are attached, as the ops we would like to use for those purposes are not currently implemented in TensorFlow.js """ g = gde.Graph(frozen_graph_def) print(" Number of ops in frozen graph: {}".format( len(frozen_graph_def.node))) g = _apply_generic_deployment_rewrites(g, graph_gen, temp_dir) # Graph preparation complete. Create a SavedModel "file" (actually a # directory) saved_model_graph = tf.Graph() with saved_model_graph.as_default(): with tf.Session() as sess: tf.import_graph_def(g.to_graph_def(), name="") # simple_save needs pointers to tensors, so pull input and output # tensors out of the graph. inputs_dict = { n: saved_model_graph.get_tensor_by_name(n + ":0") for n in graph_gen.input_node_names() } outputs_dict = { n: saved_model_graph.get_tensor_by_name(n + ":0") for n in graph_gen.output_node_names() } if os.path.isdir(saved_model_location): shutil.rmtree(saved_model_location) tf.saved_model.simple_save(sess, export_dir=saved_model_location, inputs=inputs_dict, outputs=outputs_dict) print("SavedModel written to {}".format(saved_model_location))
def build_graph_with_function(self): """Builds a tf graph for function (x + y) * 10.0 .""" @tf.function def multiplier_function(v): return tf.constant(10.0, name="function_multiplier") * v tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): x = tf.placeholder(name="x", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[]) y = tf.placeholder(name="y", dtype=tf.float32, shape=[]) result_op = tf.add(x, y, name="add") func_call_op = multiplier_function(result_op) _ = tf.identity(func_call_op, name="output") return gde.Graph(g=tf_g)
def test_compute_boundary_ts_2(self): """Test for ge.compute_boundary_ts.""" tf_graph = tf.Graph() with tf_graph.as_default(): a_tensor = tf.constant(1, name="a") b_tensor = tf.constant(1, name="b") c_tensor = tf.add(a_tensor, b_tensor, name="c") _ = a_tensor + c_tensor g = gde.Graph(tf_graph) input_ts, output_ts, inside_ts = gde.compute_boundary_ts([g["a"], g["c"]]) self.assertEqual(list(input_ts), [g["b"].output(0)]) self.assertEqual(list(output_ts), [g["a"].output(0), g["c"].output(0)]) self.assertEqual(list(inside_ts), [g["a"].output(0)])
def _graft_pre_and_post_processing_to_main_graph(g): # type: (gde.Graph) -> None """ Attach pre- and post-processing subgraphs to the main graph. Args: g: GDE representation of the core graph. Modified in place. """ # Build the pre- and post-processing subgraphs and import into GDE pre_g = gde.Graph(_build_preprocessing_graph_def()) post_g = gde.Graph(_build_postprocessing_graph_def()) # Replace the graph's input placeholder with the contents of our # pre-processing graph. name_of_input_node = _INPUT_NODE_NAMES[0] gde.copy(pre_g, g) gde.reroute_ts( g.get_node_by_name("preprocessed_image").output(0), g.get_node_by_name(name_of_input_node).output(0)) g.remove_node_by_name(name_of_input_node) g.rename_node("raw_image", name_of_input_node) # Tack on the postprocessing graph at the original output and rename # the postprocessed output to the original output's name # The original graph produces an output called "detection_classes". # The postprocessing graph goes from "detection_classes" to # "decoded_detection_classes". # The graph after modification produces decoded classes under the original # "detection_classes" name. The original output is renamed to # "raw_detection_classes". g.rename_node("detection_classes", "raw_detection_classes") gde.copy(post_g, g) gde.reroute_ts( g.get_node_by_name("raw_detection_classes").output(0), g.get_node_by_name("detection_classes").output(0)) g.remove_node_by_name("detection_classes") g.rename_node("decoded_detection_classes", "detection_classes")
def _create_replace_graph(): """Subroutine of the next few tests. Creates the graph that all these tests use. Since the tests modify the graph, it needs to be recreated each time. Returns: (Graph object, c, target tensor to replace, new value, output tensor)""" tmp_graph = tf.Graph() with tmp_graph.as_default(): a = tf.constant(1.0, name="a") b = tf.Variable(1.0, name="b") eps = tf.constant(0.001, name="eps") tf.identity(a + b + eps, name="c") tf.constant(2.0, name="a_new") ret = gde.Graph(tmp_graph) return ret, ret["a"].output(0), ret["a_new"].output(0), ret["c"].output(0)
def test_identity(self): tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): c = tf.constant(42) i1 = tf.identity(c, name="identity_tf") g = gde.Graph(tf_g) i2_node = gde.util.make_identity(g, "identity_gde", g.get_tensor_by_name( i2 = i2_node.outputs[0] with g.to_tf_graph().as_default(): with tf.Session() as sess: result1 = result2 = self.assertEqual(result1, result2)
def test_get_generating_consuming(self): """Test for gde.util.get_generating_ops and gde.util.get_generating_ops.""" g0_graph = tf.Graph() with g0_graph.as_default(): a0_tensor = tf.constant(1, name="a0") b0_tensor = tf.constant(2, name="b0") tf.add(a0_tensor, b0_tensor, name="c0") g0 = gde.Graph(g0_graph) a0 = g0["a0"].output(0) b0 = g0["b0"].output(0) c0 = g0["c0"].output(0) self.assertEqual(len(gde.util.get_generating_ops([a0, b0])), 2) self.assertEqual(len(gde.util.get_consuming_ops([a0, b0])), 1) self.assertEqual(len(gde.util.get_generating_ops([c0])), 1) self.assertEqual(gde.util.get_consuming_ops([c0]), [])
def test_transform(self): transformer = gde.Transformer() def my_transform_op_handler(info, op, new_inputs): add_noise ="Add") op_, op_outputs_ = gde.transform.copy_op_handler( info, op, new_inputs) if not add_noise: return op_, op_outputs_ # add some noise to op # Old code: # with info.graph_.as_default(): # t_ = math_ops.add( # constant_op.constant(1.0, shape=[10], name="Noise"), # op_.outputs[0], # name="AddNoise") noise_op = gde.make_const(info.graph_, "Noise", np.full([10], 1., dtype=np.float32), uniquify_name=True) add_noise_op = info.graph_.add_node("AddNoise", "Add", uniquify_name=True) add_noise_op.add_attr("T", tf.float32) add_noise_op.set_inputs([noise_op.outputs[0], op_.outputs[0]]) add_noise_op.infer_outputs() t_ = add_noise_op.outputs[0] # return the "noisy" op return op_, [t_] transformer.transform_op_handler = my_transform_op_handler graph = gde.Graph() transformer(self.graph, graph, "", "") matcher0 = gde.OpMatcher("AddNoise").input_ops( "Noise", gde.OpMatcher("Add").input_ops("Const", "Input")) matcher1 = gde.OpMatcher("AddNoise_1").input_ops( "Noise_1", gde.OpMatcher("Add_1").input_ops("Const_1", matcher0)) matcher2 = gde.OpMatcher("AddNoise_2").input_ops( "Noise_2", gde.OpMatcher("Add_2").input_ops("Const_2", matcher1)) top = gde.select_ops("^AddNoise_2$", graph=graph)[0] self.assertTrue(matcher2(top))
def setUp(self): tf_graph = tf.Graph() with tf_graph.as_default(): a = tf.constant([1., 1.], shape=[2], name="a") with tf.name_scope("foo"): b = tf.constant([2., 2.], shape=[2], name="b") c = tf.add(a, b, name="c") d = tf.constant([3., 3.], shape=[2], name="d") with tf.name_scope("bar"): _ = tf.add(c, d, name="e") f = tf.add(c, d, name="f") g = tf.add(c, a, name="g") with tf.control_dependencies([c.op]): _ = tf.add(f, g, name="h") self.graph = gde.Graph(tf_graph) self.f_op = self.graph[]
def test_control_outputs(self): """Test for the gde.util.ControlOutputs class.""" g0_graph = tf.Graph() with g0_graph.as_default(): a0_tensor = tf.constant(1, name="a0") b0_tensor = tf.constant(2, name="b0") x0_tensor = tf.constant(3, name="x0") with tf.control_dependencies([x0_tensor.op]): tf.add(a0_tensor, b0_tensor, name="c0") g0 = gde.Graph(g0_graph) x0_node = g0["x0"] c0_node = g0["c0"] control_outputs = gde.util.ControlOutputs(g0).get_all() self.assertEqual(len(control_outputs), 1) self.assertEqual(len(control_outputs[x0_node]), 1) self.assertIs(list(control_outputs[x0_node])[0], c0_node)
def test_copy_assert(self): tf_g = tf.Graph() with tf_g.as_default(): a = tf.constant(1, name="a") b = tf.constant(1, name="b") eq = tf.equal(a, b, name="EQ") assert_tf_op = tf.Assert(eq, [a, b]) with tf.control_dependencies([assert_tf_op]): _ = tf.add(a, b) assert_op_name = g = gde.Graph(tf_g) assert_op = g[assert_op_name] sgv = gde.make_view([assert_op, g["EQ"], g["a"], g["b"]]) copier = gde.Transformer() _, info = copier(sgv, sgv.graph, "", "") new_assert_op = info.transformed(assert_op) self.assertIsNotNone(new_assert_op)
def test_function_rewrite(self): tf_g = self.build_tf_graph() self.assertEqual(30.0, self.run_tf_graph(tf_g, 1.0, 2.0)) graph = gde.Graph(tf_g) add_op = graph.get_node_by_name("add") function_name = add_op.outputs[0].consumers()[0].get_attr("f").name self.assertIn(function_name, graph.function_names) function_graph = graph.get_function_graph_by_name(function_name) function_multiplier_op = \ function_graph.get_node_by_name("function_multiplier") self.assertEqual(10.0, function_multiplier_op.get_attr("value")) function_multiplier_op.replace_attr("value", np.array(1000.0, dtype=np.float32)) self.assertEqual(3000.0, self.run_tf_graph(graph.to_tf_graph(), 1.0, 2.0)) return graph