Пример #1
    def __init__(self, start, goal, dimensions, epsilon, obstacles, iters):

        # Constants
        self.extend_ret = {'Reached': 0, 'Advanced': 1, 'Trapped': 2}
        #self.fig, self.ax = pl.subplots()

        # Input parameters
        self.start = start
        self.goal = goal

        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.dimensions = dimensions
        self.iters = iters

        self.obstacles = obstacles

        #tree pair indicator
        self.my_trees = (0, 1)

        # Tree at start
        self.tree_1 = gs.Graph(directed=False)
        self.vstate_1 = self.tree_1.new_vertex_property('vector<float>')
        self.shadow_1 = np.array([start
                                  ])  #np array of coords for faster processing
        vert = self.tree_1.add_vertex()
        self.vstate_1[vert] = np.array(start)  #additional array of coords

        # Tree at goal
        self.tree_2 = gs.Graph(directed=False)
        self.vstate_2 = self.tree_2.new_vertex_property('vector<float>')
        self.shadow_2 = np.array([goal])
        vert = self.tree_2.add_vertex()
        self.vstate_2[vert] = np.array(goal)
def graph_sequence(g, ibin, init_foot, fbin, init_step, max_iter, K):

    dist_array = np.array(g.ep.dist.a)
    filter_array = dist_array <= ibin
    gv = gt.GraphView(g, efilt=filter_array)
    ng = gt.Graph(gv, prune=True)
    pos = gt.sfdp_layout(ng, pos=ng.vp.pos, K=K)
    ng.vp.pos = pos
    graphs = [ng]

    cbin = ibin + init_foot
    # pos = gt.sfdp_layout(g, pos=pos, K=1.5)
    while cbin <= fbin:
        filter_array = dist_array <= cbin
        gv = gt.GraphView(g, efilt=filter_array)
        ng = gt.Graph(gv, prune=True)
        ng.copy_property(graphs[-1].vp.pos, tgt=ng.vp.pos)
        # print(ng.num_edges())
        ng.vp.pos = gt.sfdp_layout(
            ng, pos=ng.vp.pos, max_iter=max_iter, init_step=init_step, K=K

        cbin += init_foot
        # step += init_foot * 3
    return graphs
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, N, G_in=None):
     if G_in is None:
         self.N = N
         self.g = gt.Graph(directed=False)
         g = G_in.g.copy()
         self.g = gt.Graph(g, prune=False, directed=False)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, G=None, Type=None):

        # unused maxVert

        #self.maxVertices = 0

        self.G = (gt.Graph(directed=True) if G is None
                  else gt.Graph(G))
        # vertex_dict
        self.vd = {}#defaultdict(self.G.add_vertex)
        self.v_attr = self.G.new_vertex_property('object')
        # edge_dict
        self.edge_attr = self.G.new_edge_property('object')
Пример #5
def ConvertCollapsedGraph2GraphTool(trace, fuzzy):
    Collapse the node sequences in the trace and return the graph in a graph
    tool format to use the motif discovery tools.
    @params trace: the trace to collapse all of the sequences
    @params fuzzy: do we allow fuzzy sequences or not?
    graph = gt.Graph(directed=False)

    # collapse the sequences for this graph
    _, reduced_nodes_to_nodes, node_labels, _, edges = CollapseSequences(
        trace, fuzzy)
    nnodes = len(node_labels)

    # create a new property for the vertices
    labels = graph.new_vertex_property('int')

    for iv in range(nnodes):
        vertex = graph.add_vertex()
        labels[vertex] = node_labels[iv]

    # add all of the edges into the graph
    for (source_index, destination_index) in edges:
        graph.add_edge(source_index, destination_index)

    graph.vertex_properties['label'] = labels

    return graph, reduced_nodes_to_nodes
Пример #6
def ConvertTrace2GraphTool(dataset, trace):
    Convert the given trace into an object that can be used for graph tool functions.
    @params trace: the trace to convert into a graph tool object
    graph = gt.Graph(directed=False)

    name_to_index = GetUniqueNames(dataset)

    # create a new property for the vertices
    labels = graph.new_vertex_property('int')

    for node in trace.nodes:
        vertex = graph.add_vertex()
        labels[vertex] = name_to_index[node.Name()]

    # add all of the edges into the graph
    for edge in trace.edges:
        source_index = edge.source.index
        destination_index = edge.destination.index
        graph.add_edge(source_index, destination_index)

    graph.vertex_properties['label'] = labels

    return graph
Пример #7
def rand_spatial(N, p, pb, H, lam, groups):
    x = np.random.poisson(lam,N)
    y = np.random.poisson(lam,N)
    dij = [[float("NaN") for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)]
    for i in range(N):
        for j in range(0,i):
            dij[i][j] = math.sqrt((x[i]-x[j])**2+(y[i]-y[j])**2)
    g = gt.Graph(directed=False)
    g.vp["pref"] = g.new_vertex_property("vector<double>")

    V = []
    for i in range(N):
    for i_1, v_1 in enumerate(V):
        for i_2 in range(0, i_1):
            link = 0;
            v_2 = V[i_2]
            if dij[i_1][i_2]< H:
                link = random.random() < pb
                link = random.random() < p
            if link:
                g.add_edge(v_1, v_2)
    for v in V:
        pref = []
        for group in range(groups):
            pref.append(random.uniform(0, 1))
        g.vp["pref"][v] = pref 
    return g
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, party):
        :clauses: A list of each clause which must be satisfied. Clauses are pairs of variables.
        :relationships: A directed graph graph representating the relative age of wizards, where 
        each wizard is a node and an edge UV means that wizard U is younger than wizard V.
        :wizard_map: Mapping between the name of a wizard and the index of it's vertex
        self.party = party
        self.clauses = [Clause.construct_pair(*constraint.split()) for constraint in party.constraints]
        self.g = gt.Graph()
        # for each variable x_i in the 2-SAT instance, xi and ~xi are vertices.
        # xi and ~xi are complements of each other.
        self.g.add_vertex(party.constraint_count * 4)

        # maps the vertex representing a variable to the vertex representing the complement of that variable
        self.vertex_complement = dictionary()

        # clause_mapping takes a clause, and returns a tuple containing the vertices which
        # represent the variables (x_i, ~x_i, x_i+1, ~x_i+1).

        self.clause_mapping = {clause:self.clause_to_vertices(clause) for clause in self.clauses}
        # map each vertex to the variable which it represents. assignments happen in clause_to_verticies.
        self.vertex_to_variable = dictionary()

        # map each vertex to it's assignment, either True or False
        self.vertex_assignment = dictionary()

        # find a satisfying assignment
Пример #9
    def constructGraph(self, *args, **kwargs):
        import graph_tool.all as gt
        self.g = gt.Graph()
        self.g.vertex_properties["token_name"] = self.g.new_vertex_property(
        self.g.edge_properties["edge_weight"] = self.g.new_edge_property("int")

        # iterating all tokens in documents
        # takes some time ...
        for doc in self.corp:
            for ind_i, source in enumerate(doc):
                for ind_j, target in enumerate(doc):
                    if ind_i < ind_j:
                        self.g.add_edge(source[0], target[0])
                            self.g.ep["edge_weight"][(source[0], target[0])]
                                                      target[0])] = 1
                                                      target[0])] += 1

        for node in self.dictionary.id2token.items():
            self.g.vp["token_name"][node[0]] = node[1]

        return self.g
Пример #10
    def paint_graph(self, location, graph, communities):

        sys.stdout.write('Drawing graph ... ')
        network = gt.Graph(graph, directed=False)
        folder = os.path.abspath(self._output_dir)

        r_cols = randomcolor.RandomColor().generate(count=len(communities) + 1)
        colors = [
            list(int(r_col[1:][i:i + 2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
            for r_col in r_cols

        color = network.new_vertex_property('int')

        base_color = colors.pop()
        for v in network.vertices():
            color[v] = (base_color[0] << 16) + (
                base_color[1] << 8) + base_color[2]
        for community in communities:
            c = colors.pop()
            for v in community:
                color[v] = (c[0] << 16) + (c[1] << 8) + c[2]
        pos = gt.sfdp_layout(network)
                          str(len(communities)) + '_' + location +
Пример #11
    def __init__(self,
                 root_label="All Reviews",
                 root_color=[0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5],
        self.g = gt.Graph()

        self.vprop_label = self.g.new_vertex_property("string")
        self.text_position = self.g.new_vertex_property("float")
        self.text_rotation = self.g.new_vertex_property("float")
        self.fill_color = self.g.new_vertex_property("vector<float>")
        self.font_size = self.g.new_vertex_property("int")
        self.vertex_size = self.g.new_vertex_property("int")
        self.marker_size = self.g.new_edge_property("float")
        self.text_offset = self.g.new_vertex_property("vector<float>")

        self.root = self.g.add_vertex()
        self.vprop_label[self.root] = root_label
        self.text_position[self.root] = -1
        self.text_rotation[self.root] = 0
        self.fill_color[self.root] = root_color
        self.font_size[self.root] = root_font_size
        self.text_offset[self.root] = [0.0, 0.0]

        self.angle = 0.0
        self.position = 0.0
        self.first_turn = True
        self.cur_text_offset = [-0.07, 0.0]
        self.topic_idx = 0
        self.cur_term_color = Visualization.color_map[0]

        self.angle_step = 2 * math.pi / term_count
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, filename=None, format=None):
        """ Constructs an empty TS.
        [filename] file name if the TS was obtained from a file.
        [format] only meaningful if filename is not None, since it is the format
        of the original file. Valid values: 'sis', 'xml', 'gml', 'dot'.
        self.filename = filename
        #contains the filename of the file containing the TS (if TS was loaded
        #from a file), or the filename were the TS has been written
        self.modified_since_last_write = False
        #indicates if TS has been modified since it was last written (or
        #initially loaded)
        self.last_write_format = format

        self.g = gt.Graph()
        self.gp_name = self.g.new_graph_property("string")
        self.g.graph_properties["name"] = self.gp_name
        self.gp_signals = self.g.new_graph_property("vector<string>")
        self.g.graph_properties["signals"] = self.gp_signals
        self.gp_dummies = self.g.new_graph_property("vector<string>")
        self.g.graph_properties["dummies"] = self.gp_dummies
        self.gp_initial_state = self.g.new_graph_property("string")
        self.g.graph_properties["initial_state"] = self.gp_initial_state
        self.vp_state_name = self.g.new_vertex_property("string")
        self.g.vertex_properties["name"] = self.vp_state_name

        self.ep_edge_label = self.g.new_edge_property("string")
        self.g.edge_properties["label"] = self.ep_edge_label

        self.name_to_state = {}  # reverse map: name->state
        self.initial_state = []
def get_query_graphs(filename):
    outfile, mapping = pafi.change_format(filename)
    qg_file = open(outfile, "r")

    qg_list = []

    g = None
    for line in qg_file:
        splited = line.split()

        if splited[0] == 't':
            if g is not None:
            g = gt.Graph(directed=False)
            g.vertex_properties["molecule"] = g.new_vertex_property("string")
            g.edge_properties["bond"] = g.new_edge_property("int")
        elif splited[0] == 'v':
            v = g.add_vertex()
            g.vertex_properties["molecule"][v] = splited[2]
        elif splited[0] == 'u':
            e = g.add_edge(g.vertex(int(splited[1])),
            g.edge_properties["bond"][e] = int(splited[3])

    return qg_list
def get_freq_sub_graph(filename):
    freq_sg_file = open(filename, "r")

    for _ in range(24):
        line = freq_sg_file.readline()

    freq_sg_list = []

    g = None
    for line in freq_sg_file:
        splited = line.split()
        if splited[0] == 't':
            if g is not None:
            g = gt.Graph(directed=False)
            g.vertex_properties["molecule"] = g.new_vertex_property("string")
            g.edge_properties["bond"] = g.new_edge_property("int")
        elif splited[0] == 'v':
            v = g.add_vertex()
            g.vertex_properties["molecule"][v] = splited[2]
        elif splited[0] == 'u':
            e = g.add_edge(g.vertex(int(splited[1])),
            g.edge_properties["bond"][e] = int(splited[3])

    return freq_sg_list
def nx2gt(nxG):
    """Converts a networkx graph to a graph-tool graph.
    Edge weights assumed to be in edge property 'weight'
    Returned graph has a vertex_property 'id' for node IDs

    nxG: a networkx graph
    graph-tool graph
    gtG = gt.Graph(directed=nxG.is_directed())
    expected_vtx_props = _gt_vtx_props()
    for prop, prop_type in expected_vtx_props:
        gtG.vertex_properties[prop] = gtG.new_vp(prop_type)
    gtG.edge_properties['weight'] = gtG.new_ep('int')
    vertices = {}
    for node, v_data in nxG.nodes(data=True):
        v = gtG.add_vertex()
        vertices[node] = v
        for prop, _ in expected_vtx_props:
            gtG.vertex_properties[prop][v] = v_data[prop]
    for src, dst, data in nxG.edges(data=True):
        e = gtG.add_edge(vertices[src], vertices[dst])
        gtG.edge_properties['weight'][e] = data['weight']
    return gtG
Пример #16
def taxid_new_subgraph(g, taxids):
    vp = g.new_vertex_property('bool')
    for tid in taxids:
        vp[g.taxid_vertex[tid]] = True
    newg = gt.Graph(g=g, prune=True)

    newg.vertex_name = newg.vp['name']
    newg.vertex_taxid = newg.vp['taxid']
    newg.edge_in_taxonomy = newg.ep['istaxon']
    newg.vertex_in_taxonomy = newg.vp['istaxon']
    ## newg.dubious = newg.vp['dubious']
    newg.incertae_sedis = newg.vp['incertae_sedis']
    newg.collapsed = newg.vp['collapsed']
    newg.hindex = newg.vp['hindex']
    newg.edge_strees = newg.ep['stree']
    newg.vertex_snode = newg.vp['snode']
    newg.vertex_strees = newg.vp['stree']
    newg.vertex_stem_cdef = newg.vp['stem_cdef']
    newg.stem_cdef_vertex = defaultdict(lambda: newg.add_vertex())
    newg.taxid_vertex = dict((newg.vertex_taxid[v], v) for v in newg.vertices())
    r = [ x for x in newg.vertices() if x.in_degree()==0 ]
    if len(r)>1:
        for x in r:
            tid = newg.vertex_taxid[x]
            print '!!! root? vertex', int(x), tid, newg.vertex_name[x]
    #assert len(r)==1, r
    newg.root = r[0]
    ## newg.set_vertex_filter(newg.collapsed, inverted=True)
    return newg
Пример #17
def taxonomy_subtree(G, v):
    g = gt.Graph()
    g.vertex_in_taxonomy = get_or_create_vp(g, 'istaxon', 'bool')
    g.edge_in_taxonomy = get_or_create_ep(g, 'istaxon', 'bool')
    g.vertex_taxid = get_or_create_vp(g, 'taxid', 'int')
    g.vertex_name = get_or_create_vp(g, 'name', 'string')
    ## g.dubious = get_or_create_vp(g, 'dubious','bool')
    g.incertae_sedis = get_or_create_vp(g, 'incertae_sedis','bool')
    g.taxid_vertex = {}

    GP = [ x for x in G.vp.items() if x[0] in g.vp ]
    def copy_vertex_properties(Gv, gv):
        for pname, pmap in GP:
            g.vp[pname][gv] = pmap[Gv]

        taxid = G.vertex_taxid[Gv]
        g.taxid_vertex[taxid] = gv

    def traverse(x, p):
        nx = g.add_vertex()
        copy_vertex_properties(x, nx)
        g.edge_in_taxonomy[g.add_edge(p, nx)] = 1
        for c in x.out_neighbours():
            traverse(c, nx)

    p = g.add_vertex()
    copy_vertex_properties(v, p)
    for c in v.out_neighbours():
        traverse(c, p)


    g.root = g.vertex(0)
    return g
Пример #18
def build_graph(data):
    gstr = data['workflow.dag']
    wrk_edges = [e.split('>') for e in gstr.split(',')]
    lbl_vid = {}
    graph = {'nodes': {}, 'edges': []}
    g = gt.Graph(directed=True)
    v_lbl = g.new_vertex_property("int")
    for e in wrk_edges:
        srclbl = int(e[0].split('-')[1])
        if srclbl not in lbl_vid:
            vsrc = g.add_vertex()
            v_lbl[vsrc] = srclbl
            lbl_vid[srclbl] = int(vsrc)

        if len(e) > 1:
            trgtlbl = int(e[1].split('-')[1])
            if trgtlbl not in lbl_vid:
                vtgt = g.add_vertex()
                v_lbl[vtgt] = trgtlbl
                lbl_vid[trgtlbl] = int(vtgt)
            g.add_edge(lbl_vid[srclbl], lbl_vid[trgtlbl])

    g.vertex_properties['label'] = v_lbl
    data['dag_nv'] = g.num_vertices()
    data['dag_ne'] = g.num_edges()
    return data
Пример #19
    def generate_coocurence_graph(self):
        """ Constructs a graph tool Graph object representing the label coocurence_graph

            Run after self.edge_map has been populated using :func:`LabelCooccurenceClustererBase.generate_coocurence_adjacency_matrix` on `y` in `fit_predict`.

            The graph is available as self.coocurence_graph, and a weight `double` graphtool.PropertyMap on edges is set as self.weights.

            Edge weights are all 1.0 if self.weighted is false, otherwise they contain the number of samples that are labelled with the two labels present in the edge.


            g : graphtool.Graph object representing a label co-occurence graph
        g = gt.Graph(directed=False)

        self.weights = g.new_edge_property('double')

        for edge, weight in self.edge_map.iteritems():
            e = g.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1])
            if self.is_weighted:
                self.weights[e] = weight
                self.weights[e] = 1.0

        self.coocurence_graph = g

        return g
Пример #20
def read_graph(filename):
    fh = open(filename, "r")
    graph = gt.Graph(directed=False)
    vprop = graph.new_vertex_property("string")
    scores = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(float))
    node_dict = dict()
    node_idx = 0
    for line in fh:
        line = line.strip()
        s, score, t = line.split(",")
        scores[s][t] = float(score)

        # Add vertices
        if s and s not in node_dict:
            source = graph.add_vertex()
            node_dict[s] = source
            vprop[source] = s
        if t and t not in node_dict:
            target = graph.add_vertex()
            node_dict[t] = target
            vprop[target] = t

        # Add edge
        if s and t:
            graph.add_edge(node_dict[s], node_dict[t])

    return graph, vprop, scores
Пример #21
    def make_graph_anndata(self,
        ncells, ngenes = adata.n_obs, adata.n_vars
        nnodes = ncells + ngenes
        adj = sp.lil_matrix((nnodes, nnodes))

        adj[:ncells, ncells:] = adata.X
        adj = adj.tocoo()

        g = gt.Graph(directed=False)

        name = g.vp["name"] = g.new_vp("string")
        kind = g.vp["kind"] = g.new_vp("int")
        if weight_property is not None:
            ecount = g.ep[weight_property] = g.new_ep(weight_type)


        #name.a = np.concatenate([adata.obs.index.values, adata.var.index.values]).tolist()
        name_list = np.concatenate(
            [adata.obs.index.values, adata.var.index.values]).tolist()
        for i in range(nnodes):
            name[i] = name_list[i]

        kind.a = np.array([0] * ncells + [1] * ngenes)
        if weight_property is not None:
            ecount.a = adj.data

        self.g = g
        self.words = adata.var.index.values.tolist()
        self.documents = adata.obs.index.values.tolist()
    def create_hiperonim_lexical_graph(self):
        relation_types = ["hiperonimia"]

        wn = plwn.load_default()
        self.lemma_to_vertex_id = dict()
        self.synset_to_vertex_id = dict()
        self.g = graph_tool.Graph(directed=False)
        synset_relation_edges = wn.synset_relation_edges(
        )  # load all synsets relations

        for sr_edge in synset_relation_edges:
            if relation_types is not None and sr_edge.relation.name not in relation_types:
            if is_polish and (not sr_edge.source.is_polish
                              or not sr_edge.target.is_polish):
            src_synset_id = sr_edge.source.id
            target_synset_id = sr_edge.target.id

            self._add_synset_vertices(sr_edge.source, src_synset_id)
            self._add_synset_vertices(sr_edge.target, target_synset_id)

            # add edge between synsets
            v1 = self.g.vertex(self.synset_to_vertex_id[src_synset_id])
            v2 = self.g.vertex(self.synset_to_vertex_id[target_synset_id])
            self.g.add_edge(v1, v2)
Пример #23
def generateHypercubeGraph(d: int):
    vertices_num = pow(2, d)
    g = gt.Graph(directed=False)
    # creates a new vertex property to indicate the vertex using its binary representation
    binaryProperty = g.new_vertex_property("string")

    # time to add edges
    for vertex in g.vertices():
        # takes the decimal index of the vertex and calculate its binary representation
        index = g.vertex_index[vertex]
        binaryRepresentation = ('{0:0' + str(d) + 'b}').format(index)
        # also writes this representation to the vertex property
        binaryProperty[vertex] = binaryRepresentation

        # using bit-fix idea, finds the neighbours of the vertex by flipping every time a different bit
        # from its binary representation. For every of the d neighbours, re-calculates the decimal index
        # from their binary representation, used for indexing them vertex in the graph.
        bitPos = 0
        while bitPos < d:
            bitToFlip = binaryRepresentation[bitPos]
            if bitToFlip == "0":
                neighbourVertexBinary = binaryRepresentation[0:bitPos] + str(1) + binaryRepresentation[bitPos + 1:]
                neighbourVertexBinary = binaryRepresentation[0:bitPos] + str(0) + binaryRepresentation[bitPos + 1:]

            neighbourVertex = g.vertex(int(neighbourVertexBinary, 2))

            # Then adds the edge between the vertex and its neighbours
            if g.edge(vertex, neighbourVertex) is None:
                g.add_edge(vertex, neighbourVertex)
            bitPos += 1
    return g
Пример #24
def parse_input(graph_file):
    graph = gt.Graph()

    with open(graph_file, 'r') as in_file:
        lines = in_file.readlines()
        color_target = int(lines[0])
        for line in lines[1:]:
            source = int(line.split(' ')[0])
            target = int(line.split(' ')[1])
            if source < target:
                graph.add_edge(source=source, target=target, add_missing=True)
                graph.add_edge(source=target, target=source, add_missing=True)
            if source == target:
                print('error: tried to add loop')
            # print("added edge " + source + ' ' + target)
            # print(i)
            if int(source) == int(target):
                print("self edge")
    list_to_remove = []
    for vertex in graph.vertices():
        if graph.vertex(i=vertex).out_degree() == 0:

    return color_target, graph
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, graphTxtName, isDirected):
        f = open(graphTxtName)
        self.idIndexDict = dict()
        self.indexIdDict = dict()
        self.g = gt.Graph(directed=isDirected)
        index = 0
        edge_list = []
        for each in f:
            if each.startswith("#"):
            strPair = each.strip().split()
            sourceId = int(strPair[0])
            targetId = int(strPair[1])
            if sourceId not in self.idIndexDict:
                self.idIndexDict[sourceId] = index
                self.indexIdDict[index] = sourceId
                index += 1
            if targetId not in self.idIndexDict:
                self.idIndexDict[targetId] = index
                self.indexIdDict[index] = targetId
                index += 1

            if ((sourceId, targetId) not in edge_list):
                if (isDirected == False):
                    edge_list.append((sourceId, targetId))
                    edge_list.append((targetId, sourceId))
                    edge_list.append((sourceId, targetId))
Пример #26
 def __init__(self, osmMapFileName, elevationFileName):
     self.osmMapFileName = osmMapFileName
     self.elevationFileName = elevationFileName
     self.visitedNodes = dict()
     self.gr = gt.Graph()  # the graph that model the map
     self.graphFileName = 'data/my_graph.xml.gz'
     self.errorLogFilName = 'errors.log'
Пример #27
def ConvertSubGraph2GraphTool(subgraph):
    Convert the SubGraph from frequent subgraph discovery algorithm into a graph tool object.
    @params subgraph: the subgraph to convert into a graph tool object
    graph = gt.Graph(directed=False)

    # get the attributes for this subgraph
    vertices = subgraph.vertices
    edges = subgraph.edges

    # create a new property for the vertices
    labels = graph.new_vertex_property('int')

    for (_, label) in vertices:
        vertex = graph.add_vertex()
        labels[vertex] = label

    # add all of the edges into the graph
    for (source_index, destination_index) in edges:
        graph.add_edge(source_index, destination_index)

    graph.vertex_properties['label'] = labels

    return graph
Пример #28
def Graph(e, n):
    import graph_tool.all as gt

    g = gt.Graph(directed=False)
    return g
Пример #29
def create_graph(g, node_label, edge_label):
    h = gt.Graph(directed=False)
    h.ep["peso_arco"] = h.new_edge_property('float')

    edges = [(g.vertex_index[e.source()], g.vertex_index[e.target()])
             for e in g.edges()]

    combs = compute_combs(edges)

    vertices = h.add_vertex(n=len(edges))
    mapper = dict()
    mapper_inv = dict()
    for v in vertices:
        mapper[edges[g.vertex_index[v]]] = g.vertex_index[v]
        mapper_inv[g.vertex_index[v]] = edges[g.vertex_index[v]]

    links = set([(mapper[s], mapper[t]) for comp in combs
                 for s, t in itertools.combinations(comp, 2)])


    # TODO: Mejorar insercion de valores
    # Prop.a = numpy.array
    for e in h.edges():
        e1_i, e1_f = mapper_inv[h.vertex_index[e.source()]]
        e2_i, e2_f = mapper_inv[h.vertex_index[e.target()]]
        h.ep['peso_arco'][e] = np.abs(
            float(float(g.ep[edge_label][g.edge(e1_i, e1_f)])) -
            float(float(g.ep[edge_label][g.edge(e2_i, e2_f)])))

    return h
Пример #30
 def clear_all_paramater(self):
     self.Vset_dgraph_result =[]
     self.MGSet =[]
     self.dual_sim_list= []