def visualize(pathFinder, source=False, target=False): g, weight = buildWeightedGraph(pathFinder) ecolor = g.new_edge_property("string") ewidth = g.new_edge_property("double") ewidth.a = 1 touch_v = g.new_vertex_property("bool") touch_e = g.new_edge_property("bool") if not source: source = pathFinder.source if not target: target = dist, pred = gt.astar_search(g, source, weight, VisitorExample(touch_v, touch_e, target), heuristic=lambda v: pathFinder.jaccard(v, target)) for e in g.edges(): ecolor[e] = "blue" if touch_e[e] else "black" v = target while v != source: p = g.vertex(pred[v]) for e in v.out_edges(): if == p: ecolor[e] = "#a40000" ewidth[e] = 3 v = p gt.graph_draw(g, output_size=(600, 600), vertex_fill_color=touch_v, edge_color=ecolor, edge_pen_width=ewidth, output="astar-demo.pdf")
def path(pathFinder): """Computes the astar path if it exists in the given PathFinder class""" G = pathFinder.getGraph() target = source = pathFinder.source try: if pathExists(pathFinder): G, weight = buildWeightedGraph(pathFinder) #for vertex in G.vertices(): # print (vertex) touch_v = G.new_vertex_property("bool") touch_e = G.new_edge_property("bool") dist, pred = gt.astar_search( G, source, weight, VisitorExample(touch_v, touch_e, target), heuristic=lambda v: pathFinder.jaccard(v, target)) #print ([pred]) return [pred] #return list(nx.all_simple_paths(G,0,1,cutoff=8)) else: return None except: logger.error(sys.exc_info()) return None
def visualize(pathFinder, source=False, target=False): g, weight = buildWeightedGraph(pathFinder) ecolor = g.new_edge_property("string") ewidth = g.new_edge_property("double") ewidth.a = 1 touch_v = g.new_vertex_property("bool") touch_e = g.new_edge_property("bool") if not source: source = pathFinder.source if not target: target = dist, pred = gt.astar_search( g, source, weight, VisitorExample(touch_v, touch_e, target), heuristic=lambda v: pathFinder.jaccard(v, target)) for e in g.edges(): ecolor[e] = "blue" if touch_e[e] else "black" v = target while v != source: p = g.vertex(pred[v]) for e in v.out_edges(): if == p: ecolor[e] = "#a40000" ewidth[e] = 3 v = p gt.graph_draw(g, output_size=(600, 600), vertex_fill_color=touch_v, edge_color=ecolor, edge_pen_width=ewidth, output="astar-demo.pdf")
def get_route(self, src, tgt): # astar search src_node = self.graph.vertex(src) tgt_node = self.graph.vertex(tgt) dists = self.graph.ep["weight"] dist_map, pred_map = gt.astar_search(self.graph, source=src_node, weight=dists) min_dist = np.inf node_order = [int(src)] if dist_map[tgt] < min_dist: node_order.extend( self.reconstruct_path(src_node, tgt_node, pred_map)) return node_order
def pathLength(pathFinder): """Checks the length of a path if it exists in the given PathFinder class""" G = pathFinder.getGraph() target = source = pathFinder.source try: if pathExists(pathFinder): G, weight = buildWeightedGraph(pathFinder) touch_v = G.new_vertex_property("bool") touch_e = G.new_edge_property("bool") dist, pred = gt.astar_search(G, source, weight, VisitorExample(touch_v, touch_e, target), heuristic=lambda v: pathFinder.jaccard(v, target)) return dist else: return None except: logger.error (sys.exc_info()) return None
def pathLength(pathFinder): """Checks the length of a path if it exists in the given PathFinder class""" G = pathFinder.getGraph() target = source = pathFinder.source try: if pathExists(pathFinder): G, weight = buildWeightedGraph(pathFinder) touch_v = G.new_vertex_property("bool") touch_e = G.new_edge_property("bool") dist, pred = gt.astar_search( G, source, weight, VisitorExample(touch_v, touch_e, target), heuristic=lambda v: pathFinder.jaccard(v, target)) return dist else: return None except: logger.error(sys.exc_info()) return None
def astar( G: Graph, source: int, target: int, edge_attribute: EdgePropertyMap, heuristic, pos: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Perform A* with given heuristic Args: G: graph source: start vertex target: end vertex (search terminates here) edge_attribute: the edge attribute that defines the cost of an edge heuristic: a function that underestimates the distance from any vertex to the target pos: positional attribute for vertices Returns: a list of vertices from the source to the target """ # run A* pred = astar_search( G, weight=edge_attribute, source=source, visitor=RouteVisitor(target), heuristic=lambda v: heuristic(v, target, pos), )[1] # backtrack through the graph to the source route = [] v = target while v != source: if v == pred[v]: raise Exception("The start is not connected to the target") route.append(v) v = G.vertex(pred[v]) route.append(v) return route
def path(pathFinder): """Computes the astar path if it exists in the given PathFinder class""" G = pathFinder.getGraph() target = source = pathFinder.source try: if pathExists(pathFinder): G, weight = buildWeightedGraph(pathFinder) #for vertex in G.vertices(): # print (vertex) touch_v = G.new_vertex_property("bool") touch_e = G.new_edge_property("bool") dist, pred = gt.astar_search(G, source, weight, VisitorExample(touch_v, touch_e, target), heuristic=lambda v: pathFinder.jaccard(v, target)) #print ([pred]) return [pred] #return list(nx.all_simple_paths(G,0,1,cutoff=8)) else: return None except: logger.error (sys.exc_info()) return None
def useGraphTool(pd): # Extract the graphml representation of the planner data graphml = pd.printGraphML() f = open("graph.graphml", 'w') f.write(graphml) f.close() # Load the graphml data using graph-tool graph = gt.load_graph("graph.graphml", fmt="xml") edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"] # Write some interesting statistics avgdeg, stddevdeg = gt.vertex_average(graph, "total") avgwt, stddevwt = gt.edge_average(graph, edgeweights) print("---- PLANNER DATA STATISTICS ----") print( str(graph.num_vertices()) + " vertices and " + str(graph.num_edges()) + " edges") print("Average vertex degree (in+out) = " + str(avgdeg) + " St. Dev = " + str(stddevdeg)) print("Average edge weight = " + str(avgwt) + " St. Dev = " + str(stddevwt)) _, hist = gt.label_components(graph) print("Strongly connected components: " + str(len(hist))) # Make the graph undirected (for weak components, and a simpler drawing) graph.set_directed(False) _, hist = gt.label_components(graph) print("Weakly connected components: " + str(len(hist))) # Plotting the graph gt.remove_parallel_edges(graph) # Removing any superfluous edges edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"] colorprops = graph.new_vertex_property("string") vertexsize = graph.new_vertex_property("double") start = -1 goal = -1 for v in range(graph.num_vertices()): # Color and size vertices by type: start, goal, other if pd.isStartVertex(v): start = v colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "cyan" vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10 elif pd.isGoalVertex(v): goal = v colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "green" vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10 else: colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "yellow" vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 5 # default edge color is black with size 0.5: edgecolor = graph.new_edge_property("string") edgesize = graph.new_edge_property("double") for e in graph.edges(): edgecolor[e] = "black" edgesize[e] = 0.5 # using A* to find shortest path in planner data if start != -1 and goal != -1: _, pred = gt.astar_search(graph, graph.vertex(start), edgeweights) # Color edges along shortest path red with size 3.0 v = graph.vertex(goal) while v != graph.vertex(start): p = graph.vertex(pred[v]) for e in p.out_edges(): if == v: edgecolor[e] = "red" edgesize[e] = 2.0 v = p pos = graph.new_vertex_property("vector<double>") for v in range(graph.num_vertices()): vtx = pd.getVertex(v) st = vtx.getState() pos[graph.vertex(v)] = [st[0], st[1]] # Writing graph to file: # pos indicates the desired vertex positions, and pin=True says that we # really REALLY want the vertices at those positions # gt.graph_draw(graph, pos=pos, vertex_size=vertexsize, vertex_fill_color=colorprops, # edge_pen_width=edgesize, edge_color=edgecolor, # output="graph.pdf") gt.graph_draw(graph, pos=pos, output="graph.pdf") print('\nGraph written to graph.pdf') graph.vertex_properties["pos"] = pos graph.vertex_properties["vsize"] = vertexsize graph.vertex_properties["vcolor"] = colorprops graph.edge_properties["esize"] = edgesize graph.edge_properties["ecolor"] = edgecolor"mgraph.graphml") print('\nGraph saved to mgraph.graphml')
def useGraphTool(pd, space): # Extract the graphml representation of the planner data graphml = pd.printGraphML() f = open("graph.xml", 'w') f.write(graphml) f.close() # Load the graphml data using graph-tool graph = gt.load_graph("graph.xml") edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"] # Write some interesting statistics avgdeg, stddevdeg = gt.vertex_average(graph, "total") avgwt, stddevwt = gt.edge_average(graph, edgeweights) print "---- PLANNER DATA STATISTICS ----" print str(graph.num_vertices()) + " vertices and " + str(graph.num_edges()) + " edges" print "Average vertex degree (in+out) = " + str(avgdeg) + " St. Dev = " + str(stddevdeg) print "Average edge weight = " + str(avgwt) + " St. Dev = " + str(stddevwt) comps, hist = gt.label_components(graph) print "Strongly connected components: " + str(len(hist)) graph.set_directed(False) # Make the graph undirected (for weak components, and a simpler drawing) comps, hist = gt.label_components(graph) print "Weakly connected components: " + str(len(hist)) # Plotting the graph gt.remove_parallel_edges(graph) # Removing any superfluous edges edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"] colorprops = graph.new_vertex_property("string") vertexsize = graph.new_vertex_property("double") start = -1 goal = -1 for v in range(graph.num_vertices()): # Color and size vertices by type: start, goal, other if (pd.isStartVertex(v)): start = v colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "cyan" vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10 elif (pd.isGoalVertex(v)): goal = v colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "green" vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10 else: colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "yellow" vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 5 # default edge color is black with size 0.5: edgecolor = graph.new_edge_property("string") edgesize = graph.new_edge_property("double") for e in graph.edges(): edgecolor[e] = "black" edgesize[e] = 0.5 # using A* to find shortest path in planner data if start != -1 and goal != -1: dist, pred = gt.astar_search(graph, graph.vertex(start), edgeweights) # Color edges along shortest path red with size 3.0 v = graph.vertex(goal) while v != graph.vertex(start): p = graph.vertex(pred[v]) for e in p.out_edges(): if == v: edgecolor[e] = "red" edgesize[e] = 2.0 v = p # Writing graph to file: # pos indicates the desired vertex positions, and pin=True says that we # really REALLY want the vertices at those positions gt.graph_draw (graph, vertex_size=vertexsize, vertex_fill_color=colorprops, edge_pen_width=edgesize, edge_color=edgecolor, output="graph.png") print print 'Graph written to graph.png'
def find_path(self, startLat, startLon, endLat, endLon, mode): self.__log("Find path request! ") if == 0: self.__log("Graph loaded") else: self.__log("Graph already in memory") start = self.__getNode(startLat, startLon) end = self.__getNode(endLat, endLon) # start = self.__getNode(41.8880107, 12.5219164) # end = self.__getNode(41.8887613, 12.5203503) if start.graphid != None: startAddedToGraph = False startVertex = else: startAddedToGraph = True startVertex = self.__insert_vertex(start) if end.graphid != None: endAddedToGraph = False endVertex = else: endAddedToGraph = True endVertex = self.__insert_vertex(end) self.__log("Start = %d, end = %d founds" % (, if mode == "shortest": weightPropToUse =['euclidean'] euclidean = True elif mode == "less_effort": weightPropToUse =['effort'] euclidean = False else: self.__log("Mode unknown", logTime=False) return _, pred = gt.astar_search(, startVertex, weightPropToUse, Visitor(endVertex), heuristic=lambda v: self.__heuristic(v, endVertex, euclidean)) self.__log("A* terminated") if pred[endVertex] == int(endVertex): self.__log("Failed!!", logTime=False) return v = endVertex path = [['osmid'][v]] while v != startVertex: v =[v]) path.append(['osmid'][v]) path = list(reversed(path)) print path path = completePath(path) self.__log("Path completed") if endAddedToGraph: if startAddedToGraph: return path
def find_path(self, startLat, startLon, endLat, endLon, mode): self.__log("Find path request! ") if == 0: self.__log("Graph loaded") else: self.__log("Graph already in memory") start = self.__getNode(startLat,startLon) end = self.__getNode(endLat,endLon) # start = self.__getNode(41.8880107, 12.5219164) # end = self.__getNode(41.8887613, 12.5203503) if start.graphid != None: startAddedToGraph = False startVertex = else: startAddedToGraph= True startVertex = self.__insert_vertex(start) if end.graphid != None: endAddedToGraph = False endVertex = else: endAddedToGraph = True endVertex = self.__insert_vertex(end) self.__log("Start = %d, end = %d founds" %(, if mode == "shortest": weightPropToUse =['euclidean'] euclidean = True elif mode == "less_effort": weightPropToUse =['effort'] euclidean = False else: self.__log("Mode unknown", logTime=False) return _, pred = gt.astar_search(, startVertex, weightPropToUse, Visitor(endVertex), heuristic=lambda v: self.__heuristic(v, endVertex, euclidean)) self.__log("A* terminated") if pred[endVertex] == int(endVertex): self.__log("Failed!!", logTime=False) return v = endVertex path = [['osmid'][v]] while v != startVertex: v =[v]) path.append(['osmid'][v]) path = list(reversed(path)) print path path = completePath(path) self.__log("Path completed") if endAddedToGraph: if startAddedToGraph: return path
if (dq < 2) and (dt < np.pi / 8): path_exists = True q_final = nearest.reshape(-1, 1) if min_coord is not None: cg.add_vertex(min_coord, min_cost) cg.add_edge(parent_coord, min_coord, min_move_cost) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) ax = env.plot_environment(ax, []) src = cg.get_node(q_init) tgt = cg.get_node(q_final) dist, pred = gt.astar_search(cg.g, src, weight=cg.g.ep["cost"]) prev_node = tgt while prev_node != src: q0 = cg.g.vp["pos"][prev_node][:2] theta = cg.g.vp["pos"][prev_node][2] r0 = 2 * np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)]) ax.plot(*q0, "k.") ax.plot([q0[0], q0[0] + r0[0]], [q0[1], q0[1] + r0[1]], "k-") prev_node = cg.g.vertex(pred[prev_node]) ax.plot(np.block(cg.node_coords)[0, :], np.block(cg.node_coords)[1, :], "bo") ax.plot(*cg.g.vp["pos"][src][:2], "ko") ax.plot(*cg.g.vp["pos"][tgt][:2], "kx")
] shapeprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "circle" # default edge color is black with size 0.5: edgecolor = graph.new_edge_property("string") edgecolor2 = graph.new_edge_property("vector<float>") edgesize = graph.new_edge_property("double") for e in graph.edges(): edgecolor[e] = "black" # edgecolor2[e]= [158.0/255.0, 217.0/255.0, 207.0/255.0, 1.0] edgecolor2[e] = [110.0 / 255.0, 115.0 / 255.0, 116.0 / 255.0, 1.0] edgesize[e] = 0.5 # using A* to find shortest path in planner data if False and start != -1 and goal != -1: _, pred = gt.astar_search(graph, graph.vertex(start), edgeweights) # Color edges along shortest path red with size 3.0 v = graph.vertex(goal) while v != graph.vertex(start): p = graph.vertex(pred[v]) for e in p.out_edges(): if == v: edgecolor[e] = "red" edgesize[e] = 2.0 v = p pos = graph.new_vertex_property("vector<double>") for v in range(graph.num_vertices()): vtx = pd.getVertex(v) st = vtx.getState()
venice_weight = g.new_edge_property("double") # paretnza 45.43988044474121 12.339807563546461 # arrivo 45.43170127993013 12.325036058157616 #coord_source = [12.339807563546461, 45.43988044474121] #coord_target = [12.325036058157616, 45.431701279930130] latlon = g.vertex_properties['latlon'] # source = find_vertex(g, latlon, coord_source) # target = find_vertex(g, latlon, coord_target) # print(f'Source {source}') # print(f'Target {target}') source = g.vertex(25) target = g.vertex(100) dist, pred = gt.astar_search(g, source, venice_weight, VeniceResident(g, touch_v, touch_e, target, venice_weight), heuristic=lambda v: h(v, target, pos)) # implicit=True ecolor = g.new_edge_property("string") ewidth = g.new_edge_property("double") ewidth.a = 1 for e in g.edges(): ecolor[e] = "#3465a4" if touch_e[e] else "#d3d7cf" v = target while v != source: p = g.vertex(pred[v]) for e in v.out_edges():