Пример #1
  def stats(self):
    if self.graph.num_vertices() == 0:
    avgdeg, stddevdeg = gt.vertex_average(self.graph, 'total')
    avgwt, stddevwt = gt.edge_average(self.graph, self.graph.ep['distance'])

    print(str(self.graph.num_vertices()) + ' vertices and ' + str(self.graph.num_edges()) + ' edges')
    print('Average vertex degree',avgdeg,'standard deviation',stddevdeg)
    print('Average edge weight',avgwt,'standard deviation',stddevwt)
Пример #2
def degreeStats(g):
    avg, std = vertex_average(g, "total" if not g.is_directed() else "in")
    total_degrees = g.get_out_degrees(g.get_vertices())
    print("\tDesvio padrão (graphtools): ", std)

    distribution = vertex_hist(g, "total" if not g.is_directed() else "in")
    histogram(distribution, "Distribuição de graus", "$k_{total}$",
              "$NP(k_{in})$", sys.argv[1][:-8] + ".graus")
 def sredni_wspolczynnik_klasteryzacji(self):
     '''The local clustering coefficient [watts-collective-1998] ci is defined as
     ci=|{ejk}| / (ki(ki−1))   :vj,vk∈Ni,ejk∈E
     where ki is the out-degree of vertex i, and
     is the set of out-neighbours of vertex i.
     For undirected graphs the value of ci is normalized as  c′i=2ci.
     The implemented algorithm runs in O(|V|⟨k⟩2) time, where ⟨k⟩ is the average out-degree
     lc = local_clustering(self.graph, undirected=True)
     return vertex_average(self.graph, lc)[0]
 def sredni_wspolczynnik_klasteryzacji(self):
     '''The local clustering coefficient [watts-collective-1998] ci is defined as
     ci=|{ejk}| / (ki(ki−1))   :vj,vk∈Ni,ejk∈E
     where ki is the out-degree of vertex i, and
     is the set of out-neighbours of vertex i.
     For undirected graphs the value of ci is normalized as  c′i=2ci.
     The implemented algorithm runs in O(|V|⟨k⟩2) time, where ⟨k⟩ is the average out-degree
     lc = local_clustering(self.graph, undirected=True)
     return vertex_average(self.graph, lc)[0]
Пример #5
    def degree_distribution(self, g, name):
        total_hist = gt.vertex_hist(g, "total", float_count=False)
                           self.name + ' ' + name + ' ' + "totaldegdist.pdf",
                           "total node degree")

        # in_hist = gt.vertex_hist(g, "in", float_count=False)
        # self.__plot_degree(in_hist, self.name + ' ' + name + ' ' + "indegdistloglog.pdf", "in node degree")
        # out_hist = gt.vertex_hist(g, "out", float_count=False)
        # self.__plot_degree(out_hist, self.name + ' ' + name + ' ' + "outdegdistloglog.pdf", "out node degree")

        [atot, stdm] = gt.vertex_average(g, "total")
        stdtot = stdm * np.sqrt(g.num_vertices())
        return atot, stdtot, stdm
Пример #6
def useGraphTool(pd):
    # Extract the graphml representation of the planner data
    graphml = pd.printGraphML()
    f = open("graph.graphml", 'w')

    # Load the graphml data using graph-tool
    graph = gt.load_graph("graph.graphml", fmt="xml")
    edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"]

    # Write some interesting statistics
    avgdeg, stddevdeg = gt.vertex_average(graph, "total")
    avgwt, stddevwt = gt.edge_average(graph, edgeweights)

    print("---- PLANNER DATA STATISTICS ----")
        str(graph.num_vertices()) + " vertices and " + str(graph.num_edges()) +
        " edges")
    print("Average vertex degree (in+out) = " + str(avgdeg) + "  St. Dev = " +
    print("Average edge weight = " + str(avgwt) + "  St. Dev = " +

    _, hist = gt.label_components(graph)
    print("Strongly connected components: " + str(len(hist)))

    # Make the graph undirected (for weak components, and a simpler drawing)
    _, hist = gt.label_components(graph)
    print("Weakly connected components: " + str(len(hist)))

    # Plotting the graph
    gt.remove_parallel_edges(graph)  # Removing any superfluous edges

    edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"]
    colorprops = graph.new_vertex_property("string")
    vertexsize = graph.new_vertex_property("double")

    start = -1
    goal = -1

    for v in range(graph.num_vertices()):
        # Color and size vertices by type: start, goal, other
        if pd.isStartVertex(v):
            start = v
            colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "cyan"
            vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10
        elif pd.isGoalVertex(v):
            goal = v
            colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "green"
            vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10
            colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "yellow"
            vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 5

    # default edge color is black with size 0.5:
    edgecolor = graph.new_edge_property("string")
    edgesize = graph.new_edge_property("double")
    for e in graph.edges():
        edgecolor[e] = "black"
        edgesize[e] = 0.5

    # using A* to find shortest path in planner data
    if start != -1 and goal != -1:
        _, pred = gt.astar_search(graph, graph.vertex(start), edgeweights)

        # Color edges along shortest path red with size 3.0
        v = graph.vertex(goal)
        while v != graph.vertex(start):
            p = graph.vertex(pred[v])
            for e in p.out_edges():
                if e.target() == v:
                    edgecolor[e] = "red"
                    edgesize[e] = 2.0
            v = p

    pos = graph.new_vertex_property("vector<double>")
    for v in range(graph.num_vertices()):
        vtx = pd.getVertex(v)
        st = vtx.getState()
        pos[graph.vertex(v)] = [st[0], st[1]]

    # Writing graph to file:
    # pos indicates the desired vertex positions, and pin=True says that we
    # really REALLY want the vertices at those positions
    # gt.graph_draw(graph, pos=pos, vertex_size=vertexsize, vertex_fill_color=colorprops,
    #               edge_pen_width=edgesize, edge_color=edgecolor,
    #               output="graph.pdf")
    gt.graph_draw(graph, pos=pos, output="graph.pdf")
    print('\nGraph written to graph.pdf')

    graph.vertex_properties["pos"] = pos
    graph.vertex_properties["vsize"] = vertexsize
    graph.vertex_properties["vcolor"] = colorprops
    graph.edge_properties["esize"] = edgesize
    graph.edge_properties["ecolor"] = edgecolor

    print('\nGraph saved to mgraph.graphml')
Пример #7
with open("{}".format(args_main.graph), 'r') as f:
    for l in f:
        edges.append((l.split("\t")[0], l.split("\t")[2].rstrip("\n")))

g.add_edge_list(edges, hashed=True)

number_of_vertices = len(list(g.vertices()))
number_of_edges = len(list(g.edges()))

print("### STATISTICS ###")
print("\tNumber of vertices: {}".format(number_of_vertices))
print("\tNumber of edges: {}".format(number_of_edges))

clustering_coeff, std_error = gt.global_clustering(g)
avg_degree, avg_degree_std = gt.vertex_average(g, "total")
avg_in_degree, avg_in_degree_std = gt.vertex_average(g, "in")
avg_out_degree, avg_out_degree_std = gt.vertex_average(g, "out")

zero_in_deg = 0
zero_out_deg = 0
isolated_entities = 0
for v in g.vertices():
    if v.in_degree() == 0:
        zero_in_deg += 1
    if v.out_degree() == 0:
        zero_out_deg += 1
    if v.in_degree() == 0 and v.out_degree() == 0:
        isolated_entities += 1

print("\n\tClustering Coefficient: {}".format(clustering_coeff))
Пример #8
def useGraphTool(pd, space):
    # Extract the graphml representation of the planner data
    graphml = pd.printGraphML()
    f = open("graph.xml", 'w')

    # Load the graphml data using graph-tool
    graph = gt.load_graph("graph.xml")
    edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"]

    # Write some interesting statistics
    avgdeg, stddevdeg = gt.vertex_average(graph, "total")
    avgwt, stddevwt = gt.edge_average(graph, edgeweights)

    print "---- PLANNER DATA STATISTICS ----"
    print str(graph.num_vertices()) + " vertices and " + str(graph.num_edges()) + " edges"
    print "Average vertex degree (in+out) = " + str(avgdeg) + "  St. Dev = " + str(stddevdeg)
    print "Average edge weight = " + str(avgwt)  + "  St. Dev = " + str(stddevwt)

    comps, hist = gt.label_components(graph)
    print "Strongly connected components: " + str(len(hist))

    graph.set_directed(False)  # Make the graph undirected (for weak components, and a simpler drawing)
    comps, hist = gt.label_components(graph)
    print "Weakly connected components: " + str(len(hist))

    # Plotting the graph
    gt.remove_parallel_edges(graph) # Removing any superfluous edges

    edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"]
    colorprops = graph.new_vertex_property("string")
    vertexsize = graph.new_vertex_property("double")

    start = -1
    goal = -1

    for v in range(graph.num_vertices()):

        # Color and size vertices by type: start, goal, other
        if (pd.isStartVertex(v)):
            start = v
            colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "cyan"
            vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10
        elif (pd.isGoalVertex(v)):
            goal = v
            colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "green"
            vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 10
            colorprops[graph.vertex(v)] = "yellow"
            vertexsize[graph.vertex(v)] = 5

    # default edge color is black with size 0.5:
    edgecolor = graph.new_edge_property("string")
    edgesize = graph.new_edge_property("double")
    for e in graph.edges():
        edgecolor[e] = "black"
        edgesize[e]  = 0.5

    # using A* to find shortest path in planner data
    if start != -1 and goal != -1:
        dist, pred = gt.astar_search(graph, graph.vertex(start), edgeweights)

        # Color edges along shortest path red with size 3.0
        v = graph.vertex(goal)
        while v != graph.vertex(start):
            p = graph.vertex(pred[v])
            for e in p.out_edges():
                if e.target() == v:
                    edgecolor[e] = "red"
                    edgesize[e]  = 2.0
            v = p

    # Writing graph to file:
    # pos indicates the desired vertex positions, and pin=True says that we
    # really REALLY want the vertices at those positions
    gt.graph_draw (graph, vertex_size=vertexsize, vertex_fill_color=colorprops,
                   edge_pen_width=edgesize, edge_color=edgecolor,
    print 'Graph written to graph.png'
Пример #9

import os
import statistics as stats
import graph_tool.all as gt


g_link = gt.load_graph("Examples/ToyLinked.xml.gz")
g_bran = gt.load_graph("Examples/ToyBranching.xml.gz")

#Misc Stats
link_deg_avg, link_deg_std = gt.vertex_average(g_link, deg="total")
bran_deg_avg, bran_deg_std = gt.vertex_average(g_bran, deg="total")

vp_btwn_link, ep_btwn_link = gt.betweenness(g_link)
link_btwn = [vp_btwn_link[v] for v in g_link.vertices()]
vp_btwn_bran, ep_btwn_bran = gt.betweenness(g_bran)
bran_btwn = [vp_btwn_bran[v] for v in g_bran.vertices()]

link_btwn_avg = stats.mean(link_btwn)
link_btwn_std = stats.stdev(link_btwn)

bran_btwn_avg = stats.mean(bran_btwn)
bran_btwn_std = stats.stdev(bran_btwn)

#Cost and efficiency
link_mst = gt.min_spanning_tree(g_link)
bran_mst = gt.min_spanning_tree(g_bran)
link_shortest = [x for vector in gt.shortest_distance(g_link) for x in vector]
Пример #10
        pds.load(args.plannerdata, pd)

        # Extract the graphml representation of the planner data
        graphml = pd.printGraphML()
        f = open("graph.graphml", 'w')

        # Load the graphml data using graph-tool
        graph = gt.load_graph("graph.graphml", fmt="xml")

        edgeweights = graph.edge_properties["weight"]
        # Write some interesting statistics
        avgdeg, stddevdeg = gt.vertex_average(graph, "total")
        avgwt, stddevwt = gt.edge_average(graph, edgeweights)

        print("---- PLANNER DATA STATISTICS ----")
            str(graph.num_vertices()) + " vertices and " +
            str(graph.num_edges()) + " edges")
        print("Average vertex degree (in+out) = " + str(avgdeg) +
              "  St. Dev = " + str(stddevdeg))
        print("Average edge weight = " + str(avgwt) + "  St. Dev = " +

        _, hist = gt.label_components(graph)
        print("Strongly connected components: " + str(len(hist)))

        # Make the graph undirected (for weak components, and a simpler drawing)