Пример #1
def ContourLevelsL(numCont, decades, Z):
    if numCont < 3:
        numCont = 3
    maxVal = np.amax(Z)
    maxDec = 0.5 + np.log10(maxVal)
    minDec = maxDec - decades - 1
    levels = list(np.linspace(minDec, maxDec, numCont))
    if maxDec not in levels:

    minTick = int(np.ceil(np.amin(levels)))
    maxTick = int(np.floor(np.amax(levels)))
    dLevel = int((maxTick - minTick + 1) / numCont)
    if dLevel < 1:
        dLevel = 1
    levels = [10**x for x in levels]
    tick = list(range(minTick, maxTick + 1, dLevel))
    levelTicks = [10**x for x in tick]
    maxLevTick = 8
    if len(levelTicks) > maxLevTick:
        indxStep = int(np.ceil(float(len(levelTicks)) / maxLevTick))
        lastTick = levelTicks[-1]
        levelTicks = levelTicks[0:-1:indxStep]
        if lastTick not in levelTicks:

    levelTickLabels = ['$10^{' + str(x) + '}$' for x in levelTicks]

    return (levels, levelTicks, levelTickLabels)
Пример #2
def ProcessPointsXYZ(x, y, z, auxDict):
    if 'xlim' in auxDict and auxDict['xlim'] is not None:
        xlim = auxDict['xlim']
        indxMax = x < float(xlim[1])
        x = x[indxMax]
        z = z[indxMax, :]
        indxMin = x >= float(xlim[0])
        x = x[indxMin]
        z = z[indxMin, :]

    nx = len(x)
    if nx == 0:
        print('No points within specfied x-limits: ')

    if 'ylim' in auxDict and auxDict['ylim'] is not None:
        ylim = auxDict['ylim']
        indxMax = y < float(ylim[1])
        y = y[indxMax]
        z = z[:, indxMax]
        indxMin = y >= float(ylim[0])
        y = y[indxMin]
        z = z[:, indxMin]

    ny = len(y)
    if ny == 0:
        print('No points within specfied y-limits: ')

    indxStep = 1
    if nx > int(configs._G["pointsX_2D"]):
        indxStep = int(np.ceil(float(nx) / int(configs._G["pointsX_2D"])))
    x = x[0:nx:indxStep]
    z = z[0:nx:indxStep, :]

    indxStep = 1
    if ny > int(configs._G["pointsY_2D"]):
        indxStep = int(np.ceil(float(ny) / int(configs._G["pointsY_2D"])))
    y = y[0:ny:indxStep]
    z = z[:, 0:ny:indxStep]

    if 'ycordID' in auxDict:
        if (auxDict['ycordID'] == 'R' or auxDict['ycordID'] == 'SR'):
            y = np.hstack([-np.flipud(y), y])
            z = np.hstack([np.fliplr(z), z])

    if 'decades' in auxDict and auxDict['decades'] is not None:
        z = ProcessDecadeLimits(float(auxDict['decades']), z)

    return (x, y, z)
Пример #3
def ProcessDecadeLimits(decades, data):
    datamax = 10.0 * np.amax(data)
    datamin = pow(10, -decades - 1) * datamax
    maxLevel = int(np.ceil(np.log10(datamax)))
    minLevel = int(maxLevel - decades - 1)
    data[data < pow(10, minLevel)] = pow(10, minLevel)
    return data
Пример #4
def ProcessPointsX(x, y, auxDict):

    if 'xlim' in auxDict and auxDict['xlim'] is not None:
        xlim = auxDict['xlim']
        indxMax = x < float(xlim[1])
        x = x[indxMax]
        y = y[indxMax]
        indxMin = x >= float(xlim[0])
        x = x[indxMin]
        y = y[indxMin]

    nx = len(x)
    if nx == 0:
        raise Exception('No points within specified x-limits')

    indxStep = 1
    if nx > int(configs._G["points1D"]):
        indxStep = int(np.ceil(float(nx) / int(configs._G["points1D"])))
        x = x[0:nx:indxStep]
        y = y[0:nx:indxStep]
        xvals = np.linspace(x[0], x[-1], int(configs._G["points1D"]))
        y = np.interp(xvals, x, y)
        x = xvals

    if 'xcordID' in auxDict:
        if (auxDict['xcordID'] == 'R'):
            x = np.hstack([-np.flipud(x), x])
            y = np.hstack([np.flipud(y), y])
    return (x, y)
Пример #5
def ContourLevels(levels, Z):
    zmin = None
    zmax = None
    if levels is None:
        numCont = int(configs._G['contours'])
        zmin = float(np.amin(Z))
        zmax = float(np.amax(Z))
        dz = (zmax - zmin) / (numCont - 1)
        levels = np.zeros(numCont, dtype=float)
        for i in range(numCont):
            levels[i] = zmin + i * dz

    if not isinstance(levels, int):
        numCont = len(levels)
        numCont = levels

    if zmin is not None:
        minTick = zmin
        minTick = float(np.amin(Z))
    if zmax is not None:
        maxTick = zmax
        maxTick = float(np.amax(Z))

    levelTicks = list(np.linspace(minTick, maxTick, numCont))
    maxLevTick = 6
    if len(levelTicks) > maxLevTick:
        indxStep = int(np.ceil(float(len(levelTicks)) / maxLevTick))
        lastTick = levelTicks[-1]
        levelTicks = levelTicks[0:-1:indxStep]
        if lastTick not in levelTicks:

    levelTickLabels = [str(np.round(tick, 2)) for tick in levelTicks]
    return (levels, levelTicks, levelTickLabels)