def available_datasets(): return gf.BunchDict(reddit="reddit dataset")
def fit(self, train_data, val_data=None, **kwargs): cache = self.cache cfg = cfg.merge_from_dict(kwargs) ckpt_cfg = cfg.ModelCheckpoint es_cfg = cfg.EarlyStopping pb_cfg = cfg.Progbar log_cfg = cfg.Logger if log_cfg.enabled: = or logger = gg.utils.setup_logger(output=log_cfg.filepath, model = self.model if model is None: raise RuntimeError( 'You must compile your model before training/testing/predicting. Use ``.' ) if not isinstance(train_data, (Sequence, DataLoader, Dataset)): train_data = self.train_loader(train_data) if cfg.cache_train_data: cache.train_data = train_data validation = val_data is not None if validation: if not isinstance(val_data, (Sequence, DataLoader, Dataset)): val_data = self.test_loader(val_data) if cfg.cache_val_data: cache.val_data = val_data # Setup callbacks callbacks = callbacks_module.CallbackList() history = History() callbacks.append(history) cfg, callbacks = setup_callbacks(cfg, callbacks, validation) callbacks.set_model(model) model.stop_training = False verbose = cfg.verbose assert not ( verbose and log_cfg.enabled ), "Progbar and Logger cannot be used together! You must set `verbose=0` when Logger is enabled." if verbose: if verbose <= 2: progbar = Progbar(target=cfg.epochs, width=pb_cfg.width, verbose=verbose) print("Training...") elif log_cfg.enabled:"Training...") logs = gf.BunchDict() callbacks.on_train_begin() try: for epoch in range(cfg.epochs): if verbose > 2: progbar = Progbar(target=len(train_data), width=pb_cfg.width, verbose=verbose - 2) callbacks.on_epoch_begin(epoch) callbacks.on_train_batch_begin(0) train_logs = self.train_step(train_data) if hasattr(train_data, 'on_epoch_end'): train_data.on_epoch_end() logs.update(train_logs) if validation: valid_logs = self.test_step(val_data) logs.update({("val_" + k): v for k, v in valid_logs.items()}) if hasattr(val_data, 'on_epoch_end'): val_data.on_epoch_end() callbacks.on_train_batch_end(len(train_data), logs) callbacks.on_epoch_end(epoch, logs) if verbose > 2: print(f"Epoch {epoch+1}/{cfg.epochs}") progbar.update(len(train_data), logs.items()) elif verbose: progbar.update(epoch + 1, logs.items()) elif log_cfg.enabled: f"Epoch {epoch+1}/{cfg.epochs}\n{gg.utils.create_table(logs)}" ) if model.stop_training: if log_cfg.enabled:"Early Stopping at Epoch {epoch}") else: print(f"Early Stopping at Epoch {epoch}", file=sys.stderr) break callbacks.on_train_end() if ckpt_cfg.enabled: if ckpt_cfg.save_weights_only: model.load_weights(ckpt_cfg.path) else: self.model = model.load(ckpt_cfg.path) finally: # to avoid unexpected termination of the model if ckpt_cfg.enabled and ckpt_cfg.remove_weights: self.remove_weights() return history
def test(self, index): index = gf.asarray(index) y_true = self.graph.node_label[index] y_pred = self.classifier.predict(self.embeddings[index]) accuracy = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) return gf.BunchDict(loss=None, accuracy=accuracy)
def empty_cache(self): self.cache = gf.BunchDict()
import os import os.path as osp from typing import Optional, List from graphgallery import functional as gf from .in_memory_dataset import InMemoryDataset from import makedirs, download_file from import process_planetoid_datasets from import Graph _DATASETS = gf.BunchDict({"citeseer": "citeseer citation dataset", "cora": "cora citation dataset", "pubmed": "pubmed citation dataset", "nell.0.1": "NELL dataset", "nell.0.01": "NELL dataset", "nell.0.001": "NELL dataset", }) _DATASET_URL = "" + \ "GraphData/raw/master/datasets/planetoid" class Planetoid(InMemoryDataset): r"""The citation network datasets "Cora", "CiteSeer" and "PubMed" from the `"Revisiting Semi-Supervised Learning with Graph Embeddings" <>`_ paper. Nodes represent documents and edges represent citation links. Training, validation and test splits are given by binary masks. The original url is: <> """
def flips(self): # TODO return gf.BunchDict(edge_flips=self.edge_flips, nx_flips=self.nx_flips)
import os.path as osp import pickle as pkl from graphgallery import functional as gf from import Reader from import Graph from import MultiGraph from .in_memory_dataset import InMemoryDataset _DATASET = gf.BunchDict( deezer="deezer dataset (node-level)", facebook="facebook dataset (node-level)", github="github dataset (node-level)", lastfm="lastfm dataset (node-level)", twitch="twitch dataset (node-level)", wikipedia="wikipedia dataset (node-level)", reddit10k="reddit10k dataset (graph-level)", ) class KarateClub(InMemoryDataset): """Datasets from `Karate Club: An API Oriented Open-source Python Framework for Unsupervised Learning on Graphs`, CIKM 2020 <> """ __node_level_url__ = "" __graph_level_url__ = "" def __init__(self, name, root=None,
def available_datasets(): return gf.BunchDict(ppi="ppi dataset")