Пример #1
        def verify_node_name(*nodes):
            if isinstance(nodes, int):
                node_number = [nodes]

            # Use deepcopy so the original seriesList is unmodified
            results = functions.aliasByNode({}, copy.deepcopy(seriesList), *nodes)

            for i, series in enumerate(results):
                fragments = seriesList[i].name.split('.')
                # Super simplistic. Doesn't match {thing1,thing2}
                # or glob with *, both of what graphite allow you to use
                expected_name = '.'.join([fragments[i] for i in nodes])
                self.assertEqual(series.name, expected_name)
Пример #2
        def verify_node_name(*nodes):
            if isinstance(nodes, int):
                node_number = [nodes]

            # Use deepcopy so the original seriesList is unmodified
            results = functions.aliasByNode({}, copy.deepcopy(seriesList), *nodes)

            for i, series in enumerate(results):
                fragments = seriesList[i].name.split('.')
                # Super simplistic. Doesn't match {thing1,thing2}
                # or glob with *, both of what graphite allow you to use
                expected_name = '.'.join([fragments[i] for i in nodes])
                self.assertEqual(series.name, expected_name)