class directedSampler(GraphLearnSampler):
    ok here is the plan:

    1. train grammar as usual, no estimator needed.

    2. find NN

    3. the actual action might highjack the sample function.
        but instead of graph_iterator
        we give a graph_pair_iterator, start and goal graph,

    4. then we overwrite _sample to seperate start and goal again
        and use the original _sample with a changed scoring scheme

    5. draw result to see what actually happens

    6. ???

    7. we are done with the clustering process

    def fit(self,
          use input to fit the grammar and fit the estimator
        # get grammar
        self.local_substitutable_graph_grammar = LocalSubstitutableGraphGrammar(
            node_entity_check=self.node_entity_check), grammar_n_jobs)

    def get_nearest_neighbor_iterable(self,

        # vectorize all
        graphlist = list(graphlist)
        graphlist_ = copy.deepcopy(graphlist)
        X = self.vectorizer.transform_single(graphlist_)

        start_graphs = list(start_graphs)
        graphlist_ = copy.deepcopy(start_graphs)
        Y = self.vectorizer.transform_single(graphlist_)

        forest = LSHForest()
        distances, indices = forest.kneighbors(Y, n_neighbors=2)

        # we just assume that this is short...
        index = 0
        if start_is_subset:
            index += 1

        #matches= ( X_index ,Y_index, distance  )
        matches = [(indices[i, index], i, distances[i, index])
                   for i in range(len(indices))]

        # this looks super confusing....
        #for index, graph in enumerate(selection_iterator(graphlist, [a[0] for a in matches])):
        #    yield ((graph, start_graphs[matches[index][1]], X[matches[index][0]]))
        # so i wrote this:,,, you may even get rid of the matches variable i think.. and use indices directly
        for Xi, Yi, dist in matches:
            yield ((start_graphs[Yi], graphlist[Xi], X[Xi]))

        # iterate over graphs
        graphlist, graphlist_ = itertools.tee(graphlist)
        for i, g in enumerate(graphlist):

            # compare to all other graphs and see who the NN is :)
            gl, graphlist_ = itertools.tee(graphlist_)
            best_sim = 0.0
            NN = 0
            for i2, g2 in enumerate(gl):
                sim = X[i].dot(X[i2].T).todense()[0][0]
                # print sim # just to make sure..
                if sim > best_sim and i != i2:
                    best_sim = sim
                    NN = g2
            yield (g, NN, X[i2])

    def _stop_condition(self, graph):

        #if len(self.sample_path) == 1 and self.goal_graph:
        #    self.sample_path.append(self.goal_graph)
        if '_score' in graph.__dict__:
            if graph._score > 0.99:
                self._sample_notes += ';edge %d %d;' % (self.starthash,

                #print graph._score
                raise Exception('goal reached')

    def get_average_vector(self, graphiter):
        all = self.vectorizer.transform_single(graphiter)
        return all.mean(axis=0)

    def sample(self,
            graph iter are the background graphs that are always there.
            if we set a target_graph, all the graphs move towrd that one.
            if we set start_graphs, each start graph will try to reach its closest neighbor in the background

        if start_graphs:
            graphiter = self.get_nearest_neighbor_iterable(
                graph_iter, start_graphs, start_gr_in_graph_iter)

        elif target_graph:
            target_copy = nx.Graph(target_graph)
            target_vector = self.vectorizer.transform_single(target_copy)
            graphiter = itertools.izip(graph_iter,

        elif target_vector is not None:
            graphiter = itertools.izip(graph_iter, itertools.repeat(None),

        # graphiter = itertools.islice(graphiter, doXgraphs)
        for e in super(directedSampler, self).sample(graphiter, **kwargs):
            yield e

    def _sample(self, g_pair):
        # g_pair = (startgraph, zie;graph, zielvector)
        self.starthash = hash(g_pair[0])
        self.finhash = hash(g_pair[2])
        self.startgraph = g_pair[0]
        self.goal = g_pair[2]
        self.goal_graph = g_pair[1]  # may be none oO
        #self.goal_size = len(self.vectorizer._edge_to_vertex_transform(self.goal_graph))
        return super(directedSampler, self)._sample(g_pair[0])

    def _score(self, graphmanager):
        if '_score' not in graphmanager.__dict__:
            transformed_graph = self.vectorizer.transform_single(
            # slow so dont do it..
            # graph.score_nonlog = self.estimator.base_estimator.decision_function(transformed_graph)[0]

            #print self.goal.shape
            #print transformed_graph.shape

            graphmanager._score =[0, 0]
            #graph._score=  (1 - distance(transformed_graph,self.goal))[0,0]

            # print graph._score
            # graph.score -= .007*abs( self.goal_size - len(graph) )
        return graphmanager._score
Пример #2
class directedSampler(GraphLearnSampler):

    ok here is the plan:

    1. train grammar as usual, no estimator needed.

    2. find NN

    3. the actual action might highjack the sample function.
        but instead of graph_iterator
        we give a graph_pair_iterator, start and goal graph,

    4. then we overwrite _sample to seperate start and goal again
        and use the original _sample with a changed scoring scheme

    5. draw result to see what actually happens

    6. ???

    7. we are done with the clustering process


    def fit(self, G_pos,
          use input to fit the grammar and fit the estimator
        # get grammar
        self.local_substitutable_graph_grammar = LocalSubstitutableGraphGrammar(self.radius_list, self.thickness_list,
                                                                                node_entity_check=self.node_entity_check), grammar_n_jobs)

    def get_nearest_neighbor_iterable(self, graphlist, start_graphs, start_is_subset=True):

        # vectorize all
        graphlist= list(graphlist)
        graphlist_ = copy.deepcopy(graphlist)
        X = self.vectorizer.transform_single(graphlist_)

        start_graphs= list(start_graphs)
        graphlist_= copy.deepcopy(start_graphs)
        Y = self.vectorizer.transform_single(graphlist_)
        forest = LSHForest()
        distances, indices = forest.kneighbors(Y, n_neighbors=2)

        # we just assume that this is short...
        index = 0
        if start_is_subset:
            index += 1
        #matches= ( X_index ,Y_index, distance  )
        matches = [(indices[i, index], i, distances[i, index]) for i in range(len(indices))]

        # this looks super confusing....
        #for index, graph in enumerate(selection_iterator(graphlist, [a[0] for a in matches])):
        #    yield ((graph, start_graphs[matches[index][1]], X[matches[index][0]]))
        # so i wrote this:,,, you may even get rid of the matches variable i think.. and use indices directly
        for Xi,Yi,dist in matches:
            yield ((start_graphs[Yi],graphlist[Xi],X[Xi]))
        # iterate over graphs
        graphlist, graphlist_ = itertools.tee(graphlist)
        for i, g in enumerate(graphlist):

            # compare to all other graphs and see who the NN is :)
            gl, graphlist_ = itertools.tee(graphlist_)
            best_sim = 0.0
            NN = 0
            for i2, g2 in enumerate(gl):
                sim = X[i].dot(X[i2].T).todense()[0][0]
                # print sim # just to make sure..
                if sim > best_sim and i != i2:
                    best_sim = sim
                    NN = g2
            yield (g, NN, X[i2])

    def _stop_condition(self, graph):

        #if len(self.sample_path) == 1 and self.goal_graph:
        #    self.sample_path.append(self.goal_graph)
        if '_score' in graph.__dict__:
            if graph._score > 0.99:
                self._sample_notes += ';edge %d %d;' % (self.starthash, self.finhash)

                #print graph._score
                raise Exception('goal reached')

    def get_average_vector(self,graphiter):
        all = self.vectorizer.transform_single(graphiter)
        return all.mean(axis=0)

    def sample(self, graph_iter,target_graph=None, start_graphs=None,target_vector=None, start_gr_in_graph_iter=None,**kwargs):
            graph iter are the background graphs that are always there.
            if we set a target_graph, all the graphs move towrd that one.
            if we set start_graphs, each start graph will try to reach its closest neighbor in the background

        if start_graphs:
            graphiter = self.get_nearest_neighbor_iterable(graph_iter, start_graphs, start_gr_in_graph_iter)

        elif target_graph:
            target_copy= nx.Graph(target_graph)
            target_vector= self.vectorizer.transform_single(target_copy)
            graphiter = itertools.izip(graph_iter,itertools.repeat(target_graph),itertools.repeat(target_vector))

        elif target_vector is not None:
            graphiter = itertools.izip(graph_iter,itertools.repeat(None),itertools.repeat(target_vector))

        # graphiter = itertools.islice(graphiter, doXgraphs)
        for e in super(directedSampler, self).sample(graphiter,**kwargs):
            yield e

    def _sample(self, g_pair):
        # g_pair = (startgraph, zie;graph, zielvector)
        self.starthash = hash(g_pair[0])
        self.finhash = hash(g_pair[2])
        self.startgraph = g_pair[0]
        self.goal = g_pair[2]
        self.goal_graph = g_pair[1] # may be none oO
        #self.goal_size = len(self.vectorizer._edge_to_vertex_transform(self.goal_graph))
        return super(directedSampler, self)._sample(g_pair[0])

    def _score(self, graphmanager):
        if '_score' not in graphmanager.__dict__:
            transformed_graph = self.vectorizer.transform_single(nx.Graph(graphmanager))
            # slow so dont do it..
            # graph.score_nonlog = self.estimator.base_estimator.decision_function(transformed_graph)[0]

            #print self.goal.shape
            #print transformed_graph.shape

            graphmanager._score =[0,0]
            #graph._score=  (1 - distance(transformed_graph,self.goal))[0,0]

            # print graph._score
            # graph.score -= .007*abs( self.goal_size - len(graph) )
        return graphmanager._score
Пример #3
def get_graphs(dataset_fname='../toolsdata/bursi.pos.gspan', size=100):
    return map(etvt, list(islice(gspan_to_eden(dataset_fname), size)))

# fastest way to get a grammar is by using the sampler class..
# but here is how to do it manualy

from graphlearn.graphlearn import decompose
from graphlearn.graphlearn import LocalSubstitutableGraphGrammar as LSGG
from graphlearn.utils.ascii import nx_to_ascii
from graphlearn.utils.neighbors import getallneighbors
# make graphs decomposeable
deco = decompose.Decomposer()
decomps = [deco.make_new_decomposer(g) for g in get_graphs()]

# train a grammar
grammar = LSGG()

# here happens the magic

graphs = get_graphs(size=10)
graph = graphs[1]
graphs = getallneighbors(deco.make_new_decomposer(graph), grammar)

# print system:

for e in graphs:
    print nx_to_ascii(e, xmax=40, ymax=20)