def main(): """Do the real work """ #Parse remaining variables network_map = options['input'] # network_mapset = network_map.split('@')[0] network = network_map.split('@')[1] if len( network_map.split('@')) > 1 else None suffix = options['suffix'] layer = options['layer'] corridor_tolerance = options['corridor_tolerance'] cores = options['cores'] where = None if options['where'] == '' else options['where'] weights = options['weights'].split(',') s_flag = flags['s'] d_flag = flags['d'] r_flag = flags['r'] ulimit = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE) net_hist_str = grass.read_command('', map=network_map, flags='h').split('\n')[0].split(': ')[1] dist_cmd_dict = task.cmdstring_to_tuple(net_hist_str) dist_prefix = dist_cmd_dict[1]['prefix'] #network_prefix = dist_cmd_dict[1]['prefix'] #print(where) # in_vertices = dist_cmd_dict[1]['input'] #Check if db-connection for edge map exists con = vect.vector_db(network_map)[int(layer)] if not con: grass.fatal("Database connection for map {} \ is not defined for layer {}.".format(network, layer)) #Check if required columns exist and are of required type required_columns = ['con_id_u', 'from_p', 'to_p', 'cd_u'] if weights: required_columns += weights in_columns = vect.vector_columns(network_map, layer=layer) missing_columns = np.setdiff1d(required_columns, in_columns.keys()) if missing_columns: grass.fatal("Cannot find the following reqired/requested \ column(s) {} in vector map \ {}.".format(', '.join(missing_columns), network)) # weight_types = [] # Check properly if column is numeric for col in required_columns: if in_columns[col]['type'] not in [ 'INTEGER', 'DOUBLE PRECISION', 'REAL' ]: grass.fatal("Column {} is of type {}. \ Only numeric types (integer, \ real or double precision) \ allowed!".format(col, in_columns[col]['type'])) if col in weights: weight_types.append(in_columns[col]['type']) # Extract necessary informartion on edges from attribute table of # edge map table_io = StringIO( unicode( grass.read_command('', flags='c', map=network_map, columns=required_columns, separator=',', where=where))) try: table_extract = np.genfromtxt(table_io, delimiter=',', dtype=None, names=required_columns) except: grass.fatal('No edges selected to compute corridors for...') # Output result of where-clause and exit (if requested) if s_flag: print(table_extract) #grass.message("con_id_u|from_p|to_p") #for fid in $selected_edges_ud: # message_text = $(echo $table_extract | tr ' ' '\n' | # tr ',' ' ' | awk -v FID=$fid '{if($1==FID) print $1 "|" $2 "|" # $3}' | head -n 1) # grass.message(message_text) sys.exit(0) #Get unique identifiers for the selected undirected edges selected_patches = np.unique( np.append(table_extract['from_p'], table_extract['to_p'])) selected_edges = np.unique(table_extract['con_id_u']) # activate z-flag if more maps have to be aggregated than ulimit z_flag = None if len(selected_edges) < ulimit else 'z' #Check if cost distance raster maps exist pattern = "{}_patch_*_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix) patchmaps = grass.read_command('g.list', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') for patch in selected_patches: #Check if cost distance raster maps exist patchmap = "{}_patch_{}_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix, patch) if not patchmap in patchmaps: grass.fatal("Cannot find raster map {}.".format(patchmap)) #Create mapcalculator expressions for cost distance corridors, # assigning distance values corridormaps = {} if d_flag: pattern = "{}_corridor_*_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix) corridor_base = 'dist' else: pattern = "{}_corridor_[0-9]+$".format(dist_prefix) corridor_base = 'id' corridormaps[corridor_base] = grass.read_command( 'g.list', flags='e', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') for weight in weights: pattern = "{}_corridor_[0-9]+_{}".format(dist_prefix, weight) corridormaps[weight] = grass.read_command( 'g.list', flags='e', pattern=pattern, type='raster').rstrip('\n').split('\n') # Setup GRASS modules for raster processing mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", quiet=True, run_=False) reclass = Module("r.reclass", rules='-', quiet=True, run_=False) recode = Module("r.recode", rules='-', quiet=True, run_=False) # Setup paralel module queue if parallel processing is requested #print(weight_types) if cores > 1: mapcalc_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) if 'INTEGER' in weight_types: reclass_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) if 'REAL' in weight_types or 'DOUBLE PRECISION' in weight_types: recode_queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=cores) corridor_list = [] for edge_id in selected_edges: edge = table_extract[table_extract['con_id_u'] == edge_id][0] #print(e.dtype.names) if d_flag: corridor = "{}_corridor_{}_cost_dist".format(dist_prefix, edge_id) #corridor_list.append(corridor) mc_expression = "{prefix}_corridor_{CON_ID}_cost_dist=if( \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist) - \ (({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist) * \ {cor_tolerance}/100.0)<= \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist + \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist), \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist), \ null())".format(prefix=dist_prefix, CON_ID=edge['con_id_u'], FROM_P=edge['from_p'], TO_P=edge['to_p'], cor_tolerance=corridor_tolerance) else: corridor = "{}_corridor_{}".format(dist_prefix, edge['con_id_u']) #corridor_list.append(corridor) # Create mapcalculator expressions for cost distance # corridors, assigning connection IDs for reclassification mc_expression = "{prefix}_corridor_{CON_ID}=if( \ ({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist)- \ (({prefix}_patch_{FROM_P}_cost_dist+ \ {prefix}_patch_{TO_P}_cost_dist)* \ {cor_tolerance}/100.0)<={CD}, \ {CON_ID}, null())".format(prefix=dist_prefix, CON_ID=edge['con_id_u'], FROM_P=edge['from_p'], TO_P=edge['to_p'], CD=edge['cd_u'], cor_tolerance=corridor_tolerance) corridor_list.append(corridor) #print(corridor) #print(corridormaps) if r_flag or corridor not in corridormaps[corridor_base]: new_mapcalc = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc) if cores > 1: calc = new_mapcalc(expression=mc_expression) mapcalc_queue.put(calc) else: calc = new_mapcalc(expression=mc_expression, region='intersect') for weight in weights: if r_flag or corridor not in corridormaps[weight]: in_map = corridor out_map = '{}_{}'.format(in_map, weight) if in_columns[weight]['type'] == 'INTEGER': new_reclass = copy.deepcopy(reclass) reclass_rule = "{} = {}".format(edge['con_id_u'], edge[weight]) rcl = new_reclass(input=in_map, output=out_map, stdin_=reclass_rule) if cores > 1: reclass_queue.put(rcl) else: if in_columns[weight]['type'] in ['REAL', 'DOUBLE PRECISION']: new_recode = copy.deepcopy(recode) recode_rule = "{0}:{0}:{1}:{1}".format( edge['con_id_u'], edge[weight]) rco = new_recode(input=in_map, output=out_map, stdin_=recode_rule) if cores > 1: recode_queue.put(rco) else: if cores > 1: mapcalc_queue.wait() if 'INTEGER' in weight_types: reclass_queue.wait() if 'REAL' in weight_types or 'DOUBLE PRECISION' in weight_types: recode_queue.wait() grass.verbose('Aggregating corridor maps...') if d_flag: grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=','.join(corridor_list), output='{}_corridors_min_cost_dist_{}'.format( dist_prefix, suffix), method='minimum') else: #Summarize corridors if not weights: print(','.join(corridor_list)) output_map = '{}_corridors_count_{}'.format(dist_prefix, suffix) grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=','.join(corridor_list), output=output_map, method='count') write_raster_history(output_map) else: #Weight corridors according to user requested weights for weight in weights: # Generate corridor map list corridor_map_list = (cm + '_{}'.format(weight) for cm in corridor_list) output_map = '{}_corridors_{}_sum_{}'.format( dist_prefix, weight, suffix) #Summarize corridors using r.series grass.run_command('r.series', flags=z_flag, quiet=True, input=corridor_map_list, output=output_map, method='sum') write_raster_history(output_map)
('south', 's'), ('east', 'e'), ('west', 'w'), ('cols', 'cols'), ('rows', 'rows'), ('e-w resol', 'ewres'), ('n-s resol', 'nsres')] grass_region = '' for wkey, rkey in kwdata: grass_region += '%s: %s;' % (wkey, region[rkey]) os.environ['GRASS_REGION'] = grass_region if __name__ == "__main__": cmd = gtask.cmdstring_to_tuple(sys.argv[1]) if not cmd[0] or cmd[0] == 'd.mon': sys.exit(0) path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) mon = os.path.split(path)[-1] width, height = read_env_file(os.path.join(path, 'env')) if mon.startswith('wx'): mapfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=path).name if cmd[0] in ('d.barscale', 'd.legend', 'd.northarrow'): mapfile += '.png' else: mapfile += '.ppm' else: mapfile = None adjust_region(width, height)