Пример #1
def show(raster):
    from IPython.display import Image
    import grass.script as gs
    region = gs.region()
    gs.run_command('d.rast', map='ortho')
    gs.run_command('d.rast', map=raster, values=0, flags='i')
                   where="FCODE >= 46006",
                   where="FULLNAME is not NULL",
                   at=[38.0, 97.0],
    return Image("map.png")
Пример #2
def convert_map(output, variable):
    """Convert imported raster map unit and format."""

    # prepare for unit conversion
    if flags['c'] and variable in ['tmin', 'tmax', 'tmean']:
        grass.message("Converting {} to degree Celcius...".format(output))
        a = 0.1
        b = 0
    elif flags['k'] and variable in ['tmin', 'tmax', 'tmean']:
        grass.message("Converting {} to Kelvin...".format(output))
        a = 0.1
        b = 273.15
    elif flags['y'] and variable == 'prec':
        grass.message("Converting {} to meter per year...".format(output))
        a = 0.012
        b = 0
    elif flags['f']:
        grass.message("Converting {} to floating-point...".format(output))
        a = 1
        b = 0
        a = None
        b = None

    # convert unit and format
    if a or b:
        grass.run_command('g.region', rast=output)
        grass.mapcalc('$output=float($output*$a+$b)', a=a, b=b, output=output,
def main():

    # process command options
    input = options['input']
    if not gs.find_file(input)['file']:
        gs.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % input)

    output = options['output']
    if gs.find_file(output)['file'] and not gs.overwrite():
        gs.fatal(_("Output map <%s> already exists") % output)

    # set aside region for internal use

    # subset input if desired
    region = options.get('region')
    if region:
        if not gs.find_file(region)['file']:
            gs.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % region)
        gs.message("Setting region to %s" % region, flag='i')
        gs.run_command('g.region', rast=region, align=input)
        gs.message("Using existing GRASS region", flag='i')
    gs.debug('\n'.join(gs.parse_command('g.region', 'p').keys()))

    calculate_noise(input, output)

    # restore original region

    return None
Пример #4
def convert_map(output, field):
    """Convert imported raster map unit and format."""

    # prepare for unit conversion
    if flags['c'] and field in ['tmin', 'tmax', 'tmean']:
        grass.message("Converting <%s> to degree Celcius..." % output)
        a = 0.1
        b = 0
    elif flags['k'] and field in ['tmin', 'tmax', 'tmean']:
        grass.message("Converting <%s> to Kelvin..." % output)
        a = 0.1
        b = 273.15
    elif flags['y'] and field == 'prec':
        grass.message("Converting <%s> to meter per year..." % output)
        a = 0.012
        b = 0
    elif flags['f']:
        grass.message("Converting <%s> to floating-point..." % output)
        a = 1
        b = 0
        a = None
        b = None

    # convert unit and format
    if a or b:
        grass.run_command('g.region', rast=output)
        grass.mapcalc('$output=float($output*%s+%s)' % (a, b), output=output)
Пример #5
def main():

    #create a list for parallel mapcalc modules and a mapcalc module to act as template 
    mapcalc_list = []
    mapcalc = Module("r.mapcalc", overwrite=True, run_=False)
    #get number of tiles in each row and col from arguments 
    tile_rows = int(sys.argv[1])
    tile_cols = int(sys.argv[2])
    #Create que for parallel processes
    queue = ParallelModuleQueue(nprocs=sys.argv[3])
    #Use temporary region that will be reset after execution of this script
    #Input raster (can be grass raster dataset or externally linked dataset such as tiff vrt etc.)
    #Read raster boundaries and resolution into numeric variables
    info = gscript.raster_info(input)
    no = float(info['north'])
    so = float(info['south'])
    we = float(info['west'])
    ea = float(info['east'])
    ro = int(info['rows'])
    co = int(info['cols'])
    ewr = int(info['ewres'])
    nsr = int(info['nsres'])

    #Start mapcalc module for each tile
    k = 0
    for i in xrange(tile_rows):
        for j in xrange(tile_cols):
            #Set processing region to specific part of the raster (column+row)
            #Create a copy of mapcalc template, give it mapcalc expression and put it into parallel que where it will be executed when a process becomes available.
            new_mapcalc = copy.deepcopy(mapcalc)
            m = new_mapcalc(expression="test_pygrass_%i = %s * (%i+1)"%(k,input, k))
    #wait for all mapcalc modules to have finished execution

    #print mapcalc returncodes to check that everything went as expected
    for mapcalc in mapcalc_list:

    #delete temporary region to restore the region that was in use at the start of the script
Пример #6
 def cleanup(self):
     """Remove temporary region and mask.
     msgr.debug("Reset mask and region")
     if self.raster_mask_id:
         msgr.debug("Remove temp MASK...")
     if self.region_id:
         msgr.debug("Remove temp region...")
Пример #7
def main():
    # start messenger
    msgr = Messenger()

    # Use temporary GRASS region

    # reads CLI options
    rast_n_file_name = options['friction']
    rast_dem_name = options['dem']
    rast_start_file_name = options['start_file']
    rast_bc_name = options['bc']
    rast_bcval_name = options['bcval']
    rast_user_name = options['user_inflow']

    # Load *.par file
    par = Par(msgr, options['par_file'])

    # Write DEM file
    par.write_dem(rast_dem_name, grass.overwrite())
    # set computational region to match DEM
    # Write friction
    par.write_n_map(rast_n_file_name, grass.overwrite())
    # Write start file
    par.write_start_h(rast_start_file_name, grass.overwrite())

    # boundary conditions
    bc = BoundaryConditions(msgr, sim_time=par.sim_time,
    if par.bci_file:
        bci_full_path = os.path.join(par.directory, par.bci_file)
    if par.bdy_file:
        bdy_full_path = os.path.join(par.directory, par.bdy_file)
    # create STDS
    bc.create_stds(stds_name=rast_user_name, overwrite=grass.overwrite())
    bc.create_stds(rast_bcval_name, overwrite=grass.overwrite())
    # Write maps en register them in STDS
    bc.populate_bc_stds(rast_bcval_name, grass.overwrite())
    # write Boundary condition type map
    bc.write_bctype(rast_bc_name, grass.overwrite())

    # Restore original region
    return 0
Пример #8
def patch_tiles(mt, out, vari, bc=None, mnth=None):
    """Set region to tiles, and run r.patch"""

    bc = (str(bc) if bc else '')
    mnth = (str(mnth) if mnth else '')
    grass.message("Patching the tiles for {}{}{} to {}"
                  .format(vari, bc, mnth, out))
    if len(mt) > 1:
        grass.run_command("g.region", raster=mt)
        grass.run_command("r.patch", input=mt, output=out)
        grass.run_command("g.remove", type="raster", name=mt, flags="f",
        # simply rename if there is only one tile
        grass.run_command("g.rename", raster=[mt, out])
Пример #9
def run_benchmark(resolution_list, runs, testdict, profile):
    regions = []
    for resolution in resolution_list:
        core.run_command('g.region', e=50, w=-50, n=50, s=-50, res=resolution, flags='p')

        # Adjust the computational region for this process
        region = libgis.Cell_head()
        region.e = 50
        region.w = -50
        region.n = 50
        region.s = -50
        region.ew_res = resolution
        region.ns_res = resolution

        libgis.G_adjust_Cell_head(ctypes.byref(region), 0, 0)


        # Create two raster maps with random numbers
        core.mapcalc("test_a = rand(0, 100)", quite=True, overwrite=True)
        core.mapcalc("test_b = rand(0.0, 1.0)", quite=True, overwrite=True)
        result = collections.OrderedDict()
        result['res'] = resolution
        result['cols'] = region.cols
        result['rows'] = region.rows
        result['cells'] = region.rows * region.cols
        result['results'] = copy.deepcopy(testdict)
        for execmode, operation in result['results'].items():
            for oper, operdict in operation.items():
                operdict['time'], operdict['times'] = mytimer(operdict['func'],runs)
                if profile:
                    filename = '{}_{}_{}'.format(execmode, oper, profile)
                    cProfile.runctx(operdict['func'].__name__ + '()',
                                    globals(), locals(), filename = filename)
                print(('    {0}: {1: 40.6f}s'.format(oper, operdict['time'])))


    return regions
def main():

    # process command options
    input = options['input']
    if not gs.find_file(input)['file']:
        gs.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % input)

    smooth = options['output']
    if gs.find_file(smooth)['file'] and not gs.overwrite():
        gs.fatal(_("Output map <%s> already exists") % smooth)

    sd = options['sd']
        sd = float(sd)
    except ValueError:
        if not gs.find_file(sd)['file']:
            gs.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % sd)

    alpha = float(options['alpha'])

    # set aside region for internal use

    # subset input if desired
    region = options.get('region')
    if region:
        if not gs.find_file(region)['file']:
            gs.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % region)
        gs.message("Setting region to %s" % region, flag='i')
        gs.run_command('g.region', rast=region, align=input)
        gs.message("Using existing GRASS region", flag='i')
    gs.debug('\n'.join(gs.parse_command('g.region', 'p').keys()))

    multiscalesmooth(input, smooth, sd, alpha)

    # restore original region

    return None
Пример #11
def main():

    global acq_time, esd
    """1st, get input, output, options and flags"""

    spectral_bands = options['band'].split(',')
    outputsuffix = options['outputsuffix']
    utc = options['utc']
    doy = options['doy']
    sea = options['sea']

    radiance = flags['r']
    keep_region = flags['k']

#    mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']  # Current Mapset?
#    imglst = [spectral_bands]
#    images = {}
#    for img in imglst:  # Retrieving Image Info
#        images[img] = Info(img, mapset)
#        images[img].read()

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Temporary Region and Files
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if not keep_region:
        grass.use_temp_region()  # to safely modify the region
    tmpfile = grass.tempfile()  # Temporary file - replace with os.getpid?
    tmp = "tmp." + grass.basename(tmpfile)  # use its basename

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Global Metadata: Earth-Sun distance, Sun Zenith Angle
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Earth-Sun distance
    if doy:
        esd = jd_to_esd(int(doy))

    elif utc:
        acq_utc = AcquisitionTime(utc)  # will hold esd (earth-sun distance)
        acq_dat = datetime(acq_utc.year, acq_utc.month, acq_utc.day)
        esd = acq_utc.esd

        grass.fatal(_("Either the UTC string or "
                      "the Day-of-Year (doy) are required!"))

    sza = 90 - float(sea)  # Sun Zenith Angle based on Sun Elevation Angle

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop processing over all bands
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    for band in spectral_bands:

        global tmp_rad

        g.message("|* Processing the %s spectral band" % band, flags='i')

        if not keep_region:
            g.message("\n|! Matching region to %s" % band)  # set region
            run('g.region', rast=band)   # ## FixMe

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Converting to Spectral Radiance
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg = "\n|> Converting to Spectral Radiance: " \
#            "L(λ) = 10^4 x DN(λ) / CalCoef(λ) x Bandwidth(λ)"  # Unicode? ##

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Band dependent metadata for Spectral Radiance
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        # Why is this necessary?  Any function to remove the mapsets name?
        if '@' in band:
            band_key = (band.split('@')[0])
            band_key = band

        # get coefficients
        if acq_dat < cc_update:
            g.message("\n|! Using Pre-2001 Calibration Coefficient values",
            cc = float(CC[band_key][0])
            cc = float(CC[band_key][1])

        # get bandwidth
        bw = float(CC[band_key][2])

        # inform
        msg = "   [Calibration Coefficient=%d, Bandwidth=%.1f]" \
            % (cc, bw)

        # convert
        tmp_rad = "%s.Radiance" % tmp  # Temporary Map
        rad = "%s = 10^4 * %s / %f * %f" \
            % (tmp_rad, band, cc, bw)
        grass.mapcalc(rad, overwrite=True)

        # string for metadata
        history_rad = rad
        history_rad += "Calibration Coefficient=%d; Effective Bandwidth=%.1f" \
            % (cc, bw)
        title_rad = "%s band (Spectral Radiance)" % band
        units_rad = "W / m2 / μm / ster"
        description_rad = "At-sensor %s band spectral Radiance (W/m2/μm/sr)" \
            % band

        if not radiance:

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Converting to Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------

            global tmp_toar

            msg = "\n|> Converting to Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance" \
                  # "ρ(p) = π x L(λ) x d^2 / ESUN(λ) x cos(θ(S))"  # Unicode?

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Band dependent metadata for Spectral Radiance
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------

            # get esun
            esun = CC[band_key][3]

            # inform
            msg = "   [Earth-Sun distane=%f, Mean solar exoatmospheric " \
                "irradiance=%.1f]" % (esd, esun)

            # convert
            tmp_toar = "%s.Reflectance" % tmp  # Spectral Reflectance
            toar = "%s = %f * %s * %f^2 / %f * cos(%f)" \
                % (tmp_toar, math.pi, tmp_rad, esd, esun, sza)
            grass.mapcalc(toar, overwrite=True)

            # strings for output's metadata
            history_toar = toar
            history_toar += "ESD=%f; BAND_Esun=%f; SZA=%f" % (esd, esun, sza)
            title_toar = "%s band (Top of Atmosphere Reflectance)" % band
            units_toar = "Unitless planetary reflectance"
            description_toar = "Top of Atmosphere `echo ${BAND}` band spectral"
            " Reflectance (unitless)"

        if tmp_toar:

            # history entry
            run("r.support", map=tmp_toar, title=title_toar,
                units=units_toar, description=description_toar,
                source1=source1_toar, source2=source2_toar,

            # add suffix to basename & rename end product
            toar_name = ("%s.%s" % (band.split('@')[0], outputsuffix))
            run("g.rename", rast=(tmp_toar, toar_name))

        elif tmp_rad:

            # history entry
            run("r.support", map=tmp_rad,
                title=title_rad, units=units_rad, description=description_rad,
                source1=source1_rad, source2=source2_rad, history=history_rad)

            # add suffix to basename & rename end product
            rad_name = ("%s.%s" % (band.split('@')[0], outputsuffix))
            run("g.rename", rast=(tmp_rad, rad_name))

    # visualising-related information
    if not keep_region:
        grass.del_temp_region()  # restoring previous region settings
    g.message("\n|! Region's resolution restored!")
    g.message("\n>>> Hint: rebalancing colors "
              "(i.colors.enhance) may improve appearance of RGB composites!",
def main():
    Main program

    # Temporary filenames

    # The following three are meant for a test step-by-step cwv estimation, see
    # unused functions!

    # tmp_ti_mean = tmp_map_name('ti_mean')  # for cwv
    # tmp_tj_mean = tmp_map_name('tj_mean')  # for cwv
    # tmp_ratio = tmp_map_name('ratio')  # for cwv

    tmp_avg_lse = tmp_map_name('avg_lse')
    tmp_delta_lse = tmp_map_name('delta_lse')
    tmp_cwv = tmp_map_name('cwv')
    #tmp_lst = tmp_map_name('lst')

    # basic equation for mapcalc
    global equation, citation_lst
    equation = "{result} = {expression}"

    # user input
    mtl_file = options['mtl']

    if not options['prefix']:
        b10 = options['b10']
        b11 = options['b11']
        t10 = options['t10']
        t11 = options['t11']

        if not options['clouds']:
            qab = options['qab']
            cloud_map = False

            qab = False
            cloud_map = options['clouds']

    elif options['prefix']:
        prefix = options['prefix']
        b10 = prefix + '10'
        b11 = prefix + '11'

        if not options['clouds']:
            qab = prefix + 'QA'
            cloud_map = False

            cloud_map = options['clouds']
            qab = False

    qapixel = options['qapixel']
    lst_output = options['lst']

    # save Brightness Temperature maps?
    global brightness_temperature_prefix
    if options['prefix_bt']:
        brightness_temperature_prefix = options['prefix_bt']
        brightness_temperature_prefix = None

    global cwv_output
    cwv_window_size = int(options['window'])
    assertion_for_cwv_window_size_msg = ('A spatial window of size 5^2 or less is not '
                                         'recommended. Please select a larger window. '
                                         'Refer to the manual\'s notes for details.')
    assert cwv_window_size >= 7, assertion_for_cwv_window_size_msg
    cwv_output = options['cwv']

    # optional maps
    average_emissivity_map = options['emissivity']
    delta_emissivity_map = options['delta_emissivity']

    # output for in-between maps?
    global emissivity_output, delta_emissivity_output
    emissivity_output = options['emissivity_out']
    delta_emissivity_output = options['delta_emissivity_out']

    global landcover_map, emissivity_class
    landcover_map = options['landcover']
    emissivity_class = options['emissivity_class']

    # flags
    global info, null
    info = flags['i']
    scene_extent = flags['e']
    timestamping = flags['t']
    null = flags['n']

    global rounding
    rounding = flags['r']

    global celsius
    celsius = flags['c']

    # ToDo:
    # shell = flags['g']

    # Pre-production actions

    # Set Region
    if scene_extent:
        grass.use_temp_region()  # safely modify the region
        msg = "\n|! Matching region extent to map {name}"

        # ToDo: check if extent-B10 == extent-B11? Unnecessary?
        # Improve below!

        if b10:
            run('g.region', rast=b10, align=b10)
            msg = msg.format(name=b10)

        elif t10:
            run('g.region', rast=t10, align=t10)
            msg = msg.format(name=t10)


    elif scene_extent:
        grass.warning(_('Operating on current region'))

    # 1. Mask clouds

    if cloud_map:
        # user-fed cloud map?
        msg = '\n|i Using {cmap} as a MASK'.format(cmap=cloud_map)
        r.mask(raster=cloud_map, flags='i', overwrite=True)

        # using the quality assessment band and a "QA" pixel value
        mask_clouds(qab, qapixel)

    # 2. TIRS > Brightness Temperatures

    if mtl_file:

        # if MTL and b10 given, use it to compute at-satellite temperature t10
        if b10:
            # convert DNs to at-satellite temperatures
            t10 = tirs_to_at_satellite_temperature(b10, mtl_file)

        # likewise for b11 -> t11
        if b11:
            # convert DNs to at-satellite temperatures
            t11 = tirs_to_at_satellite_temperature(b11, mtl_file)

    # Initialise a SplitWindowLST object

    split_window_lst = SplitWindowLST(emissivity_class)
    citation_lst = split_window_lst.citation

    # 3. Land Surface Emissivities

    # use given fixed class?
    if emissivity_class:

        if split_window_lst.landcover_class is False:
            # replace with meaningful error
            g.warning('Unknown land cover class string! Note, this string '
                      'input option is case sensitive.')

        if emissivity_class == 'Random':
            msg = "\n|! Random emissivity class selected > " + \
                split_window_lst.landcover_class + ' '

            msg = '\n|! Retrieving average emissivities *only* for {eclass} '

        if info:
            msg += '| Average emissivities (channels 10, 11): '
            msg += str(split_window_lst.emissivity_t10) + ', ' + \

        msg = msg.format(eclass=split_window_lst.landcover_class)

    # use the FROM-GLC map
    elif landcover_map:

        if average_emissivity_map:
            tmp_avg_lse = average_emissivity_map

        if not average_emissivity_map:
            determine_average_emissivity(tmp_avg_lse, landcover_map,
            if options['emissivity_out']:
                tmp_avg_lse = options['emissivity_out']

        if delta_emissivity_map:
            tmp_delta_lse = delta_emissivity_map

        if not delta_emissivity_map:
            determine_delta_emissivity(tmp_delta_lse, landcover_map,
            if options['delta_emissivity_out']:
                tmp_delta_lse = options['delta_emissivity_out']

    # 4. Modified Split-Window Variance-Covariance Matrix > Column Water Vapor

    if info:
        msg = '\n|i Spatial window of size {n} for Column Water Vapor estimation: '
        msg = msg.format(n=cwv_window_size)

    cwv = Column_Water_Vapor(cwv_window_size, t10, t11)
    citation_cwv = cwv.citation
    estimate_cwv_big_expression(tmp_cwv, t10, t11, cwv._big_cwv_expression())
    if cwv_output:
        tmp_cwv = cwv_output

    # 5. Estimate Land Surface Temperature

    if info and emissivity_class == 'Random':
        msg = '\n|* Will pick a random emissivity class!'

    estimate_lst(lst_output, t10, t11,
                 tmp_avg_lse, tmp_delta_lse, tmp_cwv,

    # Post-production actions

    # remove MASK
    r.mask(flags='r', verbose=True)

    # time-stamping
    if timestamping:
        add_timestamp(mtl_file, lst_output)

        if cwv_output:
            add_timestamp(mtl_file, cwv_output)

    # Apply color table
    if celsius:
        run('r.colors', map=lst_output, color='celsius')
        # color table for kelvin
        run('r.colors', map=lst_output, color='kelvin')

    # ToDo: helper function for r.support
    # strings for metadata
    history_lst = '\n' + citation_lst
    history_lst += '\n\n' + citation_cwv
    history_lst += '\n\nSplit-Window model: '
    history_lst += split_window_lst._equation  # :wsw_lst_mapcalc
    description_lst = ('Land Surface Temperature derived from a split-window algorithm. ')

    if celsius:
        title_lst = 'Land Surface Temperature (C)'
        units_lst = 'Celsius'

        title_lst = 'Land Surface Temperature (K)'
        units_lst = 'Kelvin'

    landsat8_metadata = Landsat8_MTL(mtl_file)
    source1_lst = landsat8_metadata.scene_id
    source2_lst = landsat8_metadata.origin

    # history entry
    run("r.support", map=lst_output, title=title_lst,
        units=units_lst, description=description_lst,
        source1=source1_lst, source2=source2_lst,

    # (re)name the LST product
    #run("g.rename", rast=(tmp_lst, lst_output))

    # restore region
    if scene_extent:
        grass.del_temp_region()  # restoring previous region settings
        g.message("|! Original Region restored")

    # print citation
    if info:
        print '\nSource: ' + citation_lst
Пример #13
def main():

    pan = options['pan']
    msxlst = options['msx'].split(',')
    outputsuffix = options['suffix']
    custom_ratio = options['ratio']
    center = options['center']
    center2 = options['center2']
    modulation = options['modulation']
    modulation2 = options['modulation2']

    if options['trim']:
        trimming_factor = float(options['trim'])
        trimming_factor = False

    histogram_match = flags['l']
    second_pass = flags['2']
    color_match = flags['c']

#    # Check & warn user about "ns == ew" resolution of current region ======
#    region = grass.region()
#    nsr = region['nsres']
#    ewr = region['ewres']
#    if nsr != ewr:
#        msg = ('>>> Region's North:South ({ns}) and East:West ({ew}) '
#               'resolutions do not match!')
#        msg = msg.format(ns=nsr, ew=ewr)
#        g.message(msg, flags='w')

    mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']  # Current Mapset?
    region = grass.region()  # and region settings

    # List images and their properties

    imglst = [pan]
    imglst.extend(msxlst)  # List of input imagery

    images = {}
    for img in imglst:  # Retrieving Image Info
        images[img] = Info(img, mapset)

    panres = images[pan].nsres  # Panchromatic resolution

    grass.use_temp_region()  # to safely modify the region
    run('g.region', res=panres)  # Respect extent, change resolution
    g.message("|! Region's resolution matched to Pan's ({p})".format(p=panres))

    # Loop Algorithm over Multi-Spectral images

    for msx in msxlst:
        g.message("\nProcessing image: {m}".format(m=msx))

        # Tracking command history -- Why don't do this all r.* modules?
        cmd_history = []

        # 1. Compute Ratio

        g.message("\n|1 Determining ratio of low to high resolution")

        # Custom Ratio? Skip standard computation method.
        if custom_ratio:
            ratio = float(custom_ratio)
            g.message('Using custom ratio, overriding standard method!',

        # Multi-Spectral resolution(s), multiple
            # Image resolutions
            g.message("   > Retrieving image resolutions")

            msxres = images[msx].nsres

            # check
            if panres == msxres:
                msg = ("The Panchromatic's image resolution ({pr}) "
                       "equals to the Multi-Spectral's one ({mr}). "
                       "Something is probably not right! "
                       "Please check your input images.")
                msg = msg.format(pr=panres, mr=msxres)

            # compute ratio
            ratio = msxres / panres
            msg_ratio = ('   >> Resolution ratio '
                         'low ({m:.{dec}f}) to high ({p:.{dec}f}): {r:.1f}')
            msg_ratio = msg_ratio.format(m=msxres, p=panres, r=ratio, dec=3)

        # 2nd Pass requested, yet Ratio < 5.5
        if second_pass and ratio < 5.5:
            g.message("   >>> Resolution ratio < 5.5, skipping 2nd pass.\n"
                      "   >>> If you insist, force it via the <ratio> option!",
            second_pass = bool(0)

        # 2. High Pass Filtering

        g.message('\n|2 High Pass Filtering the Panchromatic Image')

        tmpfile = grass.tempfile()  # Temporary file - replace with os.getpid?
        tmp = 'tmp.' + grass.basename(tmpfile)  # use its basenam
        tmp_pan_hpf = '{tmp}_pan_hpf'.format(tmp=tmp)  # HPF image
        tmp_msx_blnr = '{tmp}_msx_blnr'.format(tmp=tmp)  # Upsampled MSx
        tmp_msx_hpf = '{tmp}_msx_hpf'.format(tmp=tmp)  # Fused image
        tmp_hpf_matrix = grass.tempfile()  # ASCII filter

        # Construct and apply Filter
        hpf = get_high_pass_filter(ratio, center)
        hpf_ascii(center, hpf, tmp_hpf_matrix, second_pass)
        run('r.mfilter', input=pan, filter=tmp_hpf_matrix,
            title='High Pass Filtered Panchromatic image',

        # 2nd pass
        if second_pass and ratio > 5.5:
            # Temporary files
            tmp_pan_hpf_2 = '{tmp}_pan_hpf_2'.format(tmp=tmp)  # 2nd Pass HPF image
            tmp_hpf_matrix_2 = grass.tempfile()  # 2nd Pass ASCII filter
            # Construct and apply 2nd Filter
            hpf_2 = get_high_pass_filter(ratio, center2)
            hpf_ascii(center2, hpf_2, tmp_hpf_matrix_2, second_pass)
                title='2-High-Pass Filtered Panchromatic Image',

        # 3. Upsampling low resolution image

        g.message("\n|3 Upsampling (bilinearly) low resolution image")

            method='bilinear', input=msx, output=tmp_msx_blnr, overwrite=True)

        # 4. Weighting the High Pass Filtered image(s)

        g.message("\n|4 Weighting the High-Pass-Filtered image (HPFi)")

        # Compute (1st Pass) Weighting
        msg_w = "   > Weighting = StdDev(MSx) / StdDev(HPFi) * " \
            "Modulating Factor"

        # StdDev of Multi-Spectral Image(s)
        msx_avg = avg(msx)
        msx_sd = stddev(msx)
        g.message("   >> StdDev of <{m}>: {sd:.3f}".format(m=msx, sd=msx_sd))

        # StdDev of HPF Image
        hpf_sd = stddev(tmp_pan_hpf)
        g.message("   >> StdDev of HPFi: {sd:.3f}".format(sd=hpf_sd))

        # Modulating factor
        modulator = get_modulator_factor(modulation, ratio)
        g.message("   >> Modulating Factor: {m:.2f}".format(m=modulator))

        # weighting HPFi
        weighting = hpf_weight(msx_sd, hpf_sd, modulator, 1)

        # 5. Adding weighted HPF image to upsampled Multi-Spectral band

        g.message("\n|5 Adding weighted HPFi to upsampled image")
        fusion = '{hpf} = {msx} + {pan} * {wgt}'
        fusion = fusion.format(hpf=tmp_msx_hpf, msx=tmp_msx_blnr,
                               pan=tmp_pan_hpf, wgt=weighting)

        # command history
        hst = 'Weigthing applied: {msd:.3f} / {hsd:.3f} * {mod:.3f}'
        cmd_history.append(hst.format(msd=msx_sd, hsd=hpf_sd, mod=modulator))

        if second_pass and ratio > 5.5:

            # 4+ 2nd Pass Weighting the High Pass Filtered image

            g.message("\n|4+ 2nd Pass Weighting the HPFi")

            # StdDev of HPF Image #2
            hpf_2_sd = stddev(tmp_pan_hpf_2)
            g.message("   >> StdDev of 2nd HPFi: {h:.3f}".format(h=hpf_2_sd))

            # Modulating factor #2
            modulator_2 = get_modulator_factor2(modulation2)
            msg = '   >> 2nd Pass Modulating Factor: {m:.2f}'

            # 2nd Pass weighting
            weighting_2 = hpf_weight(msx_sd, hpf_2_sd, modulator_2, 2)

            # 5+ Adding weighted HPF image to upsampled Multi-Spectral band

            g.message("\n|5+ Adding small-kernel-based weighted 2nd HPFi "
                      "back to fused image")

            add_back = '{final} = {msx_hpf} + {pan_hpf} * {wgt}'
            add_back = add_back.format(final=tmp_msx_hpf, msx_hpf=tmp_msx_hpf,
                                       pan_hpf=tmp_pan_hpf_2, wgt=weighting_2)

            # 2nd Pass history entry
            hst = "2nd Pass Weighting: {m:.3f} / {h:.3f} * {mod:.3f}"
            cmd_history.append(hst.format(m=msx_sd, h=hpf_2_sd, mod=modulator_2))

        if color_match:
            g.message("\n|* Matching output to input color table")
            run('r.colors', map=tmp_msx_hpf, raster=msx)

        # 6. Stretching linearly the HPF-Sharpened image(s) to match the Mean
        #     and Standard Deviation of the input Multi-Sectral image(s)

        if histogram_match:

            # adapt output StdDev and Mean to the input(ted) ones
            g.message("\n|+ Matching histogram of Pansharpened image "
                      "to %s" % (msx), flags='v')

            # Collect stats for linear histogram matching
            msx_hpf_avg = avg(tmp_msx_hpf)
            msx_hpf_sd = stddev(tmp_msx_hpf)

            # expression for mapcalc
            lhm = '{out} = ({hpf} - {hpfavg}) / {hpfsd} * {msxsd} + {msxavg}'
            lhm = lhm.format(out=tmp_msx_hpf, hpf=tmp_msx_hpf,
                             hpfavg=msx_hpf_avg, hpfsd=msx_hpf_sd,
                             msxsd=msx_sd, msxavg=msx_avg)

            # compute
            grass.mapcalc(lhm, quiet=True, overwrite=True)

            # update history string
            cmd_history.append("Linear Histogram Matching: %s" % lhm)

        # Optional. Trim to remove black border effect (rectangular only)

        if trimming_factor:

            tf = trimming_factor

            # communicate
            msg = '\n|* Trimming output image border pixels by '
            msg += '{factor} times the low resolution\n'.format(factor=tf)
            nsew = '   > Input extent: n: {n}, s: {s}, e: {e}, w: {w}'
            nsew = nsew.format(n=region.n, s=region.s, e=region.e, w=region.w)
            msg += nsew


            # re-set borders
            region.n -= tf * images[msx].nsres
            region.s += tf * images[msx].nsres
            region.e -= tf * images[msx].ewres
            region.w += tf * images[msx].ewres

            # communicate and act
            msg = '   > Output extent: n: {n}, s: {s}, e: {e}, w: {w}'
            msg = msg.format(n=region.n, s=region.s, e=region.e, w=region.w)

            # modify only the extent
                n=region.n, s=region.s, e=region.e, w=region.w)
            trim = "{out} = {input}".format(out=tmp_msx_hpf, input=tmp_msx_hpf)

        # End of Algorithm

        # history entry
        run("r.support", map=tmp_msx_hpf, history="\n".join(cmd_history))

        # add suffix to basename & rename end product
        msx_name = "{base}.{suffix}"
        msx_name = msx_name.format(base=msx.split('@')[0], suffix=outputsuffix)
        run("g.rename", raster=(tmp_msx_hpf, msx_name))

        # remove temporary files

    # visualising-related information
    grass.del_temp_region()  # restoring previous region settings
    g.message("\n|! Original Region restored")
    g.message("\n>>> Hint, rebalancing colors (via i.colors.enhance) "
              "may improve appearance of RGB composites!",
def main():

    global acq_time, esd

    """1st, get input, output, options and flags"""

    spectral_bands = options['band'].split(',')
    outputsuffix = options['outputsuffix']
    utc = options['utc']
    doy = options['doy']
    sea = options['sea']

    radiance = flags['r']
    if radiance and outputsuffix == 'toar':
        outputsuffix = 'rad'
        g.message("Output-suffix set to %s" % outputsuffix)

    keep_region = flags['k']
    info = flags['i']

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Equations
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if info:
        # conversion to Radiance based on (1)
        msg = "|i Spectral Radiance = K * DN / Effective Bandwidth | " \
              "Reflectance = ( Pi * Radiance * ESD^2 ) / BAND_Esun * cos(SZA)"

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # List images and their properties
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']  # Current Mapset?

#    imglst = [pan]
#    imglst.extend(msxlst)  # List of input imagery

    images = {}
    for img in spectral_bands:  # Retrieving Image Info
        images[img] = Info(img, mapset)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Temporary Region and Files
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    if not keep_region:
        grass.use_temp_region()  # to safely modify the region
    tmpfile = grass.tempfile()  # Temporary file - replace with os.getpid?
    tmp = "tmp." + grass.basename(tmpfile)  # use its basename

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Global Metadata: Earth-Sun distance, Sun Zenith Angle
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Earth-Sun distance
    if doy:
        g.message("|! Using Day of Year to calculate Earth-Sun distance.")
        esd = jd_to_esd(int(doy))

    elif (not doy) and utc:
        acq_utc = AcquisitionTime(utc)  # will hold esd (earth-sun distance)
        esd = acq_utc.esd

        grass.fatal(_("Either the UTC string or "
                      "the Day-of-Year (doy) are required!"))

    sza = 90 - float(sea)  # Sun Zenith Angle based on Sun Elevation Angle

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Loop processing over all bands
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    for band in spectral_bands:

        global tmp_rad

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Match bands region if... ?
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        if not keep_region:
            run('g.region', rast=band)   # ## FixMe?
            msg = "\n|! Region matching the %s spectral band" % band

        elif keep_region:
            msg = "|! Operating on current region"

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Band dependent metadata for Spectral Radiance
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        g.message("\n|* Processing the %s band" % band, flags='i')

        # Why is this necessary?  Any function to remove the mapsets name?
        if '@' in band:
            band = (band.split('@')[0])

        # get absolute calibration factor
        acf = float(CF_BW_ESUN[band][2])
        acf_msg = "K=" + str(acf)

        # effective bandwidth
        bw = float(CF_BW_ESUN[band][0])

        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Converting to Spectral Radiance
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------

        msg = "\n|> Converting to Spectral Radiance " \
              "| Conversion Factor %s, Bandwidth=%.3f" % (acf_msg, bw)

        # convert
        tmp_rad = "%s.Radiance" % tmp  # Temporary Map
        rad = "%s = %f * %s / %f" \
            % (tmp_rad, acf, band, bw)  # Attention: 32-bit calculations requ.
        grass.mapcalc(rad, overwrite=True)

        # strings for metadata
        history_rad = rad
        history_rad += "Conversion Factor=%f; Effective Bandwidth=%.3f" \
            % (acf, bw)
        title_rad = ""
        description_rad = "Top-of-Atmosphere %s band spectral Radiance " \
                          "[W/m^2/sr/μm]" % band
        units_rad = "W / sq.m. / μm / ster"

        if not radiance:

            # ---------------------------------------------------------------
            # Converting to Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------

            global tmp_toar

            msg = "\n|> Converting to Top-of-Atmosphere Reflectance"

            esun = float(CF_BW_ESUN[band][1])
            msg = "   %s band mean solar exoatmospheric irradiance=%.2f" \
                % (band, esun)

            # convert
            tmp_toar = "%s.Reflectance" % tmp  # Spectral Reflectance
            toar = "%s = %f * %s * %f^2 / %f * cos(%f)" \
                % (tmp_toar, math.pi, tmp_rad, esd, esun, sza)
            grass.mapcalc(toar, overwrite=True)

            # report range? Using a flag and skip actual conversion?
            # todo?

            # strings for metadata
            title_toar = "%s band (Top of Atmosphere Reflectance)" % band
            description_toar = "Top of Atmosphere %s band spectral Reflectance" \
                % band
            units_toar = "Unitless planetary reflectance"
            history_toar = "K=%f; Bandwidth=%.1f; ESD=%f; Esun=%.2f; SZA=%.1f" \
                % (acf, bw, esd, esun, sza)

        if tmp_toar:

            # history entry
            run("r.support", map=tmp_toar, title=title_toar,
                units=units_toar, description=description_toar,
                source1=source1_toar, source2=source2_toar,

            # add suffix to basename & rename end product
            toar_name = ("%s.%s" % (band.split('@')[0], outputsuffix))
            run("g.rename", rast=(tmp_toar, toar_name))

        elif tmp_rad:

            # history entry
            run("r.support", map=tmp_rad,
                title=title_rad, units=units_rad, description=description_rad,
                source1=source1_rad, source2=source2_rad, history=history_rad)

            # add suffix to basename & rename end product
            rad_name = ("%s.%s" % (band.split('@')[0], outputsuffix))
            run("g.rename", rast=(tmp_rad, rad_name))

    # visualising-related information
    if not keep_region:
        grass.del_temp_region()  # restoring previous region settings
    g.message("\n|! Region's resolution restored!")
    g.message("\n>>> Hint: rebalancing colors "
              "(i.colors.enhance) may improve appearance of RGB composites!",
Пример #15
def main():

    GDALdatasource = options['input']
    output = options['output']
    method = options['resample']
    memory = options['memory']
    bands = options['band']
    tgtres = options['resolution']
    title = options["title"]
    if options['resolution_value']:
        if tgtres != 'value':
            grass.fatal(_("To set custom resolution value, select 'value' in resolution option"))
        tgtres_value = float(options['resolution_value'])
        if tgtres_value <= 0:
            grass.fatal(_("Resolution value can't be smaller than 0"))
    elif tgtres == 'value':
         grass.fatal(_("Please provide the resolution for the imported dataset or change to 'estimated' resolution"))

    grassenv = grass.gisenv()
    tgtloc = grassenv['LOCATION_NAME']
    tgtmapset = grassenv['MAPSET']
    GISDBASE = grassenv['GISDBASE']
    tgtgisrc = os.environ['GISRC']
    SRCGISRC = grass.tempfile()

    TMPLOC = 'temp_import_location_' + str(os.getpid())

    f = open(SRCGISRC, 'w')
    f.write('MAPSET: PERMANENT\n')
    f.write('GISDBASE: %s\n' % GISDBASE)
    f.write('LOCATION_NAME: %s\n' % TMPLOC)
    f.write('GUI: text\n')

    tgtsrs = grass.read_command('g.proj', flags='j', quiet=True)

    # create temp location from input without import
    grass.verbose(_("Creating temporary location for <%s>...") % GDALdatasource)
    parameters = dict(input=GDALdatasource, output=output,
                      memory=memory, flags='c', title=title,
                      location=TMPLOC, quiet=True)
    if bands:
        parameters['band'] = bands
        grass.run_command('r.in.gdal', **parameters)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to read GDAL dataset <%s>") % GDALdatasource)

    # switch to temp location
    os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC)

    # switch to target location
    os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc)

    # try r.in.gdal directly first
    additional_flags = 'l' if flags['l'] else ''
    if flags['o']:
        additional_flags += 'o'
    if flags['o'] or grass.run_command('r.in.gdal', input=GDALdatasource, flags='j',
                                       errors='status', quiet=True) == 0:
        parameters = dict(input=GDALdatasource, output=output,
                          memory=memory, flags='k' + additional_flags)
        if bands:
            parameters['band'] = bands
            grass.run_command('r.in.gdal', **parameters)
            grass.verbose(_("Input <%s> successfully imported without reprojection") % GDALdatasource)
            return 0
        except CalledModuleError as e:
            grass.fatal(_("Unable to import GDAL dataset <%s>") % GDALdatasource)
    # make sure target is not xy
    if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected':
        grass.fatal(_("Coordinate reference system not available for current location <%s>") % tgtloc)

    # switch to temp location
    os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC)

    # make sure input is not xy
    if grass.parse_command('g.proj', flags='g')['name'] == 'xy_location_unprojected':
        grass.fatal(_("Coordinate reference system not available for input <%s>") % GDALdatasource)

    # import into temp location
    grass.verbose(_("Importing <%s> to temporary location...") % GDALdatasource)
    parameters = dict(input=GDALdatasource, output=output,
                      memory=memory, flags='k' + additional_flags)
    if bands:
        parameters['band'] = bands
        grass.run_command('r.in.gdal', **parameters)
    except CalledModuleError:
        grass.fatal(_("Unable to import GDAL dataset <%s>") % GDALdatasource)

    outfiles = grass.list_grouped('raster')['PERMANENT']

    # is output a group?
    group = False
    path = os.path.join(GISDBASE, TMPLOC, 'group', output)
    if os.path.exists(path):
        group = True
        path = os.path.join(GISDBASE, TMPLOC, 'group', output, 'POINTS')
        if os.path.exists(path):
            grass.fatal(_("Input contains GCPs, rectification is required"))

    # switch to target location
    os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc)

    region = grass.region()

    rflags = None
    if flags['n']:
        rflags = 'n'

    for outfile in outfiles:

        n = region['n']
        s = region['s']
        e = region['e']
        w = region['w']


        if options['extent'] == 'input':
            # r.proj -g
                tgtextents = grass.read_command('r.proj', location=TMPLOC,
                                                input=outfile, flags='g',
                                                memory=memory, quiet=True)
            except CalledModuleError:
                grass.fatal(_("Unable to get reprojected map extent"))
                srcregion = grass.parse_key_val(tgtextents, val_type=float, vsep=' ')
                n = srcregion['n']
                s = srcregion['s']
                e = srcregion['e']
                w = srcregion['w']
            except ValueError:  # import into latlong, expect 53:39:06.894826N
                srcregion = grass.parse_key_val(tgtextents, vsep=' ')
                n = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['n'][:-1]) * \
                    (-1 if srcregion['n'][-1] == 'S' else 1)
                s = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['s'][:-1]) * \
                    (-1 if srcregion['s'][-1] == 'S' else 1)
                e = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['e'][:-1]) * \
                    (-1 if srcregion['e'][-1] == 'W' else 1)
                w = grass.float_or_dms(srcregion['w'][:-1]) * \
                    (-1 if srcregion['w'][-1] == 'W' else 1)

            grass.run_command('g.region', n=n, s=s, e=e, w=w)

        # v.in.region in tgt
        vreg = TMP_REG_NAME = 'vreg_tmp_' + str(os.getpid())
        grass.run_command('v.in.region', output=vreg, quiet=True)


        # reproject to src
        # switch to temp location
        os.environ['GISRC'] = str(SRCGISRC)
            grass.run_command('v.proj', input=vreg, output=vreg,
                              location=tgtloc, mapset=tgtmapset, quiet=True)
        except CalledModuleError:
            grass.fatal(_("Unable to reproject to source location"))

        # set region from region vector
        grass.run_command('g.region', raster=outfile)
        grass.run_command('g.region', vector=vreg)
        # align to first band
        grass.run_command('g.region', align=outfile)
        # get number of cells
        cells = grass.region()['cells']

        estres = math.sqrt((n - s) * (e - w) / cells)
        # remove from source location for multi bands import
        grass.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=vreg,
                          flags='f', quiet=True)

        os.environ['GISRC'] = str(tgtgisrc)
        grass.run_command('g.remove', type='vector', name=vreg,
                          flags='f', quiet=True)

        grass.message(_("Estimated target resolution for input band <{out}>: {res}").format(out=outfile, res=estres))
        if flags['e']:

        if options['extent'] == 'input':
            grass.run_command('g.region', n=n, s=s, e=e, w=w)

        res = None
        if tgtres == 'estimated':
            res = estres
        elif tgtres == 'value':
            res = tgtres_value
            grass.message(_("Using given resolution for input band <{out}>: {res}").format(out=outfile, res=res))
            # align to requested resolution
            grass.run_command('g.region', res=res, flags='a')
            curr_reg = grass.region()
            grass.message(_("Using current region resolution for input band "
                            "<{out}>: nsres={ns}, ewres={ew}").format(out=outfile, ns=curr_reg['nsres'],

        # r.proj
        grass.message(_("Reprojecting <%s>...") % outfile)
            grass.run_command('r.proj', location=TMPLOC,
                              mapset='PERMANENT', input=outfile,
                              method=method, resolution=res,
                              memory=memory, flags=rflags, quiet=True)
        except CalledModuleError:
            grass.fatal(_("Unable to to reproject raster <%s>") % outfile)

        if grass.raster_info(outfile)['min'] is None:
            grass.fatal(_("The reprojected raster <%s> is empty") % outfile)

        if options['extent'] == 'input':

    if flags['e']:
        return 0

    if group:
        grass.run_command('i.group', group=output, input=','.join(outfiles))

    # TODO: write metadata with r.support

    return 0
Пример #16
def main():
    global usermask, mapset, tmp_rmaps, tmp_vmaps

    input = options['input']
    output = options['output']
    tension = options['tension']
    smooth = options['smooth']
    method = options['method']
    edge = int(options['edge'])
    segmax = int(options['segmax'])
    npmin = int(options['npmin'])
    quiet = True # FIXME 
    mapset = grass.gisenv()['MAPSET']
    unique = str(os.getpid()) # Shouldn't we use temp name?
    prefix = 'r_fillnulls_%s_' % unique
    failed_list = list() # a list of failed holes. Caused by issues with v.surf.rst. Connected with #1813

    #check if input file exists
    if not grass.find_file(input)['file']:
        grass.fatal(_("Raster map <%s> not found") % input)

    # save original region
    reg_org = grass.region()
    # check if a MASK is already present
    # and remove it to not interfere with NULL lookup part
    # as we don't fill MASKed parts!
    if grass.find_file('MASK', mapset = mapset)['file']:
        usermask = "usermask_mask." + unique
        grass.message(_("A user raster mask (MASK) is present. Saving it..."))
        grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = quiet, rast = ('MASK',usermask))

    #check if method is rst to use v.surf.rst
    if method == 'rst':
        # idea: filter all NULLS and grow that area(s) by 3 pixel, then
        # interpolate from these surrounding 3 pixel edge
        filling = prefix + 'filled'
        grass.run_command('g.region', align = input, quiet = quiet)
        region = grass.region()
        ns_res = region['nsres']
        ew_res = region['ewres']
        grass.message(_("Using RST interpolation..."))
        grass.message(_("Locating and isolating NULL areas..."))
        # creating binary (0/1) map
        if usermask:
            grass.message(_("Skipping masked raster parts"))
            grass.mapcalc("$tmp1 = if(isnull($input) && !($mask == 0 || isnull($mask)),1,null())",
                tmp1 = prefix + 'nulls', input = input, mask = usermask)
            grass.mapcalc("$tmp1 = if(isnull($input),1,null())",
                tmp1 = prefix + 'nulls', input = input)
        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'nulls')
        # restoring user's mask, if present
        # to ignore MASKed original values
        if usermask:
            grass.message(_("Restoring user mask (MASK)..."))
            if grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = quiet, rast = (usermask, 'MASK')) != 0:
                grass.warning(_("Failed to restore user MASK!"))
            usermask = None
        # grow identified holes by X pixels
        grass.message(_("Growing NULL areas"))
        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'grown')
        if grass.run_command('r.grow', input = prefix + 'nulls', radius = edge + 0.01,
                             old = 1, new = 1, out = prefix + 'grown', quiet = quiet) != 0:
            grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary map, restoring user mask if needed:"))
        # assign unique IDs to each hole or hole system (holes closer than edge distance)
        grass.message(_("Assigning IDs to NULL areas"))
        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'clumped')
        if grass.run_command('r.clump', input = prefix + 'grown', output = prefix + 'clumped', quiet = quiet) != 0:
            grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary map, restoring user mask if needed:"))
        # get a list of unique hole cat's
        grass.mapcalc("$out = if(isnull($inp), null(), $clumped)",
                        out = prefix + 'holes', inp = prefix + 'nulls', clumped = prefix + 'clumped')
        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'holes')
        # use new IDs to identify holes
        if grass.run_command('r.to.vect', flags = 'v', input = prefix + 'holes', output = prefix + 'holes',
                            type = 'area', quiet = quiet) != 0:
            grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
        tmp_vmaps.append(prefix + 'holes')
        # get a list of unique hole cat's
        cats_file_name = grass.tempfile(False)
        grass.run_command('v.db.select', flags = 'c', map = prefix + 'holes', columns = 'cat', file = cats_file_name, quiet = quiet)
        cat_list = list()
        cats_file = file(cats_file_name)
        for line in cats_file:
        if len(cat_list) < 1:
            grass.fatal(_("Input map has no holes. Check region settings."))
        # GTC Hole is NULL area in a raster map
        grass.message(_("Processing %d map holes") % len(cat_list))
        first = True
        hole_n = 1
        for cat in cat_list:
            holename = prefix + 'hole_' + cat
            # GTC Hole is a NULL area in a raster map
            grass.message(_("Filling hole %s of %s") % (hole_n, len(cat_list)))
            hole_n = hole_n + 1
            # cut out only CAT hole for processing
            if grass.run_command('v.extract', input = prefix + 'holes', output = holename + '_pol',
                                cats = cat, quiet = quiet) != 0:
                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
            tmp_vmaps.append(holename + '_pol')
            # zoom to specific hole with a buffer of two cells around the hole to remove rest of data
            if grass.run_command('g.region', vect = holename + '_pol', align = input, 
                                w = 'w-%d' % (edge * 2 * ew_res), e = 'e+%d' % (edge * 2 * ew_res), 
                                n = 'n+%d' % (edge * 2 * ns_res), s = 's-%d' % (edge * 2 * ns_res),
                                quiet = quiet) != 0:
                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
            # remove temporary map to not overfill disk
            if grass.run_command('g.remove', flags = 'fb', type = 'vect', pattern = holename + '_pol', quiet = quiet) != 0:
                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
            tmp_vmaps.remove(holename + '_pol')
            # copy only data around hole
            grass.mapcalc("$out = if($inp == $catn, $inp, null())",
                            out = holename, inp = prefix + 'holes', catn = cat)
            # If here loop is split into two, next part of loop can be run in parallel 
            # (except final result patching)
            # Downside - on large maps such approach causes large disk usage
            # grow hole border to get it's edge area
            tmp_rmaps.append(holename + '_grown')
            if grass.run_command('r.grow', input = holename, radius = edge + 0.01,
                             old = -1, out = holename + '_grown', quiet = quiet) != 0:
                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary map, restoring user mask if needed:"))
            # no idea why r.grow old=-1 doesn't replace existing values with NULL
            grass.mapcalc("$out = if($inp == -1, null(), $dem)", 
                            out = holename + '_edges', inp = holename + '_grown', dem = input)
            tmp_rmaps.append(holename + '_edges')
            # convert to points for interpolation
            if grass.run_command('r.to.vect', input = holename + '_edges', output = holename,
                                type = 'point', flags = 'z', quiet = quiet) != 0:
                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
            # count number of points to control segmax parameter for interpolation:
            pointsnumber = grass.vector_info_topo(map = holename)['points']
            grass.verbose(_("Interpolating %d points") % pointsnumber)

            if pointsnumber < 2:
                grass.verbose(_("No points to interpolate"))
            # Avoid v.surf.rst warnings
            if pointsnumber < segmax:
                npmin = pointsnumber + 1
                segmax = pointsnumber
            # launch v.surf.rst
            tmp_rmaps.append(holename + '_dem')
            if grass.run_command('v.surf.rst', quiet = quiet, input = holename, elev = holename + '_dem',
                                 tension = tension, smooth = smooth, 
                                 segmax = segmax, npmin = npmin) != 0:
                # GTC Hole is NULL area in a raster map
                grass.fatal(_("Failed to fill hole %s") % cat)
            # v.surf.rst sometimes fails with exit code 0
            # related bug #1813
            if not grass.find_file(holename + '_dem')['file']:
                    tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_grown')
                    tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_edges')
                    tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_dem')
                grass.warning(_("Filling has failed silently. Leaving temporary maps with prefix <%s> for debugging.") % holename)
            # append hole result to interpolated version later used to patch into original DEM
            if first:
                grass.run_command('g.region', align = input, rast = holename + '_dem', quiet = quiet)
                grass.mapcalc("$out = if(isnull($inp), null(), $dem)", 
                                out = filling, inp = holename, dem = holename + '_dem')
                first = False
                tmp_rmaps.append(filling + '_tmp')
                grass.run_command('g.region', align = input, rast = (filling, holename + '_dem'), quiet = quiet)
                grass.mapcalc("$out = if(isnull($inp), if(isnull($fill), null(), $fill), $dem)", 
                                out = filling + '_tmp', inp = holename, dem = holename + '_dem', fill = filling)
                if grass.run_command('g.rename', rast = (filling + '_tmp', filling), 
                                    overwrite = True, quiet = quiet) != 0:
                    grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
                tmp_rmaps.remove(filling + '_tmp') # this map has been removed. No need for later cleanup.
            # remove temporary maps to not overfill disk
                tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_grown')
                tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_edges')
                tmp_rmaps.remove(holename + '_dem')
            if grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = quiet, flags = 'fb', type = 'rast', pattern = 
                (holename, holename + '_grown', holename + '_edges', holename + '_dem')) != 0:
                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
            if grass.run_command('g.remove', quiet = quiet, flags = 'fb', type = 'vect', pattern = holename) != 0:
                grass.fatal(_("abandoned. Removing temporary maps, restoring user mask if needed:"))
    #check if method is different from rst to use r.resamp.bspline
    if method != 'rst':
        grass.message(_("Using %s bspline interpolation") % method)

        # clone current region
        grass.run_command('g.region', align = input)

        reg = grass.region()
        # launch r.resamp.bspline
        tmp_rmaps.append(prefix + 'filled')
        if usermask:
            grass.run_command('r.resamp.bspline', input = input, mask = usermask,
                output = prefix + 'filled', method = method, 
                ew_step = 3 * reg['ewres'], ns_step = 3 * reg['nsres'], 
                _lambda = 0.01, flags = 'n')
            grass.run_command('r.resamp.bspline', input = input,
                output = prefix + 'filled', method = method, 
                ew_step = 3 * reg['ewres'], ns_step = 3 * reg['nsres'], 
                _lambda = 0.01, flags = 'n')

    # restoring user's mask, if present:
    if usermask:
        grass.message(_("Restoring user mask (MASK)..."))
        if grass.run_command('g.rename', quiet = quiet, rast = (usermask, 'MASK')) != 0:
            grass.warning(_("Failed to restore user MASK!"))
        usermask = None

    # set region to original extents, align to input
    grass.run_command('g.region', n = reg_org['n'], s = reg_org['s'], 
                    e = reg_org['e'], w = reg_org['w'], align = input)

    # patch orig and fill map
    grass.message(_("Patching fill data into NULL areas..."))
    # we can use --o here as g.parser already checks on startup
    grass.run_command('r.patch', input = (input,prefix + 'filled'), output = output, overwrite = True)

    # restore the real region

    grass.message(_("Filled raster map is: %s") % output)

    # write cmd history:
    if len(failed_list) > 0:
        grass.warning(_("Following holes where not filled. Temporary maps with are left in place to allow examination of unfilled holes"))
        outlist = failed_list[0]
        for hole in failed_list[1:]:
            outlist = ', ' + outlist
