Пример #1
    def position(self, t=None):
            t (float, optional):
                time [s]

            Value of self._position if t is None and if self._position is not
            None. Otherwise the actual position is calculated as function of
            time [m, m, m]

            The calculated position is NOT stored as 'self._position'
        if t is None and self._position is not None:
            return self._position
        if self._wayPoints is None:
            return self._position

        if t is None or t < 0.:
            t = 0.
        if t >= self._wayPoints[-1].t:
            P = self._wayPoints[-1]
            return xyz(P.x, P.y, P.z)

        # P = P' + (P"-P') * (t-t') / (t"-t')
        iAhead = self.iWayPointAhead(t)
        DP = self._wayPoints[iAhead] - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1]
        dt = t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t
        Dt = self._wayPoints[iAhead].t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t
        P = self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1] + DP * (dt / Dt)
        return xyz(P.x, P.y, P.z)
Пример #2
    def setTrajectory(self, way, rot=None, speed=None, tBegin=0, tEnd=None):
        Defines list of waypoints

            way (array_like of xyz or xyzt):
                way points in 3D space [m, m, m] or [m, m, m, s]

            rot (array_like of xyz):
                rotation of waypoints in 3D space [rad], size can be 0, 1, or
                length of wayPoints

            speed (float, optional):
                constant magnitude of object velocity [m/s]

            tBegin (float, optional):
                start time [s]

            tEnd (float, optional):
                end time [s]
        self._wayPoints = list(way)
        if len(self._wayPoints) <= 1:
        self._wayPoints = [xyzt(point=P) for P in self._wayPoints]

        way = [0.]
        for i in range(1, len(self._wayPoints)):
            Dl = (self._wayPoints[i] - self._wayPoints[i - 1]).magnitude()
            way.append(way[i - 1] + Dl)

        if rot is None or len(rot) == 0:
            rot = [xyz()]
        assert len(rot) == 1 or len(rot) == len(self._wayPoints)
        if len(rot) == 1:
            self._rotations = rot * len(self._wayPoints)
            self._rotations = [xyz(point=r) for r in rot]

        if speed is None:
            if tEnd is None or isclose(tEnd, 0.):
                for P in self._wayPoints:
                    P.t = 0.
            speed = way[-1] / tEnd

        self._wayPoints[0].t = tBegin
        for i in range(1, len(self._wayPoints)):
            dt = (way[i] - way[i - 1]) / speed
            self._wayPoints[i].t = self._wayPoints[i - 1].t + dt

        self._position = self._wayPoints[0]
        self._velocity = self.velocity(0)
        self._rotation = self.rotation(0)

        del way
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, identifier='Move'):

        self._wayPoints = None  # array of wayPoints [m, m, m, s]
        self._rotations = None  # rotations in 3D space [rad]
        self._position = xyz()  # object position in 3D space [m]
        self._velocity = xyz()  # velocity in 3D space [m/s]
        self._rotation = xyz()  # rotation in 3D space [rad]
        self._iLastWayPoint = 0  # index of last passed way point
        self._trajectoryHistory = None  # plot data
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, identifier: str = '?') -> None:
        self.identifier = identifier
        self.points = OrderedDict()
        self.points['C'] = xyz(0., 0., 0.)
        self.points['E'] = xyz(1., 0., 0.)
        self.points['N'] = xyz(0., 1., 0.)

        self.rotAxis = None
        self.wayToNext = None

        self.prev = None
        self.next = None
Пример #5
    def extractRotationData(self) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
        Extracts rotation data from 'rotAxis' list which must contain one
            string and two floats; the rotation is around the axis for which
            the  angle is given as string;
        angle string can optionally end with 'deg' or 'rad';
        in case of 'deg', the angle is converted to radians

            modified rotation axis (angle string replaced with 'None'),
            bending radius [m], rotation angle [rad];
            ('None','None','None') is returned if rotAxis equals 'None'

            rotAxis: [1.2, '90deg', 2.3] -> rotation around y-axis with
            an angle of 90 degrees, rotation center is (x=1.2, z=2.3)
        if self.rotAxis is None or len(self.rotAxis) < 3:
            return (None, None, None)

        if isinstance(self.rotAxis[0], str):
            i = 0
        elif isinstance(self.rotAxis[1], str):
            i = 1
        elif isinstance(self.rotAxis[2], str):
            i = 2
            self.write('??? rotAxis does not contain the angle string')
            return (None, None, None)

        j = self.rotAxis[i].lower().find('deg')
        if j != -1:
            phiInRad = radians(float(self.rotAxis[i][:j]))
            j = self.rotAxis[i].lower().find('rad')
            if j != -1:
                phiInRad = float(self.rotAxis[i][:j])
                phiInRad = float(self.rotAxis[i])
        rot = deepcopy(self.rotAxis)
        rot[i] = None

        if i == 0:
            rBend = (self.C - xyz(self.C.x, rot[1], rot[2])).magnitude()
        elif i == 1:
            rBend = (self.C - xyz(rot[0], self.C.y, rot[2])).magnitude()
        elif i == 2:
            rBend = (self.C - xyz(rot[0], rot[1], self.C.z)).magnitude()

        return (rot, rBend, phiInRad)
Пример #6
    def velocity(self, t=None):
            t (float, optional):
                time [s]

                Value of self._velocity if 't' is None and self._velocity is
                not None. Otherwise the actual velocity is calculated as
                function of time [m/s]

            The calculated velocity is NOT stored as 'self._velocity'
        if t is None:
            if self._velocity is not None:
                return self._velocity
            t = 0.
        if self._wayPoints is None:
            return xyz()
        iAhead = self.iWayPointAhead(t)
        DP = self._wayPoints[iAhead] - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1]
        Dt = self._wayPoints[iAhead].t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t

        return DP * (1 / Dt)
Пример #7
    def rotation(self, t=None):
            t (float, optional):
                time [s]

            Value of self._rotations if t is None and if self._rotations is not
            None. Otherwise the actual rotation is calculated as function of
            time [rad]

            The calculated rotation is NOT stored as 'self._rotation'
        if t is None and self._rotations is not None:
            return self._rotations
        if self._wayPoints is None:
            return xyz()

        if t is None or t < 0.:
            t = 0.
        if t >= self._wayPoints[-1].t:
            return self._rotations[-1]

        # R = R' + (R"-R') * (t-t') / (t"-t')
        iAhead = self.iWayPointAhead(t)
        DR = self._rotations[iAhead] - self._rotations[iAhead - 1]
        dt = t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t
        Dt = self._wayPoints[iAhead].t - self._wayPoints[iAhead - 1].t
        return self._rotations[iAhead - 1] + DR * (dt / Dt)
Пример #8
    def set_begin(self, identifier, C, E, N):
        Sets characteristic points (C, E, N) of initial cross section

            identifier (string):
                identifier of cross-section

            C, E, N (xyz):
                center, east and north point defining circle area

            Reference to cross section
        self.head = CrossSection(identifier)
        self.head.C = xyz(C[0], C[1], C[2])
        self.head.E = xyz(E[0], E[1], E[2])
        self.head.N = xyz(N[0], N[1], N[2])
        self.tail = self.head
        return self.head
Пример #9
    def initialCondition(self):
        Initializes object positionm velocity and rotation

        if self._wayPoints is not None:
            self._position = self._wayPoints[0]
            self._velocity = self.velocity(0)
            self._rotation = self.rotation(0)
            self._position = xyz()
            self._velocity = xyz()
            self._rotation = xyz()

        if self.silent:
            self._trajectoryHistory = None
            self._trajectoryHistory = \
                [[self._position.x], [self._position.y], [self._position.z],
                 [self._velocity.x], [self._velocity.y], [self._velocity.z],
                 [self._rotation.x], [self._rotation.y], [self._rotation.z]]
Пример #10
            plt.xlim(0, )

# Examples ####################################################################

if __name__ == '__main__':
    ALL = 1
    #   y
    way = [
        xyz(.0, .0, .0),  #   ^
        xyz(.1, .1, .0),  # +1|      /\
        xyz(.2, .2, .0),  #   |    /    \
        xyz(.3, .1, .0),  #   |  /        \             0.8
        xyz(.4, .0, .0),  # 0 |/----0.2-----\----0.6-----/-->
        xyz(.5, -.1, .0),  #   |            0.4\        /    x
        xyz(.6, -.2, .0),  #   |                 \    /
        xyz(.7, -.1, .0),  # -1|                   \/
        xyz(.8, .0, .0)
    ]  #   | trajectory W=W(t)

    rot = [
        xyz(20 * np.sin(i * 3), 4 * i - 20, i * i - 30)
        for i in range(len(way))
    print(len(rot), [str(rot[i]) for i in range(9)])