Пример #1
class EFT_calculator:
    def __init__(self, order=2):
        self.mol = Water()
        self.grid = Grid()
        self.order = order  # order of the interpolant, 1 for linear

    # Setup the grid structure. If provided with a data file, load it
    def setup(self, filename=None):
        if not filename:

    # Given a calculator that evalulates the atomic coordinates of a pair,
    # use the results to fill the grid
    def fill_grid(self, calculator, filename='grid_data.txt'):
        def f(x):
            coor = self._spherical2Atomic(x)
            return calculator.eval(coor)

        if not self.grid.n:
            raise Exception('setup() before fill')

    def fill_with_QM(self, logfilelist):
        """ input filename is a file with all gird GAMESS result log in order."""
        loglist = open(logfilelist, 'r').readlines()
        for i in range(len(loglist)):
            loglist[i] = loglist[i].rstrip()
        i = 0
        for leaf, x in self.grid._gen_leaves_with_x():
            leaf.y, coord = self._parseQMlog(
                loglist[i])  #coord is not using here
            i += 1
            if i >= len(loglist): break

    def _parseQMlog(self, logname):
        """extract energy, force from GAMESS log file and 
        return (energy, force[0],force[1],force[2], torque[0],torque[1],torque[2])
        ni, nj is the atom num. of framgment i,j 
        AU2KCAL = 23.0605 * 27.2116
        HperB2toque = 1185.82  # 1Hartree/Bohr = 1185.82 kcal/mol/Angstrom
        frgE1 = -76.2987810745 * AU2KCAL
        frgE2 = -76.2987810745 * AU2KCAL
        e = 0.0
        f = np.zeros(3)
        t = np.zeros(3)
        logf = open(logname, 'r')
        log = logf.readlines()
        coords = []
        gradients = []
        for idx, i in enumerate(log):
            if i[0:13] == " INPUT CARD> " and len(i.split()) == 7:
                    coords.append([float(i) for i in i.split()[4:7]])
                except ValueError:
            if 'E(MP2)=' in i:
                e = float(i.split()[1]) * AU2KCAL - frgE1 - frgE2
            if 'GRADIENT OF THE ENERGY' in i:
                for gline in log[idx + 4:idx + 10]:
                        [float(g) * HperB2toque for g in gline.split()[2:5]])
        coords = np.array(coords)
        gradients = np.array(gradients)
        # from com => probe
        com1 = self.mol.getCOM(coords[3:])
        coord1 = coords[:3]
        grad1 = gradients[:3]
        for idx in range(len(grad1)):
            f += grad1[idx]
            t += np.cross(coord1[idx] - com1, grad1[idx])
        return np.array([e, f[0], f[1], f[2], t[0], t[1], t[2]]), coords

    # Evaluate the Xcom and q for a pair of mols by querying the grid
    def eval(self, Xcom0, q0, Xcom1, q1):
        # move COM of mol0 to origin
        X = Xcom1 - Xcom0
        # reorient to align mol0 with refCoor
        R = tools.q2R(q0)
        X = np.dot(X, R)
        q = tools.qdiv(q1, q0)
        # Use mirror symmetry of mol0 to move mol1 such that its COM has positive y and z values
        reflections = []
        qsub = q[1:]
        for i in self.mol.refl_axes:
            if X[i] < 0:
                X[i] = -X[i]
                # the following operation on q is equivalent to changing R to MRM
                # i.e., the probe mol is reflected twice, once in the reference frame,
                # once in the molecular frame.
                qsub[i] = -qsub[i]
                qsub[:] = -qsub
        # Use mirror symmetry of mol1 to orient it such that it has positive q[0] and q[1] values
        if q[0] < 0:
            q = -q
        if q[1] < 0:
            q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3] = -q[1], q[0], q[3], -q[2]
        # convert X, q to polar coordinates
        r, phi, theta = tools.xyz2spherical(X)
        ophi1, ophi2, otheta = tools.q2spherical(q)
        coor = [r, phi, theta, ophi1, ophi2, otheta]
        # use the grid to obtain results
        eft = self.grid.interpolate(coor, self.order)
        ener = eft[0]
        force = eft[1:4]
        torque = eft[4:7]
        # Reverse the operations for mol0 mirror symmetry back
        for i in reflections:
            force[i] = -force[i]
            torque[i] = -torque[i]
            torque[:] = -torque
        # Reverse the reorientation applied to align mol0 with refCoor
        force[:] = np.dot(force, R.T)
        torque[:] = np.dot(torque, R.T)
        return eft

    # Generate atomic coordinates for mol pair for grid points along with
    # an id. The optional arguments can be used to specify a range for the id.
    # The coordinates are in the form of [XO0, XH0, XH0, XO1, XH1, XH1], where 0 indicates
    # the center molecule, 1 the probe molecule.
    def gen_atomic_coors(self, start=None, stop=None):
        if stop is None:
            if start is not None:
                raise Exception('Specify start and stop at the same time!')
            start = 0
            stop = self.grid.n
        gen_x = itertools.islice(self.grid.gen_x(), start, stop)
        for i in range(start, stop):
            x = gen_x.next()
            coors = self._spherical2Atomic(x)
            yield i, coors

    def gen_PDB(self, confs=None):
        if confs is None: confs = self.grid.gen_x()
        for i, x in enumerate(confs):
            #if np.linalg.norm(conf.q) > 1: pdb.set_trace()
            coors = self._spherical2PDB(x)
            yield i, coors

    # Construct atomic coordinates for a pair from grid coordinate
    def _spherical2Atomic(self, coor):
        r, phi, theta, ophi1, ophi2, otheta = coor
        Xcom = tools.spherical2xyz(r, phi, theta)
        q = tools.spherical2q(ophi1, ophi2, otheta)
        coor = self.mol.Xq2Atomic(Xcom, q)
        return np.concatenate((self.mol.refCoor, coor), axis=0)

    def _spherical2PDB(self, coor, NdxAtom=1, NdxRes=1):
        c = self._spherical2Atomic(coor)
        mol = 'TITLE para:' + '%8.3f' * 6 % tuple(coor) + '\n'
        for i in range(self.mol.n1 + self.mol.n2):
            mol += "ATOM  %5d%3s%6s A%4d%12.3f%8.3f%8.3f  1.00  0.00\n" % (
                NdxAtom, self.mol.ele[i], self.mol.frg, NdxRes, c[i][0],
                c[i][1], c[i][2])
            if NdxAtom == self.mol.n1: NdxRes += 1
            NdxAtom += 1
        return mol
Пример #2
class EFT_calculator:
    def __init__(
        self.com = molType(comType)
        self.probe = molType(probeType)
        self.grid = Grid()
        self.order = order  # order of the interpolant, 1 for linear

    # Setup the grid structure. If provided with a data file, load it
    def setup(self, filename=None):
        if not filename:

    # Given a calculator that evalulates the atomic coordinates of a pair,
    # use the results to fill the grid
    def fill_grid(self, calculator, filename='grid_data.txt'):
        def f(x):
            coor = self._spherical2Atomic(x)
            return calculator.eval(coor)

        if not self.grid.n:
            raise Exception('setup() before fill')

    def fill_with_QM(self, logfilelist):
        """ input filename is a file with all gird GAMESS result log in order."""
        loglist = open(logfilelist, 'r').readlines()
        for i in range(len(loglist)):
            loglist[i] = loglist[i].rstrip()
        i = 0
        for leaf, x in self.grid._gen_leaves_with_x():
            leaf.y, coord = self._parseQMlog(
                loglist[i])  #coord is not using here
            i += 1
            if i >= len(loglist): break

    def _parseQMlog(self, logname):
        """extract energy, force from GAMESS log file and 
        return (energy, force[0],force[1],force[2], torque[0],torque[1],torque[2])
        ni, nj is the atom num. of framgment i,j 
        AU2KCAL = 23.0605 * 27.2116
        HperB2toque = 1185.82  # 1Hartree/Bohr = 1185.82 kcal/mol/Angstrom
        frgE1 = -76.2987810745 * AU2KCAL
        frgE2 = -76.2987810745 * AU2KCAL
        e = 0.0
        f = np.zeros(3)
        t = np.zeros(3)
        logf = open(logname, 'r')
        log = logf.readlines()
        coords = []
        gradients = []
        for idx, i in enumerate(log):
            if i[0:13] == " INPUT CARD> " and len(i.split()) == 7:
                    coords.append([float(i) for i in i.split()[4:7]])
                except ValueError:
            if 'E(MP2)=' in i:
                e = float(i.split()[1]) * AU2KCAL - frgE1 - frgE2
            if 'GRADIENT OF THE ENERGY' in i:
                for gline in log[idx + 4:idx + 10]:
                        [float(g) * HperB2toque for g in gline.split()[2:5]])
        coords = np.array(coords)
        gradients = np.array(gradients)
        # from com => probe
        com1 = self.com.getCOM(coords[:self.com.n])
        coord1 = coords[:self.com.n]
        grad1 = gradients[:self.com.n]
        for idx in range(self.com.n):
            f -= grad1[idx]
            t -= np.cross(coord1[idx] - com1, grad1[idx])
        return np.array([e, f[0], f[1], f[2], t[0], t[1], t[2]]), coords

    # Evaluate the Xcom and q for a pair of mols by querying the grid
    def eval(self, Xcom0, q0, Xcom1, q1):
        # move COM of mol0 to origin
        X = Xcom1 - Xcom0
        # reorient to align mol0 with refCoor
        R = tools.q2R(q0)
        X = np.dot(X, R)
        q = tools.qdiv(q1, q0)
        # Use mirror symmetry of mol0 to move mol1 such that its COM has positive y and z values
        reflections = []
        qsub = q[1:]
        for i in self.com.refl_axes:
            if X[i] < 0:
                X[i] = -X[i]
                # the following operation on q is equivalent to changing R to MRM
                # i.e., the probe mol is reflected twice, once in the reference frame,
                # once in the molecular frame.
                qsub[i] = -qsub[i]
                qsub[:] = -qsub
        # Use mirror symmetry of mol1 to orient it such that it has positive q[0] and q[1] values
        if q[0] < 0:
            q = -q
        if q[1] < 0:
            q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3] = -q[1], q[0], q[3], -q[2]
        # convert X, q to polar coordinates
        r, phi, theta = tools.xyz2spherical(X)
        ophi1, ophi2, otheta = tools.q2spherical(q)
        coor = [r, phi, theta, ophi1, ophi2, otheta]
        # use the grid to obtain results
        eft = self.grid.interpolate(coor, self.order)
        ener = eft[0]
        force = eft[1:4]
        torque = eft[4:7]
        # Reverse the operations for mol0 mirror symmetry back
        for i in reflections:
            force[i] = -force[i]
            torque[i] = -torque[i]
            torque[:] = -torque
        # Reverse the reorientation applied to align mol0 with refCoor
        force[:] = np.dot(force, R.T)
        torque[:] = np.dot(torque, R.T)
        return eft

    def Xqfrom2Xq(self, Xcom0, q0, Xcom1, q1):
        # move COM of mol0 to origin
        X = Xcom1 - Xcom0
        # reorient to align mol0 with refCoor
        R = tools.q2R(q0)
        X = np.dot(X, R)
        q = tools.qdiv(q1, q0)
        # Use mirror symmetry of mol0 to move mol1 such that its COM has positive y and z values
        reflections = []
        qsub = q[1:]
        for i in self.com.refl_axes:
            if X[i] < 0:
                X[i] = -X[i]
                # the following operation on q is equivalent to changing R to MRM
                # i.e., the probe mol is reflected twice, once in the reference frame,
                # once in the molecular frame.
                qsub[i] = -qsub[i]
                qsub[:] = -qsub
        # Use mirror symmetry of mol1 to orient it such that it has positive q[0] and q[1] values
        if q[0] < 0:
            q = -q
        if q[1] < 0:
            q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3] = -q[1], q[0], q[3], -q[2]
        return X, q

    # Generate atomic coordinates for mol pair for grid points along with
    # an id. The optional arguments can be used to specify a range for the id.
    # The coordinates are in the form of [XO0, XH0, XH0, XO1, XH1, XH1], where 0 indicates
    # the center molecule, 1 the probe molecule.
    def gen_atomic_coors(self, start=None, stop=None):
        if stop is None:
            if start is not None:
                raise Exception('Specify start and stop at the same time!')
            start = 0
            stop = self.grid.n
        gen_x = itertools.islice(self.grid.gen_x(), start, stop)
        for i in range(start, stop):
            x = gen_x.next()
            coors = self._spherical2Atomic(x)
            yield i, coors

    def gen_PDB(self, confs=None):
        if confs is None: confs = self.grid.gen_x()
        for i, x in enumerate(confs):
            #if np.linalg.norm(conf.q) > 1: pdb.set_trace()
            coors = self._spherical2PDB(x)
            yield i, coors

    def gen_INP(self, confs=None, Filter=False):
        if confs is None: confs = self.grid.gen_x()
        for i, x in enumerate(confs):
            if Filter:
                Xcom, q = self._spherical2Xq(x)
                if self._XqClash(Xcom, q): continue
            coors = self._spherical2INP(x)
            yield i, coors

    def _spherical2Xq(self, coor):
        r, phi, theta, ophi1, ophi2, otheta = coor
        Xcom = tools.spherical2xyz(r, phi, theta)
        q = tools.spherical2q(ophi1, ophi2, otheta)
        return Xcom, q

    # Construct atomic coordinates for a pair from grid coordinate
    def _spherical2Atomic(self, coor):
        Xcom, q = self._spherical2Xq(coor)
        coor = self.probe.Xq2Atomic(Xcom, q)
        return np.concatenate((self.com.refCoor, coor), axis=0)

    def _Xq2PDB(self, Xcom, q, occupancy=1.0, bfactor=0.0):
        pdb = 'REMARK  99 Xcom:%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f q:%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n' % (
            tuple(Xcom) + tuple(q))
        pdb += self.com.Xq2PDB()
        pdb += self.probe.Xq2PDB(Xcom, q, 1, occupancy, bfactor)
        return pdb

    def _spherical2PDB(self, coor, occupancy=1.0, bfactor=0.0):
        Xcom, q = self._spherical2Xq(coor)
        return self._Xq2PDB(Xcom, q, occupancy, bfactor)

    def _Xq2INP(self, Xcom, q, head=GAMESS_Settings):
        inp = head
        inp += self.com.Xq2INP()
        inp += self.probe.Xq2INP(Xcom, q)
        inp += ' $END'
        return inp

    def _spherical2INP(self, coor):
        Xcom, q = self._spherical2Xq(coor)
        return self._Xq2INP(Xcom, q)

    def _XqClash(self, Xcom, q):
        rcutlow = {
            'HH': 0.6,
            'HC': 1.3,
            'HO': 0.8,
            'HN': 0.8,
            'HS': 0.6,
            'CC': 2.0,
            'CO': 1.5,
            'CN': 1.5,
            'CS': 2.0,
            'OO': 1.5,
            'ON': 1.5,
            'OS': 1.5,
            'NN': 1.5,
            'NS': 1.5
        for nn in rcutlow.keys():
            rcutlow[nn[1] + nn[0]] = rcutlow[nn]

        probeCoor = self.probe.Xq2Atomic(Xcom, q)
        for i in range(self.com.n):
            for j in range(self.probe.n):
                cutoff = rcutlow[self.com.mol[i][0] + self.probe.mol[j][0]]
                atom_dist = np.linalg.norm(self.com.refCoor[i] - probeCoor[j])
                if atom_dist < cutoff:
                    return True