Пример #1
class GridCrafterView(tk.Frame):
    """A tkinter widget used to display crafting with a grid as input and a single cell as output"""
    def __init__(self, master, input_size):

            master (tk.Frame | tk.Toplevel | tk.Tk): Tkinter parent widget
            input_size (tuple<int, int>):
                    The (row, column) size of the grid crafter's input grid

        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Create widgets here
        # ...
        # create input/output/button wedgets
        self._input_widget = ItemGridView(self, input_size)
        self._crafting_button = tk.Button(self, text=" => Craft => ")
        self._output_widget = ItemGridView(self, (1, 1))

    def render(self, key_stack_pairs, selected):
        """Renders the stacks at appropriate cells, as determined by 'key_stack_pairs'

            key_stack_pairs (tuple<*, Stack>):
                    (key, stack) pairs, where each stack should be drawn at the cell
                    corresponding to key
            selected (*): The key that is currently selected, or None if no key is selected
        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Render widgets here
        # ...

        print(f"{selected} is selected")
        for key, stack in key_stack_pairs:
            print(f"Redrawing {stack} at {key}")
            if key == "output":
                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw output cell
                # ...
                self._output_widget.draw_cell((0, 0), stack, key == selected)

                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw input cells
                # ...

                self._input_widget.draw_cell(key, stack, key == selected)

    def bind_for_id(self, event, callback):
        """Binds callback to tkinter mouse event

        Callback accept parameters: callback(key, event), where
          - key (*) is the key of the cell clicked, etc.
          - mouse_event (tk.MouseEvent) is the original mouse event from tkinter
        if event not in TK_MOUSE_EVENTS:

        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Bind to tkinter widgets here
        # When a cell is clicked, we need to call the callback. Tkinter's bind does
        # this for us, but not exactly how we want. Tkinter bound callbacks have a single
        # parameter, the mouse event containing useful information about the click (i.e.
        # the x & y coordinates)
        # However, x & y coordinates aren't that useful. The class controlling this widget
        # (i.e. CraftingWindow) only needs to know which cell was clicked. It's not
        # concerned with where it was clicked, just that it was. This is so it can easily
        # interact with the crafter model (i.e. GridCrafter) and move stacks around or
        # select/deselect them.
        # To integrate with CraftingWindow, you will need to transform the callback
        # provided to tk.bind, exactly as is done in ItemGridView.bind_for_id, except
        # the first argument may not necessarily be a (row, column) position, but
        # simply an arbitrary key (for basic 2x2 crafting, the 5 keys are:
        #    "output", (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
        # ...
            lambda e: callback(self._input_widget.xy_to_grid((e.x, e.y)), e))
        self._output_widget.bind(event, lambda e: callback("output", e))
        self._crafting_button.bind(event, lambda e: callback("craft", e))
Пример #2
class GridCrafterView(tk.Frame):
    """A tkinter widget used to display crafting with a grid as input and a single cell as output"""
    def __init__(self, master, input_size):

            master (tk.Frame | tk.Toplevel | tk.Tk): Tkinter parent widget
            input_size (tuple<int, int>):
                    The (row, column) size of the grid crafter's input grid
        self._master = master
        self._crafting_type = 'basic'

        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Create widgets here
        # ...
        if input_size == (2, 1):
            self._crafting_type = 'furnace'

            # Frame for the smelting item, fuel and fire image
            self._furnace_frame = tk.Frame(self)

            # Create one grid for the item to be smelted
            self._smelt_grid = Grid(rows=1, columns=1)
            self._smelt_grid_view = ItemGridView(self._furnace_frame, (1, 1))
            self._smelt_grid_view.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=True)

            # Flame
            self._flame_img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(Image.open('flame.png'))
            self._flame_label = tk.Label(self._furnace_frame,

            # Create on grid below the fire for the fuel item
            self._fuel_grid = Grid(rows=1, columns=1)
            self._fuel_grid_view = ItemGridView(self._furnace_frame, (1, 1))
            self._fuel_grid_view.pack(side=tk.TOP, expand=True)

            # Render and pack
            self._smelt_grid_view.render(self._smelt_grid.items(), None)
            self._fuel_grid_view.render(self._fuel_grid.items(), None)
            self._furnace_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=True)
        else:  # Basic crafting grid for 2x2 or crafting table
            self._input_grid = Grid(rows=input_size[0], columns=input_size[1])
            self._input_grid_view = ItemGridView(self,
            self._input_grid_view.pack(side=tk.LEFT, expand=True)
            self._input_grid_view.render(self._input_grid.items(), None)

        # Create output cell and craft button, the same for all cases
        self._output_cell = Grid(rows=1, columns=1)
        self._output_cell_view = ItemGridView(self,
        self._output_cell_view.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, expand=True)

        self._craft_button = tk.Button(self, text='=>Craft=>')

        self._output_cell_view.render(self._output_cell.items(), None)

    def render(self, key_stack_pairs, selected):
        """Renders the stacks at appropriate cells, as determined by 'key_stack_pairs'

            key_stack_pairs (tuple<*, Stack>):
                    (key, stack) pairs, where each stack should be drawn at the cell
                    corresponding to key
            selected (*): The key that is currently selected, or None if no key is selected
        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Render widgets here
        # ...
        #print(f"{selected} is selected")
        for key, stack in key_stack_pairs:
            #print(f"Redrawing {stack} at {key}")
            if key == "output":
                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw output cell
                # ...
                self._output_cell_view.draw_cell((0, 0),
                                                 active=selected == key)
            elif self._crafting_type == 'furnace' and key == (0, 0):
                self._smelt_grid_view.draw_cell((0, 0),
                                                active=selected == key)
            elif self._crafting_type == 'furnace' and key == (1, 0):
                self._fuel_grid_view.draw_cell((0, 0),
                                               active=selected == key)
            elif self._crafting_type == 'basic':
                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw input cells
                # ...
                                                active=selected == key)

    def bind_for_id(self, event, callback):
        """Binds callback to tkinter mouse event

        Callback accept parameters: callback(key, event), where
          - key (*) is the key of the cell clicked, etc.
          - mouse_event (tk.MouseEvent) is the original mouse event from tkinter
        if event not in TK_MOUSE_EVENTS:

        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Bind to tkinter widgets here
        # When a cell is clicked, we need to call the callback. Tkinter's bind does
        # this for us, but not exactly how we want. Tkinter bound callbacks have a single
        # parameter, the mouse event containing useful information about the click (i.e.
        # the x & y coordinates)
        # However, x & y coordinates aren't that useful. The class controlling this widget
        # (i.e. CraftingWindow) only needs to know which cell was clicked. It's not
        # concerned with where it was clicked, just that it was. This is so it can easily
        # interact with the crafter model (i.e. GridCrafter) and move stacks around or
        # select/deselect them.
        # To integrate with CraftingWindow, you will need to transform the callback
        # provided to tk.bind, exactly as is done in ItemGridView.bind_for_id, except
        # the first argument may not necessarily be a (row, column) position, but
        # simply an arbitrary key (for basic 2x2 crafting, the 5 keys are:
        #    "output", (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
        # ...
        if self._crafting_type == 'basic':
                event, lambda e: callback(
                    self._input_grid_view.xy_to_grid((e.x, e.y)), e))
        elif self._crafting_type == 'furnace':
            self._smelt_grid_view.bind(event, lambda e: callback((0, 0), e))
            self._fuel_grid_view.bind(event, lambda e: callback((1, 0), e))
        self._output_cell_view.bind(event, lambda e: callback("output", e))
        self._craft_button.bind(event, lambda e: callback('craft', 'craft'))
Пример #3
class GridCrafterView(tk.Frame):
    """A tkinter widget used to display crafting with a grid as input and a single cell as output"""
    def __init__(self, master, input_size):

            master (tk.Frame | tk.Toplevel | tk.Tk): Tkinter parent widget
            input_size (tuple<int, int>):
                    The (row, column) size of the grid crafter's input grid

        self._master = master
        self._item_grid = ItemGridView(master, input_size)

        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Create widgets here
        # ...

        input_frame = tk.Frame(master)

        self._input = ItemGridView(input_frame, input_size)

        self._craft_button = tk.Button(input_frame, text="craft")

        self._output = ItemGridView(input_frame, (1, 1))

        self.BORDER = 100  # BORDER//2 + |item grid| + BORDER//2
        self.CELL_LENGTH = 64  # pixel width of grid cell
        self.CELL_SPACING = 5  # pixel spacing between grid cells

    def render(self, key_stack_pairs, selected):
        """Renders the stacks at appropriate cells, as determined by 'key_stack_pairs'

            key_stack_pairs (tuple<*, Stack>):
                    (key, stack) pairs, where each stack should be drawn at the cell
                    corresponding to key
            selected (*): The key that is currently selected, or None if no key is selected
        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Create widgets here
        # ...
        # print(f"{selected} is selected")
        for key, stack in key_stack_pairs:
            # print(f"Redrawing {stack} at {key}")
            if key == "output":
                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw output cell
                # ...
                self._output.draw_cell((0, 0), stack, selected == key)
                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw input cells
                # ...
                self._input.draw_cell(key, stack, selected == key)

    def bind_for_id(self, event, callback):
        """Binds callback to tkinter mouse event

        Callback accept parameters: callback(key, event), where
          - key (*) is the key of the cell clicked, etc.
          - mouse_event (tk.MouseEvent) is the original mouse event from tkinter
        if event not in TK_MOUSE_EVENTS:

        self._input.bind(event, lambda e: callback(self.xy_to_grid(
            (e.x, e.y)), e))
        self._output.bind(event, lambda e: callback("output", e))
        self._craft_button.bind(event, lambda e: callback("craft", e))

        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Bind to tkinter widgets here
        # When a cell is clicked, we need to call the callback. Tkinter's bind does
        # this for us, but not exactly how we want. Tkinter bound callbacks have a single
        # parameter, the mouse event containing useful information about the click (i.e.
        # the x & y coordinates)
        # However, x & y coordinates aren't that useful. The class controlling this widget
        # (i.e. CraftingWindow) only needs to know which cell was clicked. It's not
        # concerned with where it was clicked, just that it was. This is so it can easily
        # interact with the crafter model (i.e. GridCrafter) and move stacks around or
        # select/deselect them.
        # To integrate with CraftingWindow, you will need to transform the callback
        # provided to tk.bind, exactly as is done in ItemGridView.bind_for_id, except
        # the first argument may not necessarily be a (row, column) position, but
        # simply an arbitrary key (for basic 2x2 crafting, the 5 keys are:
        #    "output", (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)
        # ...

    # Task 2.2 Crafting: You may add additional methods here
    # ...

    def set_button_method(self, newmethod):
        self._craft_button['command'] = newmethod

    def xy_to_grid(self, xy_position):
        """Returns the grid position of the cell that contains the 'xy_position'

            xy_position (tuple<float, float>):
                (x, y) coordinates contained by some cell
            (tuple<int, int>): The (row, column) grid position of the cell

        x, y = xy_position

        column = (x - self.BORDER // 2) // (self.CELL_LENGTH +
        row = (y - self.BORDER // 2) // (self.CELL_LENGTH + self.CELL_SPACING)

        return row, column
Пример #4
class GridCrafterView(tk.Frame):
    """A tkinter widget used to display crafting with a grid as input and a single cell as output"""
    def __init__(self, master, input_size, mode="normal"):

            master (tk.Frame | tk.Toplevel | tk.Tk): Tkinter parent widget
            input_size (tuple<int, int>):
                    The (row, column) size of the grid crafter's input grid
        # check mode
        if mode not in ["normal", "smelting"]:
            raise NotImplementedError("Not supported mode")
        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Create widgets here
        self._input = SelectableGrid(rows=input_size[0], columns=input_size[1])
        self._input_view = ItemGridView(self, self._input.get_size())
        self._output = SelectableGrid(rows=1, columns=1)
        if mode == "smelting":
            self._button = tk.Button(self, text="=>Smelt=>", height=1)
            im = Image.open('fire.jpg')
            self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(im)
            # img = tk.PhotoImage(file="fire.gif")
            self._label = tk.Label(self, image=self.img)
            self._button = tk.Button(self, text="=>Craft=>", height=1)
        self._output_view = ItemGridView(self, (1, 1))

    def render(self, key_stack_pairs, selected):
        """Renders the stacks at appropriate cells, as determined by 'key_stack_pairs'

            key_stack_pairs (tuple<*, Stack>):
                    (key, stack) pairs, where each stack should be drawn at the cell
                    corresponding to key
            selected (*): The key that is currently selected, or None if no key is selected
        # Task 2.2 Crafting: Create widgets here
        print(f"{selected} is selected")
        for key, stack in key_stack_pairs:
            print(f"Redrawing {stack} at {key}")
            if key == "output":
                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw output cell
                self._output_view.draw_cell((0, 0), stack,
                                            selected == "output")
                # Task 2.2 Crafting: Draw input cells
                self._input_view.draw_cell(key, stack,
                                           True if selected == key else False)

    def bind_for_id(self, event, callback):
        """Binds callback to tkinter mouse event

        Callback accept parameters: callback(key, event), where
          - key (*) is the key of the cell clicked, etc.
          - mouse_event (tk.MouseEvent) is the original mouse event from tkinter
        if event not in TK_MOUSE_EVENTS:
        self._input_view.bind_for_id(event, callback)
        self._output_view.bind(event, lambda e: callback("output", e))
        self._button.bind(event, lambda e: callback("craft", e))