Пример #1
    def test_construction(self, sg_data, sg_topology):
        filename = sg_data[0]
        dataset = sg_data[1]
        grid_topology = sg_topology
        sg = Grid_S.from_netCDF(filename, dataset, grid_topology=grid_topology)
        assert sg.filename == filename

        sg2 = Grid_S.from_netCDF(filename)
        assert sg2.filename == filename

        sg3 = Grid.from_netCDF(filename, dataset, grid_topology=grid_topology)
        sg4 = Grid.from_netCDF(filename)
        assert sg == sg3
        assert sg2 == sg4
Пример #2
    def test_masked_grid(self, sg_data, sg_topology):
        filename = sg_data[0]
        dataset = sg_data[1]
        grid_topology = sg_topology
        sg = Grid_S.from_netCDF(filename, dataset, grid_topology=grid_topology)

        assert sg.node_mask is not None

        pts = {'on': [1.1,33.6],
               'off': [0.9,30.6],
               'masked': [1.1,31.6]

        assert sg._cell_tree[1].shape == sg.nodes.reshape(-1,2).shape
        on_grid_result = sg.locate_faces(pts['on'])
        off_grid_result = sg.locate_faces(pts['off'])
        masked_territory_result = sg.locate_faces(pts['masked'])
        #locate a point that is on the grid in unmasked territory, and make
        #sure that with or without the mask returns the same result
        assert all(sg.locate_faces(pts['on']) == on_grid_result)
        #locate a point off-grid, and make sure the same result is returned
        assert all(sg.locate_faces(pts['off']) == off_grid_result)
        #masked territory should be different.
        assert all(sg.locate_faces(pts['masked']) != masked_territory_result)

        #rebuild without the mask, and make sure results match
        assert all(sg.locate_faces(pts['on']) == on_grid_result)
        assert all(sg.locate_faces(pts['off']) == off_grid_result)
        assert all(sg.locate_faces(pts['masked']) == masked_territory_result)
Пример #3
def test_regrid_variable_StoS(get_s_depth):
    # Time is not present
    # Depth is not present
    # Grid_S to Grid_S
    from gridded.variable import Variable
    from gridded.time import Time
    from gridded.grids import Grid_S
    sd = get_s_depth
    grid = sd.grid
    data = np.ones((grid.node_lon.shape[0], grid.node_lon.shape[1]))

    v1 = Variable(name='v1', grid=grid, data=data, depth=None, time=None)

    g2 = Grid_S(
        node_lon=(grid.node_lon[0:-1, 0:-1] + grid.node_lon[1:, 1:]) / 2,
        node_lat=(grid.node_lat[0:-1, 0:-1] + grid.node_lat[1:, 1:]) / 2)

    v2 = utilities.regrid_variable(g2, v1)
    # time should be unchanged
    assert v2.time is v1.time
    # depth should be None
    assert v2.depth is v1.depth is None
    sz = v1.data.shape[-1]
    # data shape should retain the same time/depth dimensions as the original
    # except in xy
    assert v2.data.shape[-2::] == (sz - 1, sz - 1)
Пример #4
def test_regrid_variable_TDStoS(get_s_depth):
    # Time is present
    # Depth is present
    # Grid_S to Grid_S
    from gridded.variable import Variable
    from gridded.time import Time
    from gridded.grids import Grid_S
    sd = get_s_depth
    grid = sd.grid
    n_levels = sd.num_w_levels
    data = np.ones(
        (1, n_levels, grid.node_lon.shape[0], grid.node_lon.shape[1]))
    for l in range(0, n_levels):
        data[0, l] *= l

    v1 = Variable(name='v1',

    g2 = Grid_S(
        node_lon=(grid.node_lon[0:-1, 0:-1] + grid.node_lon[1:, 1:]) / 2,
        node_lat=(grid.node_lat[0:-1, 0:-1] + grid.node_lat[1:, 1:]) / 2)

    v2 = utilities.regrid_variable(g2, v1)
    # time should be unchanged
    assert v2.time is v1.time
    # number of depth levels should remain unchanged
    assert len(v2.depth) == len(v1.depth)
    sz = v1.data.shape[-1]
    # data shape should retain the same time/depth dimensions as the original
    # except in xy
    assert v2.data.shape == (v1.data.shape[0], v1.data.shape[1], sz - 1,
                             sz - 1)
Пример #5
def get_s_depth():
    This is setup for a ROMS S-level Depth that is on a square grid with a center
    mound. Control vars: sz=xy size, center_el=height of the mound in meters,
    d0=general depth in meters, sig=steepness of mound, nz=number of z levels.
    d0 = 20
    sig = 0.75
    nz = 11
    node_lat, node_lon = np.mgrid[0:sz,0:sz]
    b_data = np.empty((sz,sz))
    for x in range(0,sz):
        for y in range(0,sz):
            b_data[x,y] = d0 - center_el*np.exp(-0.1*((x-(sz/2))**2 / 2.*((sig)**2) + (y-(sz/2))**2 / 2.*((sig)**2)))
    z_data = np.empty((3,sz,sz))
    for t in range(0,3):
        for x in range(0,sz):
            for y in range(0,sz):
                z_data[t,x,y] = (t - 1.)/2.
    g = Grid_S(node_lon=node_lon, node_lat=node_lat)
    bathy = Variable(name='bathy',
                     grid = g,
                     data = b_data)
    t_data = np.array([Time.constant_time().data[0] + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10*d) for d in range(0,3)])
    zeta = Variable(name='zeta',

    s_w = np.linspace(-1,0,nz)
    s_rho = (s_w[0:-1] + s_w[1:]) /2
    #equidistant layers, no stretching
    Cs_w = np.linspace(-1,0,nz)
    Cs_w = 1-1/np.exp(2*Cs_w)
    Cs_w /= -Cs_w[0]
    Cs_r = (Cs_w[0:-1] + Cs_w[1:]) /2
    hc = np.array([0,])

    sd = S_Depth(time=zeta.time,
    return sd
Пример #6
    def test_masked_grid(self, sg_data, sg_topology):
        filename = sg_data[0]
        dataset = sg_data[1]
        grid_topology = sg_topology
        sg = Grid_S.from_netCDF(filename, dataset, grid_topology=grid_topology)

        assert sg.node_mask is not None
        assert all(sg.node_mask[0, :] == True)
        assert all(sg.edge1_mask[-1, :] == True)

        sg.build_celltree(grid='node', use_mask=False)
        assert sg._cell_trees['node'][1].shape == sg.nodes.reshape(-1, 2).shape
        on_grid_result = sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0], 'node')
        off_grid_result = sg.locate_faces([0, 0.5], 'node')
        masked_territory_result = sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0.9], 'node')
        sg.build_celltree(grid='node', use_mask=True)
        assert sg._cell_trees['node'][1].shape == (48, 2)
        #locate a point that is on the grid in unmasked territory, and make
        #sure that with or without the mask returns the same result
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0], 'node') == on_grid_result)
        #locate a point off-grid, and make sure the same result is returned
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([0, 0.5], 'node') == off_grid_result)
        #masked territory should be different.
        assert all(
            sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0.9], 'node') != masked_territory_result)

        #rebuild without the mask, and make sure results match
        sg.build_celltree(grid='node', use_mask=False)
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0], 'node') == on_grid_result)
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([0, 0.5], 'node') == off_grid_result)
        assert all(
            sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0.9], 'node') == masked_territory_result)

        sg.build_celltree(grid='node', use_mask=True)
        sg.use_masked_boundary = True
        sg.build_celltree(grid='node', use_mask=True)
        #because masked nodes that are adjacent to at least one unmasked node
        #now get unmasked, and this grid has a one-node-thick border,
        #all nodes should be unmasked
        assert len(np.where(sg._masks['node'][0])[0]) == 0
        #behavior should be identical as well
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0], 'node') == on_grid_result)
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([0, 0.5], 'node') == off_grid_result)
        assert all(
            sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0.9], 'node') == masked_territory_result)

        #rerun with center just to make sure
        sg.use_masked_boundary = False
        sg.build_celltree(grid='center', use_mask=False)
        assert sg._cell_trees['center'][1].shape == sg.centers.reshape(-1,
        on_grid_result = sg.locate_faces([0.3, 0], 'center')
        off_grid_result = sg.locate_faces([-1, 0.5], 'center')
        masked_territory_result = sg.locate_faces([0.1, -0.9], 'center')
        sg.build_celltree(grid='center', use_mask=True)
        #locate a point that is on the grid in unmasked territory, and make
        #sure that with or without the mask returns the same result
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([0.5, 0], 'center') == on_grid_result)
        #locate a point off-grid, and make sure the same result is returned
        assert all(sg.locate_faces([-1, 0.5], 'center') == off_grid_result)
        #masked territory should be different.
        assert all(
            sg.locate_faces([0.1, -0.9], 'center') != masked_territory_result)
Пример #7
def gen_vortex_3D(filename=None):
    x, y = np.mgrid[-30:30:61j, -30:30:61j]
    y = np.ascontiguousarray(y.T)
    x = np.ascontiguousarray(x.T)
    x_size = 61
    y_size = 61
    g = Grid_S(node_lon=x, node_lat=y)
    lin_nodes = g._cell_tree[1]
    lin_faces = np.array([
        np.array([([lx, lx + x_size + 1, lx + 1
                    ], [lx, lx + x_size, lx + x_size + 1])
                  for lx in range(0, x_size - 1, 1)]) + ly * x_size
        for ly in range(0, y_size - 1)
    lin_faces = lin_faces.reshape(-1, 3)
    # y += np.sin(x) / 1
    # x += np.sin(x) / 5

    t0 = datetime(2001, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    tarr = [t0 + timedelta(hours=i) for i in range(0, 11)]
    angs = -np.arctan2(y, x)
    mag = np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
    vx = np.cos(angs) * mag
    vy = np.sin(angs) * mag
    vx = vx[np.newaxis, :] * 20
    vy = vy[np.newaxis, :] * 20
    vw = -0.001

    d_scale = [1, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -1]
    t_scale = np.linspace(0, 1, 11)

    tvx = np.array([vx * t for t in t_scale]).squeeze()
    tvy = np.array([vy * t for t in t_scale]).squeeze()

    dvx = np.array([vx * s for s in d_scale]).squeeze()
    dvy = np.array([vy * s for s in d_scale]).squeeze()

    tdvx = np.array([dvx * t for t in t_scale]).squeeze()
    tdvy = np.array([dvy * t for t in t_scale]).squeeze()

    lin_vx = vx.reshape(-1)
    lin_vy = vy.reshape(-1)

    lin_tvx = np.array([lin_vx * t for t in t_scale])
    lin_tvy = np.array([lin_vy * t for t in t_scale])

    lin_dvx = np.array([lin_vx * s for s in d_scale])
    lin_dvy = np.array([lin_vy * s for s in d_scale])

    lin_tdvx = np.array([lin_dvx * t for t in t_scale])
    lin_tdvy = np.array([lin_dvy * t for t in t_scale])

    ds = None
    if filename is not None:
        ds = nc4.Dataset(filename, 'w', diskless=True, persist=True)

        ds.createDimension('y', y.shape[0])
        ds.createDimension('x', x.shape[1])
        ds.createDimension('time', len(tarr))
        ds.createDimension('depth', len(d_scale))
        ds.createVariable('x', 'f8', dimensions=('x', 'y'))
        ds['x'][:] = x
        ds.createVariable('y', 'f8', dimensions=('x', 'y'))
        ds['y'][:] = y
        ds.createVariable('time', 'f8', dimensions=('time'))
        ds['time'][:] = nc4.date2num(tarr, 'hours since {0}'.format(t0))
        ds['time'].setncattr('units', 'hours since {0}'.format(t0))
        ds.createVariable('vx', 'f8', dimensions=('x', 'y'))
        ds.createVariable('vy', 'f8', dimensions=('x', 'y'))
        ds['vx'][:] = vx
        ds['vy'][:] = vy
        ds.createVariable('tvx', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'x', 'y'))
        ds.createVariable('tvy', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'x', 'y'))
        ds['tvx'][:] = tvx
        ds['tvy'][:] = tvy
        ds.createVariable('dvx', 'f8', dimensions=('depth', 'x', 'y'))
        ds.createVariable('dvy', 'f8', dimensions=('depth', 'x', 'y'))
        ds['dvx'][:] = dvx
        ds['dvy'][:] = dvy
        ds.createVariable('tdvx', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'depth', 'x', 'y'))
        ds.createVariable('tdvy', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'depth', 'x', 'y'))
        ds['tdvx'][:] = tdvx
        ds['tdvy'][:] = tdvy
        for v in ds.variables:
            if 'v' in v:
                ds[v].units = 'm/s'

        ds.createDimension('nv', lin_nodes.shape[0])
        ds.createDimension('nele', lin_faces.shape[0])
        ds.createDimension('two', 2)
        ds.createDimension('three', 3)
        ds.createVariable('nodes', 'f8', dimensions=('nv', 'two'))
        ds.createVariable('faces', 'f8', dimensions=('nele', 'three'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_vx', 'f8', dimensions=('nv'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_vy', 'f8', dimensions=('nv'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_tvx', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'nv'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_tvy', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'nv'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_dvx', 'f8', dimensions=('depth', 'nv'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_dvy', 'f8', dimensions=('depth', 'nv'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_tdvx', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'depth', 'nv'))
        ds.createVariable('lin_tdvy', 'f8', dimensions=('time', 'depth', 'nv'))
        for k, v in {
                'nodes': lin_nodes,
                'faces': lin_faces,
                'lin_vx': lin_vx,
                'lin_vy': lin_vy,
                'lin_tvx': lin_tvx,
                'lin_tvy': lin_tvy,
                'lin_dvx': lin_dvx,
                'lin_dvy': lin_dvy,
                'lin_tdvx': lin_tdvx,
                'lin_tdvy': lin_tdvy
            ds[k][:] = v
            if 'lin' in k:
                ds[k].units = 'm/s'
                                'node_lon': 'x',
                                'node_lat': 'y'
        ds.setncattr('grid_type', 'sgrid')
    if ds is not None:
        # Need to test the dataset...
        sgt = {'node_lon': 'x', 'node_lat': 'y'}
        sg = Grid.from_netCDF(dataset=ds, grid_topology=sgt, grid_type='sgrid')

        ugt = {'nodes': 'nodes', 'faces': 'faces'}
        #         ug = PyGrid_U(nodes=ds['nodes'][:], faces=ds['faces'][:])

    return {
        'sgrid': (x, y),
        'sgrid_vel': (dvx, dvy),
        'sgrid_depth_vel': (tdvx, tdvy),
        'ugrid': (lin_nodes, lin_faces),
        'ugrid_depth_vel': (lin_tdvx, lin_tdvy)