Пример #1
    def copy_apk(self, apk, file_like_obj, **kwargs):
        ''' See doc of :py:meth:`.ApkCopyInterface.copy_apk`.

        Inserts the apk from the `file_like_obj` into mongodb's gridfs,
        but only if not already in db.

        The id of the apk (in db)
            gridfs = self.__apk_coll

            # escape keys accoring to mongodb rules
            apk_meta = escape_keys(apk.meta_dict())

            _id = apk.hash
            # gridfs doesn't have an update method -> delete and insert
            if not gridfs.exists(**{RESOBJ_ID : _id}):

                # store file together with metadata
                filename = os.path.basename(apk_meta[RESOBJ_APK_META][RESOBJ_APK_META_PATH])
                gridfs.put(file_like_obj, metadata = apk_meta[RESOBJ_APK_META], filename = filename, _id = _id, chunkSize = MAX_BSON_SIZE)
                log.info("put %s into %s", apk.short_description(), self)
        except (PyMongoError, BSONError) as e:
            raise DatabaseStoreException(self, "apk: %s" % apk.short_description(), caused_by = e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]

        # return id
        return _id
Пример #2
    def store_result_for_apk(self, apk, script):
        ''' See doc of :py:meth:`.ResultWritingInterface.store_result_for_apk`.

        tuple<str, bool>
            First component is the id of the entry
            and the second a boolean indication if the result has been stored in gridfs.
            If an error occurred.
            # escape keys for mongodb insert
            res_obj_dict = escape_keys(script.result_dict(gen_id = False))
            _id = script.gen_unique_id()

            # if data is to big or custom result object used -> store with gridfs
            if script.uses_custom_result_object() or script.is_big_res():
                log.debug("storing results for %s, %s in %s (id: %s)", apk.short_description(), script, self.grid_fs, _id)
                result = self.get_custom_res_obj_representation(script)

                gridfs = self.grid_fs

                # gridfs doesn't have an update method -> delete and insert
                if gridfs.exists(**{RESOBJ_ID : _id}):
                    # delete by _id

                # store file together with metadata from `ResultObject`
                gridfs.put(result, metadata = res_obj_dict, filename = script.get_file_name(), _id = _id)

                # return id
                return _id, True

            # normal json data
                log.debug("storing results for %s, %s in %s db(id: %s)", apk.short_description(), script, self.res_coll, _id)
                # set id so we don't have multiple results for same script and apk
                res_obj_dict[RESOBJ_ID] = _id
                # update or insert if not existing
                self.res_coll.update({RESOBJ_ID : _id}, res_obj_dict, upsert = True)
                # return id
                return _id, False
        except (PyMongoError, BSONError) as e:
            raise DatabaseStoreException(self, "script: %s" % script, caused_by = e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]