def find_last_signal( leader: User, movement: Movement, session: Session ) -> Signal: """Find the last signal the leader has sent to the movement.""" return ( session.query(Signal) .filter_by(leader=leader, movement=movement) .order_by(desc("time_stamp")) .first() )
def session_scope(): """ Context for dealing with sessions. This allows the developer not to have to worry perse about closing and creating the session. """ session = Session() try: yield session session.commit() except: # noqa: E722 session.rollback() raise finally: session.close()
def possible_leaders( user: User, movement: Movement, session: Session ) -> Query: """Find possible leaders for a user in a movement.""" return ( session.query(User) .join(User.follower_associations) .filter( not_( ==, not_( leaders(user, movement, session).with_entities( ) ), MovementUserAssociation.movement_id ==, ) .group_by( )
def leaders(user: User, movement: Movement, session: Session) -> Query: """ Create a query for the leaders of a user in a movement from a session. :param gridt.models.user.User user: User that needs new leaders. :param list exclude: List of users (can be a user model or an id) to exclude from search. :returns: Query object """ return ( session.query(User) .join(MovementUserAssociation.leader) .filter( MovementUserAssociation.follower_id ==, MovementUserAssociation.movement_id ==, not_(MovementUserAssociation.leader_id.is_(None)), MovementUserAssociation.destroyed.is_(None), ) )
def possible_followers( user: User, movement: Movement, session: Session ) -> Query: """ Find the active users in this movement (movement.current_users) that have fewer than four leaders, excluding the current user or any of his followers. :param user User that would be the possible leader :param movement Movement where the leaderless are queried :param session Session in which the query is performed """ MUA = MovementUserAssociation leader_associations = session.query(MUA.follower_id).filter( MUA.movement_id ==, MUA.leader_id == ) available_leaderless = movement.leaderless.filter( not_( ==, not_( ) return available_leaderless
def load_movement(movement_id: int, session: Session) -> Movement: """Load a movement from the database.""" movement = session.query(Movement).get(movement_id) if not movement: raise MovementNotFoundError(f"No ID '{movement_id}' not found.") return movement
def load_user(user_id: int, session: Session) -> User: """Load a user from the database.""" user = session.query(User).get(user_id) if not user: raise UserNotFoundError(f"No ID '{user_id}' not found.") return user