Пример #1
    def analysis_cf_comparison(self):

        exec_str = '''
                   DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {sc_out}.analysis_cf_comparison CASCADE;

                   SELECT mt_id, pp_id, ca_id, run_id,
                       'var'::VARCHAR AS var_par,
                       value / NULLIF(cap * 8760, 0) AS cf
                   INTO {sc_out}.analysis_cf_comparison
                   FROM {sc_out}.var_mt_erg_mt
                   NATURAL LEFT JOIN (
                       SELECT pp_id, ca_id, run_id, value AS cap
                       FROM {sc_out}.par_cap_pwr_leg) AS cap
                   UNION ALL
                   SELECT mt_id, pp_id, ca_id, run_id,
                       'par'::VARCHAR AS var_par, value AS cf
                   FROM {sc_out}.par_cf_max
        aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

        aql.joinon(self.db, self.sw_columns, ['run_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_cf_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_run'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['pp', 'nd_id', 'pt_id', 'fl_id'], ['pp_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_cf_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_plant'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['nd'], ['nd_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_cf_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_node'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['pt'], ['pt_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_cf_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_pp_type'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['fl'], ['fl_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_cf_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_fuel'])
Пример #2
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     if len(self.sw_columns) > 0:
                    self.sw_columns, ['run_id'],
                    [self.sc_out, func_name],
                    [self.sc_out, 'def_loop'],
Пример #3
    def generate_analysis_time_series(self, energy_only=False):
        ''' Generates basic (full time resolution) x (pp_type) x (run_id) table. '''

        tb_name = 'analysis_time_series'


        aql.init_table(tb_name, ([
            'sy', 'ca_id', 'pp_id', 'bool_out', 'run_id',
            'pwrerg_cat', 'nd_id', 'fl_id', 'pt_id', *self.tm_cols,
            ('value', 'DECIMAL'), 'fl', 'nd', 'pt', ('value_posneg', 'DECIMAL')
        ] + [(c, 'VARCHAR') for c in self.sw_columns]),

        if not energy_only:
            print('Inserting power...')
            exec_str = ('''
                        INSERT INTO {sc_out}.{tb_name}
                            (sy, ca_id, pp_id, bool_out, value, run_id, pwrerg_cat, value_posneg)
                        SELECT * FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_view_power
                        WHERE run_id IN {in_run_id};
                        ''').format(tb_name=tb_name, **self.format_kw)
            aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

            print('Inserting cross-sector consumption...')
            exec_str = ('''
                        INSERT INTO {sc_out}.{tb_name}
                            (sy, ca_id, pp_id, bool_out, value, run_id, pwrerg_cat, value_posneg)
                        SELECT * FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_view_crosssector
                        WHERE run_id IN {in_run_id};
                        ''').format(tb_name=tb_name, **self.format_kw)
            aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

        if 'var_sy_erg_st' in aql.get_sql_tables(self.sc_out, self.db):
            print('Inserting energy...')
            exec_str = ('''
                        INSERT INTO {sc_out}.{tb_name}
                            (sy, ca_id, pp_id, bool_out, value, run_id, pwrerg_cat, value_posneg)
                        SELECT * FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_view_energy
                        WHERE run_id IN {in_run_id};

                        ''').format(tb_name=tb_name, **self.format_kw)
            aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

        # add timemap indices
        aql.joinon(self.db, [c for c in self.tm_cols if (not c == 'sy')],
                   ['sy'], [self.sc_out, tb_name],
                   [self.sc_out, 'tm_soy_full'],

        return exec_str
Пример #4
    def generate_complete_dual_supply(self):
        ''' Adds loop and sy columns to the dual_supply table.'''

        tb_name = 'analysis_time_series_dual_supply'
            (['sy', 'nd_id', 'ca_id', 'run_id', 'value', 'nd', *self.tm_cols] +
             [(c, 'VARCHAR') for c in self.sw_columns] + [('mc', 'DECIMAL')]),
            pk=['sy', 'nd_id', 'run_id'],

        exec_str_0 = ('''
                      INSERT INTO {sc_out}.{tb_name} (sy, nd_id, ca_id, value, run_id)
                      SELECT *
                      FROM {sc_out}.dual_supply
                      WHERE run_id in {in_run_id}
        aql.exec_sql(exec_str_0, db=self.db)

        # add timemap indices
        aql.joinon(self.db, [c for c in self.tm_cols if not c == 'sy'], ['sy'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_time_series_dual_supply'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'tm_soy_full'],

        exec_str_1 = ('''
                      UPDATE {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_dual_supply
                      SET mc = value / weight;
        aql.exec_sql(exec_str_1, db=self.db)

        return (exec_str_0 + exec_str_1)
Пример #5
    def analysis_price_comparison(self, valmin=-20, valmax=150, nbins=170):
        Merge the supply constraint shadow prices with the historic electricity
        prices and bin them.
        Output tables are
         -- analysis_price_comparison: Complete hourly model and historic
                 electricity prices with corresponding bins.

        self.format_kw.update(dict(valmin=valmin, valmax=valmax, nbins=nbins))

        exec_str = '''
                   DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
                       {sc_out}.analysis_price_comparison CASCADE;
                   DROP VIEW IF EXISTS
                       {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_complete CASCADE;
                   DROP VIEW IF EXISTS
                       {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_stats_0 CASCADE;
                   DROP VIEW IF EXISTS
                       {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_stats_at CASCADE;

                   CREATE VIEW {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_stats_0 AS
                   SELECT hy, nd_id, ca_id,
                     price_eur_mwh AS price,
                     volume_mwh AS volume,
                     price_eur_mwh * volume_mwh AS price_volume,
                     -1 AS run_id, 'stats' AS sta_mod
                   FROM {sc_out}.profprice_comp
                   NATURAL LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_run
                   WHERE swhy_vl = 'yr2015';

                   /* Double Germany for Austria */
                   CREATE VIEW {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_stats_at AS
                   SELECT hy,
                       (SELECT nd_id
                        FROM {sc_out}.def_node
                        WHERE nd = 'AT0') AS nd_id,
                        ca_id, price, volume, price_volume, run_id, sta_mod
                   FROM  {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_stats_0
                   WHERE nd_id IN (SELECT nd_id
                                   FROM {sc_out}.def_node
                                   WHERE nd = 'DE0');

                   CREATE VIEW {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_complete AS
                   SELECT hy, nd_id, ca_id,
                       value / weight AS price,
                       volume * weight AS volume,
                       value * volume AS price_volume,
                       run_id, 'model' AS sta_mod
                   FROM {sc_out}.hoy_soy
                   NATURAL LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.dual_supply
                   NATURAL LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.tm_soy
                   NATURAL LEFT JOIN (
                       SELECT sy, nd_id, run_id, SUM(value) AS volume
                       FROM {sc_out}.var_sy_pwr
                       NATURAL LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_plant
                       WHERE bool_out=False
                       GROUP BY sy, nd_id, run_id) AS tb_volume

                   UNION ALL

                   SELECT * FROM {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_stats_0

                   UNION ALL

                   SELECT * FROM {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_stats_at

                   WITH table_complete_binned AS (
                       SELECT tb_complete.*,
                       WIDTH_BUCKET(tb_complete.price, {valmin},
                                        {valmax}, {nbins}) AS bucket
                       FROM {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_complete
                           AS tb_complete
                   ), bucket_list AS (
                       {valmin} + (bucket - 1)
                                   * ({valmax} - {valmin})::FLOAT
                                   / {nbins}::FLOAT AS low,
                       {valmin} + (bucket)
                                   * ({valmax} - {valmin})::FLOAT
                                   / {nbins}::FLOAT AS high,
                       ({valmax} - {valmin}) / {nbins} AS bin_width, bucket
                   FROM (SELECT generate_series(0, {nbins} + 1)
                         AS bucket, 1 AS dummy) AS bcks
                   SELECT *,
                   0.5 * (low + high) AS bin_center,
                   CASE WHEN price < low THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS check_low,
                   CASE WHEN price > high THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS check_high
                   INTO {sc_out}.analysis_price_comparison
                   FROM table_complete_binned
                   NATURAL LEFT JOIN bucket_list
        aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

        aql.joinon(self.db, self.sw_columns, ['run_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_price_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_run'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['nd'], ['nd_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_price_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_node'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['ca', 'fl_id'], ['ca_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_price_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_encar'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['fl'], ['fl_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_price_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_fuel'])
        exec_strg = '''
                     ALTER TABLE {sc_out}.analysis_price_comparison
                     ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS season VARCHAR(20),
                     ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS dow_name VARCHAR(10),
                     ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS hour SMALLINT,
                     ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS wom SMALLINT,
                     ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS hom SMALLINT,
                     ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS mt_id SMALLINT,
                     ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS how SMALLINT;

                     UPDATE {sc_out}.analysis_price_comparison AS prc
                     SET season = tm.season,
                         dow_name = tm.dow_name,
                         hour = tm.hour,
                         wom = tm.wom,
                         hom = tm.hom,
                         mt_id = tm.mt_id,
                         how = tm.how
                     FROM {sc_out}.tm_soy_full AS tm
                     WHERE prc.hy = tm.sy;
        aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

        exec_str = '''
                   DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {sc_out}.analysis_price_weighted;

                   SELECT nd_id, ca_id, run_id, sta_mod,
                       SUM(price * volume) / SUM(volume) AS price_weighted,
                       AVG(price) AS price_averaged
                   INTO {sc_out}.analysis_price_weighted
                   FROM {sc_out}._view_analysis_prices_complete
                   GROUP BY nd_id, ca_id, run_id, sta_mod;
        aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

        aql.joinon(self.db, self.sw_columns, ['run_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_price_weighted'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_run'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['nd'], ['nd_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_price_weighted'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_node'])
Пример #6
    def analysis_production_comparison(self):
        This merges the model results from sc_out.var_yr_erg_yr with the
        input data erg_inp from sc_out.fuel_node_encar as well as the
        inter-node transmission from lp_input.imex_comp with for
        comparison and calibration.
        TODO: Copy imex_comp to the output schema!!!

        # get model results
        exec_str = '''
                    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {sc_out}.analysis_production_comparison CASCADE;
                    SELECT fl_id, nd_id, ca_id, value, bool_out,
                        'model'::VARCHAR AS sta_mod, run_id
                    INTO {sc_out}.analysis_production_comparison
                    FROM {sc_out}.var_yr_erg_yr AS erg
                    NATURAL LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_run AS dflp
                    NATURAL LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_plant AS dfpp
                    WHERE run_id IN (0, -1)

        aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

        # add stats
        df_erg_inp = aql.read_sql(self.db, self.sc_out,
                                      ['fl_id', 'nd_id', 'ca_id'])
        df_erg_inp = df_erg_inp[[
            c for c in df_erg_inp.columns if 'erg_inp' in c
        df_erg_inp = df_erg_inp.stack().reset_index().rename(columns={
            'level_3': 'swhy_vl',
            0: 'value'
        df_erg_inp['swhy_vl'] = df_erg_inp['swhy_vl'].replace({
        }).map(lambda x: x[-6:])
        df_erg_inp['sta_mod'] = 'stats'
        df_erg_inp['run_id'] = -1
        df_erg_inp['bool_out'] = False

        # add imex stats
        #        if 'export' in self.mps.dict_fl_id.keys():
        #            df_imex = aql.read_sql(self.db, self.sc_out, 'imex_comp')
        #            df_imex = df_imex.set_index(['nd_id', 'nd_2_id']).stack().reset_index()
        #            df_imex = df_imex.rename(columns={'level_2': 'swhy_vl', 0: 'value'})
        #            df_imex['value'] *= 1000
        #            df_imex['swhy_vl'] = df_imex['swhy_vl'].replace({'erg_trm': 'erg_trm_yr2015'}).map(lambda x: x[-6:])
        #            df_imex['sta_mod'] = 'stats'
        #            df_imex['ca_id'] = self.mps.dict_ca_id['EL']
        #            df_imex = df_imex.join(df_swhy, on=df_swhy.index.names)
        #            df_imex = df_imex.loc[-df_imex.run_id.apply(np.isnan)].drop('swhy_vl', axis=1)
        #            df_imex_exp = df_imex.groupby(['nd_id', 'sta_mod', 'ca_id', 'run_id'])['value'].sum().reset_index()
        #            df_imex_exp['fl_id'] = self.mps.dict_fl_id['export']
        #            df_imex_exp['bool_out'] = True
        #            df_imex_imp = df_imex.groupby(['nd_2_id', 'sta_mod', 'ca_id', 'run_id'])['value'].sum().reset_index()
        #            df_imex_imp['fl_id'] = self.mps.dict_fl_id['import']
        #            df_imex_imp['bool_out'] = False
        #            df_imex_imp = df_imex_imp.rename(columns={'nd_2_id': 'nd_id'})
        #        else:
        #            df_imex_imp = pd.DataFrame()
        #            df_imex_exp = pd.DataFrame()

        df_erg_inp = pd.concat([df_erg_inp])

        aql.write_sql(df_erg_inp, self.db, self.sc_out,
                      'analysis_production_comparison', 'append')

        aql.joinon(self.db, self.sw_columns, ['run_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_production_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_run'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['fl'], ['fl_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_production_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_fuel'])
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['nd'], ['nd_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_production_comparison'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_node'])
Пример #7
    def analysis_production_comparison_hourly(self,

        # generating model data time series

        # rename original table to _soy and expand to hours
        exec_strg = '''
                    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_soy

                    ALTER TABLE {sc_out}.analysis_time_series
                    RENAME TO analysis_time_series_soy;
        aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

        if not sy_only:

            exec_strg = '''
                        run_id, bool_out, fl, nd, {sw_year_col}, hy AS sy, value,
                        dow, dow_type, hom, hour, how, mt_id,
                        season, wk_id, wom, 'model'::VARCHAR AS sta_mod, pwrerg_cat
                        INTO {sc_out}.analysis_time_series
                        FROM {sc_out}.hoy_soy AS hs
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_soy AS ts
                        ON hs.sy = ts.sy;
            aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

            # insert rows of entsoe data after adding some convenience columns
            exec_strg = '''
                        ALTER TABLE {sc_out}.analysis_time_series
                        DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS analysis_time_series_fl_fkey;

                        DELETE FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series
                        WHERE sta_mod <> 'model';

                        INSERT INTO
                            {sc_out}.analysis_time_series(run_id, bool_out, fl, nd,
                                                         {sw_year_col}, sy, value,
                                                         value_posneg, dow,
                                                         dow_type, hom, hour,
                                                         how, mt_id, season, wk_id,
                                                         wom, sta_mod, pwrerg_cat)
                        SELECT -1::SMALLINT AS run_id, False::BOOLEAN AS bool_out, --'EL' AS ca,
                            fl_id AS fl, nd_id AS nd,
                            'yr' || tm.year::VARCHAR AS {sw_year_col},
                            tm.hy AS sy, value, value AS value_posneg,
                            dow, dow_type, hom, hour, how, mt_id,
                            season, wk_id, wom, 'stats_entsoe'::VARCHAR AS sta_mod,
                            'pwr'::VARCHAR AS pwrerg_cat
                        FROM profiles_raw.entsoe_generation AS ent
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.tm_soy_full AS tm ON tm.sy = ent.hy
                        WHERE ent.year IN ({st_yr})
                            AND ent.nd_id IN {in_nd};

                        INSERT INTO
                            {sc_out}.analysis_time_series(run_id, bool_out, fl, nd,
                                                         {sw_year_col}, sy, value,
                                                         value_posneg, dow,
                                                         dow_type, hom, hour,
                                                         how, mt_id, season, wk_id,
                                                         wom, sta_mod, pwrerg_cat)
                        SELECT -1::SMALLINT AS run_id, False::BOOLEAN AS bool_out, --'EL' AS ca,
                            fl_id AS fl, nd_id AS nd,
                            'yr' || tm.year::VARCHAR AS {sw_year_col},
                            tm.hy AS sy, value, value AS value_posneg,
                            dow, dow_type, hom, hour, how, ent.mt_id,
                            season, wk_id, wom, 'stats_rte_eco2mix'::VARCHAR AS sta_mod,
                            'pwr'::VARCHAR AS pwrerg_cat
                        FROM profiles_raw.rte_production_eco2mix AS ent
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.tm_soy_full AS tm ON tm.sy = ent.hy
                        WHERE ent.year IN ({st_yr});

                        INSERT INTO
                            {sc_out}.analysis_time_series(run_id, bool_out, fl, nd,
                                                         {sw_year_col}, sy, value,
                                                         value_posneg, dow,
                                                         dow_type, hom, hour,
                                                         how, mt_id, season, wk_id,
                                                         wom, sta_mod, pwrerg_cat)
                        SELECT -1::SMALLINT AS run_id,
                            False::BOOLEAN AS bool_out, --'EL' AS ca,
                            fl_id AS fl, nd_id AS nd,
                            'yr' || tb.year::VARCHAR AS {sw_year_col},
                            ts.slot AS sy,
                            CASE WHEN fl_id = 'dmnd' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END * 1000 * value,
                            CASE WHEN fl_id = 'dmnd' THEN -1 ELSE 1 END * 1000 * value AS value_posneg,
                            dow, dow_type, hom, hour, how, mt_id,
                            season, wk_id, wom, 'stats_agora'::VARCHAR AS sta_mod,
                            'pwr'::VARCHAR AS pwrerg_cat
                        FROM profiles_raw.agora_profiles AS tb
                        LEFT JOIN (SELECT datetime, slot
                                   FROM profiles_raw.timestamp_template
                                   WHERE year IN ({st_yr})) AS ts
                        ON ts.datetime = tb."DateTime"
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.tm_soy_full AS tm ON tm.sy = ts.slot
                        WHERE tb.year IN ({st_yr});

                        WITH tb_raw AS (
                            SELECT nd_to AS nd, 'import_' || nd_from AS fl,
                                    False::BOOLEAN AS bool_out, value, year, hy
                            FROM profiles_raw.entsoe_cross_border
                            UNION ALL
                            SELECT nd_from AS nd, 'export_' || nd_to AS fl,
                                True::BOOLEAN AS bool_out, -value AS value,
                                year, hy
                            FROM profiles_raw.entsoe_cross_border
                        INSERT INTO
                            {sc_out}.analysis_time_series(run_id, bool_out, fl, nd,
                                                         {sw_year_col}, sy, value,
                                                         value_posneg, dow,
                                                         dow_type, hom, hour,
                                                         how, mt_id, season, wk_id,
                                                         wom, sta_mod, pwrerg_cat)
                        -1::SMALLINT AS run_is, bool_out, fl, nd,
                                        'yr2015'::VARCHAR AS {sw_year_col}, tb_raw.hy AS sy,
                                        value, value AS value_posneg,
                                        dow, 'NONE'::VARCHAR AS dow_type, hom, hour, how, mt_id, season,
                                        EXTRACT(week FROM datetime)::SMALLINT - 1 AS wk_id,
                                        wom, 'stats_imex_entsoe'::VARCHAR AS sta_mod,
                                        'pwr'::VARCHAR AS pwrerg_cat
                        FROM (SELECT * FROM profiles_raw.timestamp_template WHERE year = 2015) AS ts
                        LEFT  JOIN tb_raw ON tb_raw.year = ts.year AND tb_raw.hy = ts.slot
                                   st_yr=', '.join(stats_years))
            aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

            aql.joinon(self.db, self.sw_columns, ['run_id'],
                       [self.sc_out, 'analysis_time_series'],
                       [self.sc_out, 'def_run'])

            for col in self.sw_columns:
                exec_strg = '''
                            UPDATE {sc_out}.analysis_time_series
                            SET {col} = 'none'
                            WHERE {col} IS NULL;
                            '''.format(**self.format_kw, col=col)
                aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)
Пример #8
    def generate_analysis_time_series_transmission(self):
        exec_str = ('''
                    DROP VIEW IF EXISTS
                        analysis_time_series_transmission_0 CASCADE;
                    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS
                        {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_transmission CASCADE;

                    CREATE VIEW analysis_time_series_transmission_0 AS
                    WITH trrv AS (
                        SELECT sy, run_id, dfnd.nd AS nd,
                            CAST('IMPORT_FROM_' AS VARCHAR) || dfnd_2.nd AS pt,
                            False AS bool_out,
                            CAST('TRANSMISSION' AS VARCHAR) AS pp_broad_cat,
                            CAST('import' AS VARCHAR) AS fl,
                            value AS value_posneg
                        FROM {sc_out}.var_tr_trm_rv AS tr
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_node AS dfnd
                            ON dfnd.nd_id = tr.nd_id
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_node AS dfnd_2
                            ON dfnd_2.nd_id = tr.nd_2_id
                        WHERE run_id IN {in_run_id}
                    ), trsd AS (
                        SELECT sy, run_id, dfnd.nd AS nd,
                            CAST('EXPORT_TO_' AS VARCHAR) || dfnd_2.nd AS pt,
                            True AS bool_out,
                            CAST('TRANSMISSION' AS VARCHAR) AS pp_broad_cat,
                            CAST('export' AS VARCHAR) AS fl,
                            value, - value AS value_posneg
                            FROM {sc_out}.var_tr_trm_sd AS tr
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_node AS dfnd
                            ON dfnd.nd_id = tr.nd_id
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_node AS dfnd_2
                            ON dfnd_2.nd_id = tr.nd_2_id
                        WHERE run_id IN {in_run_id}
                    ), tm AS (
                        SELECT *
                        FROM profiles_raw.timestamp_template
                        WHERE year = 2015
                    ), trall AS (
                        SELECT * FROM trrv
                        UNION ALL
                        SELECT * FROM trsd
                    SELECT 0::SMALLINT AS bool_out,
                           trall.value, trall.run_id, tm.*,
                           trall.pt, trall.pp_broad_cat, trall.nd,
                           trall.fl, trall.value_posneg
                    FROM trall
                    LEFT JOIN tm ON tm.slot = trall.sy;

                    SELECT *
                    INTO {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_transmission{sff}
                    FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series
                    WHERE NOT pp LIKE '%TRNS%'
                    UNION ALL
                    SELECT * FROM analysis_time_series_transmission_0;
        aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

        # add timemap indices
            self.db, [c for c in self.tm_cols if (not c == 'sy')], ['sy'],
            ['public', 'analysis_time_series_transmission' + self._suffix],
            ['public', 'timemap_' + str(self.time_res)])

        return exec_str
Пример #9
    def analysis_agg_filtdiff(self):
        New style.

        list_sw_not_st = [c for c in self.sw_columns if not c == 'swst_vl']
        sw_not_st = (', '.join(list_sw_not_st) +
                     (', ' if len(list_sw_not_st) > 0 else ''))

        join_ref = ' AND ' + '\nAND '.join(
            ['tbrel.{} = tbrf.{}'.format(c, c) for c in list_sw_not_st])

        slct_pp_id_st = aql.read_sql(self.db,
                                     filt=[('pp', ['%STO%'], ' LIKE '),
                                           ('pp_id', self.slct_pp_id),
                                           ('nd_id', self._nd_id)
        lst_pp_id_st = self.list_to_str(slct_pp_id_st)

        slct_pp_id_non_st = [
            pp for pp in self.slct_pp_id if not pp in slct_pp_id_st
        lst_pp_id_non_st = self.list_to_str(slct_pp_id_non_st)

        run_id_zero_st = self.list_to_str(
                         filt=[('swst', [0]),
                               ('run_id', self.slct_run_id)])['run_id'])
        run_id_nonzero_st = self.list_to_str(
                         filt=[('swst', [0], ' <> '),
                               ('run_id', self.slct_run_id)])['run_id'])

            'sw_not_st': sw_not_st,
            'join_ref': join_ref,
            'lst_pp_id_st': lst_pp_id_st,
            'lst_pp_id_non_st': lst_pp_id_non_st,
            'run_id_zero_st': run_id_zero_st,
            'run_id_nonzero_st': run_id_nonzero_st,
            'out_tb': 'analysis_agg_filtdiff'

        cols = aql.init_table('analysis_agg_filtdiff', [
            ('sy', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('pp_id', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('bool_out', 'BOOLEAN'),
            ('run_id', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('run_id_rf', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('pp_id_st', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('bool_out_st', 'BOOLEAN'),
            ('value_st', 'DOUBLE PRECISION'),
            ('value', 'DOUBLE PRECISION'),
            ('value_ref', 'DOUBLE PRECISION'),
            ('value_diff', 'DOUBLE PRECISION'),
                                  'sy', 'pp_id', 'bool_out', 'run_id',
                                  'run_id_rf', 'pp_id_st', 'bool_out_st'

        exec_strg = '''
        /* CREATE MAP BETWEEN run_ids and reference run_ids */
        DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_map_run_id_ref CASCADE;
        CREATE VIEW temp_map_run_id_ref AS
        WITH ref_st AS (
            SELECT swvr_vl, swtc_vl, swpt_vl, swyr_vl, swco_vl, run_id AS run_id_rf
            FROM {sc_out}.def_loop
            WHERE swst_vl = '0.00%' AND run_id IN {run_id_zero_st}
        SELECT dflp.run_id, ref_st.run_id_rf FROM {sc_out}.def_loop AS dflp
        NATURAL JOIN ref_st
        WHERE run_id IN {run_id_nonzero_st}
        ORDER BY run_id;
        aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

        exec_strg = '''
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_analysis_time_series_subset CASCADE;
        SELECT sy, ca_id, nd_id, ts.pp_id, pp, bool_out, value, ts.run_id, value_posneg, run_id_rf
        INTO temp_analysis_time_series_subset
        FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_view_power AS ts
        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_plant AS dfpp ON dfpp.pp_id = ts.pp_id
        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_loop AS dflp ON dflp.run_id = ts.run_id
        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_pp_type AS dfpt ON dfpt.pt_id = dfpp.pt_id
        LEFT JOIN temp_map_run_id_ref AS run_id_ref ON run_id_ref.run_id = ts.run_id
        WHERE dfpp.pp_id IN {list_slct_pp_id} AND ts.run_id IN {in_run_id};
        aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

        exec_strg = '''
        WITH mask_st AS (
            SELECT sy, pp_id AS pp_id_st, bool_out AS bool_out_st, value AS value_st, run_id
            FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset
            WHERE pp_id IN {lst_pp_id_st}
                AND run_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT run_id FROM temp_map_run_id_ref
                               WHERE NOT run_id
                               IN (SELECT DISTINCT run_id_rf FROM temp_map_run_id_ref))
        ), tb_pp AS (
            SELECT sy, pp_id, bool_out, value AS value, run_id, run_id_rf
            FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset
            WHERE pp_id IN {lst_pp_id_non_st}
                AND run_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT run_id FROM temp_map_run_id_ref
                               WHERE NOT run_id
                               IN (SELECT DISTINCT run_id_rf FROM temp_map_run_id_ref))
        ), tb_pp_ref AS (
            SELECT sy, pp_id, bool_out, value AS value_ref, run_id_rf
            FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset
            WHERE pp_id IN {lst_pp_id_non_st}
                AND run_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT run_id_rf FROM temp_map_run_id_ref)
        INSERT INTO {sc_out}.{out_tb} ({cols})
        SELECT tb_pp.sy, tb_pp.pp_id, tb_pp.bool_out, tb_pp.run_id, tb_pp.run_id_rf,
            pp_id_st, bool_out_st, value_st,
            value, value_ref, value - value_ref AS value_diff
        FROM tb_pp
        LEFT JOIN tb_pp_ref
            ON tb_pp.sy = tb_pp_ref.sy
            AND tb_pp.pp_id = tb_pp_ref.pp_id
            AND tb_pp.bool_out = tb_pp_ref.bool_out
            AND tb_pp.run_id_rf = tb_pp_ref.run_id_rf
        FULL OUTER JOIN mask_st ON mask_st.sy = tb_pp.sy
                                AND mask_st.run_id = tb_pp.run_id
        WHERE ABS(value_st) > 1;
        '''.format(**self.format_kw, cols=cols)
        aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

        aql.joinon(self.db, ['mt_id', 'season'], ['sy'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'analysis_agg_filtdiff'],
                   [self.sc_out, 'tm_soy_full'])

        # aggregated table
        cols = aql.init_table('analysis_agg_filtdiff_agg', [
            ('pp_id', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('bool_out', 'BOOLEAN'),
            ('run_id', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('run_id_rf', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('pp_id_st', 'SMALLINT'),
            ('bool_out_st', 'BOOLEAN'),
            ('value_diff_agg', 'DOUBLE PRECISION'),
                                  'pp_id', 'bool_out', 'run_id', 'run_id_rf',
                                  'pp_id_st', 'bool_out_st'

        exec_strg = '''
        INSERT INTO {sc_out}.analysis_agg_filtdiff_agg ({cols})
        SELECT pp_id, bool_out, run_id, run_id_rf, pp_id_st, bool_out_st,
        SUM(value_diff) AS value_diff_agg
        FROM {sc_out}.analysis_agg_filtdiff
        GROUP BY pp_id, bool_out, run_id, run_id_rf, pp_id_st, bool_out_st
        '''.format(**self.format_kw, cols=cols)
        aql.exec_sql(exec_strg, db=self.db)

        for tb in ['analysis_agg_filtdiff_agg', 'analysis_agg_filtdiff']:

            aql.joinon(self.db, {
                'pp': 'pp_st',
                'pt_id': 'pt_id_st'
            }, {'pp_id': 'pp_id_st'}, [self.sc_out, tb],
                       [self.sc_out, 'def_plant'])

            aql.joinon(self.db, {'pt': 'pt_st'}, {'pt_id': 'pt_id_st'},
                       [self.sc_out, tb], [self.sc_out, 'def_pp_type'])
Пример #10
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     aql.joinon(self.db, ['nd'], ['nd_id'], [self.sc_out, f.__name__],
                [self.sc_out, 'def_node'])
Пример #11
    def chgdch_filtered_difference(self, use_views_only):
        This query applies a binary filter charging for charging/discharging
        and subtracts the zero-storage case for each hour.

        list_sw_not_st = [c for c in self.sw_columns if not c == 'swst_vl']
        sw_not_st = ', '.join(list_sw_not_st) + (
            ', ' if len(list_sw_not_st) > 0 else '')

        join_ref = ' AND ' + '\nAND '.join(
            ['tbrel.{} = tbrf.{}'.format(c, c) for c in list_sw_not_st])

        slct_pp_id_st = aql.read_sql(self.db,
                                     filt=[('pp', ['%STO%'], ' LIKE '),
                                           ('nd_id', self._nd_id)])['pp_id']
        lst_pp_id_st = self.list_to_str(slct_pp_id_st)

        slct_pp_id_non_st = [
            pp for pp in self.slct_pp_id if not pp in slct_pp_id_st.tolist()
        lst_pp_id_non_st = self.list_to_str(slct_pp_id_non_st)

        run_id_zero_st = self.list_to_str(
                         filt=[('swst', [0]),
                               ('run_id', self.slct_run_id)])['run_id'])
        run_id_nonzero_st = self.list_to_str(
                         filt=[('swst', [0], ' <> '),
                               ('run_id', self.slct_run_id)])['run_id'])

            'sw_not_st': sw_not_st,
            'join_ref': join_ref,
            'lst_pp_id_st': lst_pp_id_st,
            'lst_pp_id_non_st': lst_pp_id_non_st,
            'run_id_zero_st': run_id_zero_st,
            'run_id_nonzero_st': run_id_nonzero_st

        if use_views_only:
                'out_tb'] = 'analysis_agg_filtdiff_views' + self._suffix
                'out_tb'] = 'analysis_agg_filtdiff_tables' + self._suffix

        if not use_views_only:

                    ('value_posneg', 'DECIMAL'),
                    ('value_diff', 'DECIMAL'),
                    #                        ('value_ref', 'DECIMAL')
            exec_str = '''
                        /* FILTER TIME SERIES TABLE */
                        INSERT INTO temp_analysis_time_series_subset
                            (sy, ca_id, pp_id, bool_out, value, run_id, value_posneg)
                        SELECT sy, ca_id, ts.pp_id, bool_out, value, ts.run_id, value_posneg
                        FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_view_power AS ts
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_plant AS dfpp ON dfpp.pp_id = ts.pp_id
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_loop AS dflp ON dflp.run_id = ts.run_id
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_pp_type AS dfpt ON dfpt.pt_id = dfpp.pt_id
                        WHERE (ts.pp_id NOT IN {lst_pp_id_st} or pp LIKE '%HYD_STO'
                              OR pt LIKE swtc_vl||'_STO')
                              AND dfpp.pp_id IN {list_slct_pp_id};
            #        print(exec_str)
                         time_msg='Filter var_sy_pwr and write to table')

            aql.init_table('temp_tbrf', [
                'sy', 'pp_id', 'bool_out', 'run_id', ('value_ref', 'DECIMAL')
            exec_str = '''
                        INSERT INTO temp_tbrf (sy, pp_id, bool_out, run_id, value_ref)
                        SELECT sy, pp_id, bool_out, run_id, value AS value_ref
                        FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset
                        WHERE run_id IN {run_id_zero_st};
            aql.exec_sql(exec_str, time_msg='Write data to ref table')
            aql.exec_sql('''ALTER TABLE temp_tbrf
                            ADD PRIMARY KEY(sy, pp_id, bool_out, run_id)''',
                         time_msg='Add pk to temp_tbrf')

            aql.init_table('temp_map_run_id_ref', [
                ('run_id_ref', 'SMALLINT', self.sc_out + '.def_loop(run_id)')
            exec_str = '''
                        /* CREATE MAP BETWEEN run_ids and reference run_ids */
                        INSERT INTO temp_map_run_id_ref (run_id, run_id_ref)
                        WITH ref_st AS (
                            SELECT {sw_not_st}run_id AS run_id_rf FROM {sc_out}.def_loop
                            WHERE swst_vl = '0.0%'
                        SELECT dflp.run_id, ref_st.run_id_rf FROM {sc_out}.def_loop AS dflp
                        NATURAL JOIN ref_st
                        ORDER BY run_id;
            aql.exec_sql(exec_str, time_msg='Create reference run_id map')

            aql.joinon(['run_id_ref'], ['run_id'],
                       ['public', 'temp_analysis_time_series_subset'],
                       ['public', 'temp_map_run_id_ref'])

            exec_str = '''
                        UPDATE temp_analysis_time_series_subset AS ts
                        SET value_diff = ts.value - rf.value_ref
                          --  ,value_ref = rf.value_ref
                        FROM temp_tbrf AS rf
                        WHERE rf.run_id = ts.run_id_ref AND rf.sy = ts.sy
                            AND rf.pp_id = ts.pp_id
                            AND rf.bool_out = ts.bool_out
            #        print(exec_str)
                         time_msg='Add difference column to ts table')

            aql.init_table('temp_tbst', [
                'run_id', 'sy', ('pp_id_st', 'SMALLINT'),
                ('bool_out_st', 'BOOLEAN'), ('value_mask', 'DECIMAL')
                           pk=['run_id', 'pp_id_st', 'sy', 'bool_out_st'])
            exec_str = '''IF EXISTS
                        /* GET CHARGING/DISCHARGING MASK */
                        INSERT INTO temp_tbst
                            (run_id, sy, pp_id_st, bool_out_st, value_mask)
                        SELECT run_id, sy, pp_id AS pp_id_st,
                            bool_out AS bool_out_st, value AS value_mask
                        FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset
                        WHERE pp_id IN {lst_pp_id_st}
                        AND run_id IN {run_id_nonzero_st}
                        ORDER BY sy, run_id, pp_id, bool_out;

            aql.exec_sql('''ALTER TABLE temp_analysis_time_series_subset
                            ADD PRIMARY KEY(sy, ca_id, pp_id, bool_out, run_id)''',
                         time_msg='Add pk to temp_analysis_time_series_subset')

            # expand temp_analysis_time_series_subset to (bool_out_st = True/False)

            # expand temp_tbst to pp_id, bool_out, best on creation/insertion

                self.format_kw['out_tb'], [
                    'pp_id', ('pp_id_st', 'SMALLINT'), 'bool_out',
                    ('bool_out_st', 'BOOLEAN'), 'run_id',
                    ('run_id_ref', 'SMALLINT'),
                    ('swst_vl_ref', 'VARCHAR(5)'), 'value'
                pk=['pp_id', 'pp_id_st', 'bool_out', 'bool_out_st', 'run_id'])
            exec_str = '''
                        INSERT INTO {sc_out}.{out_tb}
                            (pp_id, pp_id_st, bool_out, bool_out_st, run_id, run_id_ref, value)
                        WITH tb AS (
                            SELECT * FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset AS tb
                            CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT pp_id_st, bool_out_st FROM temp_tbst) AS exp_bool_out_st
                            WHERE run_id IN {run_id_nonzero_st}
                        ), st AS (
                            SELECT * FROM temp_tbst
                            CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT tb.pp_id, bool_out FROM tb) AS exp_pp
                        SELECT pp_id, pp_id_st, bool_out, bool_out_st, run_id, run_id_ref,
                        SUM(value_diff) AS value FROM tb
                        NATURAL LEFT JOIN st
                        WHERE value_mask <> 0
                        GROUP BY pp_id, pp_id_st, bool_out, bool_out_st, run_id, run_id_ref;

#            exec_str = '''
#                        UPDATE {sc_out}.analysis_agg_filtdiff AS tb
#                        SET swst_vl_ref = dflp.swst_vl
#                        FROM {sc_out}.def_loop AS dflp
#                        WHERE dflp.run_id = tb.run_id_ref
#                        '''.format(**format_kw)
#            print(exec_str)
#            aql.exec_sql(exec_str)
#        aql.exec_sql('''
#                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_analysis_time_series_subset CASCADE;
#                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_tbrf CASCADE;
#                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_tbst CASCADE;
#                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_map_run_id_ref CASCADE;
#                     ''')


                self.format_kw['out_tb'], [
                    'pp_id', ('pp_id_st', 'SMALLINT'), 'bool_out',
                    ('bool_out_st', 'BOOLEAN'), 'run_id',
                    ('run_id_ref', 'SMALLINT'),
                    ('swst_vl_ref', 'VARCHAR(5)'), 'value'
                pk=['pp_id', 'pp_id_st', 'bool_out', 'bool_out_st', 'run_id'],

            exec_str = '''
                        /* CREATE MAP BETWEEN run_ids and reference run_ids */
                        DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_map_run_id_ref CASCADE;
                        CREATE VIEW temp_map_run_id_ref AS
                        WITH ref_st AS (
                            SELECT {sw_not_st}run_id AS run_id_rf FROM {sc_out}.def_loop
                            WHERE swst_vl = '0.00%'
                        SELECT dflp.run_id, ref_st.run_id_rf FROM {sc_out}.def_loop AS dflp
                        NATURAL JOIN ref_st
                        ORDER BY run_id;

                        /* FILTER TIME SERIES TABLE */
                        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_analysis_time_series_subset CASCADE;
                        SELECT sy, ca_id, nd_id, ts.pp_id, bool_out, value, ts.run_id, value_posneg, run_id_rf
                        INTO temp_analysis_time_series_subset
                        FROM {sc_out}.analysis_time_series_view_power AS ts
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_plant AS dfpp ON dfpp.pp_id = ts.pp_id
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_loop AS dflp ON dflp.run_id = ts.run_id
                        LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_pp_type AS dfpt ON dfpt.pt_id = dfpp.pt_id
                        LEFT JOIN temp_map_run_id_ref AS run_id_ref ON run_id_ref.run_id = ts.run_id
                        WHERE dfpp.pp_id IN {list_slct_pp_id};

                        DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_tbrf CASCADE;
                        CREATE VIEW temp_tbrf AS
                        SELECT sy, pp_id, bool_out, run_id, value AS value_ref
                        FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset
                        WHERE run_id IN {run_id_zero_st};

                        /* GET CHARGING/DISCHARGING MASK */
                        DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_tbst CASCADE;
                        CREATE VIEW temp_tbst AS
                        SELECT run_id, sy, nd_id AS nd_id_st, pp_id AS pp_id_st,
                            bool_out AS bool_out_st, value AS value_mask
                        FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset
                        WHERE pp_id IN {lst_pp_id_st}
                        AND run_id IN {run_id_nonzero_st};

                        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_analysis_time_series_subset_ref CASCADE;
                        SELECT ts.*, ts.value - rf.value_ref AS value_diff
                        INTO temp_analysis_time_series_subset_ref
                        FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset AS ts
                        LEFT JOIN temp_tbrf AS rf
                        ON rf.run_id = ts.run_id_rf AND rf.sy = ts.sy
                            AND rf.pp_id = ts.pp_id
                            AND rf.bool_out = ts.bool_out;

                        DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_analysis_time_series_subset_reffilt CASCADE;
                        CREATE VIEW temp_analysis_time_series_subset_reffilt AS
                        WITH tb AS (
                            SELECT * FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset_ref AS tb
                            FULL OUTER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT pp_id_st, nd_id_st, bool_out_st FROM temp_tbst) AS exp_bool_out_st
                            ON exp_bool_out_st.nd_id_st = tb.nd_id
                            WHERE run_id IN {run_id_nonzero_st}
                        ), st AS (
                            SELECT * FROM temp_tbst
                            CROSS JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT tb.pp_id, bool_out FROM tb) AS exp_pp
                        ), mt_map AS (
                            SELECT sy, mt_id FROM {sc_out}.tm_soy
                        SELECT pp_id, pp_id_st, bool_out, bool_out_st, run_id, mt_id, run_id_rf,
--                        SELECT pp_id, pp_id_st, bool_out, bool_out_st, run_id, run_id_rf,
                        SUM(value_diff) AS value FROM tb
                        NATURAL LEFT JOIN st
                        LEFT JOIN mt_map ON mt_map.sy = tb.sy
                        WHERE value_mask <> 0
                        GROUP BY
                            pp_id, pp_id_st, bool_out, bool_out_st,
                            run_id, mt_id, run_id_rf;
--                            run_id, run_id_rf;

                        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {sc_out}.{out_tb} CASCADE;
                        SELECT *
                        INTO {sc_out}.{out_tb}
                        FROM temp_analysis_time_series_subset_reffilt
            aql.exec_sql(exec_str, db=self.db)

                     DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_map_run_id_ref CASCADE;
                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_analysis_time_series_subset CASCADE;
                     DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_tbrf CASCADE;
                     DROP VIEW IF EXISTS temp_tbst CASCADE;
                     DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_analysis_time_series_subset_ref CASCADE;

                     ALTER TABLE {sc_out}.{out_tb}
                             DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS pt_st,
                             DROP COLUMN IF EXISTS pp_st,
                             ADD COLUMN pp_st VARCHAR(15),
                             ADD COLUMN pt_st VARCHAR(15);
                     UPDATE {sc_out}.{out_tb} AS tb
                     SET pt_st = map_pt.pt, pp_st = map_pt.pp
                     FROM (
                         SELECT pp_id AS pp_id, pt, pp
                             FROM {sc_out}.def_plant AS dfpp
                         LEFT JOIN {sc_out}.def_pp_type AS dfpt
                        ON dfpp.pt_id = dfpt.pt_id
                     ) AS map_pt
                     WHERE map_pt.pp_id = tb.pp_id_st;

        # add loop indices
        aql.joinon(self.db, self.sw_columns, ['run_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, self.format_kw['out_tb']],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_loop'])
        # add pp indices
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['pt_id', 'fl_id', 'nd_id'], ['pp_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, self.format_kw['out_tb']],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_plant'])
        # add pt indices
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['pt'], ['pt_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, self.format_kw['out_tb']],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_pp_type'])
        # add fl indices
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['fl'], ['fl_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, self.format_kw['out_tb']],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_fuel'])
        # add nd indices
        aql.joinon(self.db, ['nd'], ['nd_id'],
                   [self.sc_out, self.format_kw['out_tb']],
                   [self.sc_out, 'def_node'])
Пример #12
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     aql.joinon(self.db, ['fl'], ['fl_id'],
                [self.sc_out, func_name], [self.sc_out, 'def_fuel'])
Пример #13
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     aql.joinon(self.db, ['pt'], ['pt_id'],
                [self.sc_out, func_name],
                [self.sc_out, 'def_pp_type'])
Пример #14
 def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
     f(self, *args, **kwargs)
     aql.joinon(self.db, ['pt_id', 'fl_id', 'nd_id', 'pp'],
                ['pp_id'], [self.sc_out, func_name],
                [self.sc_out, 'def_plant'])