def view_test_results(name: Optional[str] = None): """ View the results of a particular test. :param name: Name, or `None` to use the currently loaded model. """ if name: tdir = TestDirectory(name) groot.file_load(tdir.r_model) model = groot.current_model() groot.print_trees(model.user_graphs["original_graph"], format=groot.EFormat._HTML, file="open") groot.print_trees(model.fusion_graph_unclean, format=groot.EFormat._HTML, file="open") groot.print_trees(model.fusion_graph_clean, format=groot.EFormat._HTML, file="open") for component in model.components: groot.print_trees(component.named_tree_unrooted, format=groot.EFormat._HTML, file="open") groot.print_trees(component.named_tree, format=groot.EFormat._HTML, file="open") report = model.user_reports["test_differences"].html with OpeningWriter() as view_report: view_report.write(report)
def _refresh_labels( self ): # Wizard wt = groot.Wizard.get_active() if wt is not None and wt.is_paused: self.ui.FRA_PAUSED.setVisible( True ) self.ui.LBL_NEXT.setText( wt.get_stage_name() ) else: self.ui.FRA_PAUSED.setVisible( False ) # Others m = groot.current_model() for stage, indicator, label, box, btn in status = m.get_status( stage ) if status.is_hot: indicator.setStyleSheet( "background:red;" + self.INDICATOR_SUFFIX ) elif status.is_complete: indicator.setStyleSheet( "background:green;" + self.INDICATOR_SUFFIX ) elif status.is_partial: indicator.setStyleSheet( "background:orange;" + self.INDICATOR_SUFFIX ) else: indicator.setStyleSheet( "background:silver;" + self.INDICATOR_SUFFIX ) box.setText( str( status ) )
def on_BTN_SEQUENCE_clicked(self) -> None: """ Signal handler: """ accession = self.seq_view.get_gene_name(self.seq_view.highlight_row) if accession: gene: groot.Gene = groot.current_model().genes[accession] self.inspect_elsewhere(gene)
def on_BTN_POSITION_clicked(self) -> None: """ Signal handler: """ accession = self.seq_view.get_gene_name(self.seq_view.highlight_row) if accession: gene: groot.Gene = groot.current_model().genes[accession] col = self.seq_view.highlight_col domains = list(x for x in gene.iter_userdomains() if x.start <= col <= x.end) self.inspect_elsewhere(domains)
def on_BTN_SITE_clicked(self) -> None: """ Signal handler: """ accession = self.seq_view.get_gene_name(self.seq_view.highlight_row) if accession: gene: groot.Gene = groot.current_model().genes[accession] col = self.seq_view.highlight_col site = self.seq_view.get_site_text(self.seq_view.highlight_row, col) domains = list( x for x in gene.iter_userdomains() if x.start <= col <= x.end and x.site_array[col] == site) self.inspect_elsewhere(domains)
def run_test(name: str) -> groot.EChanges: """ Runs a test case and saves the results to the global results folder. :param name: A name or path to the test case. If no full path is provided the "samples" folder will be assumed. The test case folder must contain: * The data (BLAST, FASTA) * A `tree.csv` file describing the expected results (in edge-list format) * A `groot.ini` file describing the parameters to use. :return: Nothing is returned, the results are saved to the global results folder. """ # Load sample file tdir = TestDirectory(name) # Define outputs file_helper.create_directory(tdir.r_folder, overwrite=True) # Check the requisite files exist if not os.path.isdir(tdir.t_folder): raise ValueError( "This is not a test case (it is not even a folder, «{}»).".format( tdir.t_folder)) if not os.path.isfile(tdir.t_tree): raise ValueError( "This is not a test case (it is missing the edge list file, «{}»)." .format(tdir.t_tree)) if not os.path.isfile(tdir.t_ini): raise ValueError( "This is not a test case (it is missing the INI file, «{}»).". format(tdir.t_ini)) # Read the test specs specs = io_helper.load_ini(tdir.t_ini) if "groot_test" not in specs: raise ValueError( "This is not a test case (it is missing the `groot_test` section from the INI file, «{}»)." .format(tdir.t_ini)) if not "groot_wizard" in specs: raise ValueError( "This is not a test case (it is missing the «wizard» section from the INI «{}»)." .format(tdir.t_ini)) wizard_params = specs["groot_wizard"] try: wiz_tol = int(wizard_params["tolerance"]) wiz_og = wizard_params["outgroups"].split(",") except KeyError as ex: raise ValueError( "This is not a test case (it is missing the «{}» setting from the «wizard» section of the INI «{}»)." .format(ex, tdir.t_ini)) # Copy the test files to the output folder for file in file_helper.list_dir(tdir.t_folder): shutil.copy( file, file_helper.format_path(file, tdir.r_folder + "/input_{N}{E}")) # Create settings walkthrough = groot.Wizard( new=True, name=tdir.r_model, imports=groot.sample_data.get_sample_contents(tdir.t_folder), pauses=set(), tolerance=wiz_tol, outgroups=wiz_og, alignment="", tree="maximum_likelihood", # "neighbor_joining", view=False, save=False, supertree="clann") try: # Execute the wizard (no pauses are set so this only requires 1 `step`) walkthrough.make_active() walkthrough.step() if not walkthrough.is_completed: raise ValueError("Expected wizard to complete but it did not.") # Add the original graph to the Groot `Model` in case we debug test_tree_file_data = groot.UserGraph(mgraph.importing.import_edgelist( file_helper.read_all_text(tdir.t_tree), delimiter="\t"), name="original_graph") groot.rectify_nodes(test_tree_file_data.graph, groot.current_model()) groot.current_model().user_graphs.append( groot.FixedUserGraph(test_tree_file_data.graph, "original_graph")) finally: # Save the final model regardless of whether the test succeeded groot.file_save(tdir.r_model) # Perform the comparison model = groot.current_model() differences = groot.compare_graphs(model.fusion_graph_clean, test_tree_file_data) q = differences.raw_data["quartets"]["match_quartets"] print("match_quartets: " + q) # Write the results--- # ---Summary io_helper.save_ini(tdir.r_summary, differences.raw_data) # ---Alignments groot.print_alignments(file=tdir.r_alignments) # ---Differences file_helper.write_all_text(tdir.r_comparison, differences.html, newline=True) = "test_differences" groot.current_model().user_reports.append(differences) # ---Model groot.file_save(tdir.r_model) # Done "<verbose>The test has completed, see «{}».</verbose>".format( tdir.r_comparison)) return groot.EChanges.MODEL_OBJECT
def get_model(self) -> groot.Model: return groot.current_model()
def __init__(self, parent): super().__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle("Genes") self.queue = [] root_layout = qt.QVBoxLayout() self.setLayout(root_layout) toolbar = qt.QFrame() root_layout.addWidget(toolbar) self.tool_layout = qt.QHBoxLayout() self.tool_layout.setContentsMargins(qt.QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)) toolbar.setLayout(self.tool_layout) self.add_select_button(toolbar) self.add_toolbar_item("Import\nnames", resources.rename.icon(), self.on_mnu_rename) qt.toolbar_helper.add_spacer(toolbar) self.add_toolbar_item("Refresh", resources.refresh.icon(), self.refresh_data) self.add_toolbar_item("Help",, self.on_mnu_help) self.scroll_area = qt.QScrollArea() self.scroll_area.setWidgetResizable(True) self.scroll_area.setSizePolicy(qt.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding, qt.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.scroll_area.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(qt.Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.scroll_area.setMinimumWidth(1024) root_layout.addWidget(self.scroll_area) frame = qt.QWidget() self.scroll_area.setWidget(frame) self.layout = qt.QGridLayout() self.layout.setContentsMargins(qt.QMargins(0, 0, 0, 0)) frame.setLayout(self.layout) self.model = groot.current_model() self.setStyleSheet(""" QAbstractButton[style="custom"] { background: white; border: 2px solid white; border-radius: 4px; } QAbstractButton[style="custom"]:hover { border: 2px solid black; } QAbstractButton[style="custom"]:pressed { border: 2px solid silver; } QAbstractButton[style="custom"]:checked { background: #03A9F4; } """) self.lut: Dict[groot.Gene, Tuple[qt.QLineEdit, qt.QAbstractButton, qt.QAbstractButton, qt.QAbstractButton]] = {} self.refresh_data() btn_box = qt.QDialogButtonBox() btn_box.setStandardButtons(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Apply | qt.QDialogButtonBox.Ok | qt.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) btn_box.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Apply).clicked.connect( self.on_apply) btn_box.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Ok).clicked.connect(self.on_ok) btn_box.button(qt.QDialogButtonBox.Cancel).clicked.connect( self.on_cancel) root_layout.addWidget(btn_box)
def _on_gene(self, name: str): if name == "none": return gene = groot.current_model().genes[name] self.inspect_elsewhere(gene)