parser.set_usage("usage: %s %s [options]" % (shell_cmd_name,cmd))
		parser.add_option("-t", "--groupType", dest="grouptype",default=None,
		                  help="only list groups of a certain type (teacher,student,parent or other)", metavar="GROUPTYPE")
		parser.add_option("-n", "--groupname", dest="groupname",default=None,
				  help="Limit the result to a certain group",metavar="GROUPNAME")
		(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
		if options.grouptype:
			intxt = options.grouptype
			options.grouptype = groupdef.grouptype_as_id(options.grouptype)
			if not options.grouptype:
				print "User type \"%s\" is not recognized. Following are valid: teacher,student,parent or other" % intxt
				options.grouptype = None
		gm = GroupManager()
		gl = gm.list_groups(options.grouptype,options.groupname)
		for k in gl.keys():
			print k

	if cmd == "listmembers":
		parser.set_usage("usage: %s %s groupname" % (shell_cmd_name,cmd))

		(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
		if len(args)<2:
			print "Missing group name for listmembers operation"

		gm = GroupManager()
		res = gm.list_members(args[1])
		if res==-1:
			print "Group does not exist"