Пример #1
    def plot(self, field="field", fig=None, ax=None):  # pragma: no cover
        Plot the spatial random field.

        field : :class:`str`, optional
            Field that should be plotted. Can be:
            "field", "raw_field", "krige_field", "err_field" or "krige_var".
            Default: "field"
        fig : :class:`Figure` or :any:`None`
            Figure to plot the axes on. If `None`, a new one will be created.
            Default: `None`
        ax : :class:`Axes` or :any:`None`
            Axes to plot on. If `None`, a new one will be added to the figure.
            Default: `None`
        # just import if needed; matplotlib is not required by setup
        from gstools.field.plot import plot_field, plot_vec_field

        # check if we have a vector field, this check should be sufficient
        # for all but very edgy edge cases, which ate not going to be plotted
        # anyway
        if self.field.shape[0] == self.model.dim:
            if self.model.dim == 2:
                r = plot_vec_field(self, field, fig, ax)
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Streamflow plotting only supported for 2d case."
            r = plot_field(self, field, fig, ax)

        return r
Пример #2
    def plot(
        self, field="field", fig=None, ax=None, **kwargs
    ):  # pragma: no cover
        Plot the spatial random field.

        field : :class:`str`, optional
            Field that should be plotted.
            Default: "field"
        fig : :class:`Figure` or :any:`None`
            Figure to plot the axes on. If `None`, a new one will be created.
            Default: `None`
        ax : :class:`Axes` or :any:`None`
            Axes to plot on. If `None`, a new one will be added to the figure.
            Default: `None`
            Forwarded to the plotting routine.
        # just import if needed; matplotlib is not required by setup
        from gstools.field.plot import plot_field, plot_vec_field

        if self.value_type is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Field value type not set! "
                "Specify 'scalar' or 'vector' before plotting."

        if self.value_type == "scalar":
            r = plot_field(self, field, fig, ax, **kwargs)
        elif self.value_type == "vector":
            if self.dim == 2:
                r = plot_vec_field(self, field, fig, ax, **kwargs)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Streamflow plotting only supported for 2d case."
            raise ValueError(f"Unknown field value type: {self.value_type}")

        return r