Пример #1
    def reduce_prod(cls, seq_batch):
        """Compute the product of each sequence in a SequenceBatch.
        If a sequence is empty, we return a product of 1.
            seq_batch (SequenceBatch): of shape (batch_size, seq_length, X1, X2, ...)

            Tensor: of shape (batch_size, X1, X2, ...)
        mask = seq_batch.mask
        values = seq_batch.values

        # We set all pad values = 1, so that taking the log will not produce -inf
        mask_bcast = expand_dims_for_broadcast(mask, values).expand(
            values.size())  # (batch_size, seq_length, X1, X2, ...)
        values = conditional(mask_bcast, values, 1 - mask_bcast)

        logged = SequenceBatch(
            seq_batch.mask)  # (batch_size, seq_length, X1, X2, ...)

        log_sum = SequenceBatch.reduce_sum(logged)  # (batch_size, X1, X2, ...)
        prod = torch.exp(log_sum)
        return prod
Пример #2
def gated_update(h, h_new, update):
    """If update == 1.0, return h_new; if update == 0.0, return h.

    Applies this logic to each element in a batch.

        h (Variable): of shape (batch_size, hidden_dim)
        h_new (Variable): of shape (batch_size, hidden_dim)
        update (Variable): of shape (batch_size, 1).

        Variable: of shape (batch_size, hidden_dim)

    batch_size, hidden_dim = h.size()
    gate = update.expand(batch_size, hidden_dim)
    return conditional(gate, h_new, h)
Пример #3
 def _mask_weights(cls, weights, mask):
     # if a given row has no memory cells, weights should be all zeros
     no_cells = cls._no_cells(mask)
     all_zeros = GPUVariable(torch.zeros(*mask.size()))
     weights = conditional(no_cells, all_zeros, weights)
     return weights
Пример #4
    def forward(self, memory_cells, query):
        """Generates a density over a set of elements w.r.t. the query vector.

        Et(i) = tanh(Hi * Wh + St * Ws) * v
        At = softmax(Et)

            Hi: (batch_size x memory_dim)
            St: (batch_size x query_dim)
            Wh: (memory_dim x attn_dim)
            Ws: (query_dim x attn_dim)
            v:  (attn_dim x 1)
            tanh( Hi * Wh + St * Ws ):       (batch_size x attn_dim)
            tanh( Hi * Wh + St * Ws ) * v:   (batch_size x 1)
            At = softmax(Et):                (batch_size x num_cells)

            memory_cells (SequenceBatch): (batch_size x num_cells x memory_dim)
            query (torch.Variable): St (batch_size x query_dim)

            Variable: (batch_size x num_cells) array
        transformed_query = torch.mm(query, self.query_transform)  # (batch_size, attn_dim)

        batch_size, num_cells = memory_cells.mask.size()
        memory_cells_ = torch.transpose(memory_cells.values, 0, 1)  # (num_cells, batch_size, memory_dim)
        expanded_transformed_query = transformed_query.expand(num_cells, batch_size, self.attn_dim)
        expanded_memory_transform = self.memory_transform.expand(num_cells, self.memory_dim, self.attn_dim)
        expanded_v_transform = self.v_transform.expand(num_cells, self.attn_dim, 1)

        # (num_cells, batch_size, attn_dim)
        attn_embeds = torch.bmm(memory_cells_, expanded_memory_transform) + expanded_transformed_query
        attn_embeds = self.tanh(attn_embeds)
        attn_embeds = torch.bmm(attn_embeds, expanded_v_transform)  # (num_cells, batch_size, 1)
        logits = torch.transpose(attn_embeds.squeeze(2), 0, 1)

        mask = memory_cells.mask

        # no_cells is a FloatTensor with shape (batch_size, num_cells)
        # no_cells[i, j] = 1 if example i has NO memory cells, 0 otherwise
        no_cells = (1 - mask).prod(1).expand_as(mask)
        # TODO(kelvin): check for numerical stability. Product of 1's does not necessarily equal 1 exactly, which we need

        suppress = GPUVariable(torch.zeros(*mask.size()))
        suppress[mask == 0] = float('-inf')  # send the logit of non-cells to -infinity
        suppress[no_cells == 1] = 0.0  # but if an entire row has no cells, just leave the cells alone

        logits = logits + suppress
        # -inf + anything = -inf

        # compute normalized weights
        weights = self.softmax(logits)  # (batch_size, num_cells)

        # if a given row has no memory cells, weights should be all zeros
        all_zeros = GPUVariable(torch.zeros(*mask.size()))
        weights = conditional(no_cells, all_zeros, weights)

        context = torch.bmm(weights.unsqueeze(1), memory_cells.values)  # (batch_size, 1, memory_dim)
        context = context.squeeze(1)  # (batch_size, memory_dim)
        return AttentionOutput(weights=weights, context=context)