Пример #1
def main():
    Camera observations of landmarks (i.e. pixel coordinates) will be stored as Point2 (x, y).

    Each variable in the system (poses and landmarks) must be identified with a unique key.
    We can either use simple integer keys (1, 2, 3, ...) or symbols (X1, X2, L1).
    Here we will use Symbols

    In GTSAM, measurement functions are represented as 'factors'. Several common factors
    have been provided with the library for solving robotics/SLAM/Bundle Adjustment problems.
    Here we will use Projection factors to model the camera's landmark observations.
    Also, we will initialize the robot at some location using a Prior factor.

    When the factors are created, we will add them to a Factor Graph. As the factors we are using
    are nonlinear factors, we will need a Nonlinear Factor Graph.

    Finally, once all of the factors have been added to our factor graph, we will want to
    solve/optimize to graph to find the best (Maximum A Posteriori) set of variable values.
    GTSAM includes several nonlinear optimizers to perform this step. Here we will use a
    trust-region method known as Powell's Degleg

    The nonlinear solvers within GTSAM are iterative solvers, meaning they linearize the
    nonlinear functions around an initial linearization point, then solve the linear system
    to update the linearization point. This happens repeatedly until the solver converges
    to a consistent set of variable values. This requires us to specify an initial guess
    for each variable, held in a Values container.

    # Define the camera calibration parameters
    K = Cal3_S2(50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0)

    # Define the camera observation noise model
    measurement_noise = gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(
        2, 1.0)  # one pixel in u and v

    # Create the set of ground-truth landmarks
    points = SFMdata.createPoints()

    # Create the set of ground-truth poses
    poses = SFMdata.createPoses(K)

    # Create a factor graph
    graph = NonlinearFactorGraph()

    # Add a prior on pose x1. This indirectly specifies where the origin is.
    # 0.3 rad std on roll,pitch,yaw and 0.1m on x,y,z
    pose_noise = gtsam.noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas(
        np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
    factor = PriorFactorPose3(X(0), poses[0], pose_noise)

    # Simulated measurements from each camera pose, adding them to the factor graph
    for i, pose in enumerate(poses):
        camera = PinholeCameraCal3_S2(pose, K)
        for j, point in enumerate(points):
            measurement = camera.project(point)
            factor = GenericProjectionFactorCal3_S2(measurement,
                                                    measurement_noise, X(i),
                                                    L(j), K)

    # Because the structure-from-motion problem has a scale ambiguity, the problem is still under-constrained
    # Here we add a prior on the position of the first landmark. This fixes the scale by indicating the distance
    # between the first camera and the first landmark. All other landmark positions are interpreted using this scale.
    point_noise = gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(3, 0.1)
    factor = PriorFactorPoint3(L(0), points[0], point_noise)
    graph.print_('Factor Graph:\n')

    # Create the data structure to hold the initial estimate to the solution
    # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
    initial_estimate = Values()
    for i, pose in enumerate(poses):
        transformed_pose = pose.retract(0.1 * np.random.randn(6, 1))
        initial_estimate.insert(X(i), transformed_pose)
    for j, point in enumerate(points):
        transformed_point = point + 0.1 * np.random.randn(3)
        initial_estimate.insert(L(j), transformed_point)
    initial_estimate.print_('Initial Estimates:\n')

    # Optimize the graph and print results
    params = gtsam.DoglegParams()
    optimizer = DoglegOptimizer(graph, initial_estimate, params)
    result = optimizer.optimize()
    result.print_('Final results:\n')
    print('initial error = {}'.format(graph.error(initial_estimate)))
    print('final error = {}'.format(graph.error(result)))

    marginals = Marginals(graph, result)
    plot.plot_3d_points(1, result, marginals=marginals)
    plot.plot_trajectory(1, result, marginals=marginals, scale=8)
def main():
    A structure-from-motion example with landmarks
    - The landmarks form a 10 meter cube
    - The robot rotates around the landmarks, always facing towards the cube

    # Define the camera calibration parameters
    K = Cal3_S2(50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0)

    # Define the camera observation noise model
    camera_noise = gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(
        2, 1.0)  # one pixel in u and v

    # Create the set of ground-truth landmarks
    points = SFMdata.createPoints()
    # Create the set of ground-truth poses
    poses = SFMdata.createPoses(K)

    # Create a NonlinearISAM object which will relinearize and reorder the variables
    # every "reorderInterval" updates
    isam = NonlinearISAM(reorderInterval=3)

    # Create a Factor Graph and Values to hold the new data
    graph = NonlinearFactorGraph()
    initial_estimate = Values()

    # Loop over the different poses, adding the observations to iSAM incrementally
    for i, pose in enumerate(poses):
        camera = PinholeCameraCal3_S2(pose, K)
        # Add factors for each landmark observation
        for j, point in enumerate(points):
            measurement = camera.project(point)
            factor = GenericProjectionFactorCal3_S2(measurement, camera_noise,
                                                    X(i), L(j), K)

        # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
        noise = Pose3(r=Rot3.Rodrigues(-0.1, 0.2, 0.25),
                      t=Point3(0.05, -0.10, 0.20))
        initial_xi = pose.compose(noise)

        # Add an initial guess for the current pose
        initial_estimate.insert(X(i), initial_xi)

        # If this is the first iteration, add a prior on the first pose to set the coordinate frame
        # and a prior on the first landmark to set the scale
        # Also, as iSAM solves incrementally, we must wait until each is observed at least twice before
        # adding it to iSAM.
        if i == 0:
            # Add a prior on pose x0, with 0.3 rad std on roll,pitch,yaw and 0.1m x,y,z
            pose_noise = gtsam.noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas(
                np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]))
            factor = PriorFactorPose3(X(0), poses[0], pose_noise)

            # Add a prior on landmark l0
            point_noise = gtsam.noiseModel.Isotropic.Sigma(3, 0.1)
            factor = PriorFactorPoint3(L(0), points[0], point_noise)

            # Add initial guesses to all observed landmarks
            noise = np.array([-0.25, 0.20, 0.15])
            for j, point in enumerate(points):
                # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
                initial_lj = points[j] + noise
                initial_estimate.insert(L(j), initial_lj)
            # Update iSAM with the new factors
            isam.update(graph, initial_estimate)
            current_estimate = isam.estimate()
            print('*' * 50)
            print('Frame {}:'.format(i))
            current_estimate.print_('Current estimate: ')

            # Clear the factor graph and values for the next iteration
Пример #3
def visual_ISAM2_example():

    # Define the camera calibration parameters
    K = gtsam.Cal3_S2(50.0, 50.0, 0.0, 50.0, 50.0)

    # Define the camera observation noise model
    measurement_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Sigma(
        2, 1.0)  # one pixel in u and v

    # Create the set of ground-truth landmarks
    points = SFMdata.createPoints()

    # Create the set of ground-truth poses
    poses = SFMdata.createPoses(K)

    # Create an iSAM2 object. Unlike iSAM1, which performs periodic batch steps
    # to maintain proper linearization and efficient variable ordering, iSAM2
    # performs partial relinearization/reordering at each step. A parameter
    # structure is available that allows the user to set various properties, such
    # as the relinearization threshold and type of linear solver. For this
    # example, we we set the relinearization threshold small so the iSAM2 result
    # will approach the batch result.
    parameters = gtsam.ISAM2Params()
    isam = gtsam.ISAM2(parameters)

    # Create a Factor Graph and Values to hold the new data
    graph = gtsam.NonlinearFactorGraph()
    initial_estimate = gtsam.Values()

    #  Loop over the different poses, adding the observations to iSAM incrementally
    for i, pose in enumerate(poses):

        # Add factors for each landmark observation
        for j, point in enumerate(points):
            camera = gtsam.PinholeCameraCal3_S2(pose, K)
            measurement = camera.project(point)
                                                     measurement_noise, X(i),
                                                     L(j), K))

        # Add an initial guess for the current pose
        # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
                gtsam.Pose3(gtsam.Rot3.Rodrigues(-0.1, 0.2, 0.25),
                            gtsam.Point3(0.05, -0.10, 0.20))))

        # If this is the first iteration, add a prior on the first pose to set the
        # coordinate frame and a prior on the first landmark to set the scale.
        # Also, as iSAM solves incrementally, we must wait until each is observed
        # at least twice before adding it to iSAM.
        if i == 0:
            # Add a prior on pose x0
            pose_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Diagonal.Sigmas(
                np.array([0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1,
                          0.1]))  # 30cm std on x,y,z 0.1 rad on roll,pitch,yaw
            graph.push_back(gtsam.PriorFactorPose3(X(0), poses[0], pose_noise))

            # Add a prior on landmark l0
            point_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Isotropic.Sigma(3, 0.1)
                gtsam.PriorFactorPoint3(L(0), points[0],
                                        point_noise))  # add directly to graph

            # Add initial guesses to all observed landmarks
            # Intentionally initialize the variables off from the ground truth
            for j, point in enumerate(points):
                    gtsam.Point3(point.x() - 0.25,
                                 point.y() + 0.20,
                                 point.z() + 0.15))
            # Update iSAM with the new factors
            isam.update(graph, initial_estimate)
            # Each call to iSAM2 update(*) performs one iteration of the iterative nonlinear solver.
            # If accuracy is desired at the expense of time, update(*) can be called additional
            # times to perform multiple optimizer iterations every step.
            current_estimate = isam.calculateEstimate()
            print("Frame", i, ":")
            for j in range(i + 1):
                print(X(j), ":", current_estimate.atPose3(X(j)))

            for j in range(len(points)):
                print(L(j), ":", current_estimate.atPoint3(L(j)))


            # Clear the factor graph and values for the next iteration

from GTSAM_helper import iSAM2Wrapper
import cv2

from vslam_helper import *

if __name__ == '__main__':

    K = np.array([[50.0, 0, 50.0], [0.0, 50.0, 50.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
    D = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])

    Ksim = gtsam.Cal3_S2(iSAM2Wrapper.CameraMatrix_to_Cal3_S2(K))

    # Create a sample world point, this case it is 10,10,10
    points = SFMdata.createPoints()
    point_3d = points[0]

    # Create 2 camera poses to measure the 3d point from
    poses = SFMdata.createPoses(Ksim)
    pose1 = poses[0]
    pose2 = poses[1]

    # Create GTSAM camera objects with poses
    camera1 = gtsam.PinholeCameraCal3_S2(pose1, Ksim)
    camera2 = gtsam.PinholeCameraCal3_S2(pose2, Ksim)

    # Project the 3D point into the 2 Camera poses
    kp1 = camera1.project(point_3d)
    kp2 = camera2.project(point_3d)