Пример #1
def solve_lqr(A, B, Q, R, X0=np.array([0., 0.]), num_time_steps=500):
    '''Solves a discrete, finite horizon LQR problem given system dynamics in
    state space representation.
        A, B: nxn state transition matrix and nxp control input matrix
        Q, R: nxn state cost matrix and pxp control cost matrix
        X0: initial state (n-vector)
        num_time_steps: number of time steps, T
        x_sol, u_sol: Txn array of states and Txp array of controls
    n = np.size(A, 0)
    p = np.size(B, 1)

    # noise models
    prior_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Constrained.All(n)
    dynamics_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Constrained.All(n)
    q_noise = gtsam.dynamic_cast_noiseModel_Diagonal_noiseModel_Gaussian(
    r_noise = gtsam.dynamic_cast_noiseModel_Diagonal_noiseModel_Gaussian(
    # note: GTSAM 4.0.2 python wrapper doesn't have 'Information'
    # wrapper, use this instead if you are not on develop branch:
    #   `gtsam.noiseModel_Gaussian.SqrtInformation(np.sqrt(Q)))`

    # Create an empty Gaussian factor graph
    graph = gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph()

    # Create the keys corresponding to unknown variables in the factor graph
    X = []
    U = []
    for i in range(num_time_steps):
        X.append(gtsam.symbol(ord('x'), i))
        U.append(gtsam.symbol(ord('u'), i))

    # set initial state as prior
    graph.add(X[0], np.eye(n), X0, prior_noise)

    # Add dynamics constraint as ternary factor
    #   A.x1 + B.u1 - I.x2 = 0
    for i in range(num_time_steps - 1):
        graph.add(X[i], A, U[i], B, X[i + 1], -np.eye(n), np.zeros((n)),

    # Add cost functions as unary factors
    for x in X:
        graph.add(x, np.eye(n), np.zeros(n), q_noise)
    for u in U:
        graph.add(u, np.eye(p), np.zeros(p), r_noise)

    # Solve
    result = graph.optimize()
    x_sol = np.zeros((num_time_steps, n))
    u_sol = np.zeros((num_time_steps, p))
    for i in range(num_time_steps):
        x_sol[i, :] = result.at(X[i])
        u_sol[i] = result.at(U[i])

    return x_sol, u_sol
Пример #2
def create_lti_fg(A, B, X0=np.array([]), u=np.array([]), num_time_steps=500):
    '''Creates a factor graph with system dynamics constraints in state-space
            x_{t+1} = Ax_t + Bu_t
        A: nxn State matrix
        B: nxp Input matrix
        X0: initial state (n-vector)
        u: Txp control inputs (optional, if not specified, no control input will
            be used)
        num_time_steps: number of time steps, T, to run the system
        graph, X, U: A factor graph and lists of keys X & U for the states and
            control inputs respectively
    # Create noise models
    prior_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Constrained.All(np.size(A, 0))
    dynamics_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Constrained.All(np.size(A, 0))
    control_noise = gtsam.noiseModel_Constrained.All(1)

    # Create an empty Gaussian factor graph
    graph = gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph()

    # Create the keys corresponding to unknown variables in the factor graph
    X = []
    U = []
    for i in range(num_time_steps):
        X.append(gtsam.symbol(ord('x'), i))
        U.append(gtsam.symbol(ord('u'), i))

    # set initial state as prior
    if X0.size > 0:
        if X0.size != np.size(A, 0):
            raise ValueError("X0 dim does not match state dim")
        graph.add(X[0], np.eye(X0.size), X0, prior_noise)

    # Add dynamics constraint as ternary factor
    #   A.x1 + B.u1 - I.x2 = 0
    for i in range(num_time_steps - 1):
        graph.add(X[i], A, U[i], B, X[i + 1], -np.eye(np.size(A, 0)),
                  np.zeros((np.size(A, 0))), dynamics_noise)

    # Add control inputs
    for i in range(len(u)):
        if np.shape(u) != (num_time_steps, np.size(B, 1)):
            raise ValueError("control input is wrong size")
        graph.add(U[i], np.eye(np.size(B, 1)), u[i, :], control_noise)

    return graph, X, U
Пример #3
def create_graph():
    """Create a basic linear factor graph for testing"""
    graph = gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph()

    x0 = X(0)
    x1 = X(1)
    x2 = X(2)

    BETWEEN_NOISE = gtsam.noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas(np.ones(1))
    PRIOR_NOISE = gtsam.noiseModel.Diagonal.Sigmas(np.ones(1))

    graph.add(x1, np.eye(1), x0, -np.eye(1), np.ones(1), BETWEEN_NOISE)
    graph.add(x2, np.eye(1), x1, -np.eye(1), 2 * np.ones(1), BETWEEN_NOISE)
    graph.add(x0, np.eye(1), np.zeros(1), PRIOR_NOISE)

    return graph, (x0, x1, x2)
def estimate_poses_given_rot(factors: gtsam.BetweenFactorPose3s,
                             rotations: gtsam.Values,
                             d: int = 3):
    """ Estimate Poses from measurements, given rotations. From SfmProblem in shonan.

        factors -- data structure with many BetweenFactorPose3 factors
        rotations {Values} -- Estimated rotations

        Values -- Estimated Poses

    I_d = np.eye(d)

    def R(j):
        return rotations.atRot3(j) if d == 3 else rotations.atRot2(j)

    def pose(R, t):
        return gtsam.Pose3(R, t) if d == 3 else gtsam.Pose2(R, t)

    graph = gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph()
    model = gtsam.noiseModel.Unit.Create(d)

    # Add a factor anchoring t_0
    graph.add(0, I_d, np.zeros((d,)), model)

    # Add a factor saying t_j - t_i = Ri*t_ij for all edges (i,j)
    for factor in factors:
        keys = factor.keys()
        i, j, Tij = keys[0], keys[1], factor.measured()
        measured = R(i).rotate(Tij.translation())
        graph.add(j, I_d, i, -I_d, measured, model)

    # Solve linear system
    translations = graph.optimize()

    # Convert to Values.
    result = gtsam.Values()
    for j in range(rotations.size()):
        tj = translations.at(j)
        result.insert(j, pose(R(j), tj))

    return result
Пример #5
def get_return_cost(graph, key):
    '''Returns the value function matrix at variable `key` given a graph which
        goes up and including `key`, but no further (i.e. all time steps after
        `key` have already been eliminated).  Does so by aggregating all unary
        factors on `key`.  If value function is x^TPx, then this returns P.
        "Return Cost" aka "Cost-to-go" aka "Value Function".
        graph: factor graph in LTI form
        key: key in the factor graph for which we want to obtain the return cost
        return_cost: return cost, an nxn array where `n` is dimension of `key`
    new_fg = gtsam.GaussianFactorGraph()
    for i in range(graph.size()): # loop through all factors
        f = graph.at(i)
        if (len(f.keys()) == 1) and (f.keys()[0] == key): # collect unary factors on `key`
    sol_end = new_fg.eliminateSequential()
    return sol_end.back().information()