Пример #1
if not sample_set_name in guesstimator.list_sample_sets():

while True:

    # Record that an operation has occurred.

    # our operation happens to be an increment in Redis, it could be anything.
    # this is a convenient operation because it lets us keep track of the
    # true number of total operations across multiple workers.
    operations = redis.incr("guesstimator_example_actual_operation_count")

    # reader.py must have reset the operation count.
    if last_operations_count > operations:
        guesstimator.writes_performed = 0
        last_operations_count = operations

    if (operations % 10000) == 0:

        # Read the timestamp since metrics started being tracked.
        # and the estimated number of samples taken.
        timestamp, estimated_operations = guesstimator.read(sample_set_name)

        # Using the operation count and the frequency that we record metrics we can guestimate how
        # many workers are currently in the system.
        estimated_worker_count = int((float(operations) / (float(guesstimator.writes_performed) / 0.05)) + 0.5)

        print "Metrics:\n\toperation count: \t\033[32m%s\033[m\n\testimated count:\t\033[31m%s\033[m\n\n\tredis writes performed:\t\t%s\n\testimated worker count: \t%s\n---------" % (