Пример #1
    def test_ResultStyling(self):
        """Test that ouputs from a model are correctly styled (colours and
        opacity. """

        # Push OK with the left mouse button

        myButton = DOCK.pbnRunStop

        msg = 'Run button was not enabled'
        assert myButton.isEnabled(), msg

        # Hazard layers -already set to correct entry
        # Exposure layers - set to Penduduk Jakarta
        QTest.keyClick(DOCK.cboExposure, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down)
        QTest.keyClick(DOCK.cboExposure, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down)
        QTest.keyClick(DOCK.cboExposure, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter)

        # Choose impact function (second item in the list)
        QTest.keyClick(DOCK.cboFunction, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down)
        QTest.keyClick(DOCK.cboFunction, QtCore.Qt.Key_Down)
        QTest.keyClick(DOCK.cboFunction, QtCore.Qt.Key_Enter)
        myFunction = DOCK.cboFunction.currentText()
        myMessage = ('Incorrect function selected - expected Terdampak,'
                     ' got %s \n%s'
                     % (myFunction, combosToString(DOCK)))
        assert myFunction == 'Need evacuation', myMessage

        # Enable on-the-fly reprojection
        setCanvasCrs(GEOCRS, True)

        # Run manually so we can get the output layer
        myRunner = DOCK.calculator.getRunner()
        myRunner.run()  # Run in same thread
        myEngineImpactLayer = myRunner.impactLayer()
        myQgisImpactLayer = DOCK.readImpactLayer(myEngineImpactLayer)
        myStyle = myEngineImpactLayer.get_style_info()
        #print myStyle
        setRasterStyle(myQgisImpactLayer, myStyle)
        # simple test for now - we could test explicity for style state
        # later if needed.
        myMessage = ('Raster layer was not assigned a ColorRampShader'
                     ' as expected.')
        assert myQgisImpactLayer.colorShadingAlgorithm() == \
                QgsRasterLayer.ColorRampShader, myMessage

        myMessage = ('Raster layer was not assigned transparency'
                     'classes as expected.')
        myTransparencyList = (myQgisImpactLayer.rasterTransparency().
        #print "Transparency list:" + str(myTransparencyList)
        assert (len(myTransparencyList) > 0)
Пример #2
    def test_issue126(self):
        """Test that non integer transparency ranges fail gracefully.
        .. seealso:: https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/126
        # This dataset has all cells with value 1.3
        myLayer, myType = loadLayer('issue126.tif')
        del myType
        # Note the float quantity values below
        myStyleInfo = {}
        myStyleInfo['style_classes'] = [
                        dict(colour='#38A800', quantity=1.1, transparency=100),
                        dict(colour='#38A800', quantity=1.4, transparency=0),
                        dict(colour='#79C900', quantity=10.1, transparency=0)]
        myMessage = ('Setting style info with float based ranges should fail '
            setRasterStyle(myLayer, myStyleInfo)
            raise Exception(myMessage)
        # Now validate the transparency values were set to 255 because
        # they are floats and we cant specify pixel ranges to floats
        myValue1 = myLayer.rasterTransparency().alphaValue(1.1)
        myValue2 = myLayer.rasterTransparency().alphaValue(1.4)
        myMessage = ('Transparency should be ignored when style class'
                     ' quantities are floats')
        assert myValue1 == myValue2 == 255, myMessage

        # Now run the same test again
        myStyleInfo['style_classes'] = [
                        dict(colour='#38A800', quantity=2, transparency=100),
                        dict(colour='#38A800', quantity=4, transparency=0),
                        dict(colour='#79C900', quantity=10, transparency=0)]
        myMessage = ('Setting style info with generate valid transparent '
                     'pixel entries.')
            setRasterStyle(myLayer, myStyleInfo)
            raise Exception(myMessage)
        # Now validate the transparency values were set to 255 because
        # they are floats and we cant specify pixel ranges to floats
        myValue1 = myLayer.rasterTransparency().alphaValue(1)
        myValue2 = myLayer.rasterTransparency().alphaValue(3)
        myMessage1 = myMessage + 'Expected 0 got %i' % myValue1
        myMessage2 = myMessage + 'Expected 255 got %i' % myValue2
        assert myValue1 == 0, myMessage1
        assert myValue2 == 255, myMessage2

        # Verify that setRasterStyle doesn't break when floats coincide with
        # integers
        # See https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/126#issuecomment-5978416
        myStyleInfo['style_classes'] = [
                        dict(colour='#38A800', quantity=2.0, transparency=100),
                        dict(colour='#38A800', quantity=4.0, transparency=0),
                        dict(colour='#79C900', quantity=10.0, transparency=0)]
        myMessage = ('Broken: Setting style info with generate valid '
                     'transparent '
                     'floating point pixel entries such as 2.0, 3.0')
            setRasterStyle(myLayer, myStyleInfo)
        except Exception, e:
            raise Exception(myMessage + ': ' + str(e))