Пример #1
def create_menu():
    """Create the Hesperia menu."""
    MenuData = [
        ("&How To Use", howto),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Create Geometry", createGeometry),
        ("&Assign Properties", assignProperties),
        ("&Export Properties", exportProperties),
        ("&Select Properties", selectProperties),
        ("&Save Properties", saveProperties),
        ("&Read Properties", readProperties),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Create Frame Model", createFrameModel),
        ("&Create Shell Model", createShellModel),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Write Abaqus input file", createAbaqusInput),
        ("&Run Calpy Analysis", runCalpyAnalysis),
        ("&Show Calpy Results", postCalpy),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Close Menu", close_menu),
    return menu.Menu('Hesperia',
Пример #2
def create_menu():
    """Create the Formex menu."""
    MenuData = [
        ("&Bbox", [
            ('&Show Bbox Planes', showBbox),
            ('&Remove Bbox Planes', removeBbox),
        ("&Transform", [
            ("&Scale Selection", scaleSelection),
            ("&Scale non-uniformly", scale3Selection),
            ("&Translate", translateSelection),
            ("&Center", centerSelection),
            ("&Rotate", rotateSelection),
            ("&Rotate Around", rotateAround),
            ("&Roll Axes", rollAxes),
        ("&Clip/Cut", [
            ("&Clip", clipSelection),
            ("&Cut With Plane", cutSelection),
        ("&Undo Last Changes", selection.undoChanges),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Concatenate Selection", concatenateSelection),
        ("&Partition Selection", partitionSelection),
        ("&Create Parts", createParts),
        ("&Sectionize Selection", sectionizeSelection),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Fly", fly),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Reload menu", reload_menu),
        ("&Close", close_menu),
    return menu.Menu(_menu, items=MenuData, parent=pf.GUI.menu, before='help')
Пример #3
def create_menu():
    """Create the DXF menu."""
    MenuData = [
        ("&Read DXF file", importDxf),
        ("&Read DXFTEXT file", importDxfText),
        ("&Convert DXF to DXFTEXT", convertDxf,
         dict(tooltip="Parse a .dxf file and output a .dxftext script.")),
        ("&Read DXF without saving the DXFTEXT", importDxf),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Pick DXF selection", pickSelection),
        ("&Renumber DXF entities", renumberDxf),
        ("&Edit DXF entities", editParts),
        ("&Split Arcs", splitArcs),
        ("&Split Lines", splitLines),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Write DXFTEXT file", exportDxfText),
        ("&Convert to Formex", convertToFormex),
        ("&Write DXF file", exportDxf),
        #("&Clip by property",clipByProp),
        #("&Partition by connection",partition),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Print DXF selection", printSelection),
        ("&Draw DXF entities", drawDxf),
        ("&Toggle drawing property numbers", toggleProps),
        ("&Toggle drawing property colors", toggleColors),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Close Menu", close_menu),
    return menu.Menu(_menu, items=MenuData, parent=pf.GUI.menu, before='help')
Пример #4
def create_menu(window):
    #Find and create menu
    before = time.time()
                         region=(0, 0, window.width, window.height))
    print("Took", time.time() - before, "to take screenshot")
    before = time.time()
    menu_location = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('images/menu.png',
                                             region=(0, 0, window.width,
    print("Took", time.time() - before, "to find menu on screen")
    print("Menu is here: ", menu_location)
    mn = menu.Menu(menu_location.left, menu_location.top)
    return mn
Пример #5
def create_menu():
    """Create the Jobs menu."""
    MenuData = [
        ("&About", about),
        ("&Configure Job Plugin", configure),
        ("&Run local Abaqus job", runLocalAbaqus),
        ("&Run local Calculix job", runLocalCalculix),
        ("&Submit Abaqus Job", submitToCluster),
        ("&Kill Cluster Job", killClusterJob),
        ("&List available results on server", checkResultsOnServer),
        ("&Get results from server", getResultsFromServer),
        ("&Execute remote command", remoteCommand),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Reload Menu", reload_menu),
        ("&Close Menu", close_menu),
    return menu.Menu(_menu, items=MenuData, parent=pf.GUI.menu, before='help')
Пример #6
def create_menu():
    """Create the Postproc menu."""
    MenuData = [
        #        ("&Translate Abaqus .fil to FeResult database",P.postABQ),
        ("&Read FeResult Database", importDB),
        ("&Read CalculiX results", importCalculix),
        ("&Read Flavia Database", importFlavia),
        ("&Select FeResult Data", selectDB),
        #        ("&Forget FeResult Data",P.selection.forget),
        ("---", None),
        ("Show Geometry", showModel),
        #        ("Select Step/Inc",P.selectStepInc),
        #        ("Show Results",P.postProc),
        ("Results Dialog", open_dialog),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Reload menu", reload_menu),
        ("&Close menu", close_menu),
    return menu.Menu(_menu, items=MenuData, parent=pf.GUI.menu, before='help')
Пример #7
def create_menu():
    """Create the %s menu.""" % _menu_
    MenuData = [
        ("&Run through example", example),
        ("---", None),
        ("&1.  Import Bifurcation Geometry", importGeometry),
        ("&2.  Input Central Point", inputCentralPoint),
        ("&3.  Input Helper Lines", inputControlLines),
        ("&4a. Input Slicing Parameters", inputSlicingParameters),
        ("&4b.  Create Center Lines", centerlines),
        ("&5. Slice the bifurcation", sliceIt),
        ("&6.  Create Spline Mesh", splineIt),
        ("&7a. Input Longitudinal Seeds", inputLongitudinalSeeds),
        ("&7b. Seed Longitudinal Splines", seedLongitudinalSplines),
        ("&8a. Input Meshing Parameters", inputMeshingParameters),
        ("&8b. Sweeping Mesher", sweepingMesher),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Create Surface Mesh", surfMesh),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Draw", [
            ("&All", drawAll),
            ("&Surface", drawSurface),
            ("&Helper Lines", drawHelperLines),
            ("&Control Lines", drawControlLines),
            ("&Central Point", drawCentralPoint),
            ("&Center Lines2D", drawCenterLines),
            ("&Center Lines3D", drawAxisSplines),
            ("&Cross Sections", drawCrossSections),
            ("&Cross Splines", drawCrossSplines),
            ("&Long Splines", drawLongSplines),
            ("&SurfaceMesh", drawSurfaceMesh),
            ("&Surface Spline_Mesh", drawSurfMesh),
            ("Set Draw Options", inputDrawOptions),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Fly Along Center Lines", flyThru),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Close Menu", close_menu),
    return menu.Menu(_menu_, items=MenuData, parent=pf.GUI.menu, before='help')
Пример #8
def create_menu(before='help'):
    """Create the menu."""
    MenuData = [
        ("&Select drawable",selection.ask),
        ("&Set grid",create_grid),
        ("&Remove grid",remove_grid),
        ("&Toggle Preview",toggle_preview,{'checkable':True}),
        ("&Create Nurbs Curve ",[
            ("From Control Polygon",fromControlPolygon),
            ("Convert PolyLine",fromPolyLine),
#            ("Convert BezierSpline",fromBezierSpline),
        ("&Reload Menu",reload_menu),
        ("&Close Menu",close_menu),
        ("Test menu",test_menu),
    w = menu.Menu(_menu,items=MenuData,parent=pf.GUI.menu,before=before)
    return w
Пример #9
def create_menu():
    """Create the FeEx menu."""
    MenuData = [
        ("&Delete All",deleteAll),
        ("&Create Rectangular Part",createRectPart),
        ("&Create QuadrilateralPart",createQuadPart),
        ("&Convert to Quadratic-8",convertQuadratic),
        ("&Convert to Quadratic-9",convertQuadratic9),
        ("&Show All",drawParts),
        ("&Merge Parts into Model",createModel),
        ("&Show Merged Model",drawModel),
        ("&Show Calpy Numbers",drawCalpy),
        ("&Print model",printModel),
        ("&Add material properties",setMaterial),
        ("&Add boundary conditions",setBoundary),
        ("&Add concentrated loads",setCLoad),
        ("&Add edge loads",setELoad),
        ("&Delete all material properties",deleteAllMats),
        ("&Delete all boundary conditions",deleteAllBcons),
        ("&Delete all concentrated loads",deleteAllCLoads),
        ("&Delete all edge loads",deleteAllELoads),
        ("&Print property database",printDB),
        ("&Create Abaqus/Calculix input file",createAbaqusInput),
        ("&Create Calix input file",createCalixInput),
        ("&Run Calpy analysis",runCalpyAnalysis),
        ("&Import all",importAll),
        ("&Export all",exportAll),
        ("&Autorun example",autoRun),
        ("&Autorun quadratic example",autoRun2),
        ("&Autoconv example",autoConv),
        ("&Close Menu",close_menu),
    return menu.Menu('FeEx',items=MenuData,parent=pf.GUI.menu,before='help')
Пример #10
 def create_menu(self, window):
     #Find and create menu
     menu_location = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('images/menu.png', region=(0,0, window.width, window.height), confidence = 0.8)
     mn = menu.Menu(menu_location.left, menu_location.top)
     self.menu = mn
     return mn
Пример #11
def create_menu():
    """Create the plugin menu."""
    from dxf_menu import importDxf
    MenuData = [
            "&Import ",
                (utils.fileDescription('pgf'), importPgf),
                (utils.fileDescription('surface'), importSurface),
                (utils.fileDescription('tetgen'), importTetgen),
                ("Abaqus/Calculix FE model (*.inp)", importInp),
                ("All known geometry formats", importAny),
                ("Abaqus .inp", [
                    ("&Convert Abaqus .inp file", readInp),
                    ("&Import Converted Abaqus Model", importModel),
                #            ("AutoCAD .dxf",[
                #                ("&Import .dxf or .dxftext",importDxf),
                #                ("&Load DXF plugin menu",loadDxfMenu),
                #                ]),
                ('&Upgrade pyFormex Geometry File', convertGeometryFile,
                     "Convert a pyFormex Geometry File (.pgf) to the latest format, overwriting the file."
        ("&Export ", [
            (utils.fileDescription('pgf'), exportPgf),
            ("pyFormex Geometry File (binary)", exportPgfBinary),
            ("pyFormex Geometry File with short lines", exportPgfShortlines),
            ("Object File Format (.off)", exportOff),
        ("&Select ", [
            ('Any', set_selection),
            ('Formex', set_selection, {
                'data': 'formex'
            ('Mesh', set_selection, {
                'data': 'mesh'
            ('TriSurface', set_selection, {
                'data': 'surface'
            ('PolyLine', set_selection, {
                'data': 'polyline'
            ('Curve', set_selection, {
                'data': 'curve'
            ('NurbsCurve', set_selection, {
                'data': 'nurbs'
        ("&Draw Selection", selection.draw),
        ("&Forget Selection", selection.forget),
        ("---", None),
        ("Print &Information ", [
            ('&Bounding Box', selection.printbbox),
            ('&Type and Size', printDataSize),
        ("Set &Attributes ", setAttributes),
        ("&Annotations ", [
            ("&Names", selection.toggleNames, dict(checkable=True)),
            ("&Elem Numbers", selection.toggleNumbers, dict(checkable=True)),
            ("&Node Numbers", selection.toggleNodeNumbers,
             dict(checkable=True, checked=selection.hasNodeNumbers())),
            ("&Free Edges", selection.toggleFreeEdges,
             dict(checkable=True, checked=selection.hasFreeEdges())),
            ("&Node Marks", selection.toggleNodes,
             dict(checkable=True, checked=selection.hasNodeMarks())),
            ('&Toggle Bbox', selection.toggleBbox, dict(checkable=True)),
            ('&Toggle Shrink Mode', shrink, dict(checkable=True)),
            ("&Toggle Numbers On Top", toggleNumbersOntop),
        ("---", None),
                ("To &Formex", toFormex),
                ("To &Mesh", toMesh),
                ("To &TriSurface", toSurface),
                ## ("To &PolyLine",toPolyLine),
                ## ("To &BezierSpline",toBezierSpline),
                ## ("To &NurbsCurve",toNurbsCurve),
        ("&Property Numbers", [
            ("&Set", selection.setProp),
            ("&Delete", selection.delProp),
            ("&Split", splitProp),
        ("&Create Object", [
            ('&Grid', createGrid),
            ('&Rectangle', createRectangle),
            ('&Cylinder, Cone, Truncated Cone', createCylinder),
            ('&Circle, Sector, Cone', createCone),
            ('&Sphere', createSphere),
        ## ("&Shrink",shrink),
        ## ("&Bbox",
        ##  [('&Show Bbox Planes',showBbox),
        ##   ('&Remove Bbox Planes',removeBbox),
        ##   ]),
        ## ("&Transform",
        ##  [("&Scale Selection",scaleSelection),
        ##   ("&Scale non-uniformly",scale3Selection),
        ##   ("&Translate",translateSelection),
        ##   ("&Center",centerSelection),
        ##   ("&Rotate",rotateSelection),
        ##   ("&Rotate Around",rotateAround),
        ##   ("&Roll Axes",rollAxes),
        ##   ]),
        ## ("&Clip/Cut",
        ##  [("&Clip",clipSelection),
        ##   ("&Cut With Plane",cutSelection),
        ##   ]),
        ## ("&Undo Last Changes",selection.undoChanges),
        ("---", None),
        ("Show &Principal Axes", showPrincipal),
        ("Rotate to &Principal Axes", rotatePrincipal),
        ("Transform to &Principal Axes", transformPrincipal),
        ## ("---",None),
        ## ("&Concatenate Selection",concatenateSelection),
        ## ("&Partition Selection",partitionSelection),
        ## ("&Create Parts",createParts),
        ## ("&Sectionize Selection",sectionizeSelection),
        ## ("---",None),
        ## ("&Fly",fly),
        ("Mesh", [
            ("&Reverse mesh elements", reverseMesh),
            ("&Convert element type", convertMesh),
            ("&Subdivide", subdivideMesh),
            ("&Compact", compactMesh),
            ("&Fuse nodes", fuseMesh),
            ("&Remove degenerate", removeDegenerate),
            ("&Renumber nodes", [
                ("In element order", renumberMesh),
                ("In random order", renumberMeshRandom),
                ("In frontal order", renumberMeshFront),
            ("&Get border mesh", getBorderMesh),
            ("&Peel off border", peelOffMesh),
        ("---", None),
        ("&Reload menu", reload_menu),
        ("&Close", close_menu),
    M = menu.Menu(_menu, items=MenuData, parent=pf.GUI.menu, before='help')
    ## if not utils.hasExternal('dxfparser'):
    ##     I = M.item("&Import ").item("AutoCAD .dxf")
    ##     I.setEnabled(False)
    return M
Пример #12
def create_menu():
    """Create the Tools menu."""
    MenuData = [
        ('Global &Variables',[
            ('  &List All',printall),
            ('  &Select',database.ask),
            ('  &Print Value',printval),
            ('  &Print BBox',printbbox),
            ('  &Draw',_drawables.ask),
            ('  &Create',create),
            ('  &Change Value',edit),
            ('  &Rename',rename_),
            ('  &Keep',keep_),
            ('  &Delete',forget_),
            ('  &Delete All',delete_all),
        ('&Execute pyFormex command',command),
        ("&DOS to Unix",dos2unix,dict(tooltip="Convert a text file from DOS to Unix line terminators")),
        ("&Unix to DOS",unix2dos),
        ("Send &Mail",sendMail),
        ("&Create Plane",[
                [("Point and normal", createPlaneCoordsPointNormal),
                ("Three points", createPlaneCoords3Points),
                [("Three points", createPlaneVisual3Points),
        ("&Select Plane",planes.ask),
        ("&Draw Selection",planes.draw),
        ("&Forget Selection",planes.forget),
        ("Show an &Image file on the canvas",showImage),
        ("Show an &Image file as Formex",showImage3D),
        ('&Edit Points',edit_points),
        ("&Remove Highlights",removeHighlight),
            ('&Create Report',report_selection),
            ('&Set Property',setprop_selection),
            ('&Get Partition',get_partition),
    return menu.Menu(_menu,items=MenuData,parent=pf.GUI.menu,before='help')