class OnlineGui(): # pylint: disable = R0902 """Main frame for the online gui window""" def __init__(self, datacards): """Initialise the main window""" self.last = self.window = Window(ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), SHARE_DIR+"online_gui.json") self._set_actions() self._docstore = None self._datacards = datacards self._draw_titles = Queue.Queue() for title in datacards["online_gui_default_canvases"]: self._draw_titles.put(title) self._canvases_read = Queue.Queue() self._canvases_draw = ThreadedValue([]) self._redraw_target = None self._paused = ThreadedValue(False) rotate_tmp = self.window.get_text_entry("Rotate period", type(1.)) self._rotate_period = ThreadedValue(rotate_tmp) reload_tmp = self.window.get_text_entry("Reload period", type(1.)) self._reload_period = ThreadedValue(reload_tmp) self._poll_period = ThreadedValue(0.1) self._collections = ThreadedValue([]) self._init_docstore() self._start_polling() def _set_actions(self): """ Set up actions (responses to signals) """ self.window.set_button_action("&Pause", self.pause_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Redraw", self.redraw_action) self.window.set_button_action("Re&load", self.reload_action) self.window.set_button_action("Re&connect", self.reconnect_action) self.window.set_button_action("E&xit", self.exit_action) self.window.set_button_action("&<", self.back_action) self.window.set_button_action("&>", self.forward_action) self.window.get_frame("canvas_options", "vertical_frame").\ Resize(200, 500) self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box").Resize(200, 200) self.window.set_action("canvas_select", "list_box", "SelectionChanged()", self.canvas_select_action) self.window.set_action("Rotate period", "named_text_entry", "ReturnPressed()", self.rotate_period_action) self.window.set_action("Reload period", "named_text_entry", "ReturnPressed()", self.reload_period_action) def _init_docstore(self): """ Initialise the docstore """ datacards = self._datacards self._docstore = RootDocumentStore( datacards["root_document_store_timeout"], datacards["root_document_store_poll_time"], 10, 10) self._docstore.connect({"host":datacards["online_gui_host"], "port":datacards["online_gui_port"]}) def _start_polling(self): """ Start polling the database and rotating the canvases """ my_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._poll_canvas_draw, args=()) my_thread.daemon = True my_thread.start() my_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._poll_docstore, args=()) my_thread.daemon = True my_thread.start() def pause_action(self): """Handle a Pause/Unpause button press""" pause_button = self.window.get_frame("&Pause", "button") if self._paused.get_value(): self._paused.set_value(False) pause_button.SetText("&Pause") else: self._paused.set_value(True) pause_button.SetText("&Play") def redraw_action(self): """ Handle a Redraw button press Redraws self._redraw_target """ if self._redraw_target == None: raise GuiError("No canvas to draw") self._do_redraw(self._redraw_target) def reload_action(self): """Handle a Reload button press""" self._reload() if self._redraw_target != None: go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) self._draw_next() def reconnect_action(self): """Handle a Reconnect button press""" self._docstore.disconnect() self._init_docstore() def exit_action(self): """Handle a Exit button press""" self._paused.set_value(True) # tell polling to wait time.sleep(self._poll_period.get_value()) # thinkapow self.window.close_window() def reload_period_action(self): """Handle a change to the reload period""" tmp_reload_period = self.window.get_text_entry("Reload period", type(1.)) tmp_reload_period = float(tmp_reload_period) self._reload_period.set_value(tmp_reload_period) def rotate_period_action(self): """Handle a change to the rotate period""" tmp_rotate_period = self.window.get_text_entry("Rotate period", type(1.)) tmp_rotate_period = float(tmp_rotate_period) self._rotate_period.set_value(tmp_rotate_period) def forward_action(self): """Handle a click on the > forward button""" self._draw_next() def back_action(self): """Handle a click on the < back button""" go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) self._draw_next() def canvas_select_action(self): """Handle an update to the selected canvases""" selected = self._get_canvas_selected() new_draw_titles = Queue.Queue() for item in selected: new_draw_titles.put(item) self._draw_titles = new_draw_titles def _poll_canvas_draw(self): """ Iterate over the canvas_draw queue, updating the GUI as appropriate * Update the queue from the canvas_read queue * Refresh the combo box with items in the canvases_draw queue """ # poll_number = 0 while True: # poll_number += 1 self._draw_next() self._sleepish(self._rotate_period) # handle pause while self._paused.get_value(): time.sleep(self._poll_period.get_value()) def _draw_next(self): """ Draw the next canvas in the selected queue """ canvases_draw = self._filter_canvases(self._canvases_draw.get_value()) if len(canvases_draw) > 0: try: title = self._draw_titles.get_nowait() new_title = copy.deepcopy(title) self._draw_titles.put(title) for wrap in canvases_draw: if wrap.canvas_title() == new_title: self._do_redraw(wrap) break except Queue.Empty: pass # no canvas selected except ValueError: pass self._canvases_draw.set_value(canvases_draw) def _sleepish(self, sleep_length): """ Sleep - but keep polling for changes to the sleep_length * sleep_length - threaded value containing numeric sleep time """ time_slept = 0. poll_period = self._poll_period.get_value() while sleep_length.get_value() - time_slept > poll_period: time_slept += self._poll_period.get_value() time.sleep(poll_period) def _update_canvases_draw(self): """update canvases""" draw = [wrap.deepcopy() \ for wrap in generate_fifo_queue(self._canvases_read)] draw.sort(key = lambda wrap: wrap.sort_key()) return draw def _do_redraw(self, wrap): """ Draw the canvas wrap in the main_canvas """ # wrap_copy is for ROOT wrap_copy = wrap.deepcopy() embedded_canvas = self.window.get_frame("main_canvas", "canvas") # this eats the wrap_copy TCanvas wrap_copy.canvas_wrapper.EmbedCanvas(embedded_canvas) embedded_canvas.GetCanvas().Update() # this _redraw_target is for the main thread self._redraw_target = wrap.deepcopy() def _poll_docstore(self): """ Poll the doc store for documents """ while True: print "poll_docstore" self._reload() self._sleepish(self._reload_period) # handle pause while self._paused.get_value(): time.sleep(self._poll_period.get_value()) def _reload(self): """ Reload canvases; if the list of canvases changed, update the multiselect """ self._reload_canvases() # now update GUI elements (each call iterates over the whole # _canvases_draw queue) self._update_canvas_select() def _update_canvas_select(self): """ Update the list of canvases in the canvas_select frame """ all_canvas_titles = [wrap.canvas_wrapper.GetCanvas().GetTitle() \ for wrap in generate_fifo_queue(self._canvases_read)] select_box = self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box") select_box.RemoveAll() for i, title in enumerate(all_canvas_titles): select_box.AddEntry(title, i) for title in generate_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles): try: index = all_canvas_titles.index(title) select_box.Select(index) except ValueError: # item was no longer in the select - ignore it pass go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) # ROOT doesn't like redrawing the histogram titles properly - need to # force it self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box").Resize(200, 10) self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box").Resize(200, 200) def _get_canvas_selected(self): """ Get the list of canvases selected in the canvas_select frame """ select_box = self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box") selected_root = ROOT.TList() selected = [] select_box.GetSelectedEntries(selected_root) while selected_root.Last() != None: selected.insert(0, copy.deepcopy(selected_root.Last().GetText())) selected_root.RemoveLast() return selected def _reload_canvases(self): """ Reload canvases from the docstore """ # get all of the collections (one for each reducer) try: collections = self._docstore.collection_names() except (DocumentStoreException, SocketError): print "Failed to get collection names from the docstore" return self._collections.set_value(collections) temp_canvases = [] # update "last accessed" timestamp self.last = # get new canvases for collection_name in collections: temp_canvases += self._get_new_canvases(collection_name) # purge any duplicate canvases filtered_canvases = self._filter_canvases(temp_canvases) # build a new queue and reassign _canvases_read canvases_read = Queue.Queue() for canvas in filtered_canvases: canvases_read.put_nowait(canvas) self._canvases_read = canvases_read self._collections.set_value(collections) def _get_new_canvases(self, collection_name): """ Get a list of new canvases from the collection """ try: doc_list = self._docstore.get_since(collection_name, self.last) except DocumentStoreException: print "Failed to get documents from the docstore" return [] if len(doc_list) == 0: return [] tree = doc_list[-1]["doc"] image_data = ROOT.MAUS.ImageData() tree.SetBranchAddress("data", image_data) if tree.GetEntries() == 0: return [] tree.GetEntry() return CanvasRewrapped.new_list_from_image(collection_name, image_data.GetImage()) def _filter_canvases(self, new_canvases): """ Enforce that we only have one copy with a given (collection, title) Note that we want to keep the item with the highest input_time if there is a choice """ combined_list = [wrap.deepcopy() \ for wrap in generate_fifo_queue(self._canvases_read)] combined_list += new_canvases combined_list.sort(key=lambda wrap: wrap.sort_key()) if len(combined_list) == 0: return [] filtered_list = [] for i, item_2 in enumerate(combined_list[1:]): item_1 = combined_list[i] if item_1.collection == item_2.collection and \ item_1.canvas_title() == item_2.canvas_title(): pass else: filtered_list.append(item_1) filtered_list.append(combined_list[-1]) return filtered_list
class TwissSetup: """GUI window to setup a beam according to 2D Twiss parameterisation""" def __init__(self, beam_setup, root_frame): """Initialise the window""" self.window = Window( ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), # pylint: disable = E1101 root_frame, SHARE_DIR + "twiss_setup.json") self.beam_setup = beam_setup self.window.set_button_action("&Okay", self.okay_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Cancel", self.cancel_action) def okay_action(self): """Handle a click on the Okay button, building the beam matrix""" ref = self.beam_setup.get_reference() matrix = maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.create_from_twiss_parameters( mass=ref['mass'], momentum=ref['p'], emittance_x=self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_x", type(1.)), beta_x=self.window.get_text_entry("beta_x", type(1.)), emittance_y=self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_y", type(1.)), beta_y=self.window.get_text_entry("beta_y", type(1.)), emittance_l=self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_l", type(1.)), beta_l=self.window.get_text_entry("beta_l", type(1.)), alpha_x=self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_x", type(1.)), alpha_y=self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_y", type(1.)), alpha_l=self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_l", type(1.)), dispersion_x=self.window.get_text_entry("disp_x", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_x=self.window.get_text_entry( "disp_prime_x", type(1.)), dispersion_y=self.window.get_text_entry("disp_y", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_y=self.window.get_text_entry( "disp_prime_y", type(1.))) self.beam_setup.set_matrix(matrix) self.beam_setup.get_matrix() # check for consistency self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None def cancel_action(self): """Handle a click on the Cancel button""" self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None
class PennSetup: """GUI window to setup a beam according to 4D Penn parameterisation""" def __init__(self, beam_setup, root_frame): """Initialise the window""" self.window = Window( ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), # pylint: disable = E1101 root_frame, SHARE_DIR + "penn_setup.json") self.beam_setup = beam_setup self.window.set_button_action("&Okay", self.okay_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Cancel", self.cancel_action) self.window.set_button_action("Get &B0", self.get_b0_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Constant Beta", self.constant_beta_action) def okay_action(self): """Handle a click on the Okay button, building the beam matrix""" ref = self.beam_setup.get_reference() matrix = maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.create_from_penn_parameters( mass=ref['mass'], momentum=ref['p'], emittance_t=self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_trans", type(1.)), beta_t=self.window.get_text_entry("beta_trans", type(1.)), emittance_l=self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_l", type(1.)), beta_l=self.window.get_text_entry("beta_l", type(1.)), alpha_t=self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_trans", type(1.)), alpha_l=self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_l", type(1.)), charge=ref["charge"], # BUG - multiply by -1 to fix BUG in source code bz=-self.window.get_text_entry("B0", type(1.)) * common.units['T'], ltwiddle=self.window.get_text_entry("Lc", type(1.)), dispersion_x=self.window.get_text_entry("disp_x", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_x=self.window.get_text_entry( "disp_prime_x", type(1.)), dispersion_y=self.window.get_text_entry("disp_y", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_y=self.window.get_text_entry( "disp_prime_y", type(1.))) self.beam_setup.set_matrix(matrix) self.beam_setup.get_matrix() # check for consistency self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None def cancel_action(self): """Handle a click on the Cancel button""" self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None def get_b0_action(self): """ Handle a click on the Get B0 button, getting B magnitude at the location of the reference particle """ ref = self.beam_setup.get_reference() b_vec = maus_cpp.field.get_field_value(ref['x'], ref['y'], ref['z'], ref['t']) _b0 = (b_vec[0]**2 + b_vec[1]**2 + b_vec[2]**2)**0.5 self.window.set_text_entry('B0', _b0 * common.units['T']) def constant_beta_action(self): """ Handle a click on the Constant Beta button, getting beta function that would be required to get a constant beta function, given other settings (reference particle, B0, Lc) """ _b0 = abs(self.window.get_text_entry("B0", type(1.)) * 1e-3) # kT if abs(_b0) < 1e-9: raise ValueError( "Constant beta requires B0 is not 0. "+\ "Modify the B0 field and try again." ) _lc = self.window.get_text_entry("Lc", type(1.)) # kT mom = self.beam_setup.get_reference()['p'] # MeV/c charge = abs(self.beam_setup.get_reference()['charge']) # eplus beta = (1 + _lc** 2)**0.5 * 2. * charge * mom / common.constants['c_light'] / _b0 self.window.set_text_entry('alpha_trans', 0.0) self.window.set_text_entry('beta_trans', beta) # beta in mm
class BeamSetup: """GUI window to setup a reference particle and beam ellipse""" def __init__(self, main_window, parent): """Initialise the window""" self.window = Window( ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), # pylint: disable = E1101 parent, SHARE_DIR + "beam_setup.json") self.main_window = main_window self.parent = parent self.matrix_select = None self.matrix = None self.window.set_button_action("&Penn", self.penn_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Twiss", self.twiss_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Okay", self.okay_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Cancel", self.cancel_action) def twiss_action(self): """Handle Twiss button - open a window to set up Twiss parameters""" if self.matrix_select == None: self.matrix_select = TwissSetup(self, self.parent) def penn_action(self): """Handle Penn button - open a window to set up Penn parameters""" if self.matrix_select == None: self.matrix_select = PennSetup(self, self.parent) def okay_action(self): """ Handle Okay button - set the beam in lattice and then close the window """ if self.matrix_select != None: print "Close the matrix_select window" return self.main_window.lattice.set_beam(self.get_reference(), self.get_matrix()) self.main_window.lattice.run_lattice() self.main_window.update_plot() self.window.close_window() self.main_window.beam_setup = None def cancel_action(self): """ Handle Cancel button - just close the window """ if self.matrix_select != None: print "Close the matrix_select window" return self.window.close_window() self.main_window.beam_setup = None def set_matrix(self, matrix): """ Set the beam matrix (updating GUI elements) - matrix a maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.CovarianceMatrix object """ self.matrix = matrix for i, var_i in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): for j, var_j in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): value = matrix.get_element(i + 1, j + 1) self.window.set_text_entry(var_i + var_j, value) def get_matrix(self): """ Get the beam matrix (reading from GUI elements) Returns a maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.CovarianceMatrix object """ np_matrix = numpy.zeros([6, 6]) for i, var_i in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): for j, var_j in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): value1 = self.window.get_text_entry(var_i + var_j, type(1.)) value2 = self.window.get_text_entry(var_j + var_i, type(1.)) delta = abs(value1 - value2) if delta > 1e-6: err = "Matrix has non-symmetric element Cov("+\ var_i+","+var_j+") with delta "+str(delta)+"." err += "This element must be symmetric - upper "+\ "diagonal should be equal to lower diagonal." raise GuiError(err) else: np_matrix[i, j] = value1 evals = numpy.linalg.eigvals(np_matrix) if not numpy.all(evals > 0): evals = [i for i in evals] raise GuiError("Beam ellipse should be positive definite but "+\ " eigenvalues were not all positive: "+str(evals)) return maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.create_from_matrix(np_matrix) def set_reference(self, ref_hit): """ Get the reference particle (writing to GUI elements) - ref_hit an xboa.Hit.Hit object """ for var in ["x", "y", "z", "px", "py", "pz", "pid"]: self.window.set_text_entry(var, ref_hit[var]) def get_reference(self): """ Get the reference particle (reading from GUI elements) Returns an xboa.Hit.Hit object """ ref_dict = {} for var in ["x", "y", "z", "px", "py", "pz"]: var_dict = self.window.get_frame_dict(var, "named_text_entry") ref_dict[var] = float(var_dict["text_entry"].text_entry.GetText()) pid_dict = self.window.get_frame_dict("pid", "named_text_entry") try: ref_dict["pid"] = int(pid_dict["text_entry"].text_entry.GetText()) ref_dict["mass"] = common.pdg_pid_to_mass[abs(ref_dict["pid"])] ref_dict["charge"] = common.pdg_pid_to_charge[abs(ref_dict["pid"])] except KeyError: raise GuiError("Did not recognise reference particle pid") try: hit = Hit.new_from_dict(ref_dict, "energy") except Exception: raise GuiError("Failed to generate a reference particle") return hit
class PennSetup: """GUI window to setup a beam according to 4D Penn parameterisation""" def __init__(self, beam_setup, root_frame): """Initialise the window""" self.window = Window(ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), # pylint: disable = E1101 root_frame, SHARE_DIR+"penn_setup.json") self.beam_setup = beam_setup self.window.set_button_action("&Okay", self.okay_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Cancel", self.cancel_action) self.window.set_button_action("Get &B0", self.get_b0_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Constant Beta", self.constant_beta_action) def okay_action(self): """Handle a click on the Okay button, building the beam matrix""" ref = self.beam_setup.get_reference() matrix = maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.create_from_penn_parameters( mass = ref['mass'], momentum = ref['p'], emittance_t = self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_trans", type(1.)), beta_t = self.window.get_text_entry("beta_trans", type(1.)), emittance_l = self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_l", type(1.)), beta_l = self.window.get_text_entry("beta_l", type(1.)), alpha_t = self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_trans", type(1.)), alpha_l = self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_l", type(1.)), charge = ref["charge"], # BUG - multiply by -1 to fix BUG in source code bz = -self.window.get_text_entry("B0", type(1.))*common.units['T'], ltwiddle = self.window.get_text_entry("Lc", type(1.)), dispersion_x = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_x", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_x = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_prime_x", type(1.)), dispersion_y = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_y", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_y = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_prime_y", type(1.)) ) self.beam_setup.set_matrix(matrix) self.beam_setup.get_matrix() # check for consistency self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None def cancel_action(self): """Handle a click on the Cancel button""" self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None def get_b0_action(self): """ Handle a click on the Get B0 button, getting B magnitude at the location of the reference particle """ ref = self.beam_setup.get_reference() b_vec = maus_cpp.field.get_field_value(ref['x'], ref['y'], ref['z'], ref['t']) _b0 = (b_vec[0]**2+b_vec[1]**2+b_vec[2]**2)**0.5 self.window.set_text_entry('B0', _b0*common.units['T']) def constant_beta_action(self): """ Handle a click on the Constant Beta button, getting beta function that would be required to get a constant beta function, given other settings (reference particle, B0, Lc) """ _b0 = abs(self.window.get_text_entry("B0", type(1.))*1e-3) # kT if abs(_b0) < 1e-9: raise ValueError( "Constant beta requires B0 is not 0. "+\ "Modify the B0 field and try again." ) _lc = self.window.get_text_entry("Lc", type(1.)) # kT mom = self.beam_setup.get_reference()['p'] # MeV/c charge = abs(self.beam_setup.get_reference()['charge']) # eplus beta = (1+_lc**2)**0.5 * 2.*charge*mom/common.constants['c_light']/_b0 self.window.set_text_entry('alpha_trans', 0.0) self.window.set_text_entry('beta_trans', beta) # beta in mm
class TwissSetup: """GUI window to setup a beam according to 2D Twiss parameterisation""" def __init__(self, beam_setup, root_frame): """Initialise the window""" self.window = Window(ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), # pylint: disable = E1101 root_frame, SHARE_DIR+"twiss_setup.json") self.beam_setup = beam_setup self.window.set_button_action("&Okay", self.okay_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Cancel", self.cancel_action) def okay_action(self): """Handle a click on the Okay button, building the beam matrix""" ref = self.beam_setup.get_reference() matrix = maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.create_from_twiss_parameters( mass = ref['mass'], momentum = ref['p'], emittance_x = self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_x", type(1.)), beta_x = self.window.get_text_entry("beta_x", type(1.)), emittance_y = self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_y", type(1.)), beta_y = self.window.get_text_entry("beta_y", type(1.)), emittance_l = self.window.get_text_entry("emittance_l", type(1.)), beta_l = self.window.get_text_entry("beta_l", type(1.)), alpha_x = self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_x", type(1.)), alpha_y = self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_y", type(1.)), alpha_l = self.window.get_text_entry("alpha_l", type(1.)), dispersion_x = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_x", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_x = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_prime_x", type(1.)), dispersion_y = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_y", type(1.)), dispersion_prime_y = self.window.get_text_entry("disp_prime_y", type(1.)) ) self.beam_setup.set_matrix(matrix) self.beam_setup.get_matrix() # check for consistency self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None def cancel_action(self): """Handle a click on the Cancel button""" self.window.close_window() self.beam_setup.matrix_select = None
class BeamSetup: """GUI window to setup a reference particle and beam ellipse""" def __init__(self, main_window, parent): """Initialise the window""" self.window = Window(ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), # pylint: disable = E1101 parent, SHARE_DIR+"beam_setup.json") self.main_window = main_window self.parent = parent self.matrix_select = None self.matrix = None self.window.set_button_action("&Penn", self.penn_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Twiss", self.twiss_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Okay", self.okay_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Cancel", self.cancel_action) def twiss_action(self): """Handle Twiss button - open a window to set up Twiss parameters""" if self.matrix_select == None: self.matrix_select = TwissSetup(self, self.parent) def penn_action(self): """Handle Penn button - open a window to set up Penn parameters""" if self.matrix_select == None: self.matrix_select = PennSetup(self, self.parent) def okay_action(self): """ Handle Okay button - set the beam in lattice and then close the window """ if self.matrix_select != None: print "Close the matrix_select window" return self.main_window.lattice.set_beam(self.get_reference(), self.get_matrix()) self.main_window.lattice.run_lattice() self.main_window.update_plot() self.window.close_window() self.main_window.beam_setup = None def cancel_action(self): """ Handle Cancel button - just close the window """ if self.matrix_select != None: print "Close the matrix_select window" return self.window.close_window() self.main_window.beam_setup = None def set_matrix(self, matrix): """ Set the beam matrix (updating GUI elements) - matrix a maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.CovarianceMatrix object """ self.matrix = matrix for i, var_i in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): for j, var_j in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): value = matrix.get_element(i+1, j+1) self.window.set_text_entry(var_i+var_j, value) def get_matrix(self): """ Get the beam matrix (reading from GUI elements) Returns a maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.CovarianceMatrix object """ np_matrix = numpy.zeros([6, 6]) for i, var_i in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): for j, var_j in enumerate(["t", "e", "x", "px", "y", "py"]): value1 = self.window.get_text_entry(var_i+var_j, type(1.)) value2 = self.window.get_text_entry(var_j+var_i, type(1.)) delta = abs(value1 - value2) if delta > 1e-6: err = "Matrix has non-symmetric element Cov("+\ var_i+","+var_j+") with delta "+str(delta)+"." err += "This element must be symmetric - upper "+\ "diagonal should be equal to lower diagonal." raise GuiError(err) else: np_matrix[i, j] = value1 evals = numpy.linalg.eigvals(np_matrix) if not numpy.all(evals > 0): evals = [i for i in evals] raise GuiError("Beam ellipse should be positive definite but "+\ " eigenvalues were not all positive: "+str(evals)) return maus_cpp.covariance_matrix.create_from_matrix(np_matrix) def set_reference(self, ref_hit): """ Get the reference particle (writing to GUI elements) - ref_hit an xboa.Hit.Hit object """ for var in ["x", "y", "z", "px", "py", "pz", "pid"]: self.window.set_text_entry(var, ref_hit[var]) def get_reference(self): """ Get the reference particle (reading from GUI elements) Returns an xboa.Hit.Hit object """ ref_dict = {} for var in ["x", "y", "z", "px", "py", "pz"]: var_dict = self.window.get_frame_dict(var, "named_text_entry") ref_dict[var] = float(var_dict["text_entry"].text_entry.GetText()) pid_dict = self.window.get_frame_dict("pid", "named_text_entry") try: ref_dict["pid"] = int(pid_dict["text_entry"].text_entry.GetText()) ref_dict["mass"] = common.pdg_pid_to_mass[abs(ref_dict["pid"])] ref_dict["charge"] = common.pdg_pid_to_charge[abs(ref_dict["pid"])] except KeyError: raise GuiError("Did not recognise reference particle pid") try: hit = Hit.new_from_dict(ref_dict, "energy") except Exception: raise GuiError("Failed to generate a reference particle") return hit
class OnlineGui(): # pylint: disable = R0902 """Main frame for the online gui window""" def __init__(self, datacards): """Initialise the main window""" self.last = self.window = Window(ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), ROOT.gClient.GetRoot(), SHARE_DIR + "online_gui.json") self._set_actions() self._docstore = None self._datacards = datacards self._draw_titles = Queue.Queue() for title in datacards["online_gui_default_canvases"]: self._draw_titles.put(title) self._canvases_read = Queue.Queue() self._canvases_draw = ThreadedValue([]) self._redraw_target = None self._paused = ThreadedValue(False) rotate_tmp = self.window.get_text_entry("Rotate period", type(1.)) self._rotate_period = ThreadedValue(rotate_tmp) reload_tmp = self.window.get_text_entry("Reload period", type(1.)) self._reload_period = ThreadedValue(reload_tmp) self._poll_period = ThreadedValue(0.1) self._collections = ThreadedValue([]) self._init_docstore() self._start_polling() def _set_actions(self): """ Set up actions (responses to signals) """ self.window.set_button_action("&Pause", self.pause_action) self.window.set_button_action("&Redraw", self.redraw_action) self.window.set_button_action("Re&load", self.reload_action) self.window.set_button_action("Re&connect", self.reconnect_action) self.window.set_button_action("E&xit", self.exit_action) self.window.set_button_action("&<", self.back_action) self.window.set_button_action("&>", self.forward_action) self.window.get_frame("canvas_options", "vertical_frame").\ Resize(200, 500) self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box").Resize(200, 200) self.window.set_action("canvas_select", "list_box", "SelectionChanged()", self.canvas_select_action) self.window.set_action("Rotate period", "named_text_entry", "ReturnPressed()", self.rotate_period_action) self.window.set_action("Reload period", "named_text_entry", "ReturnPressed()", self.reload_period_action) def _init_docstore(self): """ Initialise the docstore """ datacards = self._datacards self._docstore = RootDocumentStore( datacards["root_document_store_timeout"], datacards["root_document_store_poll_time"], 10, 10) self._docstore.connect({ "host": datacards["online_gui_host"], "port": datacards["online_gui_port"] }) def _start_polling(self): """ Start polling the database and rotating the canvases """ my_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._poll_canvas_draw, args=()) my_thread.daemon = True my_thread.start() my_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._poll_docstore, args=()) my_thread.daemon = True my_thread.start() def pause_action(self): """Handle a Pause/Unpause button press""" pause_button = self.window.get_frame("&Pause", "button") if self._paused.get_value(): self._paused.set_value(False) pause_button.SetText("&Pause") else: self._paused.set_value(True) pause_button.SetText("&Play") def redraw_action(self): """ Handle a Redraw button press Redraws self._redraw_target """ if self._redraw_target == None: raise GuiError("No canvas to draw") self._do_redraw(self._redraw_target) def reload_action(self): """Handle a Reload button press""" self._reload() if self._redraw_target != None: go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) self._draw_next() def reconnect_action(self): """Handle a Reconnect button press""" self._docstore.disconnect() self._init_docstore() def exit_action(self): """Handle a Exit button press""" self._paused.set_value(True) # tell polling to wait time.sleep(self._poll_period.get_value()) # thinkapow self.window.close_window() def reload_period_action(self): """Handle a change to the reload period""" tmp_reload_period = self.window.get_text_entry("Reload period", type(1.)) tmp_reload_period = float(tmp_reload_period) self._reload_period.set_value(tmp_reload_period) def rotate_period_action(self): """Handle a change to the rotate period""" tmp_rotate_period = self.window.get_text_entry("Rotate period", type(1.)) tmp_rotate_period = float(tmp_rotate_period) self._rotate_period.set_value(tmp_rotate_period) def forward_action(self): """Handle a click on the > forward button""" self._draw_next() def back_action(self): """Handle a click on the < back button""" go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) self._draw_next() def canvas_select_action(self): """Handle an update to the selected canvases""" selected = self._get_canvas_selected() new_draw_titles = Queue.Queue() for item in selected: new_draw_titles.put(item) self._draw_titles = new_draw_titles def _poll_canvas_draw(self): """ Iterate over the canvas_draw queue, updating the GUI as appropriate * Update the queue from the canvas_read queue * Refresh the combo box with items in the canvases_draw queue """ # poll_number = 0 while True: # poll_number += 1 self._draw_next() self._sleepish(self._rotate_period) # handle pause while self._paused.get_value(): time.sleep(self._poll_period.get_value()) def _draw_next(self): """ Draw the next canvas in the selected queue """ canvases_draw = self._filter_canvases(self._canvases_draw.get_value()) if len(canvases_draw) > 0: try: title = self._draw_titles.get_nowait() new_title = copy.deepcopy(title) self._draw_titles.put(title) for wrap in canvases_draw: if wrap.canvas_title() == new_title: self._do_redraw(wrap) break except Queue.Empty: pass # no canvas selected except ValueError: pass self._canvases_draw.set_value(canvases_draw) def _sleepish(self, sleep_length): """ Sleep - but keep polling for changes to the sleep_length * sleep_length - threaded value containing numeric sleep time """ time_slept = 0. poll_period = self._poll_period.get_value() while sleep_length.get_value() - time_slept > poll_period: time_slept += self._poll_period.get_value() time.sleep(poll_period) def _update_canvases_draw(self): """update canvases""" draw = [wrap.deepcopy() \ for wrap in generate_fifo_queue(self._canvases_read)] draw.sort(key=lambda wrap: wrap.sort_key()) return draw def _do_redraw(self, wrap): """ Draw the canvas wrap in the main_canvas """ # wrap_copy is for ROOT wrap_copy = wrap.deepcopy() embedded_canvas = self.window.get_frame("main_canvas", "canvas") # this eats the wrap_copy TCanvas wrap_copy.canvas_wrapper.EmbedCanvas(embedded_canvas) embedded_canvas.GetCanvas().Update() # this _redraw_target is for the main thread self._redraw_target = wrap.deepcopy() def _poll_docstore(self): """ Poll the doc store for documents """ while True: print "poll_docstore" self._reload() self._sleepish(self._reload_period) # handle pause while self._paused.get_value(): time.sleep(self._poll_period.get_value()) def _reload(self): """ Reload canvases; if the list of canvases changed, update the multiselect """ self._reload_canvases() # now update GUI elements (each call iterates over the whole # _canvases_draw queue) self._update_canvas_select() def _update_canvas_select(self): """ Update the list of canvases in the canvas_select frame """ all_canvas_titles = [wrap.canvas_wrapper.GetCanvas().GetTitle() \ for wrap in generate_fifo_queue(self._canvases_read)] select_box = self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box") select_box.RemoveAll() for i, title in enumerate(all_canvas_titles): select_box.AddEntry(title, i) for title in generate_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles): try: index = all_canvas_titles.index(title) select_box.Select(index) except ValueError: # item was no longer in the select - ignore it pass go_back_fifo_queue(self._draw_titles) # ROOT doesn't like redrawing the histogram titles properly - need to # force it self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box").Resize(200, 10) self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box").Resize(200, 200) def _get_canvas_selected(self): """ Get the list of canvases selected in the canvas_select frame """ select_box = self.window.get_frame("canvas_select", "list_box") selected_root = ROOT.TList() selected = [] select_box.GetSelectedEntries(selected_root) while selected_root.Last() != None: selected.insert(0, copy.deepcopy(selected_root.Last().GetText())) selected_root.RemoveLast() return selected def _reload_canvases(self): """ Reload canvases from the docstore """ # get all of the collections (one for each reducer) try: collections = self._docstore.collection_names() except (DocumentStoreException, SocketError): print "Failed to get collection names from the docstore" return self._collections.set_value(collections) temp_canvases = [] # update "last accessed" timestamp self.last = # get new canvases for collection_name in collections: temp_canvases += self._get_new_canvases(collection_name) # purge any duplicate canvases filtered_canvases = self._filter_canvases(temp_canvases) # build a new queue and reassign _canvases_read canvases_read = Queue.Queue() for canvas in filtered_canvases: canvases_read.put_nowait(canvas) self._canvases_read = canvases_read self._collections.set_value(collections) def _get_new_canvases(self, collection_name): """ Get a list of new canvases from the collection """ try: doc_list = self._docstore.get_since(collection_name, self.last) except DocumentStoreException: print "Failed to get documents from the docstore" return [] if len(doc_list) == 0: return [] tree = doc_list[-1]["doc"] image_data = ROOT.MAUS.ImageData() tree.SetBranchAddress("data", image_data) if tree.GetEntries() == 0: return [] tree.GetEntry() return CanvasRewrapped.new_list_from_image(collection_name, image_data.GetImage()) def _filter_canvases(self, new_canvases): """ Enforce that we only have one copy with a given (collection, title) Note that we want to keep the item with the highest input_time if there is a choice """ combined_list = [wrap.deepcopy() \ for wrap in generate_fifo_queue(self._canvases_read)] combined_list += new_canvases combined_list.sort(key=lambda wrap: wrap.sort_key()) if len(combined_list) == 0: return [] filtered_list = [] for i, item_2 in enumerate(combined_list[1:]): item_1 = combined_list[i] if item_1.collection == item_2.collection and \ item_1.canvas_title() == item_2.canvas_title(): pass else: filtered_list.append(item_1) filtered_list.append(combined_list[-1]) return filtered_list