Пример #1
class Analysis_wizard:
    """The analysis selection wizard."""

    def Destroy(self):
        """Properly delete the wizard and all its elements."""


    def run(self):
        """Run through the analysis selection wizard, returning the results.

        @return:    The analysis type, analysis name, data pipe name, data pipe bundle name, and user function on_execute method list.
        @rtype:     tuple of str

        # Change the cursor to busy.

        # Set up the wizard.
        self.wizard = Wiz_window(size_x=1000, size_y=700, title='Analysis selection wizard')

        # Change the finish button.
        self.wizard.TEXT_FINISH = " Start"

        # Add the new analysis panel.
        self.new_page = New_analysis_page(self.wizard)
        self.wizard.add_page(self.new_page, apply_button=False)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(0, self.wizard_page_after_analysis)

        # Add the data pipe name panel.
        self.pipe_page = Data_pipe_page(self.wizard, height_desc=400)
        self.wizard.add_page(self.pipe_page, apply_button=False)

        # Reset the cursor.
        if wx.IsBusy():

        # Execute the wizard.
        setup = self.wizard.run(modal=True)
        if setup != wx.ID_OK:

        # Return the analysis type, analysis name, data pipe name, data pipe bundle name, and user function on_execute method list.
        return self.get_data()

    def get_data(self):
        """Assemble and return the analysis type, analysis name, and pipe name.

        @return:    The analysis type, analysis name, data pipe name, data pipe bundle name, and list of user function on_execute methods.
        @rtype:     str, str, str, str, list of methods

        # Get the data.
        analysis_type = gui_to_str(self.wizard.analysis_type)
        analysis_name = gui_to_str(self.new_page.analysis_name.GetValue())
        pipe_name = gui_to_str(self.pipe_page.pipe_name.GetValue())
        pipe_bundle = gui_to_str(self.pipe_page.pipe_bundle.GetValue())

        # The user function on_execute methods.
        uf_exec = []

        # Return it.
        return analysis_type, analysis_name, pipe_name, pipe_bundle, uf_exec

    def wizard_page_after_analysis(self):
        """Set the page after the data pipe setup.

        @return:    The index of the next page, which is the current page index plus one.
        @rtype:     int

        # The selected analysis.
        analysis_name = gui_to_str(self.new_page.analysis_name.GetValue())

        # Default to the second page.
        return 1
Пример #2
class Spin_view_window(wx.Frame):
    """A window element for the tree view."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        """Set up the relax prompt."""

        # Store the parent object.
        self.gui = kwds.pop('parent')

        # Create GUI elements
        kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE
        if not status.debug and status.wx_info["os"] != 'darwin':
            kwds["style"] = kwds["style"] | wx.MAXIMIZE
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)

        # Force the main window to start maximised (needed for MS Windows).
        if not status.debug and status.wx_info["os"] != 'darwin':

        # Set up the window icon.

        # Some default values.
        self.size_x = 1000
        self.size_y = 750

        # Set up the window.
        sizer = self.setup_window()

        # Create a menu.

        # Build the toolbar.

        # The splitter window.
        splitter = Tree_splitter(self.gui, self, -1)
        sizer.Add(splitter, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0)

        # Initialise observer name.
        self.name = 'spin viewer'

    def _activate(self):
        """Activate or deactivate certain elements in response to the execution lock."""

        # Flag for enabling or disabling the elements.
        enable = False
        if not status.exec_lock.locked():
            enable = True

        # Loop over the menus.
        for menu, label in self.menubar.GetMenus():
            # Loop over the menu items.
            for item in menu.GetMenuItems():
                wx.CallAfter(item.Enable, enable)

        # The spin loader.
        wx.CallAfter(self.bar.EnableTool, self.spin_loader_id, enable)

        # The pipe selector.
        wx.CallAfter(self.pipe_name.Enable, enable)

    def _create_menu(self):
        """Build a menu for the window."""

        # Create the menu bar GUI item and add it to the main frame.
        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()
        if status.show_gui:

        # The user function menus.
        self.menu_uf_ids = build_uf_menus(parent=self, menubar=self.menubar)

    def Show(self, show=True):
        """Change the behaviour of showing the window to update the content.

        @keyword show:  A flag which is True shows the window.
        @type show:     bool

        # Register a few methods in the observer objects.
        status.observers.gui_uf.register(self.name, self.refresh, method_name='ref')
        status.observers.pipe_alteration.register(self.name, self.refresh, method_name='ref')
        status.observers.exec_lock.register(self.name, self._activate, method_name='_activate')

        # First update.

        # Activate or deactivate the frame.

        # Then show the window using the base class method.
        if status.show_gui:
            super(Spin_view_window, self).Show(show)

    def refresh(self, event=None):
        """Event handler for the refresh action (thread safe).

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # Thread safe.

    def refresh_safe(self):
        """Refresh the spin viewer window."""

        # Change the cursor to busy.

        # Update the data pipe selector.

        # Update the tree.

        # Redisplay the container.

        # Reset the cursor.
        if wx.IsBusy():

    def handler_close(self, event=None):
        """Event handler for the close window action.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # Unregister the methods from the observers to avoid unnecessary updating.

        # Close the window.

    def load_spins_wizard(self, event=None):
        """The spin loading wizard.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # No current data pipe.
        if not cdp_name():

        # Change the cursor to busy.

        # Initialise a wizard.
        self.wizard = Wiz_window(parent=self, size_x=1000, size_y=800, title="Load spins")
        self.page_indices = {}

        # The loading method page.
        self.page_method = Load_method_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['method'] = self.wizard.add_page(self.page_method, apply_button=True, skip_button=False)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['method'], self.wizard_page_after_load_method)

        # The sequence.read page.
        page = uf_store['sequence.read'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['sequence.read'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['sequence.read'], self.wizard_page_after_sequence_read)

        # The structure.read_pdb page.
        page = uf_store['structure.read_pdb'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['structure.read_pdb'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['structure.read_pdb'], self.wizard_page_after_structure_read)

        # The structure.read_xyz page.
        page = uf_store['structure.read_xyz'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['structure.read_xyz'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['structure.read_xyz'], self.wizard_page_after_structure_read)

        # The spectrum.read_spins page.
        page = uf_store['spectrum.read_spins'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['spectrum.read_spins'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['spectrum.read_spins'], self.wizard_page_after_sequence_read)

        # The structure.load_spins page.
        page = uf_store['structure.load_spins'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['structure.load_spins'] = self.wizard.add_page(page)

        # The termination page.
        page = Finish_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['fin'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, apply_button=False, skip_button=False)

        # Reset the cursor.
        if wx.IsBusy():

        # Run the wizard.

    def setup_window(self):
        """Set up the window.

        @return:    The sizer object.
        @rtype:     wx.Sizer instance

        # Set the frame title.
        self.SetTitle("The spin viewer")

        # Use a box sizer for packing the shell.
        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # Close the window cleanly (hide so it can be reopened).
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.handler_close)

        # Set the default size of the controller.
        self.SetSize((self.size_x, self.size_y))

        # Return the sizer.
        return sizer

    def toolbar(self):
        """Create the toolbar."""

        # Init.
        self.bar = self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|wx.TB_FLAT|wx.TB_TEXT)

        # The spin loading button.
        self.spin_loader_id = wx.NewId()
        tooltip = "Load spins from either a sequence file or from a 3D structure file."
        self.bar.AddLabelTool(self.spin_loader_id, "Load spins", wx.Bitmap(fetch_icon('relax.spin', '32x32'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), bmpDisabled=wx.Bitmap(fetch_icon('relax.spin_grey', '32x32'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), shortHelp=tooltip, longHelp=tooltip)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.load_spins_wizard, id=self.spin_loader_id)

        # A separator.

        # The refresh button.
        id = wx.NewId()
        tooltip = "Refresh the spin view."
        self.bar.AddLabelTool(id, "Refresh", wx.Bitmap(fetch_icon('oxygen.actions.view-refresh', '32x32'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), shortHelp=tooltip, longHelp=tooltip)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.refresh, id=id)

        # A separator.

        # The pipe text.
        text = wx.StaticText(self.bar, -1, ' Current data pipe:  ', style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)

        # The pipe selection.
        self.pipe_name = wx.ComboBox(self.bar, -1, "", style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN|wx.CB_READONLY, choices=[])
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.update_pipes, self.pipe_name)

        # Build the toolbar.

    def uf_call(self, event=None):
        """Catch the user function call to properly specify the parent window.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # The user function ID.
        uf_id = event.GetId()

        # Get the user function name.
        name = uf_store.get_uf(uf_id)

        # Call the user function GUI object.
        uf_store[name](event=event, wx_parent=self)

    def update_pipes(self, event=None):
        """Update the spin view data pipe selector.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # Change the cursor to busy.

        # Init.
        pipe_switch = False

        # The selected pipe.
        if event:
            # The name of the selected pipe.
            pipe = gui_to_str(self.pipe_name.GetString(event.GetSelection()))

            # A pipe change.
            if pipe != cdp_name():
                pipe_switch = True
            pipe = cdp_name()
        if not pipe:
            pipe = ''

        # Clear the previous data.

        # The list of pipe names.
        for name in pipe_names():

        # Switch.
        if pipe_switch:
            # Switch data pipes.
            self.gui.interpreter.apply('pipe.switch', pipe)

            # Update the tree view.

        # Set the pipe name to the cdp.

        # Reset the cursor.
        if wx.IsBusy():

    def wizard_page_after_load_method(self):
        """Set the page after the load method choice.

        @return:    The index of the next page.
        @rtype:     int

        # Go to the sequence.read page.
        if self.page_method.selection == 'sequence':
            return self.page_indices['sequence.read']

        # Go to the structure.read_pdb page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'new pdb':
            return self.page_indices['structure.read_pdb']

        # Go to the structure.read_xyz page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'new xyz':
            return self.page_indices['structure.read_xyz']

        # Go to the spectrum.read_spins page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'new spectrum':
            return self.page_indices['spectrum.read_spins']

        # Skip to the structure.load_spins page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'preload':
            return self.page_indices['structure.load_spins']

    def wizard_page_after_sequence_read(self):
        """Set the page after the sequence.read user function page.

        @return:    The index of the last page.
        @rtype:     int

        # Return the index of the terminal page.
        return  self.page_indices['fin']

    def wizard_page_after_structure_read(self):
        """Set the page after the structure.read_* user function pages.

        @return:    The index of the structure.load_spins page.
        @rtype:     int

        # Return the index of the terminal page.
        return  self.page_indices['structure.load_spins']
Пример #3
class Spin_view_window(wx.Frame):
    """A window element for the tree view."""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
        """Set up the relax prompt."""

        # Store the parent object.
        self.gui = kwds.pop('parent')

        # Create GUI elements
        kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE
        if not status.debug and status.wx_info["os"] != 'darwin':
            kwds["style"] = kwds["style"] | wx.MAXIMIZE
        wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)

        # Force the main window to start maximised (needed for MS Windows).
        if not status.debug and status.wx_info["os"] != 'darwin':

        # Set up the window icon.

        # Some default values.
        self.size_x = 1000
        self.size_y = 750

        # Set up the window.
        sizer = self.setup_window()

        # Create a menu.

        # Build the toolbar.

        # The splitter window.
        splitter = Tree_splitter(self.gui, self, -1)
        sizer.Add(splitter, 1, wx.EXPAND|wx.ALL, 0)

        # Initialise observer name.
        self.name = 'spin viewer'

    def _activate(self):
        """Activate or deactivate certain elements in response to the execution lock."""

        # Flag for enabling or disabling the elements.
        enable = False
        if not status.exec_lock.locked():
            enable = True

        # Loop over the menus.
        for menu, label in self.menubar.GetMenus():
            # Loop over the menu items.
            for item in menu.GetMenuItems():
                wx.CallAfter(item.Enable, enable)

        # The spin loader.
        wx.CallAfter(self.bar.EnableTool, TB_SPIN_LOADER_ID, enable)

        # The pipe selector.
        wx.CallAfter(self.pipe_name.Enable, enable)

    def _create_menu(self):
        """Build a menu for the window."""

        # Create the menu bar GUI item and add it to the main frame.
        self.menubar = wx.MenuBar()
        if status.show_gui:

        # The user function menus.
        self.menu_uf_ids = build_uf_menus(parent=self, menubar=self.menubar)

    def Destroy(self, event=None):
        """Cleanly destroy the spin viewer window.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # First unregister the methods from the observers.

        # Destroy the spin loading wizard, if it exists.
        if hasattr(self, 'wizard'):
            del self.wizard

        # Destroy all children of the window.
        super(Spin_view_window, self).DestroyChildren()

        # Destroy the spin viewer window.
        super(Spin_view_window, self).Destroy()

    def Show(self, show=True):
        """Change the behaviour of showing the window to update the content.

        @keyword show:  A flag which is True shows the window.
        @type show:     bool

        # Register a few methods in the observer objects.
        status.observers.gui_uf.register(self.name, self.refresh, method_name='ref')
        status.observers.pipe_alteration.register(self.name, self.refresh, method_name='ref')
        status.observers.exec_lock.register(self.name, self._activate, method_name='_activate')

        # First update.

        # Activate or deactivate the frame.

        # Then show the window using the base class method.
        if status.show_gui:
            super(Spin_view_window, self).Show(show)

    def refresh(self, event=None):
        """Event handler for the refresh action (thread safe).

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # Thread safe.

    def refresh_safe(self):
        """Refresh the spin viewer window."""

        # Change the cursor to busy.

        # Update the data pipe selector.

        # Update the tree.

        # Redisplay the container.

        # Reset the cursor.
        if wx.IsBusy():

    def handler_close(self, event=None):
        """Event handler for the close window action.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # Unregister the methods from the observers to avoid unnecessary updating.

        # Close the window.

    def load_spins_wizard(self, event=None):
        """The spin loading wizard.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # No current data pipe.
        if not cdp_name():

        # Change the cursor to busy.

        # Destroy the spin loading wizard, if it exists.
        if hasattr(self, 'wizard'):

        # Initialise a wizard.
        self.wizard = Wiz_window(parent=self, size_x=1000, size_y=750, title="Load spins")
        self.page_indices = {}

        # The loading method page.
        self.page_method = Load_method_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['method'] = self.wizard.add_page(self.page_method, apply_button=True, skip_button=False)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['method'], self.wizard_page_after_load_method)

        # The sequence.read page.
        page = uf_store['sequence.read'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['sequence.read'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['sequence.read'], self.wizard_page_after_sequence_read)

        # The structure.read_pdb page.
        page = uf_store['structure.read_pdb'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['structure.read_pdb'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['structure.read_pdb'], self.wizard_page_after_structure_read)

        # The structure.read_xyz page.
        page = uf_store['structure.read_xyz'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['structure.read_xyz'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['structure.read_xyz'], self.wizard_page_after_structure_read)

        # The spectrum.read_spins page.
        page = uf_store['spectrum.read_spins'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['spectrum.read_spins'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, skip_button=True)
        self.wizard.set_seq_next_fn(self.page_indices['spectrum.read_spins'], self.wizard_page_after_sequence_read)

        # The structure.load_spins page.
        page = uf_store['structure.load_spins'].create_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['structure.load_spins'] = self.wizard.add_page(page)

        # The termination page.
        page = Finish_page(self.wizard)
        self.page_indices['fin'] = self.wizard.add_page(page, apply_button=False, skip_button=False)

        # Reset the cursor.
        if wx.IsBusy():

        # Run the wizard.

    def setup_window(self):
        """Set up the window.

        @return:    The sizer object.
        @rtype:     wx.Sizer instance

        # Set the frame title.
        self.SetTitle("The spin viewer")

        # Use a box sizer for packing the shell.
        sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)

        # Close the window cleanly (hide so it can be reopened).
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.handler_close)

        # Set the default size of the controller.
        self.SetSize((self.size_x, self.size_y))

        # Return the sizer.
        return sizer

    def toolbar(self):
        """Create the toolbar."""

        # Init.
        self.bar = self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|wx.TB_FLAT|wx.TB_TEXT)

        # The spin loading button.
        tooltip = "Load spins from either a sequence file or from a 3D structure file."
        self.bar.AddLabelTool(TB_SPIN_LOADER_ID, "Load spins", wx.Bitmap(fetch_icon('relax.spin', '32x32'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), bmpDisabled=wx.Bitmap(fetch_icon('relax.spin_grey', '32x32'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), shortHelp=tooltip, longHelp=tooltip)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.load_spins_wizard, id=TB_SPIN_LOADER_ID)

        # A separator.

        # The refresh button.
        tooltip = "Refresh the spin view."
        self.bar.AddLabelTool(TB_REFRESH, "Refresh", wx.Bitmap(fetch_icon('oxygen.actions.view-refresh', '32x32'), wx.BITMAP_TYPE_ANY), shortHelp=tooltip, longHelp=tooltip)
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL, self.refresh, id=TB_REFRESH)

        # A separator.

        # The pipe text.
        text = wx.StaticText(self.bar, -1, ' Current data pipe:  ', style=wx.ALIGN_LEFT)

        # The pipe selection.
        self.pipe_name = wx.ComboBox(self.bar, -1, "", style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN|wx.CB_READONLY, choices=[])
        self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.update_pipes, self.pipe_name)

        # Build the toolbar.

    def uf_call(self, event=None):
        """Catch the user function call to properly specify the parent window.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # The user function ID.
        uf_id = event.GetId()

        # Get the user function name.
        name = uf_store.get_uf(uf_id)

        # Call the user function GUI object.
        uf_store[name](event=event, wx_parent=self)

    def update_pipes(self, event=None):
        """Update the spin view data pipe selector.

        @keyword event: The wx event.
        @type event:    wx event

        # Change the cursor to busy.

        # Init.
        pipe_switch = False

        # The selected pipe.
        if event:
            # The name of the selected pipe.
            pipe = gui_to_str(self.pipe_name.GetString(event.GetSelection()))

            # A pipe change.
            if pipe != cdp_name():
                pipe_switch = True
            pipe = cdp_name()
        if not pipe:
            pipe = ''

        # Clear the previous data.

        # The list of pipe names.
        for name in pipe_names():

        # Switch.
        if pipe_switch:
            # Switch data pipes.
            self.gui.interpreter.apply('pipe.switch', pipe)

            # Update the tree view.

        # Set the pipe name to the cdp.

        # Reset the cursor.
        if wx.IsBusy():

    def wizard_page_after_load_method(self):
        """Set the page after the load method choice.

        @return:    The index of the next page.
        @rtype:     int

        # Go to the sequence.read page.
        if self.page_method.selection == 'sequence':
            return self.page_indices['sequence.read']

        # Go to the structure.read_pdb page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'new pdb':
            return self.page_indices['structure.read_pdb']

        # Go to the structure.read_xyz page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'new xyz':
            return self.page_indices['structure.read_xyz']

        # Go to the spectrum.read_spins page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'new spectrum':
            return self.page_indices['spectrum.read_spins']

        # Skip to the structure.load_spins page.
        elif self.page_method.selection == 'preload':
            return self.page_indices['structure.load_spins']

    def wizard_page_after_sequence_read(self):
        """Set the page after the sequence.read user function page.

        @return:    The index of the last page.
        @rtype:     int

        # Return the index of the terminal page.
        return  self.page_indices['fin']

    def wizard_page_after_structure_read(self):
        """Set the page after the structure.read_* user function pages.

        @return:    The index of the structure.load_spins page.
        @rtype:     int

        # Return the index of the terminal page.
        return  self.page_indices['structure.load_spins']